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1、Environment Protection Low-carbon Life 1low carbon life Low carbon life it is a good way to protect our environment,but how to come true this thing?we should do carefully and do some little things.Little by little,everything will be changed!2How to live in a low-carbon life?First of all,we should re

2、alize【了解】that low carbon life is not only a kind of life attitude【态度】is a way of life.If want to do this,everyone can do it!3Recycling the old batteryUsing energy-saving bulbTurning off the power socket TimelyChoosing the bicycles4How to protect our environment Our living environment is getting wron

3、g,many things were died,we hardly ever can see many animals and plants around.Now the world have many people to be hunters,you now the furs from animals are very valuable【值钱的】And we need wood to make some important things.Although we cant live without them.But we can reduce animals and plant more tr

4、ees.Thats the way we can have a good enviroment.56Now more and more people get to know its important to protect our living environment.As a student,its my duty to do something for the earth.From now on,Ill go to school by bike or on foot instead of in a car.Ill use fewer plastic bags【少用塑料袋】to reduce

5、 white pollution【减少白色污染】.In order to save energy Ill plant more trees so that the air will be fresher.Ill take less lift and reuse water【循环用水】.At last l will use second-hand books【使用二手书】,so we dont need to cut down more trees.If everyone takes action,our environment will be better and better.Our wor

6、ld will be more beautiful.How to make our life better7Some words about low-carbon life低碳经济低碳经济low-carbon economy碳足迹碳足迹carbon footprint低碳技术低碳技术low-carbon technology低碳低碳生活方式生活方式low-carbon lifestyle8低碳低碳 Low-Carbon低碳旅游低碳旅游 Low-Carbon Tour二氧化碳二氧化碳 Carbon dioxide二氧化碳排放二氧化碳排放 the output of the carbon diox

7、ide碳减排碳减排Carbon emission reduction越境碳污染越境碳污染 Trans-frontier carbon dioxide pollution9一氧化碳一氧化碳Carbon monoxide温室气体温室气体 Greenhouse gas(GHS)温室效应温室效应 Greenhouse effect全球气候变暖全球气候变暖 Global warming生物圈生物圈 Biosphere大气层大气层 Atmosphere大气监测大气监测 Atmospheric monitoring臭氧层臭氧层 ozone layer紫外线紫外线 ultraviolet ray红外线红外线 Infrared环境环境 Environment生态生态 Ecology生态系统生态系统 Ecosystem Biosphere工业烟尘工业烟尘 Industrial fumes环境影响环境影响 Environmental impact 101112Thanks for wathching13

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