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1、WORLD CLASS MANUFACTURINGPLANT AUDIT&EVALUATION GUIDE1Dr.Hajime YamashinaProfessor Emeritus,Kyoto UniversityMember of RSAMember of Royal Swedish Academy ofEngineering Sciences12024/6/27 周四New Audit GuideSeptember,20092The score is determined by this level as inthe case where customers see our qualit

2、y.22024/6/27 周四Step 66610 TechnicalPillarsStep 710 ManagerialissuesFinal TargetStepStep 444Step 3Step 2Step 13Step 532024/6/27 周四Step 2Countermeasures(Listing alland horizontalexpansionassessmentStep 61.Safety(plant-wide)Step 7FullyimplementedsafetymanagementManagement initiatedSelf-initiated4Analys

3、is ofaccidents(Analysis ofcauses)Step 1Step 3Settingtentativestandards forsafetysafetyproblems)(Countermeasures Riskat the similarareas)Step 4Generalinspection forsafety(Train andgrow peoplein such away that theycare forsafety)Step 5Autonomousinspection(Predictivecountermeasures againstsafetyproblem

4、s)ReactivePreventiveProactiveAutonomoussafety standards(*Overallinspection ofsafety levels*Reevaluation ifsafety control)Team initiated42024/6/27 周四StepCountermeasuresReactive1Accident analysis and countermeasuresIncident analysis and countermeasuresPreventive2-5Horizontal expansion of countermeasur

5、esVisual demonstration(simulation,video,etc.)ofaccidents to alert people about safety,Compliance with the safety legal regulationsSafety risk assessment*Management SMAT,Safety auditRoot cause analysis of incidents with specialemphasis on near misses and unsafe actsSelf-initiated safety activitiesPro

6、active6-7Team initiated safety activitiesSystem to make people not able to makemistakes552024/6/27 周四Safety(Reactive)1.5G6Heinrich pyramid6.S-Matrix7.Managementinitiated safety2.5W+1H,5Why10.Emergencyplan3.7 WCM tools9.Basic safetystandards4.Knowledge8.SafetyStep 15.The principle of62024/6/27 周四Safe

7、ty(Reactive)1.5G2.5W+1H,5Why3.7 WCM tools4.Knowledge of all safety legal requirements and company standards andcompliance analysis5.The principle of Heinrich pyramid6.S matrix77.Management initiated safety activities8.Safety step 1:Accident analysis*,safety RCA of injury incidents andtheir counterme

8、asures9.Basic safety standards for pedestrianization,control of vehicles,work atheight,machinery safety guarding,etc.10.Emergency plan and facilities for accident,fire,explosion,etc.72024/6/27 周四ManyfactorsAccident StructureFR1Linear23Lot ofAccident analysisFactorsFrequencyRateEvolutionTime882024/6/

9、27 周四FRFrequency very frequentAccident analysis1Permanent2Sporadicor episodic3ExceptionalActivityProblemAnticipateDetectionSpecific,habitual,linkwith jobTechnicalfailureEasyConnected,secondaryno inhabitualOrganisational,misfit betweenactivitiesDifficultNot connectedwith jobGap and driftaccumulationV

10、ery difficultMeans ofdetectionCheckinspectionJob AnalysisWorst caseAuditsGap DetectionTime992024/6/27 周四ReactivePreventiveProactiveAAVery high number ofaccidents,medicaltreatments,first aidsVery highpotentialVery highrisk*AHighHighpotentialHigh riskBMediumMediumpotentialMedium riskCLowLowpotentialLo

11、w risk Classification of areas10102024/6/27 周四1.Safetystep 22.Safety standardsgap analysismatrix9.EffectiveSafety(Preventive)10.Occupationalhealth checkup3.SafetyResponsibility5.Safety RCA7.SafetyStep 46.Incident trend analysis11reporting4.SafetyStep 38.SafetyStep 5112024/6/27 周四Safety(Preventive)1.

12、Safety step 2:Safety standardization and horizontal expansion2.Safety standards gap analysis3.Safety responsibility matrix,safety communication system,green cross4.Safety step 3:Visual safety standards,PPE,Risk assessment*5.Safety RCA inclusive of near misses and unsafe acts+TWTTP andsuitable counte

13、rmeasures6.Incident trend analysis127.Safety step 4:Periodic safety audits by senior management*,Manage-ment SMAT,shift manager SMAT8.Safety step 5:Operator SMAT9.Effective reporting of non-injuries incidents10.Occupational health checkup and follow up122024/6/27 周四*Note:Fire risks,earthquakes,thund

14、ers,typhoons,hurricanes,mobileequipment,safety guarding,first aid boxes,noise,irrespirable dust,harmfuldust,explosive atmosphere,mechanical risks(falling from a height,slipping,falling over,stabs,cuts,grazes,particles projections,blows,impacts,crushing,fall of manipulated objects),electrical risks,e

15、lectromagnetic waves,vibration,ergonomics,illuminations,overloads,material handling,VOC(volatile organic compounds),CO,O3,hazardous materials,chemicalmaterials,thermal risk(heat,fire,cold),gasses(vapors),radiation(non-ion,ion),asbestos,etc.13*Audits and guidance by senior management have an importan

16、t place in allWCM activities,including safety.Regular audits keep people andorganizations on their toes and help raise technical standards.Prepare listsof audit items that relate to safety,health,and pollution;clarify evaluationstandpoints and levels;and establish a system of(at least)every fourmont

17、hs on-site audits by senior managers.This is indispensable foreliminating accidents.132024/6/27 周四Safety(Proactive)1.Safetystep 62.Safety RCA+10.Employeesatisfaction3.System tocreate motivation9.Body age4.Intrinsic safetydesign forequipment5.Intrinsic safetydesign for workshop146.Safety step 78.Heal

18、th advice7.Health campaign142024/6/27 周四Safety(Proactive)1.Safety step 6:Team initiated safety activities2.Safety RCA+TWTTP+human error identification at one of three phases(perception,judgment and action)and its proper countermeasures3.System to create motivation to record all kinds of near misses,

19、unsafe condition and acts.154.Intrinsic safety design for equipment and process5.Intrinsic safety design for workshop and plant6.Safety step 7:System to make people not able to make mistakes7.Health campaign8.Health advice to include well-being programs9.Checking body age and actual age10.Employee s

20、atisfaction with health and safety152024/6/27 周四Level 4Level 56.Team initiated safety*Proactive approach tosafety7.Fully implemented2safety managementLevel 6345The seven levels of safetyLevel 716Level 1Level 2Level 31.Setting safety organization2.Model areas selection*Safety matrix*Safety EWO to acc

21、idents,medications5.Autonomous safety4.Further detail root causes analysis*Safety EWO to near misses,unsafeconditions and acts3.Step by step extension*Model areas:Step 4 zero accidents,zero medications1Expansion and development162024/6/27 周四17The seven levels of safety1.Setting safety organization*A

22、ppointed person for safety*Reports of accidents,medications and countermeasures*Safety pyramid*Register and compliance analysis of national safety requirements2.Model areas selection and creation of know-how to eliminate accidents andmedications*Safety matrix*Classification(AA,A,B,C)*Model areas sel

23、ection,development of Safety step 1 3:zero accidents*Safety EWO applied to accidents,medications*Visible safety standards*Risk assessment3.Step by step extension*Management SMAT*Model area:Safety step 4Zero accidents,Zero medications172024/6/27 周四18*AA Safety step 1 3 :zero accidents*Formal recorded

24、 risk assessments carried out,reviewed and updated*100%adhered SMAT audit*Contractor involved*Occupational health program4.Further detail root causes analysis*Safety EWO applied up to near misses,unsafe conditions and unsafe acts*Safety EWO+TWTTP5.Autonomous safety,operator SMAT*Dynamic risk assessm

25、ents*Model area :Safety step 5*AA:Safety step 4*A:Safety step 1 3182024/6/27 周四6.Team initiated safety.Proactive approach to safety*Further detailed root causes analysis(recognition judgment and action)*No lost time accidents for the last 3 years*No unsafe conditions*Health advice available for the

26、last 3 years*Model area :Safety step 6AA:Safety step 5A :Safety step 4B :Safety step 1 37.Fully implemented safety management*No lost time accidents for the last 5 years*Almost no medications*Almost no unsafe acts*Employee satisfaction with health and safety*Model area :Safety step 7*AA:Safety step

27、6*A :Safety step 5*B :Safety step4*C :Safety step 1 319192024/6/27 周四Criteria to Evaluate Achievement Level Safety/Hygiene&Working Environment(1)Safety Evaluation Levels0.No action There are no activities to improve safety.1.Reactive There are an appointed person responsible for safety andan organiz

28、ation including finance.There are reports of accidents(fatal,severe,lost time),medical treatments and first aids with investigationand countermeasures taken.Safety statistics (S-matrix)informationavailable.Register and compliance analysis of legal safety requirements.Sitemanager and team are aware o

29、f legal and company safety standards.Plant and equipment visually appears to conform to all legal andcompany safety standards.Machinery safety guarding is visuallycompliant with safety standards.Site meets basic safety standards for pedestrianization,control ofvehicles,work at height,etc.Emergency p

30、lan and facilities in place for accident,fire,explosion,etc.No substantial reduction of accidents has been achieved yet.20202024/6/27 周四Criteria to Evaluate Achievement Level Safety/Hygiene&Working Environment212.Preventive,the model areas The principle of Heinrich pyramidunderstood.Safety data coll

31、ated and analyzed.All injury incidents arereported,thoroughly investigated up to root causes(lack of knowledge,skills;unsafe tools,equipment;unsafe procedures,system;poorattitude,behavior;lack of care,attention;personal conditions)andcountermeasures to avoid repeats for the similar injury in the sim

32、ilarareas are implemented.Professional safety tools are in place and used(Responsibility matrix,risk assessment,incident trend analysis,managerial SMATs,standards gap analysis),Safety improvementaction plan in place,displayed from the model areas.Housekeeping 5Sin model areas and a good standard els

33、ewhere.Responsibility matrixwith named persons with H+S responsibilities.Management site safetyinspections scheduled and up to date.Risk assessment process inplace and job safety information available.Management SMATschedule displayed and up to date.Site safety steering groupestablished and function

34、al.Evidence is displayed about the safetycommunication system within the plant.Register of safety warningreceipt and local action plan.Basic occupational health system inplace(eye sight and hearing regular checks,etc.).212024/6/27 周四Criteria to Evaluate Achievement Level Safety/Hygiene&Working Envir

35、onment223.Preventive,all the major areas Safety data from fatal,severe,losttime,medical treatments,fist aids,near misses and unsafe acts fullyanalyzed up to root causes.Safety pyramid of incidents is displayedregularly updated.Countermeasures prioritized with fully developedaction plan.There are vis

36、ible safety standards(pillar and workshopboards active,PPE requirements,etc.)established by safety riskassessment and preventive counter-measures against accidents in thepast.Effective H+S management system in place.Up to date safetyinformation boards including green cross,but they are not strictlyf

37、ollowed by all employees.Written local standards and procedures withfull of sketches are available and communicated.Evidence of regularcompliance checks with national safety legislation plus action plan.Formal recorded risk assessments carried out,reviewed and updated.Regular access to and assistanc

38、e of a competent EHS manager.Regular meetings of health&safety steering group chaired by the plantmanager which sets objectives,assesses progress and identifiesresource requirements.Effective reporting of non-injury incidents data.Visible SMAT audit schedule displayed and 100%adhered to by themanage

39、ment.222024/6/27 周四Criteria to Evaluate Achievement Level Safety/Hygiene&Working EnvironmentManager uses SMAT as reinforcing tool:Root causes of unsafebehaviors determined by using TWTTP with corrective actionsEvidence of contractor involvement in safety programmeOccupational health programme to inc

40、lude:Active programme to reduce noise exposure where significant.Health assessment and job risk assessment for all employeesEvaluation of total site risk level234.Proactive,the model areas Employee participation in all areas isevidenced by use of check lists,identification and control of hazards,emp

41、loyees involved in SMAT type observations.Autonomous safetymodel areas fully active and successful.People are responsible fortheir own safety,and take countermeasures autonomously againstsafety problems.All near misses and unsafe acts are reported,thoroughly investigated up to root causes and counte

42、rmeasures areimplemented.Root cause analysis is made up to at what stage(recognition,judgment and act)unsafe act takes place.232024/6/27 周四24Criteria to Evaluate Achievement Level Safety/Hygiene&Working EnvironmentShape of safety pyramid is positive.The observation of the the near misses,unsafe cond

43、itions and acts are decreasing steadily after the increase of thenumber of observations and taking proper countermeasures against them.Demonstrable involvement of employees at all levels in safety systemdevelopment.Assessment of safety leadership by use of employee attitudequestionnaires determine a

44、ppropriate action plan.Employees in all areasdemonstrate their participation in the safety management programme:-Shift,daily,weekly safety inspections and check sheets.-Regular use of dynamic risk assessments.-Identification of a significant number of unsafe conditions and acts.-Involvement in the r

45、isk assessment process.-Ownership and contribution to safe working procedures.-Employee participation in incident investigations.-Employee writing of SOPsAutonomous safety model in place with significant involvement and risk reduction.-Eliminating or reducing risks where possible-Workplace and work

46、practice improvements in safety-Evidence of contribution and involvement of team membersSafety pillar board and workshop boards are maintained to a high standard.The site has good levels of housekeeping(5S)in all areas.242024/6/27 周四Criteria to Evaluate Achievement Level Safety/Hygiene&Working Envir

47、onment5.Proactive,all the major areas Proactive approach to safety.No Lost TimeAccidents for the last three years.Health advice to include well-being programme(diet,weight,smoking and stress issues).Fully implemented Safety ManagementSystem.OHSAS 18001 achieved.Safety leadership at all levels is vis

48、ible andappreciated by the employees.Employee questionnaires demonstrate continuousimprovement and high levels of employee satisfaction with health and safety.Autonomous safety is a way of life in the plant.Employees take leadership insome elements of the safety programme:25-Use SMAT skills to chang

49、e behaviors in the workplace-Coach and train other employees-Review SOPs+risk assessments-Analyze near miss incidents and unsafe actsAll employees are fully informed about relevant health and safety issues.Demonstrated evidence of continuous risk elimination/reduction.Contractors and suppliers activ

50、ely involved in safety improvement programme.252024/6/27 周四Step 62.Cost Deployment(plant-wide)Step 7 Establishimprovementplan and itsimplementation Follow up and tothe next stage G matrixStep 126Step 2 Translateidentifiedwastes andlosses intocostsStep 4 Identify totalfactory costsby financialdept.Es

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