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1、2021年湖北省黄冈市麻城守埠高级职业中学高三英语上学期期末试题含解析一、 选择题3. What happened to the man?A. He will go out with the woman. B. He has to repair the bike. C. His left leg was hurt.参考答案:C2. _ with the size of the whole earth, the highest mountain does not seem high at all. A. When comparedB. While comparingC. CompareD. Co

2、mparing参考答案:A3. 一Jerry is playing,online games一Hes playing games? Hes _to be doing his homework now Abelieved Bsupposed Cconsidered Dpretended参考答案:B 4. -What impressed you most in President Xi Jinpings New Year Speech?-_ he gave the Chinese people a thumbs-up. A. That B. WhenC. WhatD. Whether参考答案:A5

3、. Kim Jong-Il, former top leader of the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea and the former Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi were both dead at the age of 69. Some people jokingly think thats a(n)_.A. accident B. consequence C. symptom D. coincidence 参考答案:D略6. -Why are you always late? Its not good for

4、your study. -_? I dont fail in exams.A. So what B. Why not C. What for D. Why me参考答案:A略7. High school girls in the country _ to wear long hair at that time, which you may think quite strange. A. were forbidden B. have been forbidden C. forbade D. had forbidden参考答案:A8. Being examined twice a year, wh

5、ether it is a car or a bus or a truck, is the rule that every driver _ obey in this city.A. shall B. can C. ought to D. need参考答案:A略9. It is said that the bills _ at the coming session will address the international conflict.A. to be signedB. signedC. having been signedD. being signed参考答案:A【详解】考查动词不定

6、式做后置定语。句意:据说在之后的会议上即将签署的议案将可以解决这一国际争端。bills与sign之间是被动关系,而且目前尚未签署,所以用动词不定式的被动式。故选A。10. After years of united efforts,the children of migrant workers can_take the college entrance exam in Fujian Province from 2014 onA. eventually Bgradually Capproximately D. occasionally参考答案:A11. It was April 1, 2001

7、William and Kate had their first baby. A. that B. when C. since D. berore参考答案:B略12. During your stay in Britain, youll face culture shock _ language problems. A. as far as B. as long as C. as good as D. as well as参考答案:D略27. Always read the _on tile bottle carefully and take the right amount of medic

8、ine A. explanations B. introductions C. descriptions D. instructions参考答案:D略14. Great care is needed when choosing used car. Yeah. Daddy has made promise to offer me advice when I decide to go to the second-car market. A.a; the B.a; a C.the; a D.the; the参考答案:B15. Though you have failed many times, yo

9、u shouldnt _.A. make up your mind B. lose your heartC. lose heart D. lose mind参考答案:C16. The aging population _ each day .There must be some kind of interesting activity for the old.A. has grown B. grew C. will grow D. is growing 参考答案:D17. _ with heavy loads of teaching _ he later became an easy targ

10、et of the flu.A. So tired was the teacher; that B. The teacher was so tired; whichC. Tired as the teacher; that D. Such was the tired teacher; which参考答案:A【详解】考查sothat句型与倒装。句意:教学任务不堪重负,这位老师很快就成了流感的目标。在sothat句型中,当so+形容词位于句首时,要进行部分倒装,故A项正确。【点睛】本题的难度较大,注意在sothat句型中,当so+形容词位于句首时,要进行部分倒装,正常语序应该是:The teach

11、er was so tired with heavy loads of teaching that he later became an easy target of the flu.18. _, the person insisted that he should be separated from his s.A. In order to avoid to be infectedB. In order to avoid being infectedC. Avoiding being infectedD. Avoiding to be infected参考答案:B【详解】考查非谓语动词。句意

12、:为了避免受到影响,这个人坚持要和他的亲戚分开。固定短语avoid doing sth.意为“避免做某事”, 与逻辑主语the person为被动关系,故用被动语态avoid being done。根据句意,逗号前面部分应该是目的状语,故用不定式作目的状语。故选B项。【点睛】非谓语动词,又叫非限定动词,非谓语动词是指在句子中不是谓语的动词,主要包括不定式、动名词和分词(现在分词和过去分词),即动词的非谓语形式。判断题中非谓语动词与逻辑主语之间是什么关系,如本题中infect和逻辑主语the person为被动关系,又因为固定短语avoid doing sth.,故用被动语态avoid bein

13、g done。二、 短文改错19. 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。As my mother and father were always busy working, so I was often at home by myself. I felt b

14、oring all the time and I felt sorry for myself. One day, in my way home from school, I saw a person living in the park. He was wearing dirty but worn-out clothes. He gave me a big smile when he saw me. He looked if he was the happiest man in the world. Looked at him, I realized how luckily I really

15、was. I have enough food to eat and enough clothes to wear and I had hard-working parents who really cared about him. I realized what grateful I was to my parents for all that I had.参考答案:As my mother and father were always busy working, so I was often at home by myself. I felt 去掉boring all the time a

16、nd I felt sorry for myself. One day, in my way home from school, I saw a person bored onliving in the park. He was wearing dirty but worn-out clothes. He gave me a big smile when he saw and me. He looked if he was the happiest man in the world. Looked at him, I realized how luckily I as Looking luck

17、y really was. I have enough food to eat and enough clothes to wear and I had hard-working parents hadwho really cared about him. I realized what grateful I was to my parents for all that I had. me how 20. 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并

18、在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用()划掉。修改:在错的词下画一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。Last Friday,1 was standing near a subway exit, tried to call a taxi. But no luck.Then I thought of the taxi-booking app my friend has recommended and I booked a taxi through my cell-phone. Soon it came, and

19、 l stepped in, feeling pretty proudly of my high-tech way and satisfied with the convenience brought by the app. So later,1 was upset to find that the driver was busy looking his cell-phone to get the next order. It was just then when I began to worry about my safety. Whats bad, the drivers informat

20、ions might be unreliable. How can we passengers legal rights be protecting if something bad happens? So be careful when you use the taxi-booking app the next time.参考答案:Last Friday,1 was standing near a subway exit, tried to call a taxi. But no luck.Then I thought trying of the taxi-booking app my fr

21、iend has recommended and I booked a taxi through my cell-phone. hadSoon it came, and l stepped in, feeling pretty proudly of my high-tech way and satisfied with the proudconvenience brought by the app. So later,1 was upset to find that the driver was busy looking But/Yet athis cell-phone to get the

22、next order. It was just then when I began to worry about my safety. thatWhats bad, the drivers informations might be unreliable. How can we passengers legal rights worse informationbe protecting if something bad happens? So be careful when you use the taxi-booking app the protected 去掉 next time.71.t

23、ried-trying考察主动形式。文意是上周五,我在地铁口,想叫一辆出租车。72.has-had考察时态。我的朋友推荐的app是过去的过去,所以要用had。73.proudly-proud 考察形容词。文意是我为自己的高智商感到骄傲。74.so-but/yet考察连词。文意是不久之后,我有点沮丧。75.looking后加at考察介词。Look at是固定搭配。76.when-that 考察引导词。It was that是固定搭配。77.bad-worse 考察形容词比较级。文意是更糟糕的是。 78.informations-information 考察名词。information是不可数名词

24、。79.protecting-protected 考察被动语态。文意是乘客的合法权益如何得到保护。80.去掉the考察冠词。next time表示下次,不需用the。三、 阅读理解21. I didnt hear them call my name, explained Shelley Hennig to Active Teens (AT) as she talked about that exciting moment on national television when she won the honor of Miss Teen USA 2004. Are you ready? is

25、what she heard. Then she said, I shook my head no, and then they said yes and it was announced again.It was four days after that life changing moment for the seventeen-year-old high school student from Destrehan, Louisiana-she was still on cloud nineI was so shocked! I never believed that it could a

26、ctually really happen. Present in the audience(观众)that day were: her mother and father, older brother, her friends, and her dance teacher.Understanding why members of her family and her friends would be there, AT asked why herdance teacher had traveled so far to see her compete(比赛)Shes always been m

27、y role modelIve danced with her since I was six. Shes been through so many difficulties and came through them all. Ive learned to get over bad lifes experiences and learned how to move on because of her.One of those bad lifes experiences for Shelley happened three years ago when her brother Brad was

28、 killed in a drunk driving accident. He was 18. She found writing helped her get through the rough days. She said, I write a lot about my brother. I write a lot, a lot, a lot.”As Miss Louisiana Teen, she traveled around the state speaking to teens(青少年)about the dangers of drinking and driving. In he

29、r role as Miss Teen USA, Sheiley will continue to speak to youth about safe driving, in addition to many other things to help the youth.When AT asked Miss Teen USA if she had any advice for our readers, she said, Dont let anyone change you. Hang out with people that make you feel good about yourself

30、. That way, it is easy to be yourself.67.What do the words “on cloud nine” in Paragraph 2 probably mean?A. frightened B. troubled C. very happy D. very angry68.Shelley takes her dance teachers as a role medel mainly because she is .A. determined B. friendly C. strict D. experienced69.How many childr

31、en did the Hennigs have according to the text?A. 1. B. 2. C. 3. D. 4.70.What suggestion does Shelley give to the teens?A. Be yourself with the support of friends. BMeet friends whenever possible.C. Go easy on yourself and others. D. Have a good role model.参考答案:略22. Pocket moneyMost British parents g

32、ive their teenagers pocker money. Teenagers get between 7 and 20 a week. They spend it on fast food, designer clothes, the cinema, concert, magazines and mobile phones.Lazy parents? 37% of parents pay teenagers to clean the lounge, 66% of parents pay teenagers to take the rubbish out.Lazy teens?51%

33、of teenagers dont make their beds before they leave home.Only 13% of teenagers wash the car for money.Some parents even pay their teenagers to do their homework.Equality? Not yet!Boys get more money than girls for most odd jobs.For washing the dishes, boys get about 4 and girls get about 1.And if yo

34、u need some more money?Teens get an extra 250 a year out of their parents on top of pocket money!About 50% of teens get gifts of money from their grandparents.Go to Mum if you need extra money!She gives more than Dad.Where you live makes a difference!Parents in Scotland and the North of England give

35、 most pocket money.Spending51% spend their money on clothes.39%buy cosmetics, juwellery and toiletries.Less than 40% of teenagers save any money.Here are some children who tell us about their pocket money:I get 30 a month, I have to take the rubbish out and tidy my room. -Emma,15, Edinburgh .I get 1

36、0 a week. But I have to clean the car, hoover the house and load and unload the dishwasher. I usually save the money. -James, 12, Sheffield.I get 7.5 a week.I have to be “good” but I dont have to do any jobs for the money. -Lain, 13, Cardiff.I get 5 a week. But our neighbors go away a lot and they g

37、ive me 25 a week for looking after their cats. -Richard, 13, Belfast63. This passage is mainly about _.A.how to get pocket money B.some bits about pocket money in BritainC.how to spend pocket money D.teenagers everywhere get pocket money64. Which of the following sentences is true according to the t

38、ext?A.Parents are lazy so they let children do housework.B.Teens are too lazy to do housework unless they are given pocket money.C.The pocket money boys and girls get is not equal.D.it is not right for children to ask for pocket money.65 .We can infer from the text that _.A.boys earn more money at home than girls B.girls earn more money at home than boysC.only rich parents give children pocket money D.most children spend their pocket money66. Who most probably gets the most money for a whole year according to the passage?A. Richard B.James C.Lain D.Emma参考答案:BCDA

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