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1、SALE AND PURCHASE CONTRACTNo: .CONTRACT FOR SALE AND PURCHASE GCV 63 61 AdbBETWEENPT. IKTIKA JAYA SDN.BHDAddress : Bumi Berkat 1 street No. 2 Banjar Baru, South Kalimantan - Indonesiahp No. FaxEmail : (THE SELLER)ANDXXXXXXX.LTDAddress : _TEL No. _ Fax _Email : _(THE BUYER)NUMBER : _( _, 2011)SALE AN

2、D PURCHASE CONTRACT FORINDONESIAN STEAM COAL印度尼西亚动力煤销售合同CONTRACT NO.: _合同号:This Sale and Purchase Contract for Indonesian Steam Coal (the “Agreement” or “Contract”) is made on the DD MMMM 2011 by and:本次销售和采购印度尼西亚蒸汽煤的合同是在 of 2011签订于雅加达:BETWEENPT.XXXXXXXX, LIMITED, a company duly incorporated in _ wit

3、h its registered address at _(hereinafter referred to as the “Buyer”) ; (以上简称买方)ANDPT. IKTIKA JAYA SDN.BHD, a company duly incorporated in with its registered address at Bumi Berkat 1 street No. 2 Banjar Baru, South Kalimantan - Indonesia(hereinafter referred to as the “Seller”); (以上简称卖方)WHEREAS: 1.

4、The Seller warrants that he has the capacity, capability and full authority to sell and export coal from Indonesia;卖方保证其具备销售及出口印尼动力煤的资格、资质及能力。2.The Buyer warrants that he has the capacity, capability and full authority to purchase and import coal from Indonesia;买方保证具备采购及进口印尼动力煤的资格、资质及能力。3. The Selle

5、r has agreed to sell to the Buyer and the Buyer has agreed to purchase from the Seller Indonesian coal on the terms set out in this agreement and with mutual understanding that each party will perform its obligations in accordance with the principles of trust and good faith. 卖方和买方均已同意按照本合同的条款出售和购买煤炭

6、,并且双方一致同意任何一方将基于信任和善意的原则履行其义务。 NOW IT IS AGREED as follows:在此达成协议如下:1.0COMMODITY 商品1.1Commodity Name: 商品名称Steam Coal, in bulk.动力煤,散装。1.2Country of Origin: 原产地Indonesia. 印度尼西亚。1.3Loading port: 装货港口 _, South Kalimantan, Indonesia.印度尼西亚南加里曼丹_ 锚地。1.4Discharge port: 卸货港口_, China.中国_港。2.0QUANTITY 数量2.1The

7、 Seller shall deliver and the Buyer shall accept one shipment of _MT (+10%) of Coal with quality satisfying the specifications herein. 买卖双方约定每月_(+10%) 的煤炭交易数量,煤炭指标按照本合同规定执行。 2.2The shipment shall be delivered to the mother vessel within 35 days after issue of the Buyers valid Letter of Credit. 货物需在信

8、用证开出后35内装运至装货港母船。2.3The Parties acknowledge that subject to a successful conclusion to the above trial shipment they intend to enter into a twelve (12) month contract for the sale and purchase of . MT of the Coal.双方确认在试单成功后,签署12月_万吨的销售合同。 3.0 SPECIFICATIONS 规格3.1For the full duration of the Contract

9、, the Seller guarantees that the quality of the Coal shall meet the following specifications analysed according to ISO Standards.在这项合同的整个期间,卖方保证产品的以下各项质量指标将符合ISO检验标准。Parameter参数Unit单位Specification规格Rejection Level抑制水平Total Moisture (ARB)全水份(收到基)% 16% - 18% maxInherent Moisture (ADB)内水份(空干基)% 8% - 12

10、%Ash Content (ADB)灰份(空干基)% 8% - 17% max Volatile Matter (ADB)挥犮份(空干基)% 37% - 42%Fixed Carbon (ADB)固定碳(空干基)% By differenceTotal Sulphur (ADB)全硫(空干基)% 1.0% max1.0%Gross Calorific Value (ADB)高位发热量(空干基)kcal/kg 6300 - 6100 1350 12503.2 There shall be no stone, coke or other non-coal ingredients in the pr

11、oduct. Otherwise, the Buyer has the full right to refuse the product and all losses shall be borne by the Seller.煤炭内不得含有煤矸石、焦炭和非煤炭成份的杂质,否则买方有权拒收货,所造成的一切损失由卖方负责。4.0PRICE价格4.1The base unit price for Coal with Gross Calorific Value (ADB) 6300 kcal/kg shall be USD 90 / MT ( Ninety Dollars per Metric Ton

12、), FOB Mother Vessel at the above nominated Loading Port, Indonesia.单价以高位收到基值(ADB)6300Kcal/kg为准,FOB(离岸价)美元_/公吨。5.0PRICE ADJUSTMENT / SHIPMENT REJECTION价格调整及拒收货物5.1For each shipment of coal the unit price referred to in Clause 4 and the shipment weight shall be adjusted for invoicing purposes in acco

13、rdance with the actual quality test results and the following provisions.条款4中约定的每批货物的价格及重量需按实际证书显示的指标按以下规定作出调整后出具发票。5.1.1The result of the final Certificates of quality and weight issued by the agreed independent survey authority at the load port shall be used for the calculation of the value of inv

14、oice required for presentation against the L/C.由装货港第三独立机构出具的最终质检报告用于信用证承付需提交的文件及发票数额的计算。5.2Unit Price Adjustment: 价格调整5.2.1 Calorific Value 热值If the Gross Calorific Value (ADB) varies from 6300 kcal/kg, between 6300 kcal/kg and the rejection limit, then the unit price for the cargo shall be adjusted

15、 as per the following formula. No further bonus shall apply if the Gross Calorific Value (ADB) is greater than 6300 kcal/kg. 如果空干基发热值与6300 kcal/kg有差异,在6300kcal/kg至拒收指标之间,则价格需按以下公式进行调整。超过6300kcal/kg,价格不调整。 Actual GCV (ADB) Kcal/kgAdjusted Price = - x Base Unit Price6300实际空干收到基调整后的价格 = - x 合同基本单价 6300

16、5.2.2 Ash content灰分If the Ash content (ADB) of the cargo is above 17% till rejection limit, the invoice price shall be reduced by 0.30USD/MT for every 1% excess on a pro-rata basis.如果实际灰分高于17%至拒收指标之间,发票价格需做调整,每高出1%,每吨扣减0.30美金。5.3Weight Adjustment: 重量调整5.3.1 Total Moisture 全水份If the Total Moisture (A

17、RB) of the cargo is above 18% till rejection limit, then the invoice weight of the cargo for payment shall be adjusted in accordance with the following formula. If the Total Moisture (ARB) is greater than rejection limit, and the Buyer elects to accept the coal, then a minimum double penalty will ap

18、ply.Invoice Weight = Weight per Certificate of Weight x (1 - Total Moisture) / (1-18%)如果低位收到基全水分(ARB) 大于18%,那么用于付款的发票重量应该按照如下公式调整:发票重量 = 重量证书上的货物重量 x (1-实际全水分) / (1-18%)。如果全水超过拒收标准,买方仍选择接受货物,则相应采取至少双倍的罚款。5.4Non-specification Coal 不合格的煤If the cargo quality exceeds any of the rejection specifications

19、set forth in this Agreement, the Buyer has the absolute right to reject the shipment and all losses shall be borne by the Seller. Alternatively, the Buyer may at his option, and subject to satisfactory re-negotiation of the price, elect to accept an out-of-specification shipment.如果货物的任何一项指标超出合同规定拒收标

20、准,买方有绝对的权利拒收货物,在此情况下,如果买方对货物重新议价且对重新议定的价格满意,可以选择接受不合格的货物。6.0PAYMENT TERMS付款方式6.1Performance Bond (PB) 保函6.1.1Upon this Contract having been signed, Seller shall issue a 2% non operative performand bond in favour of the Buyer within 3 (three) working days. The validity of Performance Bond is fifteen

21、(15) days after the date of Buyer receiving CCIC inspection report and B/L. 合同签订后,卖方在3个工作日内开出以买方为受益人的2%履约保函,履约保函有效期至买方收到CCIC检测报告及提单后15天。6.1.2The form of the PB must be submitted to and accepted by the Buyer before issuing. The Parties agree the PB will accord with the requirements set out in Appendi

22、x C as a minimum.保函格式需提前提交于买方并经买方确认。双方同意保函需按照附录C的格式出具。6.1.3All bank charges relating to the PB are for the account of the Seller.卖方承担所有与保函有关的费用。6.1.4Notwithstanding the issuance of the PB, the Seller shall be liable for the contractual obligations stated herein.尽管出具了保函,卖方仍需履行合同项下的责任。 6.2Letter of Cr

23、edit (L/C) 信用证6.2.1Within 5 (five) banking days after receiving the non operative PB . Buyer open transferable at sight Letter of Credit (L/C) covering 100% of the Base Shipment Value in favour of the Seller as the principal method of payment under this Contract. The L/C shall be issued through _ Ba

24、nk and shall remain valid for 60 (sixty) days from issue.收到卖方开出的履约保函后的5个银行日内,买方银行通过_银行开立不可转让的、不可撤销的即期信用证给卖方,信用证金额为每船货物美元货值的100%。该信用证的有效期至开证后60天。6.2.2The form of the L/C must be submitted to and accepted by the Seller before issuing. The Parties agree the L/C will accord with the requirements set out

25、 in Appendix B as a minimum.信用证格式需提交卖方确认。双方同意信用证内容以附录B内容为准。6.2.3All bank charges of the L/C issuing bank are for the account of the Buyer. All bank charges outside the L/C issuing bank including reimbursement charges are for the account of the Seller.在开证行以内的所有银行费用由买方负责,在开证行以外的所有银行费用包括偿付费用由卖方负责。 6.3I

26、n the case of subsequent shipments, the Seller shall issue a PB and the Buyer shall issue a L/C for each shipment consistent with the above at least 30 (thirty) days prior to the scheduled loading commencement date.对随后的每一船货物,装船前的30天,卖方需开具相同上述的保函,同时买方需开具信用证。7.0 DOCUMENTS FOR PAYMENT 付款单证7.1100% payme

27、nt shall be negotiated against the following documents presented by the Seller not later than 14 days after the B/L date.对每一船货,卖方应在装货完成的14天内提交下列文件以议付100%的款项。i)Three (3) original and three (3) copies of the full set of clean on board shipped B/L made out to order, blank endorsed, marked “freight paya

28、ble per charter party” and notifying the Buyer.三份原件及三份复印,带有“运费按租船合约支付”的空白背书的成套清洁装运提单,并通知目的港的买方。 ii)Three (3) original and three (3) copies of signed Commercial Invoice indicating the Contract number, L/C number, the name of the carrying vessel and showing 100% of shipment value as determined after b

29、onus and/or penalty adjustments for excess moisture content and quality variances calculated according to the CCIC loading port certificates for weight and quality.( 3)份正本和(3)份副本暂定商业发票,注明, 合同号,信用证号以及运货船只的名称及 100%货物金额是按照装货港CCIC出具的质量及重量报告,扣除了超标水分,根据指标的差距进行了奖励和惩罚的价格调整后的发票。 iii)One (1) copy of a certifi

30、cate of quality issued by a recognised independent authority for the coal in stockpile; dated at least 12 days prior to the B/L date.由认可的第三方独立检验机构至少提单日12天前出具的堆场货物的质检报告一份复印件。iv)One (1) copy of each certificate of quality issued by a recognised independent authority for the coal in each barge comprisi

31、ng the shipment. 由认可的第三方独立检验机构出具的驳船货物的质检报告一 复印件。v)One (1) original and three (3) copies of Certificate of quality issued by CCIC on board of vessel at load port; showing that the coal quality does not exceed any of the Contract reject specifications.由新加坡CCIC在装货港出具的一份正本,3份副本的质量证书,表明煤的质量未超出任何合同规定的拒收标准

32、。 vi)One (1) original and three (3) of copies of Certificate of weight issued by CCIC for vessel at load port.由新加坡CCIC在装货港出具的一份正本,3份副本的重量证书。vii)One (1) original and three (3) copies of final draught survey report issued by CCIC for vessel at load port.由新加坡CCIC在装货港签发的水尺证明一份正本及三份副本。viii)One (1) origin

33、al and three (3) copies of Certificate of Origin issued by Indonesian Chamber of Commerce.由印尼工商协会等主管部门出具的原产地证书1份正本和3份副本。ix)One(1)original Sellers certificate stating that one (1) extra complete set of shipping documents has been sent by courier to the Buyer within two (2) working days from the B/L d

34、ate.受益人于提单日两天内向信用证开证方将所有整套单据一次性由快递有限公司专送至开证方,并需要提供快递公司收据。8.0INSPECTION, SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS OF QUALITY 取样检验及质量分析8.1The Seller acknowledges that the management and assurance of cargo quality is paramount to the performance of this Contract. Any failure or obstruction by the Seller to effect or to s

35、upport the implementation of quality assurance measures can be deemed a material breach of Contract and the Contract may be terminated.卖方需明白执行合同的最重要的部分是对货物质量的把控和保证。卖方对实施保证产品质量职责的任何疏忽和阻碍都应被视为违背合同。8.2Pre-Shipment Inspection 装运前监督The Seller shall undertake pre-shipment inspection and testing to assure

36、that the coal meets the contract specifications before commitment to loading the coal as cargo. This must include for sampling and analysis of stockpiles and the barges used for handling the cargo to the MV. 卖方保证在将货物装载前,进行装运前的质量检验,确保货物质量符合合同要求的标准。以上必须包括对堆场和驳船的即将装上母船的货物的取样及检验。8.2.1The Seller shall is

37、sue at least one (1) pre-shipment certificate of sampling and analysis from a registered survey authority to the Buyer confirming the coal quality in stockpile at least 7 days prior to the start of ship loading operations. The Seller further agrees to issue to the Buyer the progressive results of st

38、ockpile and barge sampling and analysis as they become available. These results are not for invoicing purposes and shall be provided promptly and without reservation.货物装运前7天,卖方至少要出具一份由第三方检验机构签发的装船前的货物质量检验分析证书证用于确定堆场货物的质量。卖方更进一步承诺向买方出具连续的堆场及驳船的有效的质检报告。此类证书不用于发票的目的且需无保留地提供给买方。8.2.2The Seller shall pro

39、vide written notice of intended coal handling operations to the Buyer no later than 14 days prior to the start of ship loading operations.买方需在开始装运前14天向买方发出书面的装船安排计划。8.2.3The Buyer at its option and expense may send their representatives to the coal storage and handling points to witness the entire l

40、oading, sampling, inspection and analysis of the coal. The Seller shall at all times ensure and facilitate access for the Buyer to conduct such monitoring activities.买方需派出自己的代表至煤场及操作区见证整个的装载、取样,检查、分析货物的质量。卖方需自始至终确保、帮助买方执行此监督程序,8.3Load Port Inspection 装货港检验The Parties jointly agree to appoint CCIC Si

41、ngapore Pte Ltd (CCIC) as the only independent survey authority to perform final sampling and analysis of the coal at the loading port. The arrangement for and costs of such analysis shall be to the account of Seller. Arrangements shall include for a copy of the quality certificate to be issued to t

42、he Buyer at the same time the report is issued to the Seller. 买卖双方共同同意指定CCIC新加坡为装货港最终质量检验的唯一机构。费用由卖方承担,卖方须安排在收到由CCIC出具的质检报告 原件的同时将复印件提交至买方。8.3.1All sampling will be carried out in accordance with ISO standards using a mechanical sampler wherever possible. The final load port composite sample shall b

43、e divided into 4 parts as follows. These samples shall be clearly labelled (including without limitation sample and container weight) and kept in air tight sealed containers.One (1) sample being the shipment analysis sample (the “Shipment Sample”),One (1) sample being the Sellers sample (the “Seller

44、s Sample”), One (1) sample being the Buyers sample (the “Buyers Sample”),One (1) sample being the Umpire sample (the “Umpire Sample”).所有的取样检验需按ISO的标准执行,最终混样的样品需分为4份,所有的样品需贴注清晰的标签(包括单不仅限于样本机重量)且保存在密闭的容器中。一份装运货物样品一份卖方样品一份买方样品一份仲裁样品8.3.2The Shipment Sample shall be analysed by the appointed surveyor. T

45、his laboratory shall perform an analysis of the parameters specified in Clause 3, and shall promptly issue a Certificate of Sampling and Analysis certifying the results of such analysis to both the Seller and the Buyer. This Certificate shall also confirm the sampling process used and indicate the disposition of the Sellers, Buyers and Umpire Samples at the time of issue.所取货物样品应由指定机构按照条款3中规定的各项指标执行质量检验,并向买

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