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1、V. Construction Site Coordination Management1. Construction General Layout Plan CoordinationBased on construction deployment and milestone delivery requirements in various phases, General Contractor is in charge of formulating overall plan for general layout plan and deliver technical disclosure to

2、subcontractors for carrying out dynamic management.General contractor is responsible for dispatching road, temporary storage yard, fixed storage yard within construction site unitedly.The subcontractor shall submit “temporary access road or storage yard application sheet to General contractor as per

3、 production requirements at each stage for approval by procedures.The subcontractor shall submit “Use of existing fixed storage yard application sheet” (Sheet 7-2) to General Contractor Production Coordination Department as per production requirements at each stage for approval.The subcontractors ar

4、e responsible for standardized management and maintenance of public facilities, surrounding roads within fixed storage yard or temporary site they used, as well as to cater for General Contractors standardized management requirements.2. Temporary Water and Power Supply CoordinationGeneral Contractor

5、 is in charge of overall planning and implementation for temporary water and power supply deployment and deliver technical disclosure to subcontractors.The subcontractors are in charge of configuring full-time temporary water and power supply managerial personnel, who should submit to General Contra

6、ctor “Subcontracting use power general schedule” within stipulated period, as well as to sign “ Temporary water and power use management agreement” with General Contractor within one week.The subcontractor shall submit “Use of temporary power supply application” to General Contractor Production Coor

7、dination Department as per production requirements at each stage for approval.The subcontractors are in charge of safety management of temporary water and power use and accept daily inspection from General Contractor, as well as rectify the discovered problems during inspection and make reply immedi

8、ately.3. Temporary Facilities CoordinationGeneral Contractor is in charge of overall planning and implementation for temporary facilities, formulating usage allocation scheme and deliver technical disclosure to subcontractors.The subcontractor shall submit “Use of temporary facilities (office, livin

9、g) application sheet” to General Contractor Production Coordination Department as per production requirements at each stage for approval.The subcontractors are in charge of maintain and manage temporary facilities use and accept daily inspection from General Contractor, as well as rectify the discov

10、ered problems during inspection and make reply immediately.The subcontractors are in charge of applying overall acceptance and handover to General Contractor after temporary facilities usage completed.4. Material and Equipment Mobilization and Demobilization Coordination The subcontractors shall sub

11、mit detailed material, equipment mobilization application schedule in accordance with General Contractors construction progress to confirm material, equipment name, specification, model and mobilization time.The subcontractors are in charge of material mobilization and demobilization, who shall prep

12、are documents which include, but not limited to, material type, transportation mode, quality assurance, etc. as well as submit “Material/equipment mobilization and demobilization application sheet” to General Contractor Production Coordination Department for approval.The subcontractors are in charge

13、 of abide by General Contractors site material and equipment management system, pile up mobilized material and equipment in good order, accept daily inspection from General Contractor, as well as rectify the discovered problems during inspection and make reply immediately.5. Vertical Transportation

14、CoordinationGeneral Contractor is in charge of overall planning and implementation for vertical transportation equipment, formulating project vertical transportation scheme and deliver technical disclosure to subcontractors.The subcontractors shall submit “ Subcontract vertical transportation equipm

15、ent use schedule sheet” to General Contractor for approval.The subcontractor shall submit “Use of vertical transportation application sheet” to General Contractor Production Coordination Department every day as per daily construction demand for approval.General Contractor is in charge of planning al

16、l subcontractors vertical transportation equipment use situation as a whole and formulating and public “Daily use distribution sheet of vertical transportation equipment” , as well as coordinate and resolve emergent problems among subcontractors for using vertical transportation equipment.The subcon

17、tractors are in charge of configure full-time staff to manage vertical transportation within subcontractors and cooperate General Contractor to coordinate and resolve emergent problems among subcontractors for using vertical transportation equipment.General Contractor is in charge of arranging verti

18、cal transportation equipments keep and maintenance, attachment, jacking time reasonably and give to publicity timely.6. Public Operation Platform CoordinationGeneral Contractor is in charge of formulating overall plan for public operation platform and deliver technical disclosure to subcontractors i

19、n accordance with contract organization or entrust subcontractors to erect, dismantle and maintain public operation platform.The subcontractor shall submit “Dismantle of public operation platform application sheet” to General Contractor Production Coordination Department for approval due to the need

20、 of altering, dismantling platform, dismantle shall be conducted only after obtained the approval, which could be used only after inspection and acceptance of dismantling and alteration.General Contractor is in charge of supervising public operation platforms use condition, handling misuse timely.7.

21、 Public Security Protection CoordinationGeneral Contractor is in charge of unifying public security standard in accordance with contract organization or entrust subcontractors to fit with public security protection facilities, as well as deliver technical disclosure to subcontractors.General Contrac

22、tor is in charge of public security protection and supervision within public area, the subcontractors are responsible for security protection and supervision within working face.The subcontractor shall submit “Dismantle of public security protection application sheet” to General Contractor Productio

23、n Coordination Department for approval due to the need of altering, dismantling safety protection, dismantle shall be conducted only after obtained the approval, which could be used only after inspection and acceptance of dismantling and alteration.General Contractor is in charge of managing securit

24、y protection in construction site as a whole, as well as execute supervision and acceptance works for safety protection dismantling and alteration.8. Site Elevation Axis CoordinationGeneral Contractor is responsible for preparing overall survey control scheme, establishing Level 1 plane and vertical

25、 control network, main axis, elevation control networks within site area, as well as make identification and carry out daily maintenance, meanwhile deliver control point and control axis disclosure to subcontractors, finish handover works.The subcontractors are in charge of configuring qualified sur

26、veyors, surveying instrument, calibrate survey instrument periodically and submit to General Contractor for register.The subcontractors are in charge of measuring pass, setting out, measurement testing, deformation monitoring, etc.9. Site Construction Interfaces CoordinationGeneral Contractor is in

27、charge of organize subcontractors to identify all interfaces, form “Interface matrix table”, “Interface division schematic diagram”.The subcontractors are in charge of familiarizing with construction contract, in case of requiring other subcontractors cooperation matters, draft a list and submit Gen

28、eral Contractor for register.General Contractor is in charge of formulating subcontractors working face transfer plan as per progress programme, as well as organize related parties to transfer working faces as scheduled.As receiver of working faces, the subcontractors are in charge of preparing crit

29、ical areas transfer list, under General Contractors management, make three tier transfer check and form check record.As receiver of working faces, the subcontractors are in charge of completing the remained works and rectifying the defected works to achieve transfer requirements as scheduled pursuan

30、t to “Key areas working face transfer list” requirements provided by the receiver.VI. Public Resources Management1. Management Key Points at Each StageManagement ProcessManagement Key PointsPlane management(1) Layout planning and deployment(2) Site and road approval(3) Daily management of traffic or

31、ganization and civilized construction Temporary water, power supply management(1) Planning and total quantity control for temporary water and power supply(2) Management agreement signing for temporary water and power supply(3) Temporary water and power supply approval(4) Management responsibility di

32、vision and daily maintenanceTemporary facilities management(1) Implementation of temporary facilities planning and deployment pursuant to contract type(2) Approval and acceptance of temporarily used land and facilities(3) Daily supervision of temporary facilities(4) Transfer and counter transfer of

33、temporary facilitiesVertical transportation equipment management(1) Planning and daily maintenance of vertical transportation equipment(2) Supervision of subcontractors vertical transportation equipment usage plan(3) Daily approval and display to public for vertical transportation equipment(4) Daily

34、 supervision and statistical analysis for vertical transportation equipment usePublic operation platform management(1) Public operation platform planning and deployment(2) Daily supervision and coordination for public operation platform use(3) Approval of public operation platform dismantle and alte

35、r Public security protection management(1) Prepare unified standard and deployment for public security protection(2) Public security protection dismantle and alter approval and acceptance(3) Public security protection transfer, acceptance and counter transfer(4) Daily maintenance and supervision for

36、 public security protectionSurvey management(1) Preparation and implementation of general survey control scheme(2) Transfer and daily maintenance of controlling point and axis.(3) Supervision and management for subcontractors survey execution, survey result, personnel and equipment. 2. Plane Managem

37、entBased on construction deployment and milestone delivery requirements in various phases, to organize general layout plans overall planning, deployment and deliver disclosure to subcontractors for carrying out dynamic management to ensure its effectiveness.3. Temporary water, power supply managemen

38、tTo be responsible for overall planning construction site temporary water, power supply arrangement, implement or entrust implementation according to contract requirements and deliver disclosure to subcontractors.4. Temporary facilities managementMake Overall planning for temporary facilities and im

39、plement according to contract requirements, establish use schedule and deliver disclosure to subcontractors, who are in charge of use normally and maintain periodically.5. Vertical transportation equipment managementDesign and Technical Department are responsible for make overall planning and deploy

40、ment of vertical transportation equipment, construction and coordination team are in charge of delivering disclosure to subcontractors, as well as install, dismantle, maintain vertical transportation equipment as per contract organization or entrust implementation.6. Public operation platform manage

41、mentDesign and Technical Department are responsible for make overall planning and deployment of public operation platform, construction and coordination team are in charge of delivering disclosure to subcontractors, as well as install, dismantle, maintain public operation platform as per contract or

42、ganization or entrust implementation.7. Public security protection managementTo unify public security protection standard, organize or entrust implementation of public security protection facilities and delivering disclosure to subcontractors, the subcontractors are in charge of erecting or maintain

43、 self-working faces safety protection.8. Survey ManagementTo transfer plane height measurement control point to the employer and do re-measurement for control point, to prepare general survey control scheme and establish level 1 plane and height control networks within site, the subcontractors shall

44、 complete their own surveying works and be responsible for surveying results.To set up main axis, elevation control networks within site, as well as make identification and daily maintenance, deliver disclosure to subcontractors in respect of control points and control axis within site and complete

45、handover works. To inspect and check subcontractors surveyors, surveying instrument and survey scheme.To urge subcontractors to establish survey instrument management list (Table9-2);to supervise subcontractors to calibrate survey instrument periodically and submit to General Contractor for register

46、.To review subcontractors surveying result and organize subcontractors to resolve surveying tolerance timely to form surveying result as a whole.To supervise subcontractors to complete survey pass, setting out, measurement detection, deformation monitoring, etc., supervise subcontractors to make ide

47、ntification and maintenance of their surveying axis, elevation control points.VII.Interface Management1. Construction Procedure Interface ManagementTo organize subcontractors to prepare “Key parts construction procedures list” as per “Interface matrix table”, “Interface division schematic diagram” s

48、ubmitted by detailed design team.To be responsible for prepare implementation schedule for key parts construction procedure process and urge subcontractors to organize construction as scheduled.To organize subcontractors to hand over working procedure, as for defected works discovered in handing ove

49、r process, record timely and supervise involved party to rectify as scheduled.After related parties rectification completed, record in writing and signature on “Key parts construction procedure flow chart”.2. Construction Working Face ManagementTo prepare subcontractors working face transfer schedule according to progress plan, to arrange working face

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