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1、Unit 4Revision and check第1页第1页January 一月一月February 二月二月March 三月三月April 四月四月May 五月五月June 六月六月July 七月七月August 八月八月September 九月九月October 十月十月November 十一月十一月December 十二月十二月第2页第2页the 序数词 of 月份 first January second February third March fifth April ninth May twelfth June twentieth July twenty-first August

2、twenty-second September twenty-third October thirtieth November thirty-first December第3页第3页Linda第4页第4页10 October10 October1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 76 7 8 9 10 11 12 8 9 10 11 12 13 1413 14 15 16 17 18 15 16 17 18 19 19 20 2120 21 22 23 24 25 26 22 23 24 25 26 27 2827 28 29 30 31 29 30 31第5页第5页第6页第6页 a

3、CD Walkman earphones a diary a roll of film a pair of glasses a mobile phone第7页第7页 a CD Walkman earphones a diary a roll of film a pair of glasses a mobile phoneA:What would you like as a birthday present?B:Id like .第8页第8页第9页第9页第10页第10页A:What does that sign mean?B:It meansNo Smoking.It means we shou

4、ldnt smoke in the park.第11页第11页A:What does that sign mean?B:It meansNo littering.It means we shouldnt litter in the park.第12页第12页A:What does that sign mean?B:It meansNo Swimming.It means we shouldnt swim in the river.第13页第13页No smokingNo litteringNo parkingDanger!Keep off the grassBe quietNo eating

5、or drinkingDo not touchA:What does this sign mean?B:It means .第14页第14页A:What does this sign mean?B:It means Keep off the grass.A:What does that sign mean?B:It means No littering.第15页第15页A:Whens your birthday?B:Its on the first of July.A:What would you like as a birthday present?B:Id like a puppet.第16页第16页Homework:1.Review the words and exphrases.(U1&2)2.Review the texts(U1&2)第17页第17页

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