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1、2021年河南省焦作市孟州第四高级中学高一英语测试题含解析一、 选择题1. Seeing the teacher _ the classroom, the boy pretended _ the text. A. walking in; to read B. coming in; reading C. entering; to be reading D. entered for; to have read参考答案:C略2. She listened with a _expression on her face, which suggested she didnt completely unde

2、rstand.A. puzzling B. frightened C. frightening D. puzzled参考答案:D略3. The factory produces two million pairs of shoes every year, half _ are sold abroad. ( )Aof whichBwhich ofCof themDof that参考答案:A4. Film has a much shorter history, especially when _ such art forms as music and painting.A. having comp

3、ared withB. comparing withC. compare withD. compared with参考答案:D5. - _When does your plane take off?- At 3:00 p.m. tomorrow, Ive just called the airport to _it.A. argue B. confirm C.arganize D.intend 参考答案:B6. And I _ you, because I thought I must be wrong.A. dare not askB. dont dare askC. darent to a

4、skD. dare to ask参考答案:A7. There will be a in the village church on Saturday.A. reception B. graduation ceremony C. wedding D. Halloween 参考答案:C8. I hope, first of all, that we shall never lose _ heart in face of _ failure. A. the; a B. the; the C. 不填; 不填 D. a; 不填参考答案:C9. Your story is perfect. I have

5、never heard _ than yours. A. the better one B. the best one C. a better one D. a best one参考答案:C10. This is the first time that I _ at the meeting. A. had spoken B. have spoken C. spoke D. speak 参考答案:B11. - Is this book familiar _ you? - Sure. I am also familiar _ its writer.A. to; toB. with; with C.

6、 to; with D. with; to参考答案:C略12. I want to learn tennisWould you like to help me? _But learning tennis is no walk in the park ANo kidding BNo problem CNo wonder DNo way参考答案:B略13. Mr. Brown _ a valuable present, but he refused _ it.A. accepted, to receive B. received, to acceptC. received, accepting D

7、. accepted, receiving 参考答案:B略14. Lin qiaozhi led _ busy life, and as a specialist in womens diseases, she is _ second to none.A. a; / B. a; the C. a; a D. /; the参考答案:A15. They got _ to the tiger and examined its wound _. A. close; close B. close; closely C. closely; close D. closely; closely参考答案:B16

8、. _made the school proud was _more than 90% of the students had been admitted to key universities.A. What; because B. That; because C. That; what D. What; that 参考答案:D17. I dont think it any good _ another talk with him over the matter.A. hadB. havingC. haveD. to have参考答案:B【详解】考查非谓语动词。句意:我认为和他再一次谈这个事

9、情没有任何意义。一般的形式宾语代替的真正宾语都是不定式,但是也有例外,在一些约定俗成的用法中,常用it作形式主语,而把真正的主语动名词放在后面。It is no good doing something就是这样的句型。这里是any good,good是名词,所以后面的宾语用的是动名词。故选B。18. Visitors are requested _ photos in the museum. A. to not take B. not to take C. that they are not take D. that they not to take参考答案:B二、 短文改错19. 短文中共有

10、10处错误,每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏词符号(),并在此符号下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用()划掉。修改:在错的词下面划一横线,并在该词的下面写出修改后的词。注意1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计。A farmer didnt want his farmhand to stop do his work. One morning, he told the farmhand, “Its so annoyed to return from the field, wash up to lunch and

11、 take time to eat. Why not save time and eat lunch now?” The farmhand agreed. The farmers wife brought him some cold meat and fried potatoes, and the two men began to eat. When they had been finished, the farmer said, “While were still at table, lets have supper too.” They were now served mixed vege

12、tables, but ate once more. “Now we can go out and work all day without interruption,” the farmer announces. “Oh, no,” the farmhand answered, “I never work before supper.”参考答案:1.dodoing 2.annoyedannoying 3.to lunchfor lunch 4.farmersfarmers5.him-them 6.had beenhad 7.at tableat the table 8.but-and 9.a

13、nnouncesannounced 10.before-after20. Time fly like an arrow. Im already in Senior Grade 3 before I realized it. It will be only a little more than eight months before I graduate middle school. At the present, Im busy review my lessons in order to take the College Entrance Examination. I hope to go t

14、o Beijing University, that is one of the best university not only in China but also in the world. Ill try my best to turn your dream into reality. Most of my classmates are also studying very hardly to realize their dreams. I do believe everyone will be able to enter an university or college.参考答案:Ti

15、me fly like an arrow. Im already in Senior Grade 3 before I realized it. It will be only a little flies realize more than eight months before I graduate middle school. At the present, Im busy review my from the reviewing lessons in order to take the College Entrance Examination. I hope to go to Beij

16、ing University, that is whichone of the best university not only in China but also in the world. Ill try my best to turn your dream universities myinto reality. Most of my classmates are also studying very hardly to realize their dreams. I do believe hardeveryone will be able to enter an university

17、or college.a试题分析:本文属于记叙文,介绍作者全力以赴准备高考并告诉我们他梦想进入北京大学。【名师点睛】短文改错命题特点及其规律,我们分析了2010年6套含“短文改错”的高考英语试卷不难看出:该题以考查词法为主,重点考查动词、名词、形容词、代词和介词等;同时兼顾对句式、逻辑及搭配等的考查。 动词的主要考点为:(一)、谓语 1.上下文时态不一致。主要表现为短文中某个句子的谓语时态和整个语篇中的时态不一致。例: One day he was having a yard sale and the old man living next door come by to help.(came

18、) 2.时态使用错误。主要表现为某个句子中的谓语动词时态运用错误。例:(1)My teachers have been telling me how great my writing was.(had) (2)If you tell him a secret, never will he talks about it with anybody else.(talk) 3.主谓不一致。主要考查主语和谓语在单复数上需保持一致,通常遵循“单对单” “复对复”即单数主语对单数谓语,复数主语对复数谓语。例: After hearing your sad stories, he will say some

19、 words that is nice and warm.(are) (二)、非谓语 1.动名词。主要表现为特定动词、介词后及固定搭配中要接-ing 形式例:(1)I look forward to see he again in the near future.(seeing)(2)After hear your sad stories, he will say some words that are nice and warm.(hearing) 2.不定式。主要从动词不定式在句中充当的成分、表达的意义及固定搭配加以考查。例: (1)He agreed to reading my stor

20、y and give me some advice on how to write like a real writer.(read) (2)My sister wantedget out of the shop as fast as she could.(to) 3分词。重点考查分词作定语、表语、状语和补语时在语境中的语意及现在分词和过去分词的区别。例: (1)The assistant was clearly as embarrassing as my sister, but I just thought it was funny!(embarrassed) (2)On the box w

21、as a card say: “25cents each.”(saying) 语态。主要考查主动语态和被动语态的正确使用以及被动语态的构成。例: (1)It was turned out to be her own cup, which shed left on the shelf by mistake, (删掉was) (2)An English lady was finally decided that she really should learn to drive,(删掉was) 三、 阅读理解21. If you enjoy fall activities, the state of

22、 Virginia is the place to be. There are many festivals to choose from. Here are four I believe will be great fun. Henry Street Heritage Festival It will last from Saturday September 21st 2014, 11:00a.m,until 10:00 p.m .The festival is held by the Harrison Museum of African American Culture. This pub

23、lic festival takes place in Elmwood Park in downtown Roanoke. It is a celebration of the culture, history, and arts of African Americans and there is always a lot of entertainment, which includes local and national talent. Last year entrance was $10.00 Mountain magic crafts festival This festival ta

24、kes place on Saturday October 5th, 2014, at 19753 Main Street, in Buchanan, Va. The time is 10:00a.m. until 5:00p.m .This will be a celebration of the regions heritage(遗产), through history, crafts and music. There will be free, live music throughout the day, and plenty of arts and crafts plus delici

25、ous food. Massanutten fall festival The time and location is Saturday October 12th,2014, 11:00a.m. until 5:00 p.m. at the Massanutten Ski Area. This Fall Festival will feature more than 60 arts and crafts vendors(小贩), food vendors, live music, wine tasting, childrens activities, and more. Tickets ar

26、e $5 in advance, and $10 at gate. Children under age 8 are admitted free. Rides will run between the hours of 11:00am to 3:00 pm. Be in line with your ticket; no later than 2:30 pm. Childrens Arboretum(植物园) Festival The fun takes place, on Saturday October 19th, 2014 from 1:00 pm until 5:00 pm at th

27、e Edith J. Carrier Arboretum. There will be musical instrument shows and performances, singers, crafts, dance exhibitions and lessons. There will also be seed collecting trail activities, trail tours, story time, and snacks. This fall festival is a free event28.What is the characteristic of Henry St

28、reet Heritage Festival?AIt has singing performances.BThere will be art activities.CIts all about the black people.DSome talents will compete in .29.If your couple and your 7-year-old boy buy tickets at gate at Ski Area_.Ayoull pay 30 dollars Byoull pay 20 dollars Cyoull pay 15 dollars Dyoull pay 10

29、dollars30.If your family have time on the second weekend of October youll attend _.AMassanutten fall festivalBHenry Street Heritage FestivalCChildrens Arboretum FestivalDMountain magic crafts festival31.The author writes this passage mainly to _.Amake the state of Virginia best known in the USBmake

30、more people visit the attractions of VirginiaCtell reader the four fall activities that have much funDtell reader the festival information of the last half year参考答案:28-31 CBAC 22. When there are some strangers in front of us, which of them will we trust?According to a new study in the online PLOS On

31、e, people make their decisions to trust others largely based on their faces. Your appearance can do a lot for you, especially if you are in the financial industry. The more trustworthy you look, the more likely people will buy what youre selling.Researchers from Britains University of Warwick Busine

32、ss School, University College London, and Dartmouth College, US, did a number of experiments.The research team used computer software to make 40 faces, from the least to the most trustworthy-looking.The study said that the difference between a trustworthy face and one that isnt as trustworthy comes

33、from features that look slightly angry or slightly happy, even when the face is at rest. However, a slightly happy face is more likely to be trusted.Researchers gave participants some money and asked them which face they trusted to invest the money. Then researchers gave some good and bad informatio

34、n about the people with these faces, and asked the participants again whom they trusted.The results showed that even if they got different information, the participants didnt change their choices. They were still more likely to invest their money with the more trustworthy-looking faces.Chris Olivola

35、, one of the studys authors, said in the University of Warwicks press release: “It seems that we are still willing to go with our own instincts (本能) about whether we think someone looks like we can trust them. The temptation (诱惑) to judge strangers by their faces is hard to resist.”33. According to

36、the study, which of the following faces is most likely to be trusted? A. A sad face. B. An angry face. C. A crying face. D. A smiling face.34. Which of the following about the experiment is TRUE?A. The trustworthy faces were given good information.B. Researchers took photos of the 40 peoples faces i

37、n college.C. Participants liked to choose the faces with good information.D. Most participants gave their money to the trustworthy-looking faces.35. What did the researchers learn from their experiment?A. People cant refuse temptations.B. People often judge strangers by their faces. C. People do things with their instincts all the time.D. People dont trust strangers with sad faces.参考答案:DDB

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