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1、Are You Hungry?第1页 Chinese CuisinePeking roast duckchili-fried chicken cubesLanzhou hand-pulled noodlesKung pao chicken第2页 Chinese cuisine(菜系)(菜系)includes a variety of different flavors due to Chinas vast territory and diverse nationalities.Local dishes with their own distinctiveness can be roughly

2、divided into eight regional cuisines.Do you know?第3页 Food is a fundamental in everyones life.It doesnt matter if you are a student,business man,backpacker or a normal tourist,no matter where you are in China,meal times are very important.第4页Eight Regional CuisinesShandong Cuisine鲁菜Sichuan Cuisine川菜C

3、antonese Cuisine粤菜Fujian Cuisine闽菜Jiangsu Cuisine苏菜Zhejiang Cuisine浙菜Hunan Cuisine湘菜Anhui Cuisine徽菜第5页1.Shandong Cuisine A combination of Jinan and Jiaodong,Shandong is characterized by an emphasis on freshness and aroma(香)(香).Jinan cuisine is adept at deep-frying,grilling,frying and stir-frying.(炸、

4、烤、煎、炒)(炸、烤、煎、炒)Jiaodong division is famous for cooking seafood with fresh and light taste.第6页2.Sichuan Cuisine Sichuan hot pots(火锅)(火锅)is the most famous hot pots in the world,especially the mandarin duck hot pot(鸳鸯火锅鸳鸯火锅)Sichuan,both spicy and pungent(香辣)(香辣),is one of the most famous Chinese cuisi

5、nes in the world.麻婆豆腐麻婆豆腐宫保鸡丁宫保鸡丁第7页3.Cantonese Cuisine Guangdong cuisine is formed from west Han dynasty,Guangdong cuisine learn from the south cooking methods.Guangdong cuisine becomes one of the most famous cuisines in China.Guangdong cuisine is creative with an emphasis on artistic presentation.

6、The cuisine is considered light(淡)(淡),crisp(酥)(酥)and fresh(鲜)(鲜).白切鸡白切鸡糖醋咕噜肉糖醋咕噜肉第8页4.Fujian CuisineConsisting of Fuzhou Cuisine,Quanzhou Cuisine and Xiamen Cuisine,distinguished for its choice of seafood,beautiful color and magic taste.Flavour:sweet,sour,salty and savory(香香辣辣).The most distinct fea

7、tures are their“pickled taste”(卤味卤味).佛跳墙佛跳墙醉排骨醉排骨第9页5.Jiangsu CuisineAlso called Huaiyang,Jiangsu uses seafood as its main ingredient(原原料料)and is known for carving techniques and a light,fresh and sweet flavor.Made up of Hangzhou,Ningbo and Shaoxing Cuisines,Zhejiang is enjoyed for its freshness,ten

8、derness,and mellow.(鲜、柔、滑)(鲜、柔、滑)6.Zhejiang Cuisine叫花鸡霸王别姬松鼠鳜鱼东坡肉狮子头西湖醋鱼第10页7.Hunan cuisineIncluding local cuisines of Xiangjiang Region and Dongting Lake,Hunan is known for its use of chili pepper(红辣椒).剁椒鱼头剁椒鱼头腊味合蒸腊味合蒸红烧猪蹄红烧猪蹄第11页8.Anhui CuisineAnhui Cuisine focuses on cooking temperature,braising(炖),and stewing(蒸).Hams(火腿)are used to improve taste and sugar candy for freshness.腐乳鸡腐乳鸡香菇板栗香菇板栗火腿炖甲鱼火腿炖甲鱼第12页 Are You Hungry?第13页I hope everyone will have a good lunch today!第14页

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