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1、四川省达州市花池中学2021年高三英语联考试卷含解析一、 选择题1. _ fired, your health care and other benefits will not be immediately cut off.A. Would you be B. Should you be C. Could you be D. Might you be参考答案:B略2. I 11 give you a ring about eight.一 Could you phone a bit later? I _ dinner then.A. will be having B. have hadC. ha

2、d D. was having参考答案:A略3. To the great of the citizens,no one else was infected with H1N1 except the 12 confirmed cases.Arelaxation Bdisappointment Crelief Dsurprise 参考答案:A考察名词,句意是“让居民感到放松,除了12个确诊病例,没有人感染H1N1”。4. After the quarrel, I tried all my best to fix the misunderstanding between us, but all m

3、y efforts seemed _. A. in trouble B. in case C. in effect D. in vain参考答案:D5. - _ is the population of your city ? - About two million. A. How B What C. How many D. How much参考答案:B略6. Who knocked at the door?Ive no idea. I just pretended nobody was at home, so I didnt ask who _ was. A. he B. that C. s

4、he D. it参考答案:D 7. Smoking _ in the kitchen in my house.A. doesnt allow B. didnt allow C. isnt allowed D. wont allow参考答案:C 试题分析:考查动词的时态。句意:在我家,不许在厨房里面吸烟。结合语境可知本句描述的是客观性的动作,故用一般现在时态。主语是动作对象,故用被动语态,选C 8. The festival has become an important tourismfor the city and attracts thousands of tourists every y

5、ear.A.baseB.arrangementC.attractionD.event参考答案:D句意:这个节日已经成了这座城市一件重要的旅游盛事,每年都会吸引成千上万的游客。base基地;arrangement安排; attraction景点;event事件。故选D。9. Einstein once refused to speak on the radio _ $1,000 a minute. Another time he was seen using a check _ $ 1,500 as a bookmark. A. for; of B. for; for C. at; for D.

6、 at; at参考答案:B略10. -Did you visit the famous museum? -No. We_it . But we spent too much time shopping. A. cant have visitedB. could have visited C. must have visited D. shouldnt have visited 参考答案:B11. This is the second time Nie Haisheng _ to be the astronaut who took the glorious taskAhas been chose

7、n Bhad been chosen Cwas chosen Dchose参考答案:A略12. The new CPC leaders are trying their best to the expectation of the people.A. put up with B. add up to C. come up with D. live up to参考答案:D13. Im sure we _ a better job, but the time was limited.A. did B. would do C. could have done D. had done参考答案:C14.

8、 It was not until midnight they reached the camp site. A. as B. when C. while D. that参考答案:D略15. Some doctors want to examine the impact those marine mammals have _ the children who had tried dolphin-assisted therapy. A. on B. with C. to D. about参考答案:A16. ”You cant judge a book by its cover,” .A. as

9、the saying goes oldB. goes as the old sayingC. as the old saying goesD. goes as old the saying参考答案:C考查定语从句。考查as引导的定语从句,意为:正如古语所说。17. They returned home after a long journey,_. A. hungry & tiredly B. hungrily & tiredly C. tired & hungry D. tired & hungrily参考答案:C略18. Shall I begin the lecture?I afraid

10、 we have to wait for a whileJohn is coming with a microphone .I can do without the microphoneAIm sorry BExcuse me CI beg your pardon DNever mind 参考答案:D二、 短文改错19. 下面短文中有10处语言错误,请在有错误的地方增加、删除或修改某个单词。增加:在缺词处加一个漏词符号(),并在其下面写上该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写上修改后的词。注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词; 2. 只允许修改10

11、处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。 Boys and girls,May I have your attention, please? I have anything important to tell you. Next Sunday afternoon, class was going to hold an English story-telling competition in lecture hall. Everybody is required to take part in the activity. Two foreign teacher will be invited to ac

12、t as judges. The activity will benefit from you in many ways. For example, it will give us a good chance to practicing your oral English and train your communication skills. However, it will inspire your interest at English. The requirements are as follows. First, the story can be original. That is,

13、 the story must be made up by yourself. Second, the story must be presented in English. Finally, your story should be finished within three minutes. Thats all, thank you.参考答案:Boys and girls, May I have your attention, please? I have anything important to tell you. Next Sunday somethingafternoon, our

14、 class was going to hold an English story-telling competition in lecture hall. is theEverybody is required to take part in the activity. Two foreign teacher will be invited to act as teachers judges. The activity will benefit from you in many ways. For example, it will give us a good youchance to pr

15、acticing your oral English and train your communication skills. However, it will practice Besidesinspire your interest at English. The requirements are as follows. First, the story can be original. in mustThat is, the story must be made up by yourself. Second, the story must be presented in English.

16、Third, the story should be interesting. Finally, your story should be finished within three minutes. Thats all. Thank you.20. 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2. 只允许修

17、改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。Dear schoolmates,In order to get high school students to attaching importance to the environment and raise our awareness to protect the environment, and China Daily is planning to hold an interest knowledge contest. A contest starts on October 14th and end on 31st. Remember,you ca

18、n take the contest in China Daily newspaper, that is very popular among high school student. The answer sheet must cut from the newspaper and sent to China Daily after the deadline.Please pay more attention to the related information of the contest and take an active part in them on time.Students Un

19、ion参考答案:Dear schoolmates,In order to get high school students to attaching importance to the environment and raise our attachawareness to protect the environment, and China Daily is planning to hold an interest knowledge 去掉 interestingcontest. A contest starts on October 14th and end on 31st. Rememb

20、er,you can take the contest in The endsChina Daily newspaper, that is very popular among high school student. The answer sheet must which students becut from the newspaper and sent to China Daily after the deadline. beforePlease pay more attention to the related information of the contest and take a

21、n active part in them on time.itStudents Union试题分析:China Daily准备举行一个竞赛让高中生认识到环境的重要性以及提高保护环境的意识。1.第一句 attachingattach 考查非谓语动词。此处为动词不定式做目的状语,故此处to是不定式的to,后面接动词原形,用attach。2. 第一句 去掉第二个and考查连接词。逗号前面是目的状语,不是句子,因此不需要连接词来连接,故去掉and。3.第一句interestinteresting考查形容词。此处为形容词做定语,修饰后面的名词。4. 第二句AThe考查冠词。此处contest是第二次出

22、现,属于特指,应用the。5.第二句endends考查主谓一致。此句中有连接词and,根据前后一致的原则,前面是谓语动词starts,用三单形式,故end也用三单形式,ends。6. 第三句thatwhich考查关系代词。此处为非限制性定语从句,that不能引导非限制性定语从句,从句缺少主语,指代前面China Daily newspaper,故用which。7.第三句studentstudents 考查名词单复数。此处是指高中的学生们,应用复数。8. 第四句must后加 be考查语态。此处意思是答题卡被剪下来,应用被动语态,而且must是情态动词,后接动词原形,故加一个be。9.第四句aft

23、erbefore 考查连词。此处意为在截止日期之前,而不是之后,故用before。10. 第五句 themit考查代词。此处是指参加这个竞赛,单数,故用it来代替。【名师点睛】冠词的考查是一个常考点,所以考生对改错文章中出现所有的冠词要抱有怀疑的态度,然后再进行思考到底有没有错,怎么改。通常来说,掌握冠词须把握好以下四个原则:1.单数可数名词用不定冠词a/an表示泛指;2.复数可数名词及不可数名词表示泛指时,其前不加冠词;3.无论可数名词还是不可数名词,表示特指其前都要加定冠词the;4.包含冠词的固定搭配要铭记。比如第四题,就属于冠词的考查。因为contest是第二次出现,属于特指,应用th

24、e,这是冠词的基本用法。三、 阅读理解21. Nelson Mandela was a figure of international fame,and many details of his life and career were public knowledgeBut here are some things you may not have known about him In his youth,Mandela enjoyed boxingEven during the 27 years he spent in prison,he would exercise every morni

25、ng“I did not enjoy the violence of boxing so much as the science of itBoxing is equalI never did any real fighting after I entered politicsMy main interest was in training,”he wrote in his autobiography Long Walk to Freedom Among the memorabilia in the Mandela Family Museum in Soweto,visitors call f

26、ind the world championship belt given to Mandela by American boxer Sugar Ray Leonard. Rolihlahla Mandela was nine years old when a teacher at the primary Methodist school where he was studying,gave him an English nameNelsonin accordance with the custom to give all school children Christian names Rol

27、ihlahla is not a common name in South AfricaIt means“troublemaker”His circumcision name was Dalibunga,meaning“founder of the Bunga” However,in South Africa,Mr Mandela was often called by his clan(宗族)nameMadibawhich South Africans used out of respect After going underground because of his ANC activit

28、ies,Mr Mandelas ability to evade(躲避)the securities services earned him the nickname“the black Pimpernel”,after the novel The Scarlet Pimpernel,about a hero with a secret identityA fake(伪造的)passport in the name of David Motsamayi was used by Mr Mandela.He had disguised himself as a driver,a gardener

29、and a chef in order to travel around the country unnoticed by the authoritiesMr Mandela studied law on and off for 50 years from 1939,failing about half the courseshe tookIn August 1952,he and Oliver Tambo established South Africas first black law firm,Mandela and Tambo,in JohannesburgHe persevered

30、to finally secure a law degree while in prison in 1989 41Why did Nelson Mandela become a boxing fan?AHe enjoyed the violence of boxing BHe wanted to take the championshipCHe desired to enjoy the training DHe hoped to find a better job42Which of the following is true of Mandelas name?AHis original na

31、me was not NelsonBHis parents gave him the nameNelsonCRolihlahla is a popular name in South AfricaDMadiba was his Christian name43What made people call Mr Mandela“the black Pimpernel”?AHis ability to escape from being caughtBHis underground activities in ANCCHis pressure given by the authoritiesDThe

32、 novels hero with a secret identity44Mr Mandela made a fake passport to_Atravel around the country Bescape from the authoritiesCdisguise himself as an actor Dgo abroad easily45What can we learn from the last paragraph?AIt took Mr Mandela over fifty years to get a law degreeBMr Mandela set up South A

33、fricas first law firmCMr Mandela got his law degree after being released from prisonDMr Mandela was a determined person参考答案:22. CareerBuildercom now offers the most functional and easytouse online job search for Science & Biotech jobsIn fact,there are so many ways to search for Science & Bio

34、tech jobs on CareeBuildercom that youll be able to get the results you want quickly and easily!At CareerBuildercom we combine the power of new search technology with topnotch products and services to give you full control over the Science & Biotech job search processWe offer many ways to get the

35、 job searching doneSearch Science & Biotech Jobs by Location:Target your search for Science & Biotech jobs by city or stateStart broad by selecting a desired state,or narrow your search quickly by targeting a top cityWith nationwide job opportunities,there are unlimited possibilitiesSearch S

36、cience & Biotech Jobs by Job Type:Refine your search by selecting a specific job typeIf you are certain about your expertise or specialty,narrow your search quickly and search only the jobs that are fit for youSearch Science & Biotech Jobs by Company:Who are the top companies hiring in Scien

37、ce & Biotech?Search,explore and find out more about our preferred Science & Biotech employersFrom cuttingedge corporate firms to thriving small business,CareerBuildercom partners with the nations top companied to bring you better Science & Biotech jobs faster 29This passage probably come

38、s from Aa magazineBa newspaper Cthe Internet Da book30CareerBuildercom offers the following EXCEPT AScience & Biotech jobsBmany ways to get the job searching doneCnames of the top companies hiring in Science & BiotechDthe most functional and easytouse online job search for Science & Biot

39、ech jobs31Which of the following beat explains the underlined sentence? AThe website only cooperates with some powerful companies toBDifferent companies,whether big or small,work with this websiteCAll kinds of companies are likely to appear on the websiteDAll the nations top companies are partners o

40、f this website32This passage is written in order to Aintroduce a website Bhelp you find a jobCintroduce some ways of finding a jobDmake you click their website more often参考答案:29C30A31B32D本文是一篇广告布告类阅读,主要介绍了CareerBuildercom现在提供最有用和最易于使用的在线工作搜索科学与生物技术工作事实上,有很多方法可以搜索CareeBuildercom上的科学与生物技术工作,您将能够快速轻松地获

41、得你想要的结果!29C细节理解题文中多次出现search和com以及第二段to give you full control over the Science & Biotech job search progress,可知,这篇文章来自网络故选C30A推理判断题根据全文内容可知,本文是一个网站功能介绍,网站没有工作,只提供信息,故选A31B句意理解题根据上下文可知,From cuttingedge corporate firms to thriving small business,CareerBuildercom partners with the nations top compa

42、nied to bring you better Science & Biotech jobs faster句意为从最前沿的企业到蓬勃发展的小企业,CareerBuildercom与全美顶尖合作伙伴合作,为您带来更好的科学与生物技术工作故From cuttingedge corporate firms to意为与本网站合作的不同大小的公司故选B32D推理判断题根据全文内容可知,本文主要介绍了CareerBuildercom现在提供最有用和最易于使用的在线工作搜索科学与生物技术工作事实上,有很多方法可以搜索CareeBuildercom上的科学与生物技术工作,您将能够快速轻松地获得你想要的结果!故本文目的是让你经常浏览他们的网站故选D

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