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1、优异精品课件文档资料第1页Lesson 11You have to get me out of here第2页Words and expressionsWords and expressionstdisciplinet1)v.give instruction to,educate,train;train in the habits of obedience,bring under controlt e.g.Suppose you were no longer a girl well reared and d,but a boy indulged from childhood.tShe neve

2、r d her children,and they became uncontrollable.第3页disciplinedisciplinet2)training of the mind or body to produce obedience and self-control;control gained as a result of this training;the system of order and strict obedience to rules enforced among pupils or soldiers under authorityt e.g.class/scho

3、ol/military;self-tto impose on childrentto violate/undermine school stto maintain/keep in the classroom第4页easeeaset1)move gently or graduallyt e.g.a giant ship easing down the rivertThey d the wardrobe carefully up the narrow staircase.t2)relieve a person of a burden,pain,or anxiety;make more comfor

4、tablet e.g.to tensions/the pressure of water shortagetThe aspirins d my headache.t sb of his burden/troubletHe often wrote to his mother to her of her worry.第5页easeeasetat(ones):comfortable,relaxed,without annoyance or embarrassment;oppo.ill at tset/put sb at(their):make sb feel relaxedtset/put sbs

5、mind at /rest:do or say sth to sb which stops them worrying about sthtwith:without difficulty,effortlesslyttake ones:make oneself comfortable,relax第6页jerkjerkt1)to move by a sharp suddenly stopped motion;to give a sudden pull,push,thrust tot e.g.We poor puppets,ed by unseen wires.tThe alarm clock we

6、nt off,ing Martin out of sleep.t2)a quick suddenly stopped movement,a sharp sudden pull or thrustt e.g.He gave his tooth a sharp and it came out.tThe minute hand moved,not smoothly,but in a series of s.第7页nausea:a feeling of sickness;a strong nausea:a feeling of sickness;a strong feeling of disgust,

7、feeling of disgust,repugnancerepugnancet e.g.to cause/feel tA wave of came over her.tMost of the ships passengers were seized with during the storm at sea.tShe was filled with at the thought of killing a chicken.tder.nauseate,nauseous第8页sensationsensationta feeling or sense;an emotion;strong stimula

8、tion,powerful emotion;a state of intense interest or excitement among a large group of peopletMassage produces wonderful s.tAfter the accident he could feel no in his arm.tThe moon-landing in 1969 caused a world-wide.第9页staggerstaggertmove unsteadily from side to side;walk with unsteady steps as a r

9、esult of weakness,intoxication or the carrying of a heavy load,etc.t e.g.to around like a drunktThe economy is ing from crisis to crisis.tThe troops ed under severe gunfire.ta risk-taking boldness that s others t*syn.reel;totter第10页thrust:push forcefully and suddenlythrust:push forcefully and sudden

10、lytE.g.The murderer a dagger into her heart.tHe tried to back the little stabs of homesickness.tHe his way through the crowd.tMary has always hated parties,never being one to herself forward.tthe cut and of sth:the lively exchange of opinions or ideas;competitiveness:He enjoys the cut and of busines

11、s.ta man with and energy第11页Notes to the textNotes to the textt1.Ill see you through this all the way.tsee through:to provide for,support or help until the end of(a time or difficulty):He raised enough money to see him through a year abroad.tall the way/the whole way:1)during the whole journey/perio

12、d of time:She didnt speak a word to me back home.t2)completely;as much as it takes to achieve what you want:You can count on my supportIm with you.第12页2.His heart was racing2.His heart was racingpush push himself harder.himself harder.tHis heart was beating fast,and he began to feel the effect of th

13、e altitude as he was on a cliff high above sea level.His breathing became difficult and he gasped painfully.Physically,it was the greatest effort he had ever had to make.But the thought that Katies life depended on him gave him strength and drove him on.第13页3.Katie3.Katie s knowledge and presence s

14、knowledge and presence of mind impressedof mind impressedtpresence of mind:the ability to act calmly,quickly and wisely in conditions of sudden danger or surprisetCf.absence of mind:loss of attention to what one is doing,state in which one forgets ones surroundings or what one is doing第14页4.As the i

15、nitial shock began 4.As the initial shock began totocausing even greater pain.causing even greater pain.tAs the effect of the shock of the accident diminished,Katie felt still greater pain.twear off:become less strong,be reduced until it disappearstnerve endings:part of a nerve that reacts to change

16、s such as heat,cold etc and makes body react in a certain way第15页5.a fighting chance5.a fighting chanceta slight but real chance of succeeding,or avoiding sth,etc.if great effort is madetE.g.With five minutes of the game left,our team still has a of winning.tThings dont look very hopeful for John Br

17、own in the presidential elections,but hes still in with a.第16页P297 missing,lostP297 missing,losttmissing:applied only to concrete things,simply suggests being not in the proper or expected placetE.g.The police is often requested to find persons.tHis watch is.It may be lost,or left somewhere at home.

18、tI noticed he had a finger missing from his left hand.第17页lostlosttlost:suggest coming to be without,as through carelessness,etc,and failing to findtE.g.Her necklace has been missing for a whole year.Most probably it is lost forever.tI shall look for my missing glasses more carefully.I hope it is no

19、t lost.第18页Shake,tremble,shiverShake,tremble,shivertshake:can apply to any such movement,often with a suggestion of roughness and irregularity,may also be used as a transitive verbttremble:suggests a quick and slight movement,with implications added of uneasiness or nervousnesstshiver:typically sugg

20、ests the effect of cold that produces a momentary quivering,it may apply to a quivering that results from a vague fear第19页Shine,glow,shimmer,gleamShine,glow,shimmer,gleamtglow:give out heat and/or light without flames or smoketshimmer:refer to a soft,trembling reflection of light as from a slightly

21、disturbed body of watertE.g.The sea s in the moonlight.tSilk s in the bright light.第20页gleamgleamtsuggests a steady,narrow ray of light,shining through a background of relative darkness,that makes objects brighttE.g.His teeth ed while he smiled.tA great full moon s in the purple sky.tThe searchlight sent its into the night sky.第21页

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