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1、 经典句子 经典句子主要通过翻译的手法及其语言的地道之境挑选出来的,在我看来,这些句子是极好的。1. Every element of Lord of the Flies becomes meaningful in relation to the books exploration of its particular philosophical conflict. 作品尤其对哲学范畴的矛盾进行了探究,所以蝇王中的任何一个元素都因此而显得意味深长了。2. He helps Ralph build the huts when the other boys would rather play, in

2、dicating his helpfulness, discipline, and dedication to the common good. 当其他孩子只顾玩耍时,他帮助拉尔夫建棚屋,这说明他乐于助人、恪守纪律、愿为集体的共同利益服务。 3. The hungry boys are tempted by the idea of pigs meat. 饥肠辘辘的孩子们一想到猪肉,不禁受到了诱惑。4. Simons rapport with the jungle combined with his behavior throughout the novel therefore makes hi

3、m the only character not to feel morality as an artificial imposition of society but as a way of life proceeding directly and easily from nature. 与丛林的交融使得西蒙与丛林建立起一种密切联系,这一点一直贯穿着作品的始终,也因此使西蒙成为作品中唯一一个未受道德视为人为的社会约束,而将其视为一种直接来自于自然的、自在的生活方式的人。5. Lurking in the darkness of their psyches, the idea of the b

4、east increasing fills the boys, especially the hunters,with bloodlust, cruelty, and savagery, as represented in the hunters wild and violent dance. 关于野兽的想法虽然隐藏在孩子们意识的暗处,但在有着嗜血、残忍与疯狂心理的孩子心中,特别是猎手心中,这种想法却日渐强大,正如猎手们的疯狂而又激烈的舞蹈所表露的一样。6. Howling wind and waves wash Simons mangled corpse into the ocean, wh

5、ere it drifts away, surrounded by glowing fish. 呼啸的风与海浪将西蒙那血肉模糊的尸体冲进了大海,尸体在海上漂浮着,周围是闪闪发光的鱼儿。7. With the brutal, animalistic murder of Simon, the last vestige of civilized order on the island is stripped away; savagery now reigns. 随着西蒙遭到残忍的、兽性的谋杀,海岛上文明秩序的最后一丝痕迹也被剥去了,现在,野蛮主宰了一切。8. For his part, Jack h

6、as become an expert in using the boys fear of the beast to enhance his own power. He claims that Simon really was the beast, implying that the boys have a better grasp of the truth in their frenzied, chanting orgies of bloodlust than in their calmer moments of reflection. 至于杰克,在利用孩子们对野兽的恐惧太巩固自己的权威方面,他已俨然成了一名专家。他宣称,西蒙是个不折不扣的野兽,暗示孩子们,只有在疯狂地歌唱嗜血欲的适合,而不是在更为平静的反思时刻,才能更好地认识真理。

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