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1、英语期末考试英语期末考试第1页()1、A.met B.gave C.drank D、go()2、A.cheese B.dancer C.singer D、librarian()3、A.hard B.yours C.easy D、heavy()4、A.where B.wheel C.pocket D、bag()5、A.timetable B.information C.use Ddictionary第2页()6、A.week B.delicious C.year D、hour()7、A.blue B.brown C.green D、back()8、A.shoes B.bag C.socks D、

2、coats()9、A.told B.lived C.suggest D、had()10、A.hard B.flat C.heavy D、light第3页()1 1、I watched a television programme _China I watched a television programme _China last night.last night.A A、with Bwith B、about Cabout C、at D at D、forfor()2 2、There werent _ buses and cars many years There werent _ buses

3、and cars many years ago.ago.A A、a B a B、some C some C、an Dan D、anyany()3 3、-Where are the books _ England,please?-Where are the books _ England,please?-They are _Shelf C.-They are _Shelf C.A A、in,on B in,on B、about,in C about,in C、about,on Dabout,on D、inin,inin ()4 4、Please bring back these books Pl

4、ease bring back these books seven seven days time.days time.A A、in B in B、on C on C、with Dwith D、aboutabout()5 5、I want to make _e-card for Mum.I want to make _e-card for Mum.A A、a B a B、the C the C、an Dan D、不填、不填第4页()6、The shoes are too big _ my mother.A、to B、for C、with D、on()7、Xinjiang is the west

5、 of China.A、in B、on C、at D、of()8、-_ did you go to Beijing?-I went there in August last year.A、Who B、How C、When D、Where第5页()9、There _ lots of cars and people in Beijing.A、be B、is C、was D、are()10、-_are you going to take?-Books and clothes.A、What B、When C、Why D、How()11、He _to a Chinese restaurant yeste

6、rday evening.A、go B、went C、goes D、going()12、I am going to _ tomorrow evening.A、swim B、swims C、swimming D、swam第6页三、选择适当词,将序号填在横线上。(10分)A、making B、worked C、wrote D、played E、has1、-Tom,what are you doing?-I am _ a cake.2、Lucy always _ eggs and sausage for her breakfast.3、-What did you do yesterday?-I _

7、a letter to my father.4、Mr Wang _ very hard when he was our Chinese teacher.5、-Did you see a movie yesterday?-No,I _ cards with my Dad.第7页四、将问句所对应正确答案选项填入括号内。(10分)()1、What did you have for lunch?A、My uncle lived there.()2、What did you do last night?B、I watched TV at home.()3、Where is Guilin?C、sandwiches()4、How did you go there?D、Its in the south of China.()5、Who lived in that big house?E、I went there on foot.第8页

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