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1、 Tourism English第1页 Unit 2 Preparations Before Tourn1、Learn about the countries that you plan to visitn2、Get the required documentsn3、Ensure your immunizationsn4、Change foreign currency第2页n5、Take travelers checks or credit cards instead of large amounts of cashn6、Try to make lodging reservations in

2、advancen7、Customs and Customs Pre-registration第3页Common expressions:Booking a Roomn1、Id like to book a room in your hotel.n2、I want to reserve a single room with shower.n3、Could I book a double room with bath?n4、I wish to make a reservation for a suite with both shower and bath.第4页n5、Im phoning to m

3、ake a reservation for a single room for three nights beginning today.n6、Id prefer a quiet room.n7、Id like a room with a view.n8、Would you prefer a room on the street or at the back?n9、Im afraid we only have single rooms available at that time.n10、We have a single room available on these dates.第5页n11

4、、Have you got a room overlooking the sea?n12、Do you prefer a room facing the sea or a room facing the mountains?n13、Id like to cancel my booking for a single room.n14、I want to cancel my reservation for three nights in the name of Root.n15、Im sorry we are booked out for tonight.第6页n16、Sorry,were ful

5、l for tomorrow night.n17、What a pity!We have no vacancies for these nights.n18、Would you like us to put you on our waiting list and call you back in case we have a cancellation?第7页Samples 1:nR:Reservationist D:Deng FannR:Las Vegas MGM Hotel.May I help you?nD:Yes.I am calling from Beijing China.Id li

6、ke to book a doulble room with bath.nR:When for,maam?nD:I plan to arrive at Las Vegas on July 1 and leave on July 8.第8页nR:From July 1 to 8.Just a moment,maam Yes,we have a vacancy for that period.Whats your name,please?D:Deng Fan.Deng is my family name and Fan is my given name.nR:Could you spell tha

7、t,please?nD:Deng-D-E-N-G,Fan-F-A-N.nR:That OK,Ms.Fan.I mean Ms.Denga doulbe room with bath from the first of July to the eighth.nD:Thats right.第9页nR:By the way,how do you like to pay for it?This hotel prefers Visa and MasterCard.nD:I see.When can I receive your confirmation?nR:Not until you have pai

8、d 10 percent margin.You can get some detailed information about us on the line.Or you can receive a pamphlet if you tell us your address.nD:Ill log in to the internet to know about you.I know your address.nR:Thank you.Bye.第10页Samples 2:nR:Reservationist T:TouristnR:Imperial Hotel.Can I help you?nT:Y

9、es.I want to book a suite from June 25 to July 2.nR:Would you like a standard,superior,deluxe,or presidential suite?nT:What exactly is a standard suite?第11页nR:Our standard suites have a bedroom with sitting room and bathroom.nT:Dont they have kitchen?nR:No,but superior suites have.nT:I suppose your

10、deluxe suite is a little bigger.nR:Yes.The deluxe suite also comes with a very nice bar.nT:How much is it per night in US dollars?第12页nR:480.nT:And how much is a presidential suite for a night?nR:1500 US dollars.nT:What extras come with a presidential suite?nR:First of all,our presidential suites ar

11、e very exclusive.All the furniture is Louis XIV style.nT:It must be very large.第13页nR:Yes,sir.A presidential suite has an upstairs and a downstairs on the top two floors of the hotel.There is a really beautiful view of the city.nT:It sounds interesting.nR:May I Book a presidential suite for you,sir?

12、nT:MaybeIll talk to my wife and call you back later.nR:Thank you for calling,sir.nT:You are welcome.Goodbye.第14页Listening:nExpressing thanksResponding to thanksApologizing第15页conversationThe likeliest placePossible relation-shipWay of expressing thanks orapologiesResponse to thanking or apologizing

13、1In the streetfriendsThanks.Thank you /2 -11第16页Classic Sayings(经典谚语)n1、Itisnousedoingwhatyoulike;youhavegottolikewhatyoudo.n不能爱哪行才能哪行,要干哪行爱不能爱哪行才能哪行,要干哪行爱哪行。哪行。n2、Afallintoapit,againinyourwit.n吃一堑,长一智。吃一堑,长一智。第17页n3、Agoodbeginningishalfdone.n良好开端是成功二分之一。良好开端是成功二分之一。n4、Agoodmedicinetastesbitter.n良药苦


15、wise,notrich.n逆境出人才。逆境出人才。第19页Skill Training:nNote:Asking for Leaven首先,假条上方还是应该按照半正式格式写上首先,假条上方还是应该按照半正式格式写上以下信息:以下信息:nTo:假条是递给谁:假条是递给谁nFrom:请假人:请假人nDate:写假条日期(注意不是请假日期):写假条日期(注意不是请假日期)nSubject:写上请假字样:写上请假字样n第20页n假条抬头范比如下:nTo:Peter Stone,ManagernFrom:Lynn Chen,Financial DepartmentnDate:April 2nd,200

16、4nSubject:Casual Leave of Absence第21页n其次,在您请假信第一段,应该开门见山不过有礼貌地提出请假。第一段要中心明确,写清您要请假日期。n第一段范比如下:nPeter,I would like to know if I could ask for a casual leave of absence for one day on April 4th,this Wednesday.第22页n然后,在假条第二段,您应该简单明了陈述请假原因事由。注意叙述清楚明白,并尽可能表示对此带来工作不便歉意。n第二段范比如下:nThis morning I received a

17、telephone call from my dentist,urging me to come to his practice for immediate treatment of my teeth.I have been experiencing a stinging pain,depriving me of my sleep during the past fortnight.The situation could worsen,should infection occur.第23页nConcerningmyworkload:AsWednesdayisnotasbusyastheothe

18、rweekdays,Ithinkaone-dayleavethisWednesdaymaybethebestsolution.Iapologizefortheinconveniencemyabsencefromworkmaycause.第24页n接着,在假条最终一段,应写上您希望获得准假句子,或者详细等候答复时间。n最终一段范比如下:nThanks.I will call you at 1:30p.m.or you can call me at any time.第25页Social intercourse etiquetteSocial intercourse etiquette 社交礼节社

19、交礼节 n久仰!久仰!Iveheardsomuchaboutyou.n很久不见了!很久不见了!Longtimenosee.n辛劳了!辛劳了!Youvehadalongday.Youvehadalongflight.n尊敬朋友们!尊敬朋友们!Distinguished/Honorable/Respectedfriends第26页n阁下阁下(多用于称呼大使多用于称呼大使)YourExcellencyn我代表北京市政府欢迎各位朋友访问北京。我代表北京市政府欢迎各位朋友访问北京。OnbehalfoftheBeijingMunicipalgovernment,Iwishtoextendourwarmwe


















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