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1、(中职)英语基础教程(2) Uint 4电子教案Unit 4 Have you tried the subway?一、单元内容分析 本单元的话题是交通方式。教学重点是能够谈论某地的交通状况并能就其进行描述和简单评论。具体为能听懂有关交通和出行的对话;能口头表达常见的交通工具、出行方式;能看懂针对某地交通方式进行描述的文章;能够用简单的词汇和句子描述交通方式;同时培养学生合理选择出行方式和绿色环保的意识。本单元要求学生能够就出行地点进行交通方式的选择并进行描述。其实用性强,内容贴近学生生活。所涉及新的词汇量不大,句型较简单。学生在第三单元中已经接触了现在完成时的用法,但是本单元需要学生不但能正确

2、使用现在完成时及since和for的区别,而且还能够根据实际情况进行出行方式的选择和判断。因此,针对本单元的主题,教师通过创设一些生活场景,让学生运用本单元所学的一些词汇和句型等进行实战演练,有效地完成本单元听、说、读、写四个任务。在模拟的操练中,激发学生的学习兴趣,同时也能培养学生的绿色环保意识。为将来的工作和生活做好准备。本单元设计成四个课时:第一课时 Lead in + Listening and speaking第二课时 Reading and writing第三课时 Language in use + the usage of present perfect tense第四课时 Vo

3、cabulary practice + Supplementary Reading二、分课时教学设第一课时 Lead in + Listening and Speaking一、教材分析1教学内容本课时系教材英语基础教程(2)第四单元的第一课时,包括Lead-in & Listening and speaking两部分,具体内容为:熟悉描述交通工具的词汇,听懂并能谈论交通和出行相关的对话。2教学重点、难点教学重点描述交通工具的词汇和句型;听懂询问和回答有关交通和出行的简单对话。教学难点在模拟或真实语境中谈论交通工具。二、教学目标1. 知识目标 学生掌握以下词汇和短语:crowed, rush h

4、our, convenient, terrible, comfortable. 学生掌握询问和描述个人能力时所使用的句型:- Do you have any plan for the weekend?- Id like to go to Would you like to go with me?- How should we get there?- Lets take a Its- Have you tried ?- Maybe we can try 2. 能力目标(1) 学生能听懂询问和回答有关交通和出行的简单对话;(2) 学生能运用有关词汇与句式对交通方式进行简单描述。3. 情感目标学生通

5、过与他人沟通共同解决问题。三、教学步骤Step One Lead-in 1. Brainstorm. Show the students different pictures about means of transportation. Have the students discuss with their partner. (播放的图片中包含了多种不同的交通方式,学生以小组为单位进行讨论,他们乘坐过哪些交通方式,有哪些优缺点,最后上台进行展示。)Teacher:What means of transportation did you see? Which means of transpor

6、tation have you tried before?What do you think of it?(设计意图:本活动可以锻炼学生的快速反应能力,激活学生对交通方式的英文名称已有的认知,并增加了一些新的交通方式的表达,达到温故知新的效果。通过头脑风暴的形式调动学生积极思考和参与的积极性。)2. Activity 1. Look and match. Have the students recognize the means of transportation and match them with the phrases. Ask the students which one they

7、have tried before.Phrases to be taught: fast but crowded in rush hours, convenient but expensive, fast but often has parking problems, cheap but a bit slow, good for peoples health, take it to travel abroad.(设计意图:学习新词汇,通过图片的形式学习新词汇更加形象具体。让学生谈论和评价各种交通方式为后面的对话活动做好了铺垫。)3. Practice. Have the students re

8、cite the phrases and have a check. The following activities may be your choice.Have the students say the means of transportation out according to the pictures, and then describe it. Or the teacher shows the students the descriptions and the students speak out the means of transportation.(设计意图: 通过快速抢

9、答的形式对新知识进行巩固练习。可以让学生集中精力,积极参与课堂的互动和学习中来。调动学生的积极性和学习兴趣。同时,过程性评价和对学生的鼓励不容忽视。)Step Two Listening and speaking 1. Activity 2. Listen and tick. Students listen to the tape and tick the means of transportation they heard.T: Listen and tell us what are they going to do? (设计意图: 听第一遍录音,了解谈论主题和识别关键词。)2. Activ

10、ity 3. Listen and choose. Read the questions in activity 3 and listen to the tape again, and then choose the correct answer. (设计意图: 听第二遍录音,对应不同的交通方式识别关键信息。)3. Activity 4. Listen and complete. Ask the students to listen to the tape and fill in the blanks (设计意图: 听第三遍录音,填写细节关键信息。)4. Activity 5: Listen

11、and repeat. Students listen to the dialogue and underline the key sentences about the means of transportation. Do you have any plan for the weekend? Id like to go to Would you like to go with me? How should we get there?Lets take a ItsHave you tried ?Maybe we can try Practice the key sentences: Stud

12、ents read the dialogue together or with their partner and try to remember the key sentences. (设计意图: 跟读让学生注意自己的发音;边听边选出重点句型,为后面的练习做铺垫;学生齐读对话或者和搭档分角色朗读对话,并且尽量记住对话中的关键短语或句子。这样也为下一步的对话练习做了语言知识上的铺垫。)5. Practice: Complete the dialogue in groups and ask some students to act it out. A: Hi, Jack, _?B: Yes. I

13、d like to _. Would you like to _?A: Sure. _?B: How about_? It is _.A: But_.B: How about_?A: It is _. B: Have you_?A: Thats a good idea. _.B: OK. See you then.(设计意图: 本活动为半开放性的口语表达活动,要求学生利用教材提供的词汇和句型进行对话练习,帮助学生巩固所学的语言知识,掌握生活场景中有关交通方式的问答方式,为随后的开放性活动做好准备。)Step Three Production Activity 6: Practice and t

14、alk. 1. Make a dialogue. Suppose you are going to Qingcheng Mountain this weekend, talk about it with your partner.(设计意图:根据提示信息进行对话操练,进一步巩固新知。同时,能够让学生之间进行沟通交流,假设的情境能够更加吸引学生注意力。) 2. Situation. Suppose youre working at a travel agency. There are three persons who want to go to different places. They c

15、ome to your travel agency to ask for your advice. Therefore, the students should try to act different roles. At last, the worker should choose the best travel routes and the means of transportation for the three persons, and explain the reason for them.(设计意图:设置虚拟情境-假设你在一家旅行社上班。有三个人他们要去不同的地方旅游。向你咨询具体

16、的线路和最方便的交通方式。具体的地点由老师给出。让学生就此情境进行模拟训练。通过这个活动让学生充分运用本节课所学单词和句型,并结合自己的实际情况进行模拟练习,并且最后决定是否采纳工作人员的建议。这样能够让学生初步感受到语言的真实性。老师应该做好课堂的秩序控制和公正性,并及时给予评价和引导。)Step Four Summary Make a short summary of what weve learned today. (1) Key vocabulary and phrases:crowed, rush hour, convenient, terrible, comfortable. (2

17、) Key sentences: - Do you have any plan for the weekend?- Id like to go to Would you like to go with me?- How should we get there?- Lets take a Its- Have you tried ?- Maybe we can try (设计意图:对本课时所学内容进行巩固小结,让学生明确本节课学习目标。) Step Five Homework 1. Recite the dialogues in activity 5. Make a dialogue to tal

18、k about the means of transportation.2. Finish the parts “Language application” and “Complete the dialogue” in the workbook .四、板书设计Key vocabulary and phrases:crowed, rush hour, convenient, terrible, comfortable.Key Sentences:- Do you have any plan for the weekend?- Id like to go to Would you like to

19、go with me?- How should we get there?- Lets take a Its- Have you tried ?- Maybe we can try Unit 4 Have you tried the subway?(第二课时 教学设计)一、教材分析1教学内容本课时系教材英语基础教程(2)第四单元的第二课时,包括reading and writing部分,具体内容为:读懂针对某地交通方式进行描述的文章并完成相应的练习。学生通过以上内容的学习,能够用简单的词汇和句子描述交通方式;根据提示给出最佳出行方式的建议。2教学重点、难点教学重点能够读懂有关交通方面的文章;能

20、够根据提示,写出完整的文章。教学难点能够根据提示写出最佳出行方式的建议。二、教学目标4. 知识目标 学生掌握以下词汇和短语:pioneer, means, application, century, theme, double-decker, staircase, latest, capable, technology, carbon, electric, at the same time, hit the road. 学生掌握以下句型:- is one of the- in terms of- What is more- Have you ever tried- enjoy- at the

21、same time- much lessthan- be keen on5. 能力目标(1) 学生能读懂关于伦敦交通描述的文章并能进行总结和概括文章大意。(2) 学生能根据提示完成对某地交通方式的描述。6. 情感目标学生能比较各种交通方式的异同,并在实际出行时选择适合的交通方式。三、教学步骤Step One Lead-in 4. Discuss. The teacher shows some pictures about the transportation in Chengdu. (The teacher can ask something about local transportatio

22、n.) Then ask the students: Have you taken the bus? Have you taken ? How about ? Whats the transportation like in Chengdu? / Hows traffic in your city?Which means of transportation do you like best / least? How do you go to school every day?What kind of transportation do you use most often?Have you e

23、ver been caught in a traffic jam?(设计意图: 以成都交通为真实场景,复习巩固上节课所学句型与词汇,有助于活跃思维,激发学生的参与热情。并由交通堵塞这样的问题自然引出新课,为开展新课活动做出情境及语言铺垫。)5. Activity 7 Tick and talk. Have the students tick which means of transportation is common in their cities.Teacher: What kind of transportation do you use most often? Why? Have th

24、e students think it over and share their opinions.(设计意图:让学生谈论自己所居住的城市常见的交通工具,为后面的对话活动做好了铺垫。同时恰当地引入本课时的主题。)Step Two Reading 6. Pre-reading.Activity 8 Read and circle. Students read the text quickly, circle the means of transportation in the text.bus, electric car, bike(设计意图: 让学生快速阅读全文,学生通过快速浏览全文,提取文章

25、中的重要信息。学生利用这种阅读学习策略,能更好的把握文章的主旨,提高自己的阅读理解能力。)7. While-reading.Activity 9 Read and choose.(1)Students read the text carefully and choose the right answers.(设计意图: 本活动为详细阅读并进行信息提取活动,要求学生仔细阅读全文并提取关于伦敦交通的详细信息,选择正确答案。训练学生通过详读查找重要信息的能力。) (2)Key phrases and sentences explanation. Ask the students to learn t

26、he usage of the key phrases and sentences, and then try to use them to make sentences.Explain the following words and phrases to the students:is one of the: e.g.: The Yellow River is one of the longest rivers in China. She is one of the most beautiful girls in our class.in terms of: e.g.: It is diff

27、icult to express it in terms of science. In terms of finance, Company A has great advantage. be keen on e.g.: I am very keen on playing basketball. I am keen on studying English.(设计意图: 学习和掌握一些关键词组和短语的用法,为下一步的输出做准备。)3. Post-reading. Activity 10 Read and translate. Translate the Chinese into English.(

28、设计意图: 训练学生对本课关键词语和句式的掌握。)Step Three Production 1. Activity 11. Write a short introduction according to the questions. The title has been given: Green Transportation in London. 1)What is the theme of transportation in London now?2)Compared with traditional cars, what advantages do the new type of dou

29、ble-decker and electric car have?3)Why do more and more people in London like riding a bike?Green Transportation in LondonThe means of transportation has changed greatly in London since the beginning of the 21st century._(设计意图:根据问题的提示,让学生对伦敦绿色交通进行简要的介绍。这样可以帮助学生对文章进行概括和总结,也可以培养一种好的学习习惯。)2. Interview

30、and complete. Interview at least 3 classmates and complete the form.Q: Which city have you been to during summer vacation? What was the transportation like in that city? Did you take? What do you think of it?Which means of transportation did you like best/least?S1S2S3Students namePlaces he/she has b

31、een toDescription of the means of transportation thereTransportation he/she likes best/leastStep Four Summary Make a short summary of what weve learned today. (1) Key vocabulary and phrases: pioneer, means, application, century, theme, double-decker, staircase, latest, capable, technology, carbon, e

32、lectric, at the same time, hit the road.(2) Key sentences:- is one of the- in terms of- What is more- Have you ever tried- enjoy- at the same time- much lessthan- be keen on(设计意图:对本课时所学内容进行巩固小结,让学生明确本节课学习目标。) Step Five Homework 3. Write a short passage about green transportation.4. Finish the parts

33、“Reading comprehension” and “Translation” in the workbook.四、板书设计Key vocabulary and phrases:pioneer, means, application, century, theme, double-decker, staircase, latest, capable, technology, carbon, electric, at the same time, hit the road.Key sentences:- is one of the- in terms of- What is more- Ha

34、ve you ever tried- enjoy- at the same time- much lessthan- be keen onUnit 4 Have you tried the subway?(第三课时 教学设计)一、教材分析1教学内容本课时系教材英语基础教程(2)第四单元的第三课时,包括Language in use中的语法部分,具体内容为:现在完成时的基本用法。2教学重点、难点教学重点能在描述交通方式时正确使用现在完成时。教学难点能正确理解、区分和使用瞬间动词和延续性动词。二、教学目标7. 知识目标(1)学生掌握以下词汇和短语:improve, air pollution, t

35、ake place. (2)学生掌握现在完成时的基本用法:现在完成时既涉及过去,又联系现在:动作是过去发生的,结果是现在存在的。现在完成时谓语动词的构成:助动词have / has (not) + 过去分词 8. 能力目标(1) 学生能正确使用现在完成时。(2) 学生能区分since 和for 的用法并能使用。9. 情感目标学生能了解并能在讨论过程中正确选择现在完成时进行情感表述。三、教学步骤Step One Lead-in Guess who the girl or boy is. Last class, each student has made a list of the intervi

36、ew results on the card. At the beginning of this class, one of the students randomly chooses some of the cards and reads the cards to the classmates, and then asks them to guess who the girl or boy is. (上节课让学生已经采访了至少三位同学,询问他们暑假所去城市的交通状况等,并写在卡片上。本节课请学生随意抽出一些卡片,并将个访谈以陈述句的形式描述出来,其他学生猜这个同学是谁。老师根据猜对的个数给分

37、。)For example:Student A:She / He has been to Hongkong during the summer vacation. There are different means of transportation there. Such as bike, it is good for our health. Taxi, its a little bit expensive but the driver is polite(设计意图:将上一个课时的内容进行了巩固和复习,又顺理成章地衔接到了本课时现在完成时的用法。学生上台对采访内容进行描述,锻炼了口语能力,增

38、强了自信心和胆量;在猜测这位同学是谁的同时,也增进了同学之间了解。)Step Two Language in use 1. 现在完成时(2)现在完成时既涉及过去,又联系现在:动作是过去发生的,结果是现在存在的。现在完成时谓语动词的构成:助动词have / has (not) + 过去分词常用短暂性动词做谓语动词,如arrive、get、finish、borrow、open、stop、begin、 go、come、die、fall等,常用时间状语有already、just、yet、ever、before、once、recently等。过去开始的动作或状态一直持续到现在,常用延续性动词,如be、s

39、leep、live、learn、stay、have、keep、work、walk等,时间状语须表达过去到现在的一段时间,常用时间状语有for two years、so far、since短语、during the past years、in the past years.注:短暂性动词不能和for或since引导的时间状语连用,也不能用于how long问句中。 误I have left for 5 years.正I have been away for 5 years短暂性动词转换为延续性动词buy -haveborrow -keepbegin to sleep / study / 去掉be

40、gin tomove into -live inleave home -be away from home fall ill-be illjoin the group-be in the group / be a member of die-be deadget up- be up begin- be on come to / arrive in / get to -be in open / close- be open / be closed (设计意图:讲解现在完成时的用法,为下一步的学习做铺垫。)2. Activity 12. Read and choose. Students choo

41、se the right answer to fill in the blanks.(设计意图:选择填空,辨别其用法。)3. Activity 13. Read and match. Students read and match column A with column B.(设计意图:将问题和答案进行匹配,巩固现在完成时的用法。)4. Activity 14. Think and write. According to the given example, students write a short passage to describe the means of transportat

42、ion of a city where they have been to. _(设计意图:思考并对去过的城市交通状况进行介绍。)Step Three Practice 1) 用for 或since填空。1. Jill has been in Ireland _ Monday. 2. Jill has been in Ireland _three days. 3. My aunt has lived in Australia _15 days. 4. She has been here _ 7 oclock. 5. India has been an independent country_1

43、974. 6. The bus is late. Weve been waiting _20 minutes. 7. Mike has been ill_ a long time. 8. He has been in hospital _October. 9. _ twenty minutes 10. _an hour ago 11. _yesterday 12. _ last month2) 翻译句子。1. 这辆自行车我已买了三年了。 I _ _the bike _ three years. I _ _ the bike _three years _. 2. 他去年参军了。 He _ _ _ the army _ last year. He _ _ _ _ of the army _ two years.3. 他已经到这儿半个小时了。Its half an hour _ he _here.Half an hour_ _since he _ here. 4. 她已经去世二十年了。_ twelve years _

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