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1、你一定要坚强,即使受过伤,流过泪,也能咬牙走下去。因为,人生,就是你一个人的人生。=关于印发外商投资建设工程设计企业管理规定实施细则的通知各省、自治区建设厅,直辖市建委(北京市规划委),各省、自治区、直辖市、计划单列市商务主管部门,国务院有关部门,新疆生产建设兵团建设局、商务局,总后基建营房部工程局,国资委管理的企业,有关行业协会: 为实施外商投资建设工程设计企业管理规定(建设部、对外贸易经济合作部令第114号),建设部和商务部联合制定了外商投资建设工程设计企业管理规 定实施细则。现印发给你们,请贯彻执行。执行中有何问题和建议,请及时与建设部建筑市场管理司和商务部外国投资管理司联系。 中华人民

2、共和国建设部中华人民共和国商务部二七年一月五日外商投资建设工程设计企业管理规定实施细则 为实施外商投资建设工程设计企业管理规定(建设部、对外贸易经济合作部令第114号)(以下简称规定),制定本实施细则。一、外商投资建设工程设计企业资质申请、受理和审批程序外商投资建设工程设计企业,取得企业法人营业执照后,首次申请建设工程设计企业资质,或取得工程设计资质后的资质升级、降级、增项、变更、注销等,其申请、受理及审批的程序和审查标准,按照规定第七条、建设工程设计资质管理规定和本实施细则办理。二、外商投资建设工程设计企业资质核定条件外商投资建设工程设计企业资质按照建设工程设计资质标准进行核定,并符合下列要

3、求:(一)外国服务提供者应当是在其所在国或地区从事建设工程设计的企业或取得相关注册执业资格的自然人。其中外国企业应当具有在其所在国或地区从事建设工程设计的企业业绩;自然人应当是在其所在国或地区从事建设工程设计的注册建筑师或注册工程师。 (二)外商投资建设工程设计企业,首次申请工程设计资质,其外国服务提供者(外国投资方)应提供两项及以上在中国境外完成的工程设计业绩,其中至少一项 工程设计业绩是在其所在国或地区完成的;申请资质升级,应提供取得工程设计资质后在中国境内或境外完成的工程设计业绩,其中至少有两项工程设计业绩是在中 国境内完成的。(三)外商投资建设工程设计企业聘用外国注册建筑师、注册工程师

4、,并将其作为本企业申请建设工程设计资质的主要专业技 术人员,在资质审查时不考核其专业技术职称条件,只考核其学历、从事工程设计实践年限、在国外的注册资格、工程设计业绩及信誉。同时要求其只能受聘于一个 工程设计企业,并应取得中国政府有关部门发放的中华人民共和国外国人就业证,台湾、香港、澳门服务提供者应取得台港澳人员就业证。其外国的注册资 格应经建设部执业资格注册中心核实。其中,学历应为大学本科及以上,具有10年及以上工程设计实践经验,所学专业应符合工程设计资质标准中对相应主要 专业技术人员的专业要求;个人业绩,在企业首次申请资质时,考核其在中国境外完成的工程设计业绩。(四)外商投资建设工程设计企业

5、暂 不满足规定第十五条要求时,可以聘用中国注册建筑师、注册工程师以满足规定对取得中国注册建筑师、注册工程师资格的外国服务提供者人数的要求;对 规定中具有相关专业设计经历的外国服务提供者人数的要求,可以聘用具有中国国籍的专业技术人员代替。(五)对外国服务提供者暂时不能满足规定第十六条关于居住时限要求的,可以不予考核。(六)外商投资建设工程设计企业,不得申请涉及中国国家安全、保密等特殊行业、专业或专项工程设计资质。三、外商投资建设工程设计企业资质申报材料外商投资建设工程设计企业资质申报材料按照规定第十一条、十二条规定提供,其中第六款:建设工程设计企业资质管理规定要求的其他资料,除符合建设工程设计资


7、册建筑师或注册工程师注册证书;3注册建筑师或注册工程师所在学会(协会、注册管理机构等)出具的其遵守职业道德的证明;4中华人民共和国外国人就业证或台港澳人员就业证。四、其他香港特别行政区、澳门特别行政区和台湾地区的投资者在其他省、自治区、直辖市内投资设立建设工程设计企业,参照本实施细则执行。本细则自发布之日起施行。附件一:外国服务提供者(企业)在中国境外完成的业绩证明附件二:外国服务提供者(个人)在中国境外完成的业绩证明说明:为方便外国服务提供者理解外商投资建设工程设计企业管理规定实施细则,现附上英文译稿,如果中、英文在内容方面有歧义时,以中文内容为准。 Notice Concerning th

8、e Issuance of the Implementation Rules to the Administrative Regulations on Foreign Invested Construction Engineering Design EnterprisesJianshi 2007 No.18 To: The Departments of Construction of Various Provinces and Autonomous Regions, the Commissions of Construction of Various Municipalities Direct

9、ly under the Central Government (The Beijing Urban Planning Commission), the Departments of Commerce of Various Provinces, Autonomous Regions Municipalities Directly under Central Government, and Cities Specifically Designated under the State Planning, the relevant Departments of the State Council,

10、the Bureau of Construction and the Bureau of Commerce of Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, the Administration of Engineering of the Department of Construction and Barracks of the General Logistics Department, the Relevant Enterprises Managed by the State-owned Assets Supervision and Admini

11、stration Commission, and the relevant industrial institutions and associations: The Implementation Rules to the Administrative Regulations on Foreign Invested Construction Engineering Design Enterprises is formulated by the Ministry of Construction and the Ministry of Commerce in order to implement

12、the Administrative Regulations on Foreign Invested Construction Engineering Design Enterprises (Decree 114 by the Ministry of Construction and the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation). The Implementation Rules are now issued to you for implementation purposes. Should you have any comm

13、ents and suggestions in the course of implementation, please contact timely the Construction Market Administrative Department of the Ministry of Construction and the Administrative Department of Foreign Investment of the Ministry of Commerce.Ministry of Construction of the Peoples Republic of ChinaM

14、inistry of Commerce of the Peoples Republic of China5 January 2007 Implementation Rules to the Administrative Regulations on Foreign InvestedConstruction Engineering Design EnterprisesThese Implementation Rules are formulated to implement theAdministrative Regulations on Foreign Invested Constructio

15、n Engineering Design Enterprises (Decree 114 by the Ministry of Construction and the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation, hereinafter referred to as “Regulations”). 1Procedures for application, acceptance, examination and approval of foreign invested construction engineering design en

16、terprises skill qualification certificatesWhere a foreign invested construction engineering design enterprise first applies for the construction engineering design enterprise skill qualification certificate after obtaining the enterprise legal entity business license or subsequently upgrades, degrad

17、es, extends, changes or cancels its skill qualification certificate, the procedures for application, acceptance, examination and approval, as well as the examination guidelines, shall be handled in accordance with Article 7 of the Regulations, the AdministrativeRegulations on Construction Engineerin

18、g Design Enterprise Skill Qualificationsand these Implementation Rules.2Conditions for examining and approving foreign invested construction engineering design enterprise skill qualificationsThe foreign invested construction engineering design enterprise skill qualifications will be examined and app

19、roved in accordance with the skill qualifications standards of the construction engineering design enterprises and the following requirements:1)A foreign service provider shall be an enterprise engaged in the construction engineering design or an individual with the relevant certified professional q

20、ualification in the home country or region. The foreign enterprise shall have the track record for undertaking construction engineering design projects in its home country or region, and the individual shall be registered as architect or engineer with professional qualification in his/her home count

21、ry or region.2)Where a foreign invested construction engineering design enterprise first applies for the skill qualification certificate, the track record of its foreign service provider (the foreign investor) for at least two projects undertaken outside China shall be submitted for examination, of

22、which at least one project must have been undertaken in its home country or region; where it applies for upgrading of its skill qualification certificate, its track record for works undertaken in or outside China under the skill qualification certificate already obtained will be examined, of which a

23、t least two projects must have been undertaken in China.3)In the event that a foreign invested construction engineering design enterprise employs a foreign registered architect or a registered engineer as the key professional and technical person in its application for the skill qualification certif

24、icate, the professional title of that person will not be examined during the abovementioned qualification examination but his/her diploma, years of practical experience in engineering design, overseas professional qualification, track record of engineering design and professional standing will be ex

25、amined. In addition, the person shall only be employed by that enterprise and shall obtain a foreigners work permit for working in the PRC as issued by the relevant authority of the Chinese government or a work permit for residents from Taiwan, Hong Kong or Macau in case the service provider comes f

26、rom one of such regions. The foreign professional qualification shall be verified by the Professional Qualification Registration Center of the Ministry of Construction. The above-mentioned diploma refers to a university degree or above with a major that matches the corresponding requirements for the

27、 key professional technical staff as set out in the Standards for Construction Engineering Design Qualificationsand the person holding such diploma shall have no less than 10 years of practical experience in the engineering design. For the track record of an individual, only his/her engineering desi

28、gn track record for works undertaken outside China will be examined when the foreign invested construction engineering design enterprise first applies for the skill qualification certificate.4)In the event that a foreign invested construction engineering design enterprise is tentatively unable to me

29、et the requirements under Article 15 of the Regulations, it may engage Chinese registered architects or registered engineers to meet the requirements under the Regulation in relation to the number of foreign service providers registered as architects or engineers in China. Where there is any require

30、ment in the Regulations in relation to the number of foreign service providers with design experience in relevant professional field(s), the foreign invested construction engineering design enterprise may engage the professional and technical staff with Chinese nationality to meet such requirements.

31、5)In the event that a foreign service provider is tentatively unable to meet the residence requirement under Article 16 of the Regulations, this requirement may be waived.6)A foreign invested construction engineering design enterprise is not allowed to apply for the design skill qualifications for c

32、ertain special industries, sectors or specialist fields concerning Chinese national security and confidentiality, etc.3Application materials for foreign invested construction engineering design enterprises to apply for skill qualification certificatesThe application materials for a foreign invested

33、construction engineering design enterprise to apply for its skill qualification certificate shall be submitted to the approval authorities in accordance with Article 11 and Article 12 of the Regulations. Under Sub-article 6 of Article 11, the applicant shall submit additional documents as set out in

34、 the Administrative Regulations on Construction Engineering Design Enterprise Skill Qualifications. The foreign invested construction engineering design enterprise shall also submit the following documents in addition to those required under the Standards for Construction Engineering Design Qualific

35、ations:1) Overseas track record of the foreign service provider (i) The engineering design track record provided by a foreign enterprise refers to project(s) where the foreign enterprise entered into contract(s) in its own name with the project employer and was responsible for executing the works an

36、d the works have been completed meeting the quality standards. The description of any project shall include name of project, project location, project scale, etc. appended with photos and other relevant documentary evidence. The detailed requirements on the documentary evidence are set out in Append

37、ix 1.(ii) The engineering design track record of a registered architect or a registered engineer refers to project(s) where the architect or engineer was in charge of the entire project(s) or worked as the technical responsible person or responsible for specialist works and the works have been compl

38、eted meeting the quality standards. The description of any project shall include name of project, project location, project scale, etc. appended with photos and other relevant documentary evidence. The detailed requirements on the documentary evidence are set out in Appendix 2.2) Relevant materials

39、of individual professional qualification of a registered architect or a registered engineer (i) A valid diploma;(ii) A registered architect certificate or a registered engineer certificate;(iii) Certificate of good standing issued by an institution (association,registration administration agency, et

40、c)to which the registered architect or registered engineer is a member; and (iv) A foreigners work permit or a work permit for residents from Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau.4. MiscellaneousThe establishment of construction engineering design enterprises by investors from Hong Kong Special Administrativ

41、e Region, Macau Special Administrative Region and Taiwan in other provinces, autonomous regions, directly administered municipality shall be carried out with reference to these Implementation Rules.These Implementation Rules shall come into effect on the date of its promulgation.Appendix 1: Track Record of Foreign Service Providers (Enterprises) for Works Undertaken Outside China Appendix 2: Track Record of Foreign Service Providers (Individuals) for Works Undertaken Outside China 命运如同手中的掌纹,无论多曲折,终掌握在自己手中=

部分上传会员的收益排行 01、路***(¥15400+),02、曲****(¥15300+),
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