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1、 英语连读规则英语连读规则 一一一一.连读条件:连读条件:连读条件:连读条件:1.1.相邻两词在意义上必须亲密相关,同属一个意群。连相邻两词在意义上必须亲密相关,同属一个意群。连相邻两词在意义上必须亲密相关,同属一个意群。连相邻两词在意义上必须亲密相关,同属一个意群。连读所组成音节普通都不重读,只需顺其自然地一带而过,读所组成音节普通都不重读,只需顺其自然地一带而过,读所组成音节普通都不重读,只需顺其自然地一带而过,读所组成音节普通都不重读,只需顺其自然地一带而过,不可读得太重。不可读得太重。不可读得太重。不可读得太重。(1)“(1)“辅音辅音辅音辅音+元音元音元音元音”型:连读在同一个意群里


3、ehavealookatit.MsBlackworkedinanofficeyesterday.MsBlackworkedinanofficeyesterday.Putiton,please.Notatall.Pleasepickitup.Putiton,please.Notatall.Pleasepickitup.第1页 2.“r/re+2.“r/re+元音元音元音元音”型连读型连读型连读型连读 假如前一个词是以假如前一个词是以假如前一个词是以假如前一个词是以-r-r或者或者或者或者-re-re结尾,后一个词是以元音开头,这时结尾,后一个词是以元音开头,这时结尾,后一个词是以元音开头,这时结

4、尾,后一个词是以元音开头,这时r r或或或或rere不但要发不但要发不但要发不但要发/r/r/,而且还要与后面元音拼起来连读。,而且还要与后面元音拼起来连读。,而且还要与后面元音拼起来连读。,而且还要与后面元音拼起来连读。eg.Theyremyfatherandmother.eg.Theyremyfatherandmother.Ilookedforithereandthere.Ilookedforithereandthere.Thereisafootballunderit.Thereisafootballunderit.Therearesomebooksonthedesk.Thereareso

5、mebooksonthedesk.Hereisaletterforyou.Hereisaletterforyou.Herearefoureggs.Herearefoureggs.Butwhereismycup?Butwhereismycup?Whereareyourbrotherandsister?Whereareyourbrotherandsister?不过,假如一个音节前后都有字母不过,假如一个音节前后都有字母不过,假如一个音节前后都有字母不过,假如一个音节前后都有字母r r,即使后面词以元音开头,即使后面词以元音开头,即使后面词以元音开头,即使后面词以元音开头,也不能连读。也不能连读。也



8、读成读成读成读成/dV/dV/,didyoudidyou听听听听上成了上成了上成了上成了/dIdVu/dIdVu/,wouldyouwouldyou成了成了成了成了/wudVu/wudVu/,couldyoucouldyou成了成了成了成了/kudVu/kudVu/。第3页 4.“4.“元音元音元音元音+元音元音元音元音”型连读型连读型连读型连读:假如前一个词以元音结尾,后一假如前一个词以元音结尾,后一假如前一个词以元音结尾,后一假如前一个词以元音结尾,后一个词以元音开头,这两个音往往也要自然而不间断地连个词以元音开头,这两个音往往也要自然而不间断地连个词以元音开头,这两个音往往也要自然而不间




12、tentomorrowmorning?morning?(meetmeet与与与与atat,eighteight与与与与oror之间不能够之间不能够之间不能够之间不能够连读)连读)连读)连读)Sheopenedthedoorandwalkedin.Sheopenedthedoorandwalkedin.(doordoor与与与与andand之间不能够连读)之间不能够连读)之间不能够连读)之间不能够连读)第5页 二二二二.失去爆破失去爆破失去爆破失去爆破:6:6个爆破音有个爆破音有个爆破音有个爆破音有3 3对对对对/p/p/,/b/;/t/b/;/t/,/d/;/k/d/;/k/,/g/g/失去爆

13、破,又叫不完全爆破,就是在一些情况下,只须做出发音准备,失去爆破,又叫不完全爆破,就是在一些情况下,只须做出发音准备,失去爆破,又叫不完全爆破,就是在一些情况下,只须做出发音准备,失去爆破,又叫不完全爆破,就是在一些情况下,只须做出发音准备,但并不发音,稍稍停顿后就发后面音。但并不发音,稍稍停顿后就发后面音。但并不发音,稍稍停顿后就发后面音。但并不发音,稍稍停顿后就发后面音。(1)“(1)“爆破音爆破音爆破音爆破音+爆破音爆破音爆破音爆破音”型型型型 6 6个爆破音中任意个爆破音中任意个爆破音中任意个爆破音中任意2 2个相暂时,前一个爆破音会失去爆破,即由相关发个相暂时,前一个爆破音会失去爆破

14、,即由相关发个相暂时,前一个爆破音会失去爆破,即由相关发个相暂时,前一个爆破音会失去爆破,即由相关发音器官做好这个发音姿势,稍做停顿后即发后面爆破音器官做好这个发音姿势,稍做停顿后即发后面爆破音器官做好这个发音姿势,稍做停顿后即发后面爆破音器官做好这个发音姿势,稍做停顿后即发后面爆破 eg.Thegirlinthere(d)coatwasonabla(ck)bikejus(t)now.eg.Thegirlinthere(d)coatwasonabla(ck)bikejus(t)now.Thebi(g)busfromthefa(c)toryisfullofpeople.Thebi(g)busfr





19、lessonisqui(te)difficult.Theforty-firs(t)lessonisqui(te)difficult.Goo(d)luck,LinTao.Goo(d)luck,LinTao.第7页三三.浊化浊化 1 1、S S 后面清辅音要浊化后面清辅音要浊化 eg.discussion eg.discussion:k k 浊化成浊化成 g g stand stand:t t 浊化成浊化成d d expression expression:p p浊化成浊化成 b b2 2、美音中:、美音中:t t 在单词中间被浊化成在单词中间被浊化成d d 如:如:writerwriter,听起

20、来和听起来和 rider rider 发音几乎没有区分发音几乎没有区分 letterladder letterladder 美国人和加拿大人发音为了省事,习惯清音浊化,美国人和加拿大人发音为了省事,习惯清音浊化,尤其是尤其是tt在单词中间一定会浊化成在单词中间一定会浊化成dd,但英但英国人发音不会这么,这也是英音和美音一大区分。国人发音不会这么,这也是英音和美音一大区分。了解这一浊化标准,会给听力带来一些帮助。了解这一浊化标准,会给听力带来一些帮助。第8页四四.弱读弱读 普通来说:普通来说:实词重读,如动词、名词、副词等;实词重读,如动词、名词、副词等;虚词弱读,如介词、代词等虚词弱读,如介词

21、、代词等 弱读规则普通是:元音音节弱化成弱读规则普通是:元音音节弱化成 E E如单词如单词 for from to some am do have does for from to some am do have does 强式强式 fC:frC:m tU:sQm Am dU:fC:frC:m tU:sQm Am dU:hAv dQz hAv dQz 弱式弱式 f frm t sm m d hv f frm t sm m d hv dz dz 第9页 五五.英音和美音差异英音和美音差异因为美音流行,四级考试听力也以美音为主,不过,因因为美音流行,四级考试听力也以美音为主,不过,因为历史原因,我

22、国大多数英语教师发音,依然以英音为为历史原因,我国大多数英语教师发音,依然以英音为主,所以,我们脑海中根深蒂固英式发音,可能和磁带主,所以,我们脑海中根深蒂固英式发音,可能和磁带中发音不一致,进而造成四级听力中障碍。英语和美语中发音不一致,进而造成四级听力中障碍。英语和美语在读音上差异主要反应在元音字母在读音上差异主要反应在元音字母a,o a,o 和辅音字母和辅音字母r r 不一不一样读音上。样读音上。1)1)在在askask、cantcant、dancedance、fastfast、path path 这一类单词中,英这一类单词中,英国人将字母国人将字母a a 读作读作a:a:,而美国人则读

23、作,而美国人则读作 ,所以这些,所以这些词在美国人口中就成了词在美国人口中就成了AskkAntdAnsfAstAskkAntdAnsfAst和和pB:WpB:W。第10页Liason 连读连读 1.Sit on the chair1.Sit on the chair 2.Without any difficulty2.Without any difficulty 3.in a minute3.in a minute 4.a woman of forty4.a woman of forty 5.best of all5.best of all 6.arrive in the city6.arri

24、ve in the city 7.at eight oclock7.at eight oclock 8.an old man and a girl8.an old man and a girl 9.ask any person9.ask any person 10.walk across the street10.walk across the street 11.on a foggy day11.on a foggy day 12.a student in the English Department12.a student in the English Department 13.in o

25、ur classroom13.in our classroom 14.talk with a friend of mine14.talk with a friend of mine 15.fall in the river15.fall in the river第11页 16.tell us a story16.tell us a story 17.find it in my desk17.find it in my desk 18.waited and waited18.waited and waited 19.run after it19.run after it 20.at the en

26、d of the street20.at the end of the street 21.here and there21.here and there 22.sit at the other end of the room22.sit at the other end of the room 23.after a while23.after a while 24.take for example24.take for example 25.for an hour25.for an hour 26.a pair of trousers26.a pair of trousers 27.wait

27、 for a student27.wait for a student 28.find the answer after all28.find the answer after all 29.put more on her plate29.put more on her plate 30.take care of it30.take care of it第12页31.cant hear it31.cant hear it32.no air and water32.no air and water33.the other answer33.the other answer34.150 kilom

28、eters per hour34.150 kilometers per hour35.a fire in a forest35.a fire in a forest36.discover a new star36.discover a new star37.doctor and nurse37.doctor and nurse38.far easier than that38.far easier than that39.the owner of the house39.the owner of the house40.the paper in the desk40.the paper in

29、the desk第13页 1.I dont understand the theory at all.1.I dont understand the theory at all.2.Jane has saved a lot of money.2.Jane has saved a lot of money.3.It isnt our mistake.3.It isnt our mistake.4.My mother came and opened the door.4.My mother came and opened the door.5.Instead of a shirt,Tom boug

30、ht a jacket.5.Instead of a shirt,Tom bought a jacket.6.There was a man and a woman sitting behind me.6.There was a man and a woman sitting behind me.7.I shall graduate from middle school in one and a half 7.I shall graduate from middle school in one and a half years.years.8.Dont let him in while Im

31、reading.8.Dont let him in while Im reading.9.He is a tall and handsome young man.9.He is a tall and handsome young man.10.When I went into my office,he was talking with a 10.When I went into my office,he was talking with a friend of his.friend of his.第14页 11.While I was waiting for our bus,the rain

32、stopped.11.While I was waiting for our bus,the rain stopped.12.There is only one hospital in the town.12.There is only one hospital in the town.13.Perhaps that pair of shoes will fit me.13.Perhaps that pair of shoes will fit me.14.He came in and asked for a cup of coffee.14.He came in and asked for

33、a cup of coffee.15.Here is your bag.15.Here is your bag.16.He is standing at the other end of the bridge.16.He is standing at the other end of the bridge.17.There are no clean glasses in the kitchen,we have 17.There are no clean glasses in the kitchen,we have used them all.used them all.18.Could you

34、 open the door for us?18.Could you open the door for us?19.He didnt finish his work until after eight yesterday 19.He didnt finish his work until after eight yesterday evening.evening.20.Dont worry,well find the answer after all.20.Dont worry,well find the answer after all.第15页 1.Thisisthelostandfou













47、LondonclubsbegantoinsultteamshadbothbeenplayingLondonclubsbegantoinsulteachother.eachother.第19页41.Would you like a weekend in Las Vagas?41.Would you like a weekend in Las Vagas?42.Mary stopped outside a shoe shop and looked in 42.Mary stopped outside a shoe shop and looked in the window.the window.4

48、3.When an atom is divided,heat appears.43.When an atom is divided,heat appears.44.Talk of a quick election was pure speculation.44.Talk of a quick election was pure speculation.45.He hoped it would lead to a basis for negotiation.45.He hoped it would lead to a basis for negotiation.46.How did you fi

49、nd it at first being stared at all day?46.How did you find it at first being stared at all day?47.People werent aware in a scientific way of the role 47.People werent aware in a scientific way of the role of different micro-organisms and enzymes in of different micro-organisms and enzymes in produci

50、ng different types of cheese.producing different types of cheese.48.Cheese started being made on a large scale in 48.Cheese started being made on a large scale in factories.factories.49.They might not become great artist or composers.49.They might not become great artist or composers.50.It suddenly

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