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1、四川省绵阳市高新区实验中学2021年高一英语期末试卷含解析一、 选择题1. It is kind of you to help us handle this tough problem in your spare time because it is very difficult for us to think of a means as _as yours.A. feasibleB. generalC. experiencedD. imaginative参考答案:A 2. In dealing with public relations, we should make every to av

2、oid _ quarrelling with others. A. force B. energy C. effort D. possibility参考答案:C3. He _ in this city since he graduated from college.A. lives B. will live C. has lived D. would live参考答案:C略4. Whose advice should we take? _A. Thats OK. B. Its your turn. C. Im sorry. D. Up to you.参考答案:D5. I have no ide

3、a _ he got to know the singer last year.A. when B. which C. how D. what 参考答案:C6. Its no use _ him to quit smoking because he is so stubborn that he will never listen to others.A. to advise B. persuading C. advising D. to persuade参考答案:C7. -Could you possibly tell me what to do with such sort of situa

4、tion?-Its no good asking me all the time. Anna, youll have to learn to think _ yourself.A. of B. to C. by D. for 参考答案:D8. Mr. Black _ for Shanghai in a few days. Do you know when the earliest plane _on Sunday? A. leaves; takes off B. is leaving; takes off C. is leaving; is taking off D. leaves; is t

5、aking off参考答案:用一般现在时。句意:布莱克先生几天后要离开到上海去。你知道星期天最早的航班吗?考点:考查动词时态。【解析】9. The people on strike _a distance of 2 kilometers in protest against increased working hours.A. covered B. described C. waved D. expressed 参考答案:A10. I failed my driving test again. Dont be discouraged. Youll be successful _. A. at

6、times B. at one time C. on time D. in time参考答案:D11. Congratulations. Tom! You have won the first prize in the physics competition.Dont . I am not good at physics, you know.A. be a wet blanketB. pull my legC. be all earsD. be the top dog参考答案:B12. My friend John, a bookworm, was always busy doing his

7、homework, only_ once in a while to drink some water. A. stopping B. to stop C. to have stopped D. having stopped参考答案:A13. We dont doubt _ he will succeed in the research work.A. thatB. whetherC. howD. what参考答案:A【详解】考查名词性从句。句意:我们不怀疑他会在研究工作中取得成功。动词doubt在否定句或疑问句中通常接that引导的从句。故选A。【点睛】动词doubt后接宾语从句,在否定句和

8、疑问句中,doubt后面接that引导的宾语从句;在肯定句中,doubt后面一般接whether或if引导的宾语从句。14. Is this the way you think _the problem? A. of solving B. of of solving C. to solve D. solving 参考答案:B33. Britain, _many other industrialized countries, _ experienced major changes over the past 100 years. A. together with; have B. as well

9、 as; have C. in common with; has D. instead of ; has参考答案:C略16. It was on March 11,2011 _ a strong earthquake hit Sendai, Japan. A. when B. that C. which D. how参考答案:B17. Fortunately, Tony jumped back to prevent himself from being hit by the taxi, which was running at a great speed. A. in turn B. in r

10、eturn C. in time D. in relief 参考答案:C18. Hiking by oneself can be fun and good for health. It may also be good for _ building.A. respect B. friendship C. belief D. character参考答案:D二、 短文改错19. 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下短文。短文中共有10处错误,每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。.增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在此符号下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余

11、的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。Time flies!A year has past since I came to this school.Many color1 ful activities had been organized by our school. What impressed me most was a activity called Learning to Farm.In an autumn afternoon,we were sent to a

12、farm which we learned lo plant potatoes.Having been in the city for so a long time,we were so happy to go to the countryside.After divided into three groups,we started to work.Some students cut potatoes into pieces;some dug holes,and others put the pieces of potatoes into the hole,put the earth back

13、 and pushed them down hard.We continued doing that until all the work was done.Although we were exhausted,but we felt fulfilled on our way back home.参考答案:Time flies!A year has past since I came to this school.Many color1 ful activities passedhad been organized by our school. What impressed me most w

14、as a activity called have anLearning to Farm.In an autumn afternoon,we were sent to a farm which we learned On where lo plant potatoes.Having been in the city for so a long time,we were so happy to go suchto the countryside.After divided into three groups,we started to work.Some students beingcut po

15、tatoes into pieces;some dug holes,and others put the pieces of potatoes into the hole,put the earth back and pushed them down hard.We continued doing that until holes itall the work was done.Although we were exhausted,but we felt fulfilled on our way 去掉back home.第一处:考查现在完成时的结构have/has+过去分词。pass 的过去分

16、词是 passed. 故将past 改成passed。第二处:考查时态。由前文的意思可以知道应该用现在完成时而不是过去完成时。因此将had 改成have .第三处:考查不定冠词a和an的用法。a 用于辅音音素开头的词前、an 用于元音因素开头的词前。activity以元音音素开头,所以将a 改成an。第四处:考查介词。In an autumn afternoon意思为在秋天的一个下午。 in 用来表示一天中的某段时间。第五处:考查先行词。在这句话里先行词为a farm,所以引导词应该用where,故将which 改为where。-第六处:考查so 和such 的用法。so + adj .+a/

17、an +可数名词单数+that从句:such+ a/an +adj.+单数可数名词+that从句, 故将so改为such .第七处:考查介词用法。After 在这里作为介词后应跟ing 形式。故在after 后加being .第八处:考查名词单复数。由“some dug holes”可知hole 应该填复数形式。故将hole 改为holes .第九处:考查代词。由前文可知,指的是the earth ,因此将them 改成it.第十处:考查although和but 不能连用。故将but 去掉。20. Do your mother often cook supper? 参考答案:Do变为Does

18、三、 阅读理解21. Many years ago, my dad was facing a serious heart condition. He was unable to do a steady job. He fell suddenly ill and had to be admitted to the hospital.He wanted to do something to keep himself busy, so he decided to volunteer at the local childrens hospital. My dad loved kids. It was

19、the perfect job for him. He ended up working with the seriously ill children. He would talk, play, and do arts with them.One of his kids was a girl with a rare disease that paralyzed (瘫痪) her from the neck down. She couldnt do anything, and she was very depressed. My dad decided to try to help her.

20、He started visiting her in her room, bringing paints, brushes and paper. He stood the paper up, put the paintbrush in his mouth and began to paint. He didnt use his hands at all. All the while he would tell her, “See, you can do anything you set your mind to.”At the end of the day, she began to pain

21、t using her mouth, and she and my dad became friends. Soon after, the little girl was sent home because the doctors felt there was nothing else they could do for her. My dad also left the childrens hospital for a little while because he became ill. Some time later after my dad had recovered and retu

22、rned to work, in came the little girl who had been paralyzed and only this time she was walking. She ran straight over to my dad and hugged him really tight. She gave him a picture she had done using her hands. At the bottom it read: “Thank you for helping me walk.”My dad would cry every time he tol

23、d us this story and so would we. He would say sometimes love is more powerful than doctor, and my dadwho died just a few months after the little girl gave the pictureloved every single child in that hospital.4. The authors father worked at the local hospital to_.A. make his serious heart condition l

24、ess seriousB. keep himself occupied and pleasedC. realize his childhood dreamD. earn money to pay for treatment5. How did the authors father help the paralyzed little girl?A. He helped her practice walking.B. He visited her and made a toy for her.C. He showed her she could still do things.D. He pain

25、ted special pictures for her.6. According to Paragraph 3, the paralyzed girl _.A. eventually became a unique painterB. was sent home and never seen againC. gradually recovered and walkedD. sent the authors dad a picture painted with her mouth7. What message does the passage mainly convey?A. Its bett

26、er to give than to receive.B. A sick person should not focus on his disease.C. Volunteering is a worthwhile thing to do.D. Love can sometimes bring great results.参考答案:4. B 5. C 6. C 7. D这是一篇记叙文。短文讲述了一个感人的故事。作者的父亲因为心脏病住院,在住院期间为了使自己忙碌和充实起来,他去了当地的儿童医院做一名志愿者。在医院他鼓励一位因疾病而瘫痪在的小女孩勇敢乐观,教她用嘴画画。终于小女孩能够走路了。爱的力

27、量有时候比医生的力量更加强大。【4题详解】细节理解题。由第二段“He wanted to do something to keep himself busy, so he decided to volunteer at the local childrens hospital”可知,他想做点什么让自己忙碌起来,所以他决定去当地的儿童医院做一名志愿者。所以作者的父亲在当地一家医院工作是让自己保持忙碌和使自己快乐。故B选项正确。【5题详解】细节理解题。由第三段“All the while he would tell her, “See, you can do anything you set yo

28、ur mind to.” At the end of the day, she began to paint using her mouth, ”可知,他总是对她说:“你看,你可以做任何你想做的事。”一天结束时,她已经学会了用嘴画画。所以作者的父亲是通过向小女孩展示了她仍然可以做很多事情来帮助这个瘫痪的小女孩的。故C选项正确。【6题详解】细节理解题。由第三段“in came the little girl who had been paralyzed and only this time she was walking.”可知,那个瘫痪的小女孩走了进来,只是这次她能走了。所以根据第3段,瘫痪的

29、女孩逐渐恢复健康并能够行走。故C选项正确。【7题详解】主旨大意题。通读全文尤其是最后段“love is more powerful than doctor”可知,短文讲述了一个感人的故事。作者的父亲因为心脏病住院,在住院期间为了使自己忙碌和充实起来,他去了当地的儿童医院做志愿者。在医院他鼓励一位因疾病而瘫痪在的小女孩勇敢乐观,教她用嘴画画,终于小女孩能够走路了,爱的力量有时候比医生的力量更加强大。所以这篇文章主要传达了爱可以带来异乎寻常的结果。故D选项正确。22. 阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空。Some peopl

30、e live in the world for body while others for dignity(尊严).I once took a walk along the street on a Saturday dusk, with a Pepsi can in my hand. An old woman in ragged clothes, 61 was living on collecting used cans, jars and tins, moved slowly towards me, with a bag on the back! 62 (walk) nearer, she

31、looked up at me and then fixed her eyes 63 my can. At that time, I hadnt finished my cola, so I gave 64 several coins instead. 65 , staring at me for a few seconds, she handed back the money. Quite confused, I asked: “Why not? Isnt that 66 you want?”“I am not a beggar,” she said 67 (serious), word b

32、y word.Instantly, I felt so sorry. I _68_ (plan) to help her, completely misunderstanding her. Thus I hurt her. What I could do at that moment was only to drink up the cola and handed her _69_ emptied can. This time, she gave me a smile with _70 (satisfy) and gratitude in her eyes. The woman is poor in material life but is so respectable as a man. I am not only moved but also have learned a good lesson.参考答案:61.who62.Walking63.on64.her65.However66.what67.seriously68.had planned69.the70. satisfaction

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