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1、1 Introduction 1.1 Need for the Study Since entered WTO, the construction , one of the important pillar industries of national economy, has made astounding advances.With the introduction of FIDIC contract terms, Chinese enterprises have gradually become compatible with the international norms. In th

2、e field of international construction, there are more and more engineering projects which are contracted by Chinese or foreign companies. And the International Engineering Projects Contract (IEPC) is the formal written business contract signed by Chinese and foreign engineering enterprises. Usually,

3、 in these contracts, if theres divergence, almost the English text shall prevail according to the international custom. But for China, its extremely detrimental to draft and explain the contract with English. Foreign enterprises can make full use of the advantage of their native languageEnglish, to

4、make and explain the terms beneficial to their commercial interests. No matter the corporate representatives and the legal representatives of foreign-related projects, or full-time translators, engineers, contract managers and business negotiants, should grasp the language characteristics of the Eng

5、lish contract, be familiar with contract terms and definitions. So its necessary to study the translation of these contracts. And the title of master degrees dissertation is A Tentative Study on The Translation of International Engineering Projects Contract From Chinese into English.1.2 Structure of

6、 Thesis Chapter I Introduction The Generation of IEPC and The Present Situation on Translation of It 1. Background Description 2. The Development History on Translation of IEPC 2.1 The Production of IEPC 2.2 The Present Situation on Translation of IEPC Chapter II Study of the Applicable Translation

7、Theories of IEPC 1.The Application of Functional Translation Theory in IEPC 1.1 The Introduction of Functional Translation Theory 1.2 The Theory Applied in IEPC 2. The Translating Contrast between IEPC and General Foreign Trade Contract 2.1 Parties to The Contract 2.2 The Terms of Payment in Both Co

8、ntracts 2.3 The Disputes and Solutions of Contracts 3. The Unique Linguistic Features and Translation Skills of IEPC Chapter III Study of the Translation Skills of IEPC 1.The Style Characteristics of IEPC 2. The Linguistic Features of IEPC 3. The Frequently-used Methods on Translation of IEPC Chapte

9、r IV Conclusion Reference2 Outline2.1 Literature Review 2.1.1 FIDICThe international conventions of constructionTo participate in competition of the international project contracting market, we must understand and master the world-wide rules of the game - the contract terms of FIDIC (International F

10、ederation of consulting engineers). It is a contract conditions which has collected hundreds of years of experiences in civil engineering and construction of developed countries, and integrated the engineering technologies, laws, economies and management sciences. The FIDIC contract involved in Inte

11、rnational engineering projects mainly includes four kinds. One of them, which is widely used in China and known by most Engineering management personnel is the Red BookConditions of Contract for Works of Civil Engineering Construction.The framework relationship of FIDIC contract is the trinity among

12、 the owner, consulting engineer and the contractor , namely a kind of triangle, but is not an equilateral triangle. Consulting engineers closer to the owner, because now international project contracting market is still a buyers market. In many international engineering contracting projects, the vas

13、t majority of Chinese enterprises play the role as contractors. Obviously, we are in a position of comparative disadvantages. In order to successfully complete the contracted projects, and maximize our domestic enterprises interests at the same time, we must do as the Romans do . Earnestly study and

14、 profound understanding the FIDIC contract terms. Before signed the bilingual contracts with related enterprises, headed analysis and thorough understand the contents of the contract, especially in dispute resolutions and claim programs, which involve enterprises interests. 2.1.2 The Functional Tran

15、slation TheoryThe functionalist approaches (maybe) is the research methods of emphasis on function or text functions and translation (Christiane Nord). And the funcionalism refers to the theories of researching the translation by this functional doctrine mode. Functional translation theory has been

16、seen originally in Rices translation criticism of the possibilities and limits(1971). Rice divided the version into three categories according to the function: Informativegiving priority to transfer various information, focusing on the objective facts; Expressivemainly expressing subjective feelings

17、 and thoughts, focusing on the author; Operative/ Vocativeprimarily to arouse the expected reaction of readers. And when translating the text of application style, it emphasizes on Informative and Operative/ Vocative.In 1978, Vermeer first put forward the core theory of functionalist incommon frame

18、of translation theory:Skopos theory. And put forward three rules which translators must comply with: objective principle, the consistency principle and loyalty principle. Objective principle and loyalty principle is two basic principles of Skopos theory. Objective principle must be decided separatel

19、y in each clear cases.And which decided this principle is translation brief. A customer who need a version request the translator to translate it for a specific purpose. And he/she will become the sponsor of the translation activities. 2.1.3 The translation of IEPC The new FIDIC contract which was o

20、fficially published in 1999 made important changes in some aspects of the original contract. It made the responsibility, right and obligation of both parties more rigorous, and the maneuverability is stronger. The general conditions of new Red Book including 20 paragraphs, 163 articles. The 20 parag

21、raphs include: general provisions, owner, engineers, contractor, appointed subcontractor, staff and workers, engineering equipment, material and process, commenced, delay and suspension, tests on completion, the owner of the acceptance, defects liability, measurement and assessment, change and adjus

22、tment, contract price and payment, owner termination, suspension and termination by contractor, risk and liability, insurance, force majeure, claims, disputes and arbitration. At present our country has introduced and adopted the FIDIC contract terms and management mode. Construction ministry and th

23、e state administration of industry and commerce reference the form and content of FIDIC contract terms (such as the appellation of engineer and its responsibilities, claim program, two-way claim system etc), jointly promulgated the construction contract demonstrative text. Red Book requires the whol

24、e project construction activities realize standardization. The preface of its fourth version: The standardization in techniques and managements is indispensable for successfully completing the civil engineering construction projects. Standardization is to regulate the unified standards of the commod

25、ities, and being implemented in the whole process. Its an important part in the system of modern technology economy and science. The international engineering contracting contracts should also follow the standardization. FIDIC contract 72nd paragraph, the settlement of disputes finally way is arbitr

26、ation. The institution for arbitration is Dispute Adjudication Board (DAB). International arbitration judges by Contra Proferentum Rule. This is very advantageous to the contractor which means when appearing the fuzzy or conflicting terms, the arbitrators would make the explanations in accordance wi

27、th the worst situation for writers on principle. And the contract writers are usually consulting engineers or owner. This is also the biggest opportunity for contractors to submit the international arbitration. 2.3 Research Questions 1. What are the features of IEPC ? 2. What are the theories applyi

28、ng to IEPC ? 3. What are the problems frequently being disadvantageous to the claims in the process of translating the IEPC ?2.4 Research Methods Study the language and translation methods of the IEPC, by collecting the models of contracts both on international engineering projects and general forei

29、gn trades, and comparatively studying both of them according to the Functional Translation Theory.2.5 Anticipated Conclusions 1. Accurate translation of the IEPC, can strengthen the communication and cooperation between countries and China in projects of international engineering, avoid the contradi

30、ctions and arguments, and lay a solid foundation for connecting with the world successfully. 2. Strengthening the contract management consciousness, smoothly realizing the claims of international engineering projects according to the contracts, winning the maximized interests for Chinese enterprises

31、. 3. The IEPC own the unique language and words. Its benefit to realize the modernization, the normalization and the standardization of contract management to distinguish them from other general foreign trade contracts.3 BibliographyNewmark, Peter.(2023)Approaches to Translation. Shanghai Foreign La

32、nguage Education PressNewmark, Peter.(1988) A Textbook of Translation. Prentice Hall International(UK)Ltd.Nida, Eugene A.(1993)Language, Culture and Translation. Shanghai Foreign Language Education PressChen,X.Y.陈新元,2023,FIDIC施工协议条件与应用案例,北京:中国水利水电出版社Hao,L郝林,2023,FIDIC施工协议应用技巧,北京:中国电力出版社Wei,J韦嘉,2023,国际工程协议管理(双语),北京:中国建筑工业出版社Chen,G陈刚,2023,应用文体翻译:理论与实践,浙江:浙江大学出版社Liu,J.C.刘季春,2023,实用翻译教程,广州:中山大学出版社

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