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1、南京市芳草园小学南京市芳草园小学 余林余林第1页BeijingShanghaiKunmingWhats the weather like in?Its ChengduHong Kong第2页springseasonsrain第3页springsummerautumnwinterseasons第4页countryside第5页make snowmenplay snowball fights第6页第7页Four seasons in Nanjing第8页New York第9页Why?He is going to work there for one year.What is she doing n

2、ow?She is asking Ben some questions aboutthe weather in New York.What does she want to know?Su Yang wants to know about the weather there.Su Yangs dad is going tonext week.(.(下周下周)了解了解第10页How many seasons are they talking about?What are they?第11页1、()Whats the weather like in summer?3、()In which seas

3、on does it often rain?2、()Which is the best season in New York?A.A.B.C.C.B.4、()Which season does Ben like best?A.B.C.BACBA.B.C.Read and choose第12页 Su Yangs dad is going to New York next week.He is going to work there for one year.Su Yang wants to know about the weather there.She is asking Ben some q

4、uestions about the weather in New York.第13页Ben,my father is going to New York soon.Whats the weather like there?Is it hot?Yes,its usually very hot,as hot as in Nanjing.What about autumn there?Its the best season in New York.Its cool and usually sunny.Sometimes its windy.People like to go to farms in

5、 the countryside and pick apples.Sounds great!Does it often rain there in spring?Yes,it does,and its warm most of the time.New York is very beautiful in spring.Which season in New York do you like best?I like winter best.Why?Because I can play snowmen with my friends.Its great fun.So its very cold t

6、here in winter.Yes,its colder than in Nanjing.Your dad needs some warm clothes for winter in New York.第14页Four seasons in New YorkIntroduction介绍介绍第15页Look,read and complete:In New York,theres a lot of rain in _.The weather in summer is as _ as in Nanjing.Autumn is the best _ in New York.Its _and _.I

7、n winter its _ than in Nanjing.Dad,you need to buy some _ clothes.springhotseasoncoolcoldersunnywarm第16页Which city would you like to visit?Why?第17页?Which city would you like to visit?Id like to visit Because Why?Whats the weather like in there?Its 第18页Homework1.听听磁带,熟读课文磁带,熟读课文。2.2.试将自己与同学讨论对话编写出来。试将自己与同学讨论对话编写出来。第19页第20页第21页

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