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1、Unit6 Fools ParadiseBy Isaac Bashevis Singer第1页 fools paradise:黄粱美梦。A:Does the chairman realize that our companys business is going downhill?董事长知道我们企业业务在走下坡吗?B:I dont think so.Im afraid he is still living in a fools paradise.我想他不知道。他恐怕还在做他黄粱美梦呢。第2页 been around the clock 精通,有经验,是个老手。Let s ask Justin

2、how to deal with this situation.He s been around the clock a few times.去问问贾斯丁怎么处理这种事,他非常有经验。第3页basket case 毫无能力和希望情景。Im really worried-our company is losing so much money these days that if things dont get better in the next two months well be a basket case and have to go out of business.我真是非常担心,我们企

3、业这些日子亏损了那么多钱,要是在今后两个月里情况没有好转话,我们就彻底没有希望,只好倒闭了。第4页Access,意思很多,英汉不好一一对应,先看一些例句。1、我这里上不了网。Chinglish:I cant go on internet here.(老外还认为是你有事、或这里不适合而不能上网)Revision:I cant access the web/the internet here.(说明想上不过上不了)2、天!今天我邮箱打不开了!Chinglish:My god!I cant open my mail box today!(我看也能够这么说,不过这么说不以下面好)Revision:My

4、 god!I cant access my mail box today!3、那间房子我无权进入。Clinglish:Im not allowed to come into this room.Revision:I dont have access to that room.第5页第6页About the authorAbout the authorSinger,Isaac Bashevis,1904 1991,American novelist and short-story writer in the Yiddish language.He emigrated to the United

5、States in 1935 and worked in New York City as a journalist on the Jewish Daily Forward.In 1943 he became an American citizen.Singers work draws heavily on Jewish folklore,religion,and mysticism.Though he wrote in Yiddish,he was fluent in English and closely supervised the English translations of his

6、 works.第7页In 1978 he won the Nobel Prize in Literature,the first Yiddish-language author to be so honored.Many of his later works treat the loneliness of old age and the sense of alienation produced in Jews by the dissolution of values through assimilation with the Gentile dental(非犹太人;异教徒)world.第8页H

7、is novels include The Family Moskat(tr.1950),Satan in Goray(tr.1955),The Manor(tr.1967),Enemies(tr.1972),Shasha(tr.1978),The Penitent(tr.1983),Scum(tr.1991),and the posthumously published Shadows on the Hudson(tr.1997).Singer is also highly regarded for his imaginative,perceptive,and witty short sto

8、ries.Collections include Gimpel the Fool(tr.1961),The Spinoza of Market Street(tr.1961),Old Love(tr.1979),and The Death of Methuselah(tr.1985).He also wrote books for children and several plays,notably The Mirror(tr.1973).第9页辛格辛格 Singer,Isaac BashevisSinger,Isaac Bashevis 1 意第绪语作家(1904.7.14?俄罗斯帝国 波兰

9、 拉济明1991.7.24,美国 佛罗里达州 瑟夫赛德)文学,人物小传 波兰出生美国小说家和散文作家。早年在波兰华沙拉比派神学院受到传统犹太教育。出版第一部小说撒旦在戈雷(1932)后,于1935年移民到美国,为纽约一家意第绪语报纸撰写文章。第10页今后他即使仍主要以意第绪语写作,但还亲自对相关英语翻译进行指导。其作品描写犹太人在波兰和在美国生活,融嘲讽、幽默与智慧于一炉,含有一个神秘怪异独特格调。其主要长篇小说有莫斯卡特一家(1950)、卢布林魔术师(1960)、冤家,一个爱情故事(1972;1989年拍成电影);短篇小说集有傻瓜吉姆佩尔(1957)、市场街斯宾诺莎(1961)和羽毛做王冠(

10、1973;获美国国家图书奖);还有剧作杨朵(1974;1983年拍成电影)。1978年获诺贝尔文学奖。第11页 Yiddish Yiddish is a language which comes mainly from German and is spoken by many Jewish people of European origin.意第绪语,依地语(犹太人使用国际语)Singers work draws heavily on draws heavily on Jewish folklore,religion,and mysticism.If you draw ondraw on or

11、 draw upondraw upon something such as your skill or experience,you make use of it in order to do something.Curricula drawdraw heavilyheavily on the various academic departments of the University.课程表主要是依据大学各个专业情况而制订。第12页Gender/SexThe masculinemskjln/feminine femnn genderParts of speech第13页某男,亦初通英文,至使

12、館,有表要填,有一欄是sex。該男思之久已,毅然下筆:once a week.簽證官觀後暴笑,曰:This item should be filled in with male or female.該男頓時赧顏,思之,填下:female.官楞之,曰:Shouldnt it be male?男急釋曰:I am a normal man,so I have sex with female.第14页More about the storyMore about the storyThe story has been very popular and has been adapted to the st

13、age.The following is a comment on a version of chamber opera.It can help you understand the story.第15页The chamber opera Fools Paradise is inspired by distinguished Yiddish writer and Nobel Prize laureate Isaac Bashevis Singers story of the same name.How is it that such a short childrens story should

14、 be worthy of an entire opera?While it is a simple tale,it encompasses the full scope of lifes experiences.Childhood,adolescence,love,death,burial,resurrection and wedding all serve to make this a dramatic story which is bigger than life.第16页The opera is intended for children.In approaching such a p

15、roject one must question whether composing especially for children is any different from composing for adults.Children do not ask for much;they have a great deal of intuition and a wealth of imagination.In fact,in many ways all they ask of the adult author or composer is to speak to them in clear si

16、mple language and allow for some mystery and magic.Ignite their imaginations and they can do the rest on their own!第17页Finally,there is the beautiful message of Fools Paradise.In its absurd way,a simple but important moral lesson is conveyed:life is better than death and wonderful Paradise is nowher

17、e else but here on earth.This is a lesson relevant to everyone,children and grown-ups alike.第18页Language notesLanguage notes1.It was taken for granted that when they grew up they would marry.(人们理所当然地认为,他们长大成人后就会结婚。)To take something for granted means to believe something to be true or certain to hap

18、pen.第19页2.In paradise one ate the meat of wild oxen and the flesh of whales;one drank the wine that the Lord reserved for the just;one slept late into the day;and one had no duties.(在天堂里,人们吃野牛和鲸鱼肉;喝上帝专门为正直人准备酒;白天睡到很晚才起床;没有什么义务要承担。)第20页Just here is an adjective,meaning honorable and fair.The just ref

19、ers to those people who are just.注意定冠词与一些形容词或分词搭配,能够表示某一类人或某一类事情或概念,比如:The sick(病人)are here very well cared for.The young(年轻人)are impatient;they want changes.The oppressed(被压迫者)and the exploited(被剥削者)all look forward to their liberation.There will always be such opposites as the right and the wrong(

20、对与错),the good and the evil(善与恶),the beautiful and the ugly(美与丑).第21页3.The boy lay on his bed,pale and thin from fasting.(这个孩子躺在床上,因为禁食而脸色苍白,身体消瘦。)Fast means to eat little or no food,esp.for religious reasons.Note the preposition from here means because of,as a result of.e.g.She suffered from heart d

21、isease.She was exhausted from all the sleepless nights.The explorers died from cold before they reached the North Pole.第22页4.The doctor requested that a room be prepared to look like paradise.(医生要求他们准备一间看上去象天堂一样房间。)Note that after the word requested the that-clause is in the subjunctive mood.第23页5.A

22、tzel was beside himself with joy.(阿采尔欣喜若狂。)Beside oneself means in a state of such great emotional excitement or confusion that one lacks self-control.该习语后面常跟with做原因状语,介词with宾语常见还有anger,fear,grief,hatred等。第24页6.It was not until after the wedding that Atzel learned how Dr.Yoetz had cured him,and that

23、 he had lived in a fools paradise.(直到婚礼之后阿采尔才知道犹兹大夫是怎样治愈他,知道自己曾经生活在愚人天堂。)Not until is used when we talk about an action that does not happen before the given moment.第25页Jews JudaismJewish History第26页Who is a Jew?people who were born to a Jewish family regardless of whether or not they follow the Jud

24、aismthose who have some Jewish ancestral background or lineage people without any Jewish ancestral background or lineage who have formally converted to Judaism and therefore are followers of the religion 第27页Celebrities of Jews 第28页第29页Levi Strauss 第30页Charlie chaplin第31页第32页第33页第34页第35页Marilyn Monr

25、oe第36页Judaismdu:deiizm exclusiveness exclusiveness第37页Ten Commandments1除了耶和华之外不可有别神;2不可为自己雕制和崇敬任何偶像;3不可妄称耶和华尊名;4第七天为汝主安息日,不能做任何工作。5当孝敬父母;6.不可杀人;7.不奸淫;8不可偷盗;9不可作伪证陷害人;10不可贪婪他人一切第38页MarkStar of DavidStar of David is a is a generally generally recognized symbol recognized symbol of of Jewish Jewish identityidentity and and JudaismJudaism第39页蓝色和白色是象征犹太人颜色。纳粹德国在1935年制订纽伦堡法律第四条(1)禁止犹太人展示第三帝国国旗或展示象征德国颜色。(即纳粹党旗颜色,红色、白色、黑色)(2)犹太人能够展示象征犹太人颜色。(即蓝色和白色)。因为白色既是第三帝国国旗颜色又是象征犹太人颜色所以破例允许犹太人展示白色。第40页第41页第42页

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