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1、Made by XuHua第1页Unit 18 Office equipmentTelephoneComputerPrinterScannerFax machinePhotocopierAnswering machineWord processor第2页The fax machineHow to workAdvantages&disadvantagesthe machine“reads”changes into electronic signalssends signals down a telephone linemuch quickermore expensive than posting

2、a fax can be read by anyone第3页The photocopierHow to workAdvantages&disadvantagesusing a mirror,a roller&special black powderMake bigger or smaller,lighter or darker and copy onto both sides of the paper.copy a long report and sort and pinthe copies together.can produce color copies第4页The word proces

3、sorHow to workAdvantages&disadvantagescombines a typewriter keyboard,a printer and a computerthe writing appears on a screen&is recorded onto a computer diskyou make any changes you wish,check it and print itinstead of spending five hours typing the report again,print it in one minute第5页The answerin

4、g machine How to workAdvantages&disadvantagesleave the answering machine onpeople who call you up can leave a message.the following morning or after the holiday,you can listen to the messagesand take any necessary action.“information line”a telephone with a tape recorder第6页Discussion1.When should yo

5、u find out how to work the office equipment?2.What does“be rushed off ones feet”mean?3.Why is it not surprising that Japan has more fax machines than any other country in the world?4.If you were the Head Teacher of a school,which of the machines would be useful to have?In what ways could they be use

6、d?第7页Fill in the blanks with the proper words:1.The _is a type of machine which is use to make copies from newspapers,books or reports.2.The fax machine is used to _ including words,pictures,designs and maps.3.The word processor is a kind of machine which is used to _,save them for future use and ma

7、ke changes if necessary.4.The answering machine is used to _ messages when the receiver is absent.photocopiersend massagestype materialrecord telephone第8页1.Once 你你一旦一旦显出害怕样子,狗显出害怕样子,狗就就会来咬你。会来咬你。我们每七天回家我们每七天回家一次一次。他父亲他父亲曾经曾经在一家汽车厂工作过。在一家汽车厂工作过。2.rather than这些鞋子穿起来这些鞋子穿起来舒适舒适,但并不,但并不漂亮漂亮。我喜欢我喜欢游泳游泳,而

8、不喜欢,而不喜欢溜冰溜冰。我决定我决定写信写信而不而不打电话打电话。3.Rush somebody off his feet今天我们办公室里真忙,我是今天我们办公室里真忙,我是忙得不可开交忙得不可开交。4.Make a change我们对旅行计划我们对旅行计划作了一些修改作了一些修改。5.Take action在那种情况下,你应该马上在那种情况下,你应该马上采取行动采取行动。第9页Once you show any fear,the dog will attack you.We go home once a week.His father once worked in a car factor

9、y.These shoes are comfortable rather than pretty.I love swimming rather than skating.I decide to write rather than(to)telephone.We were so busy in the office today.I was rushed off my feet.We have made some changes in our plan for travel.In that situation,you should take immediate action.第10页 Oral c

10、ompetitionSuppose you are a secretary in an office.Would you please introduce the modern equipment to the visitors?第11页Homework1.Read the text aloud after class.2.Make sentences with the following:ratherthan;make a change;rush somebody off ones feet;take action3.Write a short passage about how to sell some modern equipment as a bagman.第12页Thank you!第13页;https:/

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