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1、国际音标48元音20辅28,元音有7短5长和8双,7短是:e i u 5长是:i:a:u:8双有:ai au ei u i i u e 辅音是:辅音是:b p m f d t n l g k h r s z v w d3 t 3 j tr dr ts dz 1五个元音字母的音素:短音因素:a e i o u 长音因素:a e i o u (字母名称音)2 音素:字母在单词中的读音。音标:音素的书面符号。音标符号:/3a的短音音素 fat cat man hat can fan van cap map lap dad A fat cat is in a mans hat.A can and a

2、fan are on a van.A cap and a map are on dads lap.4e的短音音素 bed red hen pen net pet wet help get egg yes ten Ted is in a red bed.Ten pens are by a hen.A wet pet is in a net.5i的短音音素 big hill pig is Miss sit pit in can swim fish ship chick A big pig is on a hill.Miss cat can sit in a pit.I can swim.Is it

3、 a fish.Yes,it is.6o、u的短音音素 doll on box dog fun frog log stop top run mum bus cup sunA doll is on a box.A dog and a frog are on a log.Stop a top.Its by a mop.I can run.It is fun in the sun.7revision重读闭音节:(口诀)“元辅”结构,即“1个元音+1个/多个辅音”。(例如:big fish)重读开音节(口诀)1、“辅元”结构,即“辅音+1个元音”(例如:go we )2、“元辅e”结构,即“1个元音+

4、1个/多个辅音+e”(例如:bike like same)8 name same cake we kite white write ride bike no go home use My name is lane.I can name the same cake.We like him.Write on the white kite.Mike can ride his bike.9 happy family have apple bag seven lesson red pencil six taxi takeWe have a happy family.My apple is in my b

5、ag.It is a red pencil.Its six.Lets take a taxi.10 doctor sorry what oclock time son come look book sister sweater sit very day good What time is it?Its seven oclock.Look!It is a good book.My sister has a sweater11五个长元音please read speak bee green see tall horse walk small ball girl skirt school room

6、whose banana car 121、Please read and speak it.2、A bee can see a green hill.3、A tall horse can walk.4、It is a small ball.5、A girl has a skirt.6Whose school is this?Its my school.7、Its my car/banana.13 ride white bike fly kite cow our town play game cold old home mouse house night fight 1Mike can ride

7、 a white bike.Jane can fly a kite.2、A cow is in our town.3、Lets play a game.4、It is cold.An old man is at home.14 near here Look at the hens near here.boy toy A boy has a toy.pear stair Look!A pear is on a stair.sure poor 15 Japanese jeep orange teacher watch chair shirt shoe pair1、It is a Japanese

8、jeep.2、It is my orange.3、My teachers watch is on the chair.4、I have a shirt and a pair of shoes.16 this that mother brother father three thirteen English England morning you yes student 1、Three plus ten is thirteen.2、Im not English.3、I study English in England.4、Are you a student?No,I am not.Im a teacher.17 tree truck train draw dress drink driver cats boats skirts coats birds beds friends 181、I can see a tree.A truck is near by a train.2、I can draw a dress .3、The driver has a drink.4、There are cats in those boats.5、I have many skirts and coats.6.Birds are our friends19

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