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1、黑龙江省哈尔滨市东北师范大学附属中学高三英语上学期期末试题含解析一、 选择题1. The moment I saw him, his name simply _ me, and I stood there not knowing how to address him.A. chokes B. escaped C. failed D. confused参考答案:B略2. Her health condition is showing a _ improvement day by day, which is a great relief for all her loving family memb

2、ers. A. successive B. practical C. progressive D. supportive参考答案:A3. A fire broke out in the building at 7:30 on Tuesday morning, _ in the death of a young girl.A. having resulted B. resulted C. being resulted D. resulting参考答案:D4. Neither I nor my brother_used to playing out with other local childre

3、n at weekends. A.has B.have C.is D.are参考答案:C5. through A. thoughB. cough C. enoughD. laugh参考答案:A6. The museum will open in the spring with an exhibition and a viewing platform _visitors can watch the big glasshouses being built. A. what B. where C. when D. why参考答案:B7. Pleasant as they make it_ , we

4、felt tired after a long journey. Ato travel Btravel Ctraveling Dtraveled参考答案:A 8. Kobe Bryant probably could have achieved more if he and Shaquille ONeal never _.A. broke down B. split upC. took off D. put off参考答案:B试题分析:考查动词短语辨析。短语break down抛锚,出故障;split up分裂,分开;take off起飞,成功,受欢迎;put off推迟;句意:如果奥尼尔不离

5、开湖人,也许科比会取得更多的成就。根据句意可知B项符合上下文串联。9. Once youve _ the items you ordered, put this record in your file. A.checked inB.checked offC.checked outD.checked with参考答案:B 【分析】句意:你清点完订购的每一件东西后,将这份记录存档。A. checked in“办理登记手续”;B. checked off“清点”;C. checked out“办理退房手续”;D. checked with“与相符合”。故选B。【点评】考查动词短语辨析,区分check

6、 in;check off;check out和 check with的含义。10. But for your timely warning, we _into great trouble. A. would get B. must have got C. would have got D. could have got参考答案:C11. - How about having a party this weekend?- That _ me fine. Im coming.A. suits B. fits C. matches D. agrees 参考答案:A略12. As is known

7、to all, the candidate _ his last chance of winning the election when he said the wrong thing on TV.A. gave outB. gave offC. gave awayD. gave up参考答案:C13. Its impossible that you achieve your goal without effort, _? A. isnt it B. is it C. dont you D. do you参考答案:A14. Now in China some young people _ im

8、portant positions in the government Ahold Bseize Ccatch Dgrasp参考答案:A15. I am sick of rain and bad weather! Hopefully, when we _ up tomorrow morning, the sun _.A. wake; will be shining B. will wake; is shining C. will wake; shines D. wake; shines参考答案:A略16. The way the guests _ in the hotel influenced

9、 their evaluation of the service.A. treatedB. were treatedC. would treatD. would be treated参考答案:B.解析: 考查时态和语态的用法。The guests 与treat之间是被动的关系,并且动作已经发生,所以用一般过去时的被动形式。17. Lets go and have a good drink tonight._. Have you got the first prize in the competition?A. What for? B. Thanks a lot. C. Yes. Id like

10、 to D. Why not?参考答案:A18. - He is a valued employee who isnt making the money he _. He does have options.- But you see, jobs remain scarce today.A. earns B. deserves C. rewards D. pays参考答案:B二、 短文改错19. 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的

11、词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在其下面写出修改后的词。注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。How time flies! A week have passed before I noticed it. Looking back on the things that happening last week, I found the life here full with happiness and interests. I can still remember the first day of the summ

12、er camp. I came to my bedroom by myself. When I opened a door, I saw a girl with short hair seating in a chair with a book in her hand. She must be a quiet girl who liked reading, I thought myself at the time. After we said hello to each other, other girl came in with a big noise. Her name was Rose.

13、 She was so outgoing and humor that both Cherry and I couldnt help laughing at her words. Then we had studied and had meals together, and became good friends. I cant forget the day when we spent together no matter where we are in the future.参考答案:How time flies! A week have passed before I noticed it

14、. Looking back on the things that hashappening last week, I found the life here full with happiness and interests. I can still remember the happened offirst day of the summer camp. I came to my bedroom by myself. When I opened a door, I saw a girl thewith short hair seating in a chair with a book in

15、 her hand. She must be a quiet girl who liked seated/sittingreading, I thought myself at the time. After we said hello to each other, other girl came in with a to anotherbig noise. Her name was Rose. She was so outgoing and humor that both Cherry and I couldnt help humorous laughing at her words. Th

16、en we had studied and had meals together, and became good friends. I 去掉cant forget the day when we spent together no matter where we are in the future.that/which 或去掉when75.seatingseated/sitting考察后置定语相当于定语从句who was seated或者who sat。故省略关系词变成seated/sitting。79.去掉we后的had句意:然后我们一起学习一起吃饭。根据上下文,这里是一般过去时,故去掉w

17、e后的had。80.whenthat/which 或去掉when 本题考查定语从句。句意:如论我们将来在哪,我都忘不了我们一起度过的日子。定语从句we spent together需要关系代词that/which做宾语,或者省略,修饰先行词the day,故whenthat/which 或去掉when。【名师点睛】another,other,others,the other和the others 辨析:1. another泛指(指三者或三者以上中的)另一个,既可作代词又可作形容词.做代词时,如:I have finished this book,please give me another.做

18、形容词时,如:I will be back in another ten days2. other其他的,另外的,泛指另一个另一些.作定语时,常与可数名词复数连用,如But other creditors have refused the terms,但如果前面有the,some,any,each,every及形容词性物主代词时,可与可数名词单数连用,如every other day。3. others泛指别的,其他人是other的复数形式.相当于other加可数名词复数。如:she has more concern for others than for herself.4. the oth

19、er可作代词也可作形容词,表(两者中的)另一个,常用于one.the other.的句型中,如she has two children,one is a boy,the other is a girl。5. the others是the other 的复数形式,特指某一范围内“全部或其余的人或物”,只作代词用,相当于the other 加可数名词复数,如Four of them are in the classroom,what about the others此外,语法固然重要,但是语感也很重要.平时读书读多了,看过去觉得哪个比较通顺,很大可能就是用那个。20. 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间

20、交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有l0处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下面划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1每处错误及其修改均仅限一词:2只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。I used to feeling pressured to do well in examsI was such afraid of falling behind that I kept think about studying every

21、minute of the dayThe pressure made me out of the breathTo my disappoint,the more worried I was about my studies,the less effective I becameLater,I realized I just took pressure too seriousSo I tried taking things easy by taking part in various activity after classTo my delight,this worked!Gradually,

22、I became more anxious about exams and began to take pleasure in my studiesPressure cant be avoidWhat counts is how to deal it properly参考答案:71.feeling feel72.such so73.think thinking 74.out of the breath 去掉the75.disppoint dosppointment76. serious seriously77. activity activities78.more less79. avoid

23、avoided80.deal it 之间加with三、 阅读理解21. Two new studies suggest that modern running shoes could increase the risk of injuries to runners. One study involved sixty-eight healthy young women and men who ran at least twenty-four kilometers a week. The runners were observed on a treadmill machine (跑步机). Som

24、etimes they wore running shoes. Other times they ran barefoot (赤脚). Researchers from the JKM Technologies company in Virginia, the University of Virginia and the University of Colorado did the study.They found that running shoes create more stress that could damage knees, hips and ankle joints than

25、running barefoot. They observed that the effect was even greater than the effect reported earlier for walking in high heels.The study appeared in the official scientific journal of The American Academy of Physical Medicine. The other study appeared in the journal Nature. It compared runners in the U

26、nited States and Kenya. The researchers were from Harvard University in Massachusetts, Moi University in Kenya and the University of Glasgow in Scotland.They divided the runners into three groups. One group had always run shoeless. Another group had always run with shoes. And the third group had cha

27、nged to shoeless running.Runners who wear shoes usually come down heel first. That puts great force on the back of the foot. But the study found that barefoot runners generally land on the front or middle of their foot. That way they ease into their landing and avoid striking their heel.Harvards Dan

28、iel Lieberman led the study. He says the way most running shoes are designed may explain why those who wear them land on their heels. The heel of the shoe is bigger and heavier than other parts of the shoe, so it would seem more likely to come down first. Also, the heel generally has thick material

29、under it to soften landings. But the researchers do not suggest that runners immediately start running barefoot. They say it takes some training. And there can be risks, like running when your feet are too cold to feel if you get injured.The study was partly supported by Vibram, which makes a kind o

30、f footwear that it says is like running barefoot. The findings have gotten a lot of attention. But the researchers say there are many problems in the way the press has reported in their paper. So they have tried to explain their findings on a Harvard Website. 25. Whats the main idea of the passage?A

31、. Walking in high heels could cause less serious effects than running barefoot.B. Two new discoveries encourage people to run in high heels.C. Running in shoes is partly good to runners.D. Two new studies prove running without shoes is beneficial to runners in most cases.26. Which part of our body c

32、ould be injured if we run in running shoes?A. Toes.B. Hips.C. Feet.D. Legs.27. What can we learn from the passage? A. The way that we run by landing on the front or middle of our foot could avoid damaging our heel. B. We should start running barefoot in no time. C. Running in modern running shoes co

33、uld cause more serious effects than running in high heels. D. We wont be injured if we run barefoot.28. What is the writers attitude towards the use of the modern running shoes? A. Persuasive.B. Negative. C. Objective.D. Supportive.参考答案:DBAC22. Its not just great minds that think alike. Dozens of th

34、e genes involved in the vocal learning that underpins human speech are also active in some songbirds(黄莺). And knowing this suggests that birds could become a standard model for investigating the genetics of speech production and speech disorders.Complex language is a uniquely human trait, but vocal

35、learning the ability to pick up new sounds by imitating others is not. Some mammals, including whales, dolphins and elephants, share our ability to learn new vocalizations(发声). So do three groups of birds: the songbirds, parrots and hummingbirds.The similarities between vocal learning in humans and

36、birds are not just superficial. We know, for instance, that songbirds have specialised vocal learning brain circuits that are similar to those that mediate(传达) human speech.Whats more, a decade ago we learned that FOXP2, a gene known to be involved in human language, is also active in “area X” of th

37、e songbird brain one of the brain regions involved in those specialised vocal learning circuits.Andreas Pfenning at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and his colleagues have now built on these discoveries. They compared maps of genetic activity in brain tissue taken from the zebra finch, bud

38、gerigar and Annas hummingbird, representing the three groups of vocal-learning birds.They then compared these genetic maps with others taken from birds and primates that cant learn new vocalisations, and with maps taken from the brains of six people who donated tissue to the Allen Brain Institute in

39、 Seattle.Their results showed that FOXP2 is just one of 55 genes that show a similar pattern of activity in the brains of humans and the vocal-learning birds. Those same genes show different patterns of activity in the brains of animals incapable of vocal learning.“The similarities are beyond one or

40、 a handful of genes,” says Pfenning. “There are just systematic molecular similarities between song-learning birds and humans.”“Theres potential for songbirds to be used to study neurodegeneration(神经元退变) especially conditions like Huntingtons,” says Pfenning. Huntingtons disease affects the ability

41、to produce complex motor behaviour, such as singing and talking, so experiments with birds might implicate particular genes in the disease.Constance Scharff at the Free University of Berlin in Germany, who helped identify the importance of FOXP2 for vocal learning in birds agrees that songbirds can

42、make great models for human speech and its pathologies(病理学). “My labs research during the past 10 years has shown that FOXP2 is as relevant for birds song learning as it is for human speech learning,” she says.61.Which of the following is WRONG according to the passage?A. The songbirds, parrots and

43、hummingbirds imitate humans.B. FOXP2 is active in one of the brain regions of the songbird brain.C. Songbirds have the same vocal learning brain circuits as human.D. FOXP2 is a gene that is known to be involved in human language.62.The underlined word “underpin” in the first paragraph probably means

44、 _.A. increaseB. supportC. preventD. decrease 63.What can we infer from the passage?A. FOXP2 was involved in human language about 12 years ago.B. Six people donated brain tissue to the Allen Brain Institute in Seattle.C. Experiments with songbirds are likely to help cure Huntingtons disease. D. Cons

45、tance Scharff discovered at the Free University of Berlin.64.What is the passage mainly about?A. Birds have different genes from humans.B. Humans and birds share the same singing genes.C. How FOXP2 affects the brains of humans and birds.D. Experiments with birds can cure the disease of humans.参考答案: 61.C 62.B 63.C 64.B考查科技类阅读

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