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1、图图1:Look at this picture,Its nice!There are five animals,they like to eat hamburgers.Today is Sunday,its a nice day.Theirs lunch is hamburgers and juice.They are happy together.第1页图图:2:Today is Saturday,Nancy doesnt go to school.Ann is a lovely girl.She wants to go to the Park.She goes to the park w

2、ith her little dog.They like sports.Doing exercise can make you healthy.Saturday is fun!第2页图图3:In the afternoon,the fox,the duck and the elephant are going to the library to read books.At the traffic lights,the light is red,but the fox is going,the duck is stop.The elephant says:“Be careful!Its dang

3、erous!”Our teacher tells as that red is stop,yellow si wait,green is go.第3页图图4:Today is Sunday.Its a sunny day.The sun is happy!The elephant、the duck、the fox and the cat are going to the park.Look!The elephant and the duck are fishing.The cat and the fox are sitting in the duck boat.Four little duck

4、s are coming,they think,the duck boat looks like our mum.How lovely they are!第4页图图5:Its Sunday today.The animals are going to the see the sea.They like boating in the sea.The bird is singing for us.The sun has a smile.What a happy day!第5页图图6:Oh!Look,it is a nice picture!Do you like animals?I like an

5、imals very much!At the zoo,we can see a lot of animals.The giraffe is tall.It has a long neck.The elephant is big and it has a long nose.The zebra is near the tree.The line is in the middle.The cat is on the right.The hippo is on the left.They are all nice!第6页图图7:Look!Its a nice picture,its my new b

6、edroom.Its clean.There is a bed beside the big window.My favourite toy car is near the window.I like to play with my toy car in my bedroom.I like to read.so,you can see a lot of books in my bedroom,theyre on the table.Here is a chair under my table,it s white.I do my homework on the table.I like to

7、play toys in my bed room.Look there are three pictures on the wall.You can see a boy,thats me,thats beautiful woman is my mum.I love her very much!I like my new bedroom,do you like it?第7页图图8:Today is Saturday!I dont go to school.My family are go shoping.We go to the shop by car,our car is yellow.My

8、father is driving the car,my mother and my brother are looking that trees.I play with my toy.We bought a lot of goodthings,theyre on the car.We like go shoping.第8页图图9:In the morning,in our classroom,our teacher is near the table.She is beautiful.She teaches us English.A girl is on the right,her name

9、 is Nancy.She is happy.A little boy is sitting.He is wearing a new cap,a shirt,a blue sweater and blue trousers.He is cool.第9页图图10:Today is Sunday.My friends are going to my house.We are having fun together.I am a waiter.Nancy is playing with my cat.Jim is reading my story book.Satursday is fun!第10页

10、图图11:Look at this picture,its my fathers table.Its nice but not clean,you can see a lot of things on the table.My father is too busy everyday.My father likes to listen to music.He works use the computer.I love my father.第11页图图12:Today is Saturday,there is a zoo near my home.I go to the zoo by bike.I

11、 saw my friend Tom at the zoo.Tom likes tigers,but I like monkeys.Monkeys are lovely,they like to eat peaches and bananas,they can jump,and you can see two tall trees.A giraffe is eating leaves.I love animals.第12页图图13:Oh!Look!Its a big farm.There is a nice house in the picture.there is a small house

12、,too.its dogs house.The dog is running to the left,the cat is running to the right,here is a white rabbit,its fat.Rabbit is my favourite animal.The little chicken are standing with theirs mother.They are happy together.第13页图图14:Look!Its a nice picture.This is a farm.Mr Li and Miss Wang are working o

13、n the farm.You can see many animals on the farm.Look.The bee(蜜蜂蜜蜂)is on the dogs tail.The chicken is on the sheep,the sheep and another chicken are on the fat pig,the pig is on the cow.the cow has a big mouth,the flowers are nice,I can see a red butterfly,it s nice,too.第14页图图15:Oh!How nice the pictu

14、re is!Its a forest school.The teacher says:School is over.The students are going to play.The big bear is counting the butterfly:how many butterflies are there?One,two,three,four.There are four.The other bear is angry,He is run and run,Whats happened?Do you know?Im sorry!I dont know!第15页图图16:In the a

15、fternoon,we have an English class.We play games with our friends.Now,school is over.we say goodbye to our teacher.Then we go home,at the traffic lights,Its green,lets go!Today is a happy day!第16页图图17:Oh!Its a nice picture.Let me show you!In the afternoon,the weather is good!I go to the park with my

16、friend.We go there on foot,we play games at the park,then I read a book,then we feel tired,we eat some food and drink juice.Tom eats an apple,his favourite fruit is apple too.My favourite fruit is banana.We all like drink juice,look we are drinking juice now.Can you see a tall tree?Yes,its an Englis

17、h tree.You can see some letters in the tree.第17页图图18:Oh!Its a nice picture!I think it is a dream.Do you know why?Because I cant by bus.Haha!Thats a sweet dreem,I can by bus,I can see the sun and the rainbow,and I can see a plane is in the sky.There is a sea near the city.A dog is in the boat.My frie

18、nd Nancy is in my bus.My bus has a big door.Oh!Becarful,two little chicken is crossing the road.I can see the banana trees,theyre nice.What a good dream 1 But I dont know where shall we go in this dream?Do you know?Thats all !Thank you very much!第18页每次说完一个图,最终都要说这句话,表每次说完一个图,最终都要说这句话,表示有礼貌,告诉他人你已经说完了。示有礼貌,告诉他人你已经说完了。Thats all !Thank you very much!第19页

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