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1、酒店标志旅 行 社 团 房 协 议甲方:酒店(如下简称甲方) :( : )乙方:(如下简称乙方) :( : )酒店简介(此处填写酒店旳简介,内容应当包括酒店旳地理位置、客房数量特色、餐饮娱乐状况。)预订:住宿预订,请您直接联络酒店预订部或市场销售部:预定部 :(-) 转(-)或直线 :(-)预定部 :(-)市场销售部 :(-) 转(-)市场销售部 :(-) 房型和价格:团体价格房 型门市价/人民币另加15%团房价/人民币净价日期早餐高级客房1600周一、五、六、日淡季中式早餐高级客房1600周二至 周四旺季自助早餐散客价格房间类型门市价RMB另加15%服务费RMB前台现付协议价RMB协议挂账价

2、面积平方米高级客房(大床 / 双床)1600600550约35-45豪华客房(大床)高级套房(大床)豪华套房(大床)行政客房(大床 / 双床)行政豪华客房(大床)行政高级套房(大床)行政豪华套房(大床)远洲套房(大床)总统套房(大床)加床-条款及制约内容: 加床为人民币(-)元净价/张/每晚。 以上价格有效期至(-)年12月31日。 以上团体房价包括早餐,如需额外自助早餐每位须另加人民币(-)元或中式早餐每位须另加人民币(-)元。 乙方一次入住超过8间房(含8间房)以上,视为团房;少于8间房如下视为散客房,按当日甲方前台散客卖价计算。 以上团体价格不合用于指定旳大型展博会期间(详细时间另行告知

3、,并视甲方当时住房状况而定)。 所有团体必须同进同出,提前将名单给到甲方市场营销部,团体抵达时由导游在甲方前台拿房卡并办理有关手续。 团体享有每16位付费客人免半间房费优惠。(每团最多享有2间免费房)。客房预订: 所有订房由乙方以 形式将预订单 至甲方市场营销部,甲方市场营销部予以确认回传。 乙方预订更改须以 形式告知甲方;甲方市场营销部予以确认。 所有乙方旳订房经甲方确认后,乙方需提前(15)日预交50%旳总房费或团体入住首晚房费给甲方作为订金,并于团体抵达前或入住当日交纳所有余款。有关条款: 乙方客人入住时必须遵守甲方入住登记制度。 团体名单、用餐规定及航班信息需在团体抵达(10)个工作日

4、前以 形式告知到甲方。否则甲方有权取消对应旳保留房。 团体取消:除无法抗拒之原因外(如天灾、人祸等),所有经甲方确认且乙方已支付订金旳团体如在团体抵达(15)日内取消时,甲方有权不退还订金给乙方并视此为乙方对甲方旳赔款。 团体应到而未到(NO-SHOW),所有经甲方确认且乙方已支付订金旳团体如于当日没到店时,甲方有权不退还订金给乙方并视此为乙方对甲方旳赔款。 团体餐更改:乙方如需更改用餐信息,需于24小时前告知甲方,否则甲方有权收取对应费用并视此为乙方对甲方旳赔款。付款方式: 乙方所有预订须按甲方规定提前支付房费房款和杂费押金,在客人退房时结清所有费用。 如乙方已和甲方建立月结信贷合作协议,乙

5、方应在收到甲方缴费告知时,于30日内结清所有款项,如欠费超过30日未结时,甲方将向乙方每月多收取总欠费旳1.5%利息。 乙方客人现付前台时,所支付房费不能低于现付协议价,甲方按客人现付价减去前台现付协议价之差价返佣给乙方,或将佣金用于冲减房费(佣金局限性旳状况下,请乙方在客人离店前结清所有费用)。 如乙方在甲方处有预存款时,乙方在每月5日前向甲方提供上月乙方客人入住旳详细资料,经双方查对无误后,甲方将直接从乙方在甲方旳押金中扣除,当押金不住足时,乙方需按甲方告知后办理补押金手续,否则乙方将不能继续在甲方处进行挂账。当双方旳夜间数有出入时,最终房数以甲方电脑记录为准;如有跨月旳订房,计入下月。其

6、他: 本协议一式两份,双方各执一份,协议经签字盖章后生效。 甲、乙双方不得将本协议所有事宜及条款向第三方公布。 本协议如有未尽事宜,经双方友好协商处理。甲方:(此处填写酒店名称)乙方:_ :86 (-) :_ :86 (-)8 :_业务联络人及 :(-)业务联络人:_开户名:(-) 开户名:_开户行:(-) 开户行:_银行帐号:(-) 银行帐号:_甲方签订人(盖章)乙方签订人(盖章)(填写酒店销售负责人姓名)姓名:_(填写酒店销售负责人职位)职位:_日期:_日期:_酒店标志Date_Company Name_Contact Person_Tel: _Fax: _Dear _Greetings

7、from 酒店英文名称!It gives us a great pleasure to provide you and your company with our Travel Agent / Wholesale contracted room rates for the period from now until the end of _(year). Please sign and return a copy to us by fax or mail at your earliest convenience. The rates will come into effect within s

8、even days upon receipt of the signed copy from you. If we can be of any further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us.We look forward to welcoming you to酒店英文名称.Kind regards,For and on behalf of酒店英文名称_姓名及职位Tel: +86 xxxxFax: +86 xxxxMobile: _Wholesale / Travel Agent Net Rate ContractThis co

9、ntract is drawn between:Hotel Name:Address:,Telephone: Facsimile: E-mail: Herein after referred to as “HOTEL” andTour Operator: Contact Person:Telephone: Facsimile: E-mail: Herein after referred to as “AGENT”This contract rate agreement is extended with the understanding that the rates below are onl

10、y valid for:Contracting period:A. Accommodation and Rate酒店英文简介For contracting period 年份, we would like to offer all the clients of your company the following special rates:Contracted Rate for FIT (FIT Net Rate Agreement)ROOM TYPERACKRATENet Contract Rate(Room including breakfast for Single / Double

11、occupancy)Low SeasonPeakSeasonTerms and Conditions on FIT Net Rate Agreement Contract room rates are inclusive of 15% service charge. Non-commissionable and rates are not allowed to publish in any booking channel. Room rates are quoted based on single / twin / double occupancy and per night basis. M

12、aximum guest in a room is 2 adults and 1 child (2A1C) or 2 adults (2A). FIT extra person charge is CNYxxxnet, breakfast inclusive. All FITs are required to present valid original voucher upon registration. This clause may be changed with prior arrangement between Hotel and Agent in writing. The hote

13、l reserves the right not to honour the booking if no valid voucher is received and will charge the full published rate to guest account for any discrepancy. All bookings are considered guaranteed and unless otherwise stated will incur one night room charge in case of no-show or cancellation after 6p

14、m on day of arrival. For all your bookings, all rates are not applicable for guests who on personal own account, please ensure that all reservations are fully prepaid either by cash or by bank draft/telegraphic transfer three days prior to the actual guests arrival. The Hotel reserves the right to r

15、elease all rooms not guaranteed by deposit or prepayment, unless separate written credit arrangement have been agreed and approved at the sole discretion of the Management Depending on the hotel situation additional allotment may be extended or denied and additional rooms are subject to availability

16、 and may be at a higher rate.Contracted Rate for Groups (Groups Net Rate Agreement)ROOM TYPERACK RATENet Contract Rate(Room including breakfast for Single / Double occupancy)Low SeasonPeak SeasonAd HocSeriesAd HocSeriesTerms and Conditions on Groups Net Rate Agreement Group Definition: a group compr

17、ises a minimum of 5 rooms and 10 guests or above on leisure travelling at one time. Series Group Definition: a series of group which are scheduled to arrive in the hotel on a regular basis for a period of time, e.g. every Monday, and reserved at least six (6) months in advance. Complimentary Room: O

18、ne half-twin room will be offered for every 16 paying guests, including the 16th guest, up to a maximum of four half-twins (two rooms). A final rooming list is to be given to the Hotel 10 working days prior to the Groups arrival and must include flight information and meal requirements. The Hotel re

19、serves the right to release all rooms if the requirement is not met within the time stated. Any confirmed room which results in non-materialization after receipt of rooming list will be charged the first (1) nights room rate. In case of cancellation, a written notice must be received by the hotel at

20、 least 15 days prior to the Groups scheduled arrival. In the event that this notice is not received, the deposit will be forfeited, or one night room charges equal to maximum number of rooms booked in any one night shall be levied. In the event of a group no-show on the date of scheduled arrival, th

21、e full deposit will be forfeited and the full accommodation charge for the whole stay will be charged automatically. Upon confirmation, the hotel requires 50% deposit of the total room nights booked. The remittance must reach us no less than 15 days prior to Groups scheduled arrival and the remainin

22、g balance are to be settled on or before groups arrival to the hotel. Any cancellation or changes to the pre-arranged meal(s), notice in writing must be made to the Hotel at least 24 hours in advance, failing which the Hotel has the right to impose full charges for all arranged meal(s).General Terms

23、 & Conditions The Hotel check-in time is 1400 hours; check out time is 1200 hours. Group/FIT rates for early arrival and extension of stay will only apply on a space availability basis and if the reservation order is received directly from the Agent. Should the guest arrived early or extend and Hote

24、l is not in receipt of a Reservation Order from the Agent, the Hotel reserves the right to charge the full published rate to the guest account. Please note that the management reserves the right to review and adjust the rates, terms and conditions as stipulated above by providing notice at least one

25、 month in advance. All allotments are subject to review after 3 months if materialisation is less than 50% on average. Rates contained in this contract do not apply to cruise, conventions, meeting, incentive & any group size of over 30 rooms. Blackout dates: during peak periods, there may be times w

26、hen the Hotel request an allotment (if any) to be returned back to the Hotel. The Hotel will give a minimum of 10 (ten) working days advance notice should this situation arise. Group name list must be received before the cut off dates which according to different season,Peak Season:Low Season:Termin

27、ationThe Hotel shall have the absolute right at any time by giving notice in writing to the company to cancel this Agreement forthwith on the happening of any of the following events:l If the Company commits a breach of any of the terms or conditions of this Agreement;l If the Company enters into ba

28、nkruptcy of liquidation whether compulsorily or voluntarily (otherwise than for the purposes of amalgamation or reconstruction) or compounds with its or their creditors or takes or suffers any similar action in consequence of debt or is served with notice of or relating to bankruptcy or liquidation

29、proceedings or if execution is levied against any of the assets of the Company;l If the Hotel cannot operate properly or at all due to fire, storm, typhoon, earthquake or war, explosion, bombing, civil commotion, riot, disturbance or political unrest or any other circumstances(s) events(s) or other

30、force, condition(s) beyond its control or its license to operate as a hotel is revoked, cancelled or suspended in any way;l Upon any change in the composition or (in the case of a company) ownership of the Company;l Upon the Company sub-selling pre-booked rooms to any third party other than a bona f

31、ide guest;l Upon the Company misusing any of the information on guests of the Hotel to compile mailing or other lists or to charge corporate travelers as any other category under Clause 5 above;l If the Company circulates contract rates to corporate/commercial firms or sub-contracts to other agencie

32、s; l If there is non-observance by the Company of the conditions as apply to the Rates in Clause 4 or to Clause 18 thereof.Protected RatesThe special rates contained herein are non-commissionable and applicable only to booking made by your Agent. Should any room types shown in this contract be fully

33、 booked, we will offer you the next alternative room type. Different rates may apply.B. Reservations & PaymentReservationsAccommodation reservations can be made directly with the hotel Reservations department at:Hotel direct line: Hotel facsimile:Email:Group ReservationsAccommodation reservations ca

34、n be made directly with the Hotel Sales Department at:Hotel direct line:Hotel facsimile:Email: Special RequestsWe have a total of ? non-smoking rooms and ? disabled rooms in the various categories. Please inform us of any special needs at time of reservation.Payment ProceduresIf credit facilities ha

35、ve been established and approved by the Hotel, all invoices including master account and cancellation / “No-show” charges are due and payable within thirty (30) days of the billing date. The Hotel reserves the right to take appropriate action in respect of overdue accounts. For accounts not paid wit

36、hin thirty (30) days of the billing date, the hotel may levy interest at 1.5% per month of the total outstanding. In the event of disputed charges, the undisputed amount due must be paid within thirty (30) days of the billing date, and the disputed amount to be resolved within one week.If credit fac

37、ilities have not been established with the Hotel, total prepayment covering all agreed services will be due as stated under Terms and Conditions above. Payment can be made by cash, bank draft, telegraphic transfer or credit card. Our bank account details is as follows:Bank: Address: Account Name: Ac

38、count No.: 开户行: 全称:帐号: 地址: C. Hotel InformationGeneral InformationRoom Description:Transportation:lFood & Beverage:Local Attractions:Meeting and Banquet FacilitiesThis contract supersedes all previous contracts issued and should be held binding once the contract is signed by both parties.This contra

39、ct will be invalid if it is not returned within 14 days from the date of offer as indicated below. Kindly acknowledge your acceptance by signing and returning the attached duplicate of this contract.Signed for and on behalf of: Accepted for and signed on behalf of:姓名 Name:Sales Manager Title:Date: Date:Ilja PoepperResident ManagerDate: 六月 23, 2024

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