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1、2021年江西省萍乡市赤山职业中学高三英语期末试题含解析一、 选择题1. . What impresses me most is _ he appears in front of others, he wears a sincere and charming smile. A. what B. which C. that where D. that whenever参考答案:D略2. They suggested that the library _ open during the vocation.A. is kept B. was kept C. be kept D. would be k

2、ept参考答案:C本题考查虚拟语气。Suggest 后面跟的宾语从句是与将来事实的虚拟,动词用should +do.而且 should 可以省略。3. _ in the United States, St Louis has now become the 4th largest city.A. It is the 24th biggest city B. It was the 24th biggest cityC. Before the 24th biggest city D. Once the 24th biggest city参考答案:D4. Mr. and Mrs. James feel

3、 more comfortable on a ship than they would do if they _ any other way.A. travel B. are travelling C. have travelled D. travelled参考答案:D5. We charge parcels _ weight, rather than individual units.A. in honor ofB. in contact withC. in terms ofD. in connection with参考答案:C【详解】考查介词短语。句意:我们根据包裹的重量,而不是包裹的件数

4、收费。A. in honor of为了对表示敬意;B. in contact with与有联系,接触;C. in terms of根据,在方面;D. in connection with与有关,有联系。表示根据什么计费。故选C。【点睛】rather than是一个并列连词。用法如下:与would连用时,构成“would ratherthan”句式,意思是“宁愿而不愿”,表示主观愿望,即在两者之中选择一个。不与would连用时,表示客观事实,意为“是而不是;与其不如”,它连接的并列成分可以是名词、代词、形容词、介词(短语)、动名词、分句、不定式、动词等。6. Do you know_ speak

5、er of_ Chinese language also has difficulty in learning_ Japanese?A. the; the; a B. a; the; 不填 C. the; the; the D. a; 不填; the参考答案:B 7. What a terrible experience ! _, youre safe now thats the main thing.A. Anyway.B. Besides.C. Otherwise.D. Therefore.参考答案:A8. No one _ cheat or help others cheat in th

6、e exam.A. shall B. willC. must D. need参考答案:A考查情态动词。句意:在考试中没有人愿意作弊或帮助别人作弊。shall用于第二,三人称表示说话人的心愿; will表示主语的心愿。故选A。9. Most of the bodies found in the last two days had broken fingers, probably from the children _ hard to climb the walls or floors to escape from the sinking ship in their last moment.A.

7、triedB. tryingC. to tryD. having tried参考答案:B10. Im dead tired. I cant walk any farther, Jenny. _ , Tommy. You can do it! A. No problem B. No hurry C. Come on D. Thats OK 参考答案:C11. Some old people dont like pop songs because they cant _so much noise Aconcern Btolerate Cundertake Dignore参考答案:B考查动词辨析。有

8、些老人觉得难以忍受流行音乐的噪音。用tolerate表示“忍受”。12. -Can I come and have a look at your new iphone 5?-Yes, _!A. with pleasure B. by all means C. I quite agree D. I like it参考答案:B13. The food is not very good, but we shall just have to _ it.A. pay attention to B. hold on toC. put up with D. keep up with参考答案:C14. My

9、favorite writer is O. Henry, most of _ novels have a surprising ending.A. whom B. his C. which D. whose参考答案:D15. According to Global Blue, a tax-free shopping consultancy, Chinese shoppers were said to be the biggest overseas spenders in the year 2013, each customer _ an average of 1,367 per transac

10、tion. A. spent B. to spend C. spending D. has spent参考答案:C16. However occupied you are with study, try to _ at least 15 minutes each day to have some exercise.A. put out B. put through C. put off D. put aside参考答案:D试题分析:考查动词词组。A. put out扑灭;B. put through实行,完成,使经历,接通(电话);C. put off拖延,推迟;D. put aside储备,

11、扔下,积蓄。无论你学习多么忙,尽量每天抽出15分钟锻炼。故选D。【知识拓展】put的常用短语:put away v.放好, 储存.备用;put on v.穿上, 把.放在上, 增加;put up v.举起, 抬起,建造, 提名;put off v.推迟, 拖延, 扔掉, 脱掉;put into v.使进入, 把.翻译成, 在.上种植;put down v.放下, 拒绝, 镇压,记下;put out v.放出,生产扑灭;put in 插话;put sth aside 放到一边;put back,放回;put off 推迟,放下;put aside 节省(钱、时间);储蓄;把放在一边17. Wha

12、t shall we use for power when all the oil in the world has _? A. given out B. put out C. held up D. used up参考答案:A 28. This is a good place for a picnic. Yes, it couldnt be _ .A. better B. best C. worse D. worst参考答案:A二、 短文改错19. 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)下面短文中有10处语言错误。请在有错误的地方增加、删除或修改某个单词。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(

13、),并在下面加上该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写上修改后的词。注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。A visitor visits an island where two tribes live. One tribe always tells the truth and an other always lies. The truth tellers live on the western side of the island, and those which lie live on the

14、 eastern side. The visitor wants determine whether the native beside he is a truth teller or not by ask only one question. He asks the native, “Go or ask the native in the distance which side of the island he lives to.” When the messenger returned, he says, “He said he lives on the western side of t

15、he island.” Is the messenger a truth teller or not one? How can the visitor be surely? 参考答案:A visitor visits an island where two tribes live. One tribe always tells the truth and an other thealways lies. The truth tellers live on the western side of the island, and those / which lie live on who the

16、eastern side. The visitor wants / determine whether the native beside he is a truth teller or not to himby ask only one question. He asks the native, “Go or ask the native in the distance which side of asking andthe island he lives to.” When the messenger returned, he says, He said he lives on the w

17、estern on returnsside of the island. Is the messenger a truth teller or not one? How can the visitor be surely? sure略20. 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1. 每处错误及其修改仅限一词。2. 只允许修改10处,多者

18、(从第11处起)不计分。How is everything going with you? As for me, I have a great news to shareI will finally get to be in a book!Last Saturday morning, Dad and I were eating breakfast while we heard a knock on the door. I rushed to open the door. It was our neighbor Miss Lydia, that draws pictures for childr

19、ens books. Miss Lydia greeted me with a smile, looking happily to see me. Remembering my best manner, I said, “Hello, Miss Lydia. Wont you come in?” Miss Lydia came in, sitting at the breakfast table, and said to my dad that he would like both of us to be her models in one of her books! I jumped off

20、 my chair and run to give Miss Lydia a big hug.I hope my first model experience will be both enjoyable or unforgettable. Im looking forward to hearing you soon.参考答案:How is everything going with you? As for me, I have a great news to shareI will finally get to 去掉be in a book!Last Saturday morning, Da

21、d and I were eating breakfast while we heard a knock on the door. I when rushed to open the door. It was our neighbor Miss Lydia, that draws pictures for childrens books. whoMiss Lydia greeted me with a smile, looking happily to see me. Remembering my best manner, I happy mannerssaid, “Hello, Miss L

22、ydia. Wont you come in?” Miss Lydia came in, sitting at the breakfast table, and satsaid to my dad that he would like both of us to be her models in one of her books! I jumped off my shechair and run to give Miss Lydia a big hug. ranI hope my first model experience will be both enjoyable or unforget

23、table. Im looking forward andto hearing you soon.From8.runran 此处是并列谓语,故把runran。9.orand 固定词组:both-and-,两个都-。故把orand 。10.you 前加from 固定词组:hear from收到某人的来信,故在you 前加from。【知识拓展】when后的从句谓语动词既可是延续性动词,也可是短暂性动词,而且还可作并列连词,译为“这时”.但以下句型一定用when,作并列连词:句型A:be about to dowhen正要做这时(发生另一事)句型B:was/were doingwhen正在这时(发生

24、另一事)句型C:had donewhen刚要做这时(发生另一事)1.We were about to set out when it began to rain.我们刚要出发天突然下雨了.2.He had hardly sat down when his mobile rang.他刚一坐下手机就响了.3.I was walking along the bank of the river when I fell into it.我正沿河岸散步突然掉进水里.三、 阅读理解21. 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 Pretending t

25、o be happy can actually make you more miserableespecially if youre a woman, according to a new study. Researchers found that walking around with a forced smile and faking(假装的)happiness simply led to people feeling gloomier. So, putting a brave face on your woes could actually be counterproductive. T

26、he research found that women suffered more than men when pretending to be happy. Psychologist, Dr. Brent Scott, who led the study, said employers should take note because forcing workers to smile when workers were dealing with clients could backfire (产生事的愿违的不良后果). He said:“Smiling for the sake of sm

27、iling can lead to emotional exhaustion, and thats bad for the organization.” Dr. Scott said the research showed customer service workers who“faked smiles”throughout a day worsened their moods and then withdrew from work, so their productivity dropped. He added:“Bosses may think that getting their st

28、aff to smile is good for the organization, but thats not necessarily the case.”Dr. Scott, assistant professor of management at Michigan State University, analyzed a group of bus drivers during a two week period. The study is one of the first of its kind to examine emotional displays over a period of

29、 time and compare the different effects that they have on men and women. His team examined the effects of“surface acting”or fake smilingcompared to what was termed“deep acting”, or cultivating positive emotions by recalling pleasant memories.Dr. Scott said: “Women were harmed more bysurface acting,

30、meaning their moods worsened even more than men and they withdrew more from work. However , they were helped more bydeep acting,which meant their moods improved more.”Dr. Scott suggested women tended to suffer more when pretending to be happy because they were expected to be more emotionally express

31、ive than men. Therefore, faking a smile while they are feeling down is more likely to go against their normal behavior and cause more harmful feelings.Although,“deep acting”seemed to improve moods in the short term, Dr. Scott said it was not a long-term solution to feeling unhappy.He said:“Youre try

32、ing to cultivate positive emotions, but at the end of the day you may not feel like yourself any more”61. What does the underlined sentence in Paragraph 1 mean? A. Forcing one to smile could make one feel better B. Wearing a fake smile could worsen ones mood C. Always smiling could improve ones perf

33、ormance D. Wearing a fake smile could help one free from sadness62. The finding of the research might serve as a warning to . A. men B. employees C. customers D. bosses63. According to Dr. Brent Scott, . A. most bus drivers have to wear“fake smiles” B. “fake smiles”workers work better than usual C.

34、“fake smiles”might lead to lower productivity D. bosses know the negative effect of forced smiles64. It can be inferred from Paragraph 4 that . A. pleasant memories are associated with positive feelings B. men suffer more from fake smiling, compared to women C. women should smile a lot when faced wi

35、th new challenges D. few employers know how to increase the productivity of their staff65.“Deep acting”is helpful to women in that . A. they forget their trouble B. they will behave normally C. they become more talkative D. their moods are getting better参考答案:61-65 BDCAD 22. You probably remember me

36、from the other day. I was the one who reacted very slowly to the green traffic light. When you honked your horn(鸣笛),I realized I was holding up traffic, so please accept my apology. However, I do want you to know why I seemed in a confused state. You see, I was just at the doctors office getting the

37、 re-sults of the examination I had two weeks ago, and I was wondering how I would tell my husband and children that I had cancer. There were still tears in my eyes, so ,quite sim-ply I didnt even see the lights change. Perhaps I should not have been driving, but I didnt want to miss my appointment.I

38、 was in the express lane(快速通道)at the supermarket without thinking and mov-ing. Please accept my apology. My mind was on my youngest daughter who ran away from home, and she? just sixteen. I was so worried then. You see, she somehow got in with the wrong crowd and started using drugs and drinking. I

39、was remembering what a pretty little girl she had been most of her life. I know you were unhappy along with oth-ers in line. Please, accept my apology.I remember you from the store last week. I was so mean to you, when you were do-ing your job to the best of your ability. I acted so childishly. Plea

40、se accept my apology. You see, I arrived home from work just yesterday and discovered that my wife had left me, but I should never have taken it out on you. Please, accept my apology.The above are imagined incidents, and yet they expressed a very real truth. The old saying about judging others befor

41、e you have walked a mile in their shoes is a much needed reminder. Perhaps we all could try to learn the fact that there are problems and situation in the lives of others which we are totally unaware of. So, maybe before we get angry in similar situations, we should think a moment and understand tha

42、t things may be going on in others lives which have caused them to be slower, absent-minded or an-gry. Patience, as they say, is a virtue.64.The woman was holding up traffic because_.A. she had just left the doctors office B. she didnt know how to driveC. she had cancer and was absent in mind D. she

43、 had tears in her eyes65. What was not the reason that worried the person according to paragraph two?A. Her youngest daughter ran away from home.B. Her youngest daughter started using drugs and drinking.C. Her youngest daughter somehow got in with the wrong crowd.D. Her youngest daughter had lived a very happy life.66. The whole passage is developed_.A. by space B. by examples C. by time

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