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1、小升初英语复习冲刺试题(十八)一.选出与所给单词划线某些读音不一样单词(共5分,每题1分)( )1. knowA. agoB. grow C. mirror D. foggy( )2. justA. cute B. summer C. funnyD. under( )3. sweep A. street B. need C. knee D. empty( )4. machine A. kitchenB. wish C. shoulder D. brush( )5. yours A. teachers B. ours C. lettersD. parks二.按规定写出对应词(共10分,每题1分)

2、1.fat (最高档)_2.much(近义词)_3.good(最高档)_4.am(过去式)_5.is(过去式)_6.twelve(序数词)_7.fly (过去式)_8.sit (目前分词)_9.their (名词性物主代词)_10.our(人称代词)_三.选用方框里词或词组填空(有多出词)(共19分,每空1分)went to,singing and dancing,whos,my,which,felt very tired,whose,his,for,Childrens Day,The longer,going,down,up,in,on,me,I,as heavy as,younger,as

3、 big as,the Yellow,go around China,longest,the Amazon,young1. The letter is _ you,David.2. They _ the park last night. So they _.3. The children like _ on _.4. _ calculator is it?Its _.5. _ is your ruler?_ one.6. The apples _ the tree and red. Were _ to pick them _.7. I have a _ brother. Hes one yea

4、r _ than _.8. Is that box _ that one?9. Im going to _ this summer holiday.10. The _ river in the world is _.四.选用填空(共15题,每题1分)1. I have _ head,_ hands and _ feet.A. one,two,oneB. one,one,twoC. one,two,twoD. two,one,two2. I would _ a piece of bread.A. wantB. likeC. drinkD. see3. We listen with our _ a

5、nd speak with our _.A. ears,mouthsB. ears,eyesC. eyes,earsD. mouths,ears4. He often reads English _ the morning and watches TV _ night.A. in,inB. in,atC. at,inD. at,at5. What _ is it today?Its _.A. date,MarchB. day,FridayC. date,FridayD. day,March6. The elephants trunk is _. The rabbits tail is _.A.

6、 long,longB. short,shortC. short,longD. long,short7. My uncle is a teacher. _ teaches English. My aunt is a nurse. _ works hard.A. She,SheB. He,HeC. She,HeD. He,She8. I have a sister. _ name is Mary. The doll is _.A. Her,hersB. She,hersC. Mine,herD. My,her9. I come from _. I am a _.A. China,ChinaB.

7、English,EnglishC. China,ChineseD. Chinese,China10. _ on duty today?A. WhoseB. WhoC. WhomD. Whos11. _ your mother work in a hospital?Yes,she _.A. Does,doB. Do,doesC. Does,doesD. Do,do12. Whats your _?Im _.A. number,number 3B. number,3 numberC. number,Number 3D. Number,Number 313. Whats _ and _?Its _.

8、A. one,one,threeB. one,two,threeC. two,one,twoD. two,two,two14. Lets go _,shall we?A. shopB. to shopC. to shoppingD. shopping15. What are you _?Im _.A. do,readB. doing,readC. do,readingD. doing,reading五.阅读理解(共16题,每题1分)(一)Its a fine day. Mr Browns cat,Terry,is in the garden. She has big green eyes an

9、d yellow hair. She sits under a big tree and looks at the flowers in the garden. Suddenly,a black dog runs into the garden. He looks at Terry. Terrys afraid of him,so she runs away. She climbs the tree and hide herself in it.用“T”或“F”回答问题( )1. Terry is Mr Browns dog.( )2. Terry has yellow eyes and ha

10、ir.( )3. There are many trees and flowers in the garden.( )4. The dog is afraid of Terry.( )5. Now Terry is in the tree.(二)The PandaThe pandas face looks like a cats,but its fat body and short tail are like a bears.So people call this animal bear-cat.The panda has a very mild temperament(温和性情) and i

11、s very lovable(讨人爱慕).Everybody likes it very much.The panda is an animal particular to(是所特有) China.The northwestern part of Sichuan Province(省) and southern part of Gansu Province are its native(出生) home.Pandas like most to climb trees.They live in the forests of high mountains, eat bamboo and drink

12、 springwater(泉水).根据短文意思,选出对旳答案(1) The panda mainly lives in _.A.AmericaB.ShanghaiC.London D.China(2) _ is like a cats.A.The pandaB.The pandas faceC.The pandas bodyD.The pandas tail(3) The panda is called _ by people.A.an animalB.a bearC.a bear-catD.a cat-bear(4) Where is the pandas native home?A.Gua

13、ngdong and Gansu.B.Sichuan and Suzhou.C.Gansu and Sichuan.D.Hubei and Sichuan(5) Whats the pandas main food?A.Rice.B.Meat.C.Bamboo.D.Springwater.(三)A Clever BoyA young boy is playing with a ball in the street.He kicks it too hard,and it breaks the window of a house and fails inside.A lady comes to t

14、he window with the ball and shouts at the young boy.So the young boy,lun8 away,but he still wants his ball back.A few minutes later he return and knocks at the door of the house.When the 1ady answers it,he says,“My fathers going to come and fix your window very soon.”After a few more minutes.a man c

15、omes to the door with tools in his hand.So the lady lets the boy take his ball away.When the man finishes fixing the window,he says to the lady,“That will cost you ten dollars.”“But arent you the father of that young boy?”the woman asks, looking surprised.“Of course not,”he answers.“Arent you his mo

16、ther?”圈出与短文内容相符句子编号(1) A.The young boy breaks the window of his house.B.The young boy.breaks the window of the ladys house.(2) A.The ball goes through the window.B.The ball hits the window and falls into the ladys house.(3) A.The young boy runs away because he is afraid of the lady.B.The young boy r

17、un8 away because he wants his ball back.(4) A.The young boy goes to find a man who fixes the window.B.The young boy goes to find his father.(5) A.The man who fixed the ladys window is not the boys father.B.The man who fixed the ladys window is the boys father.(6) A.The man thinks that the lady is th

18、e boys mother.B.1he man knows that the lady isnt the boys mother.六.完型填空(共10题,每题1分)(一)A Good ShoemakerOne of Harrys 1 is bigger than the other. He cant find the right shoes for his feet. His friend,Dick,says to him,“Why do not you go to a shoemaker?A good shoemaker can 2 you the right shoes.”So Harry

19、 goes to the shoemaker near 3 home. Very soon the shoemaker makes him a pair of shoes. Harry looks at the shoes and is not happy. So he 4 to the shoemaker,“You arent a good shoemaker. I want you to make me one shoes5 than the other.”( ) 1. A. foot B. foots C. feetD. shoes( ) 2. A. do B. doesC. makes

20、 D. make( ) 3. A. Dick B. Dicks C. Dick of D. of Dick( ) 4. A. sayB. saysC. said D. saying( ) 5. A. bigger B. big C. thinner D. fatter(二)Before the Trouble StartsA man went into a bar,sat down,called the barman and said to him,“ Give me a drink before the trouble starts. ”The barman was busy with ot

21、her people,so he did not say 1,but he gave the man the drink,and the man drank it quickly. Then he put his glass down,called the barman again and said to him. “Give me another one before the trouble starts.”Again the barman was 2 busy to say anything,so he gave the man his drink and went away. The m

22、an drank that too, and then again he called the barman and said to him.“One more drink before the trouble starts,please.”This time the barman was not very busy,so when he brought the man his third drink,he said to him“What trouble 3 you talking about?”The man answered,“I 4 got 5 money.”( ) 1. A. any

23、thing B. somethingC. someone D. thing( ) 2. A. to B. too C. two D. eight( ) 3. A. is B. am C. are D. be( ) 4. A. have B. hasnt C. haventD. has( ) 5. A. some B. any C. something D. anything七.小作文(10分)参照范文:My CatHello,everyone!Im Ray. I have a cat. Its brown.My cat is three years old now. It has two big black eyes,a small nose and a small mouth. It likes to eat fish.My cat is very funny. I like it very much.提醒:请参照所给范文并仔细观测所给图片,以“My Dog”为题,写一篇小作文。规定:1. 条理清晰,意思连贯,语句通顺,标点对旳,书写清晰,规范;2. 不得少于45个单词。

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