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1、2021年广东省湛江市遂溪县第一中学高三英语下学期期末试题含解析一、 选择题1. -Why are your eyes so red? You _ have slept well last night. A. cant B. mustnt C. neednt D. wont参考答案:A2. Why are you so anxious? It isnt your problem _.A. on purpose B. in all C. on time D. after all 参考答案:D解析:本题考查的是短语辨析。A项on purpose表示“故意”;B项in all表示“总计,总共”;C项

2、on time表示“按时”;D项after all表示“毕竟,终究,别忘了”。根据句意:为什么你要如此担心?毕竟这不是你的问题。故选D。3. -Are we about to have dinner? -Yes, it in the dinning room.A. serves B. is serving C. is being served D. has been serving参考答案:C考查时态。因serve与it(dinner)是动宾关系,要用被动语态;由问句中的are about to(即将)和答语Yes可知,已“在”供应dinner了,故用现在进行时的被动语态。故选C。4. Had

3、 they known what was coming next,they second thoughtsAmay have Bcould have Cmust have had Dmight have had参考答案:D5. Three Dimensional(3D)movies more and more popular in recent years, but some doctors say they may cause eye problems and an aching head.A. will become B. have been becoming C .becomes D.

4、will have become参考答案:B略6. Some seemingly harmless blogs might become harmful when _ on the Internet by millions of people.A. to read B. reading C. read D. being read参考答案:C略7. One of our rules is that every student wear school uniform while at school.A. shall B. could C. might D. will参考答案:A8. It took

5、 us quite a long time to get to the amusement park. It was journey.A. three hour B. a three-hours C. a three-hour D. three hours参考答案:C考点:此题考查复合形容词解析:数词+连字符+名词的用法,连字符连接的词作名词定语且用单数。意为“三小时的路程”9. Tomorrow _ my birthday. Id like you and Jane to come. Im not sure if she _ free.A. will be; is B. is going t

6、o; is C. is; is D. is; will be参考答案:D10. - He was nearly killed in a car accident the other day. - Oh,when was _ exactly?- It was on April 28 _he was riding a bike on the drive-way. A. this; that B. that; when C. that; that D. this; when参考答案:B略11. Hello ,is Mr Smith in?Sorry ,there is_person_you refe

7、rred to in my office!A. such no; thatB. such no; asC. no such ; thatD. no such ;as参考答案:D【详解】考查such和定语从句关系代词的使用。句意:你好,Smith先生在吗?抱歉,在我们办公室里没有你说的这样一个人!such作为形容词+名词,no 否定词放在前边,no such +名词“没有这样的”。定语从句关系代词的选择要根据先行词来定,先行词是物,关系代词一般用 that/which,先行词是人,关系代词选择 who/whose,关系代词是时间、地点、原因等状语的话,关系代词选择 when、where、why

8、等。先行词是物,而关系代词在从句中作宾语,关系代词可以省略。这里的先行词是 such person,而refer to sb,“指的是”;as“像一样”,引导非限制性定语从句。故选D。【点睛】关系代词as与which引导的非限制性定语从句,其先行词都可以是整个主句,指代主句的整个意思。但as和which具有不同的词义、句法和用法。1. as引导的从句表示说话人的看法、态度、解释或评论引导定语从句时,as仍具有“正如,像,由可知”等意思,翻译时有时可不必译出。as定语从句常含有这些动词:see, know, hear, watch, remember, say, tell, show, expe

9、ct, guess等,这类动词与as连用几乎成了一种固定搭配。as引导的此类从句可以置于句首、句中或句尾。如:The famous magician Liu Qian, as we all know, is from Taiwan. 众所周知,著名魔术师刘谦是台湾人。There is a net bar around here, as I remember. 我记得这儿附近有一家网吧。As is often the case, girls like dolls while boys like guns. 女孩子喜欢玩具而男孩子喜欢枪,这是常见的情况。2. which引导的从句对主句所叙述的事情

10、进行补充说明,表明事物的状态或结果which此时指前面主句所提到的这件事,常译为“这一点,这件事”等。这时它所引导的从句与主句之间常含有并列、因果关系。注意,它引导的从句不像as那样位置灵活,它只能位于主句的后面。如:He changed his mind again, which made us all angry. 他又改变了主意,这使我们大家都生气了。She tore up my photos, which (=and that) upset me.她撕碎了我的照片,这使我很不安。3. 在从句中作定语或介词的宾语时,要用which,不用asJenny might come, in whi

11、ch case Ill ask her. 詹妮可能会来,要是那样的话我就去问她。She graduated from a local middle school, after which she went to Beijing University. 她毕业于当地的一所中学,之后她去了北京大学。4. 当从句的谓语动词是否定形式或含着一个复合宾语时,一般用which而不用asHe pretended not to know me, which I didnt understand. 他假装不认识我,这是我搞不明白的。He admires everyone in his class, which

12、I find quite strange. 他羡慕班里的每个学生,我认为太奇怪了。特别说明:as引导非限制性定语从句的最大特点是位置灵活;其次,as有以下常见的,而which不具备的“固定表达”:as we all know 众所周知 as I can remember 正如我所记得的as often happens 正如经常发生的那样 as we expect 正如我们预料的那样as you see 这一点你明白as was expected 正如预料的那样as can be seen 看得出来 as may be imagined 正如可以想象的那样as has been said abo

13、ve 如上所述as we all can see 正如我们都能看到的那样as is often the case 像常规那样as everybody can do 正如人人都能做到的那样12. Langfang is most beautiful city and I believe I will come for second visit.A. the, a B. /, a C. the, / D. a, the参考答案:A略13. Has ISIS, the most shameful terrorist group, already been wiped off the earth?I

14、guess not, but I think it ought to _. A. be done B. have been C. / D. have参考答案:B14. Witnesses gave _ statements of the accident, making the situation rather confusing.A. consistent B. contradictory C. absurdD. explicit参考答案:B【命题立意】考查形容词辨析。句意:目击者对事故的发生做了矛盾的说明,使得情况更加令人困惑。A.consistent坚持的;B.contradictory

15、对立的,矛盾的;C.absurd荒谬的;D.explicit明确的。根据语意故选B。15. With the nuclear crisis worsening in Iran, the worlds attention is fixed again on _is called the Middle East A. which B. that C. what D. it参考答案:C16. The building now will be used as our reading room.A. built B. to be built C. being built D. is built参考答案:

16、C略17. Shelly had worked hard for her biology examination so that she could be sure of passing it at her first . Aassistance Bappetite Cattempt Daid参考答案:C18. You neednt have apologized for your absence , its hardly your fault.A、thereforeB、howeverC、meanwhileD、besides参考答案:D二、 短文改错19. 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改

17、作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏词符号( ),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除;把多余的词 用斜线( )划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1.每处错误及修改均仅限一词; 2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。Dear editor,I am writing to you to talk about the heavy traffic. Nowadays, people in many big cities are complaining the hea

18、vy traffic. It has serious influenced peoples daily life and economic development. To solve the problem, Id like to put forward some advices.For one thing, more streets and roads should be built. In this way, we can speed up the flow of buses and cars. For other, the number of bikes and cars can be

19、limited, that can decrease the traffic flow. But the most important thing is what the number of private cars should be put under the control. Meanwhile, buses should have its own special routes which cannot be using by other vehicles. Therefore, underground train and city train should be developed q

20、uickly.I do hope my suggestions will be taken.Yours,Li Hua参考答案:Dear editor,I am writing to you to talk about the heavy traffic. Nowadays, people in many big cities are complaining the heavy traffic. It has serious influenced peoples daily life and economic about seriouslydevelopment. To solve the pr

21、oblem, Id like to put forward some advices. adviceFor one thing, more streets and roads should be built. In this way, we can speed up the flow of buses and cars. For other, the number of bikes and cars can be limited, that can decrease the traffic another whichflow. But the most important thing is w

22、hat the number of private cars should be put under the that 去掉control. Meanwhile, buses should have its own special routes which cannot be using by other their usedvehicles. Therefore, underground train and city train should be developed quickly. Besides/MoreoverI do hope my suggestions will be take

23、n.Yours,Li Huaplaining后面加about 考查动词短语 complain about抱怨。72.serious-seriously考查副词。Seriously用来修饰influenced;73.advicesadvice考查名词。Advice是不可数名词;74.otheranother考查代词。For another另外一方面;75.that-which考查定语从句;that不能引导非限制性定语从句,which可以引导非限制性定语从句;76.what-that 考查表语从句;句意:但最重要的是事情是私家车的数量应该得到控制;77.under后面的the去掉考查固定短语。Un

24、der control处在控制之下;78.its-their 考查代词。句意:同时,公交车有他们自己的专线,这是其它机动车所不能使用的。79.using-used考查被动语态。Be used by 被。使用;80.ThereforeBesides/Moreover 考查副词。句意:除此之后,地铁发展也很迅速;20. 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出

25、修改后的词。注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。I went to the seaside to spending my summer holiday with my family. We stayed there for about two week. The weather was much hotter than in my hometown, but I got used to it or felt at home. Every morning, I got up early than my parents and went for

26、breakfast ahead of the time. Then I went to have a chat with my new friend, John, whom I happen to come across during my holiday. John was a native and quite warm-heartedly and he was familiar to the seaside. Soon we became very good friends. After we parted, we have kept write to each other.参考答案:I

27、went to the seaside to spending my summer holiday with my family. We stayed there for spend about two week. The weather was much hotter than in my hometown, but I got used to it or weeks that and felt at home. Every morning, I got up early than my parents and went for breakfast ahead earlier of the

28、time. Then I went to have a chat with my new friend, John, whom I happen to come across the happened during my holiday. John was a native and quite warm-heartedly and he was familiar to the warm-hearted with seaside. Soon we became very good friends. After we parted, we have kept write to each other

29、. writing三、 阅读理解21. “Smombies”people walking while staring at their smart phonesare very real and a growing cause for concern. Tired of having to constantly alert both locals and tourists to pay more attention to their surroundings to avoid serious accidents, authorities of a small German town have

30、come up with a more positive solutionembedding(嵌入) traffic lights in the pavement to make them visible to people constantly looking down at their phones.The seemingly ridiculous safety measure was put in place. Authorities in Augsburg decided to act, installing ground level traffic lights at two tra

31、m(有轨电车) stops last Tuesday. The lights flash red every time a tram is approaching, or when the regular traffic light turns red. “We realized that the normal traffic light isnt in the line of sight of many pedestrians these days,” said Tobias Hermes, a city administration official. “So we decided to

32、have an additional set of lightsthe more we have, the more people are likely to notice them.”Some Augsburg residents appear to be quite happy with the idea.“I think it makes sense,” Jack Smith said, speaking to The Augsburger Allgemeine. “One always sees young people these days running over red ligh

33、ts. This makes it more obvious that you need to stop.”Others, however, found the need for ground traffic lights disturbing and even frightening. “I find it scary that smart phone users are so engrossed that they need to install lights in the ground so that they notice the tram coming,” one person to

34、ld the local paper.But do this kind of pavement-embedded lights actually work? Well, if one interviewed teenager is to be believed, not really. “To be honest I didnt even notice it,” he told The Augsburger Allgemeine. “Maybe itd be useful at night, but yeah, I didnt realize it was there until just n

35、ow.”The word “smombie”a mashup of the words smart phone and zombiewas born in Germany. It was voted “youth word of the year” in 2015, but the serious consequences of this behaviour are no laughing matter.29Which of the following about “smombies” is TRUE?AIt refers to people who are fond of walking.B

36、It refers to people who are looking at phones while walking.CIt refers to people who concern others very much.DIt refers to people who hate locals and tourists.30Which of the following can replace the underlined word “engrossed” in Paragraph 4?ADisturbed. BFrightened. CAddicted. DEncouraged.31What m

37、ay be the best title for the text?AGround traffic lights for people looking at smart phonesBEffective ways to educate people to obey traffic rulesCThe meanings of ground traffic lightsDThe serious problem of traffic safety参考答案:29B30C31A文章大意 本文是一篇说明文,主要讲述了德国的奥格斯堡政府决定在人行横道下安装红绿灯,以提醒边走路边玩手机的人注意交通安全。29B

38、细节理解题。文章第一段第一句提到smombies是指边走路边玩手机的人。30C词义猜测题。这里强调的是手机使用者沉溺于玩手机,以至于没有注意到旁边的交通状况。31A主旨大意题。文章主要是说安装地下交通灯来提醒走路玩手机的人,以减少他们发生交通事故的风险,因此A是最佳选项。22. Our room was on the second floor but you could still hear the roar of the ocean and see the stars at nightI used to take long walks along the waterThe food in t

39、own was wonderful and the people were very friendlyThe area was very quiet and peaceful,and fairly desertedThe last evening of our vacation,however,we all heard strange footsteps following closely behind us as we were walking up to our room in the holiday centreWe turned around and noticed a fairly

40、young man moving very rapidly across the beach and getting closer to usHe was tall and wore a baseball capWe couldnt see his face and he was approaching us very rapidlyThe mans actions made my dad very nervousDad warned us that wed better try to make it to our hotel room as quickly as possibleI didn

41、t like my dads voice; I could hear fear in itIt was late and we were all aloneWe didnt have any cell phones on usI never saw Dad as worried as he was then and I knew that something was terribly wrongThe sense of fear started to overwhelm Mom and meWe had had such a good time in townNow,the night was

42、 rapidly turning into a dangerous situationWe could hear the mans footsteps getting closerDads face was almost paleThe socalled intruder (侵入者) had moved nearer and nearer when all of a sudden,the nearby vending(自动贩卖) machine started going crazy and spitting out cans of soda!The noise actually scared

43、 the intruder and he ran out of sightMy parents were shaking,but we all turned around to see who had put money into the vending machine downstairs,and actually saved us,but no one was around at allNot a soulIts one vacation I will never forget56Where did the author spend her vacation? ANear a lakeBA

44、t the seasideCIn a villageDIn a mountain57What happened on the last evening of their vacation? AThey were followed by a strangerBTheir cell phones were missingCTheir money was stolenDThey lost their way58The underlined wordoverwhelmin Paragraph 2 means AcontrolBmoveCexciteDimpress59What helped them get out of the troub

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