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1、滨州市阳信县第二学期初一期中学业水平检测英语试卷第一卷选用题某些(55分)一、单项选用。(1 5分)1、I want a house _ a big garden Ain Bof Cwith Dfor2、- _- - Im a reporterAWhat do you do? BWho are you?CWhat are you? DBoth A and C3、Can you play football _ basketball?Aand Bso Cor Dbut4、Our school is _children _6-12Ain,for Bfor,inCof,for Dfor,of5、Why

2、 _your father like coalas? Because they are _interestingAdoes ,kind of Bdoes ,kinds of Cdo ,kind of Ddo ,a kind of6、The film is _Arelax Brelaxing Crelaxed Drelaxes7、There are three _in the officeApoliceman BpolicemenCpolices Dpolicewoman 8、-Is Bob doing homework?-No,he _He is _a letterAdoesnt ,write

3、 Bisnt,writesCisnt,writing Disnt,writeing9、Were talking _the final exam(考试)Awith Bto Cabout Dof10、This is _ roomAJim and Tom BJims and Toms CJims and Tom DJim and Toms11、Please call me _ 536-6988Aof Bin Cat Dthe12、There are many apples _the treeAin Bon Cunder Dof13、Amy often _TV in the evening,but t

4、his evening she _clothesAwatches,is washing Bis watching,is washing14、Can you speak English? -Yes,but only _Aa few Ba little Ca lot Dmany15、He helps his friends _ their EnglishAin Bat Cto DWith二、完型填空。(1 0分)It is 16 in Qing DaoIts very hot hereNow,there are many people 17 vacationThey go to the beach

5、 and have 18 good time thereToday is 19 ,it is not very hotOn the beach,a lot of people 20 to their friends 21 looking at the beautiful seaSome of them are22_ ,Other are taking 23 Can you find 24 ?I m the boy in blue shortsI m going to dive (潜水)It s2516、AAugust BDecember CMarch DJanuary17、Ain Bon Ca

6、t I Dwith18、A/ Ban Ca Dthe19、Awinds Bwind Cwinding Dwindy20、Ais talking Bare talking Cis selling Dare telling21、Ato Bbut Cand Dbecause22、Aswim Bswims Cswimming Dswimming23、Aphotos Bphotoes Cphones Dpotatoes24、AI Bme Cmy Dmine 25、Ahot Bwarm Ccold DCool 三、阅读理解。(30分)AIts nine oclock in the eveningThe f

7、amily are at homeJims father is sitting in a chairHes watching TVHis mother is standing near the windowShes giving some food to PollyPolly says,Thanks!Thanks! Wheres Jim?Oh,hes behind the doorKate is looking for himThey are playing gamesThere is no homework on Sunday evening根据短文选用对旳答案。26、There are _

8、people in the familyAthree Bfour Cfive Dsix27、Who is watching TV in a chair?_AJim is BIts Jim CJims father is DIts Jims father28、Jim and Kate are _Agood friends Btwo girls Ctwo boys Dbrothers and sisters29、The children _doing their homeworkAarent Bisnt Cdont Dnot30、Whats Kate doing?AShes doing her h

9、omework BShes standing near the windowCShes looking for a pen DShes playing gamesBLucy and Kate are English girlsThey are twinsThey are studying Chinese in Beijing nowThey are in Miss Gaos class。In their class,there are fiftytwo studentsThere are twentyeight boys and twentyfour girlsWhere are the tw

10、ins(双胞胎)?Look,they are sitting near the door of the classroomLucy is wearing a red coatKate is wearing a yellow sweaterThey are having a Chinese class,They like Chinese根据短文内容判断正误。对在答题卡中写T错写F31、The two girls are twinsThey are in a school of China32、Lucy and Kate are in the same class33、Lucy is in a y

11、ellow sweater34、Now they are studying Chinese in the classroom35、There are twenty-eight girls in their classCLi Ming is staying with the Wangs family for the weekendToday it is warm and fineThe family are having dinner in the gardenThey often have dinner in the garden on a warm and fine spring dayNo

12、w Mrand MrsWang are sitting at the table with Li Ming under a treeIt s great to have dinner out here on such a lovely day, MrsWang says What s the weather like in your hometown (家乡),Li Ming? MrWang asks It s not verywarm in springBut I like the spring there best Help yourself to some cakes,Li Ming,

13、MrsWang saysThanks, says Li MingThe cakes are very niceI enjoy the dinner very much36、Li Ming is staying with the Wangs family_Afor a week Bfor a day Cfor the weekend Dfor a month37、Its not cold spring day,is it?AYes,it is BNoIts a warm spring dayCNoIts a warm winter day DYesIt is a warm spring day3

14、8、The family are having their dinnerAin the house Bin the garden Cin the park Din the hotel39、Whats the weather like in Li Mings hometown?AIt isnt very cold in spring BIts very niceCIts not very warm in spring DIts very cold40、How does Li Ming like the dinner?AHe enjoys the dinner very much BHe only

15、 enjoys the cakeCHe eats a lot DHe doesnt enjoy the cake第二卷 非选用题某些(45分)四,词汇。(1 0分)根据句意和首字母提醒补全单词。1、My mobile phone is broken(坏)Wheres a p _ phone,please?2、Lucy is taking photos with a c _3、You can borrow(借)some books from the school l_4、We have many al _ after school5、They swim every day d _the holi

16、days(节日)根据汉语写单词。1、There is a _ (超市)in the neighborhood2、My brother wants to be a _ (警察)He thinks its an _ (令人激动)job3、In the third photo,shes swimming at the _ (游泳池)4、Welcome to the _ (花园) District五,翻译句子,每空一词(含缩写)(10分)1、你想找一份忙碌但有趣工作吗?Do you want a _but _ job?2、你姐姐在等谁?Who is your sister _?3、她还喜欢其她什么书?

17、What _ _ does she like?4、这家旅馆在我家对面。This hotel is _ _ my house5、汤姆想拥有一种中华人民共和国笔友。Tom _a pen pal in _六,补全对话,每空一词(含缩写)。(10分)A:Hello!B:Hi!Frank1 are you now?A:Im in Shanghai,ChinaB:Good! 2 the weather like there?A: 3 very hotB:What 4 you wearing?A:Im wearing a T-shirt and glassesBCool!What are you 5 ?A:

18、Im swimming 6 my friendsHere are many people 7 vacationSome boys are 8 basketballSome girls are singingWhat are you doing now?B:Im 9 TV with my parentsA:GreatB:Have a good timeA 10 Bye-byeB:Bye-bye1_2_3_4_5_6_7_8_9_l 0_七、写作。(1 5分)你家人或朋友都是做什工作?长大后来你想做什么工作,为何?写5到8句话,字数50以上。滨州市阳信县第二学期初一期中学业水平检测英语试卷参照答案

19、一、15 CDCDA 610 BBCCD 11l5 CBABD二、l620ABCDB 2125 CDABD 三、2630 BCDAD 3135 TTFTF 3640 CDBCA四、A1pay 2camera 31ibrary 4activities 5duringB1supermarket 2:policeman 3exciting 4pool 5Garden五、lbusy,interesting 2waiting for 3other books 4across from5wants China六、lWhere 2Whats 3Its 4are 5doing 6with 7on 8playi

20、ng9watching 10Thanks七、略袁节膅薂羄肅蒃薁蚃芀荿薀螆肃芅蕿袈芈膁蚈羀肁蒀蚇蚀袄莆蚇螂肀莂蚆羅袂芈蚅蚄膈膄蚄螇羁蒂蚃衿膆莈蚂羁罿芄螁蚁膄膀螁螃羇葿螀袅膃蒅蝿肈羆莁螈螇芁芇莄袀肄膃莄羂艿蒂莃蚂肂莈蒂螄芈芄蒁袆肀膀蒀罿袃薈葿螈聿蒄葿袁羁莀蒈羃膇芆蒇蚃羀膂蒆螅膅蒁薅袇羈莇薄罿膄芃薃虿羆艿薃袁节膅薂羄肅蒃薁蚃芀荿薀螆肃芅蕿袈芈膁蚈羀肁蒀蚇蚀袄莆蚇螂肀莂蚆羅袂芈蚅蚄膈膄蚄螇羁蒂蚃衿膆莈蚂羁罿芄螁蚁膄膀螁螃羇葿螀袅膃蒅蝿肈羆莁螈螇芁芇莄袀肄膃莄羂艿蒂莃蚂肂莈蒂螄芈芄蒁袆肀膀蒀罿袃薈葿螈聿蒄葿袁羁莀蒈羃膇芆蒇蚃羀膂蒆螅膅蒁薅袇羈莇袄芈蒇袇螀芇蕿蚀聿芆艿蒃肅芅蒁螈羁芄薃薁袆芃芃螆螂芃莅蕿肁节








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