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1、Discussion Whoaresuccessfulinyouropinion?第1页Discussion Whatissuccess?第2页Success=Money?第3页Success=Power?第4页Success=Money+Power?第5页Success=Fame?第6页Success=Achievement?第7页Success=Happiness?第8页DiscussionWhat are the keys to success?第9页KeytosuccessEveryone wishes to be successful in life.While discussing

2、 this,we must bear in mind the following three principles diligence,devotion and perseverance第10页Talk about your idol:e.g.My idol is Yao Ming.He is a popular Chinese basketball player in NBA.HeUseful words:gifted/talented 有天赋有天赋,有才华有才华national and international prizes 国内国际大奖国内国际大奖popular successfulH

3、ard-workingconfidentcourageous第11页Guess the name of the following pictures by the information:第12页He founded baibu which was elected to be the worlds largest Chinese search engine.He makes Chinas internet industry return to prosperity.Yanhong Li第13页The twentieth centurys greatest blind and deaf writ

4、er,educator.She worked for the welfare of disabled persons all her life.She created the Blind Dumb Charitable Organizations.”If give me three bright days”was translated into different languages,and inspired a lot of people.Keller Helen第14页 The richest person in the world,worth at least$41 billion,wh

5、o made his money by starting the company Microsoft.Much of his money is used to help needy Children.He started many special fund to give medical aid to children in Europe and Africa.Bill Gates第15页His smart smile and exciting speech captured the hearts of a lot of Americans.He won a great success of

6、Presidential election in.His book Dreams from my Father:A Story of Race and Inheritance inspired a lot of people.Barack Obama第16页He is a Chinese agricultural scientist.He wonthe World Food Prize in.He was calledFather of Hybrid Rice(杂交水稻杂交水稻).He likesplaying erhu and swimming in his spare time.YuanL

7、ongping第17页Graduated from Peking University,He Created the new Oriental educational Ltd.which occupies 50%of training market abroad in China.Minhong Yu第18页 JackyChanHe is a popular actor in Hongkong.He has made many action movies(动作片动作片)and won many national and international prizes.第19页 He is one o

8、f the youngest and most famouspianists of our time.He plays for many charitiesand at big events like the football World Cup.Hewill play the piano on the Beijing OlympicGames opening ceremony.Langlang第20页Why did these people can win such great achievement?What kind of qualities do you think someone n

9、eeds to get great success?Do you want to be a successful person?How?第21页List the qualities that a successful personshould have.successg_h_c_c_c_ift/talentardworkouragehanceonfidenced_etermination第22页What are the most necessary quality to be a successful person?Why?imaginativeconfidenthardworkingcrea

10、tivePowerful willenergeticpersistentintelligentqualities第23页Wish youa successful life!第24页 Lesson 31Lesson 31 success story第25页Listen and Answer1.What was Frank Hawkins telling you about?2.When was Frank the head of a very large business company?3.How did he earn a living as a boy?4.What was his job

11、?5.How many hours a day did he use to work?6.Did he save money for years?7.What did he buy in 1958?8.When did he make spare parts for aeroplanes?9.What happened to his small workshop?10.How many employers did he employ?11.Why did he smile?第26页New wordsretire v.退休退休retire=stop working黎姿越来越老黎姿越来越老,她打算

12、退休了。她打算退休了。Li zi is getting old.She is going to retire.n.retirement第27页company n.企业企业firm 商行商行corporation 责任企业责任企业limited corporation 有限有限责任企业责任企业 缩略形式缩略形式:Ltd.Co第28页bicycle n.自行车自行车第29页save v.积蓄积蓄save money=save up 存钱存钱save 挽救挽救save ones life他挽救我生命他挽救我生命He saved my life save ones face 挽回面子挽回面子第30页西

13、方人不喜欢提钱西方人不喜欢提钱,所以用所以用 save up 表示存钱表示存钱I have saved up for many years:我已经存了好几年钱我已经存了好几年钱save it for a rainy day:未雨绸缪未雨绸缪,为未来需要做好准备为未来需要做好准备第31页workshop n.车间车间helper n.帮手帮手,助手助手assistant 助理助理办公室助理办公室助理office assistant第32页employ v.雇佣雇佣employee:雇员雇员employer:雇主雇主trainer 教练教练trainee 接收训练人接收训练人grandson n.

14、孙子孙子第33页告诉某人某事告诉某人某事头头/责任人责任人过去经常做某事过去经常做某事修理自行车修理自行车自己自己在二十几岁在二十几岁几年之后几年之后漫长成功之路漫长成功之路tell sb.about sth.the head ofused to do sth.repair bicyclesof ones ownin ones twentiesin a few yearslong road to success第34页inones-ies在某人几十岁时候inonestwenties/thirties/forties/fifties/nineties,十倍数复数形式可用于表示近似、非确定数量,与

15、全部格形容词连用时表示大约年纪。inmyfifties在我五十多岁时候Inhisfifties,helearnedthesecondlanguage.inthe1980s在二十世纪八十年代Iworked/beganthejobinthe1990s第35页【课文讲解】【课文讲解】1Yesterday afternoon Frank Hawkins was telling me about his experiences as a young man.Before he retired,Frank was the head of a very large business company,but

16、as a boy he used to work in a small shop.head是是“首领、头目首领、头目”意思,意思,“the head of+名词名词”意思是意思是“老板,头老板,头”John is the head of the family.一家之主一家之主 Frank is the head of the firm.弗兰克是那家企业弗兰克是那家企业总裁。总裁。He lived there.他过去住在那他过去住在那(不知道现在是否住在不知道现在是否住在那那)as a young man=as he was a boy(as意思是意思是“当当时候时候”)as a young m

17、an 当他年轻时候当他年轻时候第36页【Special Difficulties】Experience n.经历经历(可数名词可数名词)He told me about hisexperiences as a young man.n.经验经验(不可数名词不可数名词)They want someone witha lot of experiencefor this job.Does she have any experience in teaching?vt.经验,体验经验,体验The village has experienced great changes since 1980.experi

18、enced adj.有经验,经验丰富有经验,经验丰富John is an experienced driver.第37页used to do 表示表示“过去经常做,过去经常做,现在已经停顿了现在已经停顿了”我以前很喜欢做白日梦,现在我以前很喜欢做白日梦,现在不喜欢了。不喜欢了。I used to have daydreams,but now I dont like it.My teacher used to live there.我老师过去住在那我老师过去住在那(现在不住了现在不住了)第38页King and Queen used to live in this beautiful castl

19、e.第39页 used to do sth:eg:Heusedtogetupatsixinwinter.过去经常过去经常被用于做某事被用于做某事习惯于做某事习惯于做某事1)beusedtodosth:eg:Scissorsareusedtocutpaper.2)beusedtodoingsth:eg:Iamusedtodrinkingacupofteabeforegoingtobed.第40页usedtodo过去经常be/getusedtosth./doingsth.习惯于beusedtodo被用来做第41页Please fill in the blanks with the correct

20、phrase:used to do/be used to do/be used to doing1.Plasticscan_(make)manythings.(被用于)2.I_(drink)acupofteabeforegoingtobed.(习惯)3.He_(get)upearly.(过去经常)4.There_(be)alakenearthehouse.(过去经常)beusedtomakeamusedtodrinkingusedtogetusedtobe第42页A.选取适当词组填空:1.Lifehereismucheasierthanit_be.2.He_hardwork.3.Ivelive




24、州)A.live;livingB.live;liveC.living;live()3.Heusedto_inasmallvillage,butnowhehasbeenusedto_inthebigcity.(镇江)A.live;livingB.live;liveC.living;live()4.MrsGreen_gotohospital,butnowsheisingoodhealth.A.hastoB.needtoC.usedtoCAAC第46页2、It was his job to repair bicycles and at that time he used to work fourte

25、en hours a day.at that time=just then=at that moment 那时那时3、He saved money for years and in 1958 he bought a small workshop of his own.of ones own 自己,属于自己(自己,属于自己(own为代词)为代词)Do you have a house of your own?my own book (own 起强调作用起强调作用,自己自己)用用of ones own 或或 ones own 由被修饰词位置决定由被修饰词位置决定,假如被修饰名词在前边假如被修饰名词

26、在前边,用用of ones own,假如被修饰假如被修饰名词在后边名词在后边,用用ones owna friend of my own=my own friend第47页Save and economizeSave vt.&vi.救助,搭救,拯救救助,搭救,拯救save ones life 挽救某人生命挽救某人生命The doctor saved the childs life.save ones face 挽回面子挽回面子 vt.&vi.储蓄,积攒储蓄,积攒save money 存钱(多出钱)存钱(多出钱)He saved(money)for years to buy a car.save

27、it for a rainy day 未雨绸缪未雨绸缪economize v.经济,节约(能不用就不用,经济,节约(能不用就不用,节衣缩食)节衣缩食)第48页Work and Jobwork和和job都翻译为都翻译为“工作工作”,job为可数为可数名词,普通与名词,普通与“职业、职位职业、职位”相关,或表相关,或表示某人示某人“份内事份内事”;work作作“工作工作”讲时讲时是不可数名词,常指详细是不可数名词,常指详细“劳动、作业劳动、作业”或或“(待做)工作或事务(待做)工作或事务”等,也可能表等,也可能表示示“上班上班”。John is looking for a new job.Im l

28、ooking for work as a driver.I am looking for a new job.It was his job to repair bicycles.第49页4、In his twenties Frank used to make spare parts for aeroplanes.At that time he had two helpers.in ones-ies 在某人几十岁时候在某人几十岁时候in ones twenties/thirties/forties/fifties/nineties,十倍数复数形式可用于表示近似、非确定数量,与全十倍数复数形式可用

29、于表示近似、非确定数量,与全部格形容词连用时表示大约年纪。部格形容词连用时表示大约年纪。in my fifties 在我五十多岁时候在我五十多岁时候In his fifties,he learned the second language.in the 1980s 在二十世纪八十年代在二十世纪八十年代I worked/began the job in the 1990s.第50页5、In a few years the small workshop had become a large factory which employed seven hundred and twenty-eight

30、people.has become 成长为成长为in a few years 在一些年之后在一些年之后factory which employed 工厂雇佣工厂雇佣(除了人能够雇佣外,工厂、企业也能够(除了人能够雇佣外,工厂、企业也能够这么表示这么表示)第51页6、Frank smiled when he remembered his hard early years and the long road to success.He was still smiling when the door opened and his wife came in.She wanted him to repa

31、ir their grandsons bicycle!ones hard early years=early in ones life 某人早年艰辛(生活)某人早年艰辛(生活)the long road to success 通往成功长路通往成功长路There is a long way to go.还有很长路要走。还有很长路要走。remember v.记得记得,回想起回想起memory n.记忆记忆 ;memorize v.记住记住第52页第53页1.Life is a horse,and either you ride it or it rides you.人生像一匹马人生像一匹马,你不驾

32、驭它你不驾驭它,它便驾驭你它便驾驭你.2.The important thing in life is to have a great aim,and the determination to attain it.人生主要在于确立一个伟大目标人生主要在于确立一个伟大目标,并有决心使其实现并有决心使其实现.3.Man cannot discover new oceans unless he has courage to lose sight of the shore.人只有鼓起勇气人只有鼓起勇气,告别海岸告别海岸,才能发觉新大洋才能发觉新大洋.4.The greatest friend of truth is time,her greatest enemy is prejudice,and her constant company is humility.真理最好朋友是时间真理最好朋友是时间,最大敌人是偏见最大敌人是偏见,永恒伴侣是谦逊永恒伴侣是谦逊.第54页

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