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1、三一口语四级话题三一口语四级话题爱好爱好,体育活体育活 hobby_and_sports历年考官常问问题汇编历年考官常问问题汇编 2011871n 7.Did you do any sports yesterday?n You know I really enjoyed playing badminton.And I played it with my friends yesterday afternoon.We felt very excited.And I played it better than my friends.I won the game.2n 2.Whats your hob

2、by?Why do you like itdoing sports?Whats your best friends hobby?Do you like swimming/running/jogging?n I love playing badminton.First,playing badminton is very interesting,and it makes me relaxed.Second,I spend lots of time playing badminton,and it can keep my body healthy and make me smart.So I enj

3、oy it very much.3n1.Have you got a hobby?What is it?Do you have any hobby?What hobbies do you like best?n Yes,I do.I have many hobbies.I like playing badminton,swimming,and I also enjoyed playing the piano.They are very interesting and exciting.I often play badminton with my father.I like badminton

4、best.4n 4.How often do you usually do it?How often do you do sports?n I play it once a week.I often play it with my father at the playground,and I think its more interesting than other sports.5n 3.When do you often do it?where?Who do you often play with?How long does it take you to get there?When an

5、d where do you do sports?n I usually play badminton with my father on weekend afternoon in Chaoyang Sports Center.It takes us half an hour to get there.We play it for at least 4 hours there.Every weekend I can enjoy a good time with my father.6n 6.How much time do you spend on your hobby?/Does your

6、hobby take you a lot of time?n I usually spend 5 hours playing badminton.I really enjoyed playing it.And I played it with my friends yesterday afternoon.We felt very excited.And I played it better than my friends.I won the game.7n 5.Is it an expensive hobby?How much money do you spend on your hobby?

7、n No,it is not an expensive hobby.You just need buy a badminton racket and it is very cheap.You can play it at the playground freely.(I just cost 100 yuan on the badminton racket)8n 3.When did you start your hobby?How long have you had this hobby?n I started playing badminton,when I was 6 years old.

8、My father took me to a nearby playground and taught me how to play.At the beginning,I could not get the ball.But I tried again and again.At last,I learned how to play it.Now I really enjoy it.9n 4.Who taught you?/What kinds of help did your parents give you?who is the first teacher to teach you to p

9、lay it?n My father took me to a nearby playground and taught me how to play.Form then on,my father took me to the playground and practiced it with me every weekend.Now I can play it very well.10n5.Where and when did you learn it?n I learned to play badminton in a nearby playground when I was 6 years

10、 old.It is very big and beautiful.It is bigger than the playground in my school.I like it very much and I am going to play it next weekend there.11n 6.How much time do you spend on your hobby?/Does your hobby take you a lot of time?n I usually spend 5 hours playing badminton.I really enjoyed playing

11、 it.And I played it with my friends yesterday afternoon.We felt very excited.And I played it better than my friends.I won the game.12n 1.When did you play it last time?/whats the last time for you to play it?/Did you play badminton last weekend?n I played it with my friends last weekend.We competed

12、with each other.We felt very excited and really enjoyed the game.I played better than my friends,and won the game finally.We think that badminton is really more interesting than other sports.And we are going to play it next Sunday.13n 2.Where did you play last time?With whom?n I played it with my fr

13、iends yesterday afternoon.We felt very excited.And I played it better than my friends.I won the game.14n 1.When are you going to play it next time?n Yes,Im going to play badminton with my friends next weekend at our school playground.And we are going to compete with each other.Now,I feel very excite

14、d and a little nervous.But I always plat badminton better than my friends.So I am confident.I believe I will be the winner.15n 2.How are you going to get there?Why did you choose it?n It is near my home,so I am going to get there on foot.It is very big and beautiful.It is bigger than the playground

15、in my school.I like it very much and I played it last weekend there.16n 3.How long/how much time/how many minutes will it take you to get there?n It is near my home,so it just takes me 10 minutes to walk there.It is very big and beautiful.It is bigger than the playground in my school.I like it very

16、much and I played it last weekend there.17n 6.How long/how many hours did you stay there?How long/how many years do you learn it?n At the first time,I stayed there for 4 hours,but I didnt learn it very well.However,I never gave up and I kept on practicing it with my father for a month.And at last I

17、learned it.18n 8.Have you attended sports meeting?(when,what,rank)n Yes,I attended our school spring sports meeting as a badminton athlete last year.It was really interesting.I played better than the other athletes and I won the game.My classmates were proud of me.19n 7.If you get hurt during you ar

18、e playing it,what are you going to do?n If I get hurt during playing,I am not going to move at once.I will first clam myself and wait for the doctor.If it bleeds badly,I am going to press it and go to the doctor as soon as possible.20n 8.What do your parents do when they are free?What sports do your

19、 parents like best?In your family,who is the best one to play it,why?n When my parents are free,they often go to the playground and play badminton.It is very interesting.And we played it together yesterday afternoon.We felt very excited.And my father played it better than my mother and me.He won the

20、 game.21n 4.What will you(your parents)do there?/Whats kinds of help you hope your parents are going to give you?n My parents and me are going to play badminton together.And we are going to compete with each other.I feel very excited and a little nervous because they play it better than me.But from

21、them,I can learn a lot and make a big progress.22n 9.Is it a common hobby in your country?n Yes,it is a very common and popular hobby in my country.Most of people choose it as a hobby to keep their body healthy.It is very interesting,and I enjoyed it very much.23n 12.Which sport is the most popular

22、in your country?n In our country,the most popular sport is playing table tennis.As you know,table tennis is our national ball,and Chinese people are very good at playing it.I am proud of that.But I am too young to play it well.24n 10.Can you tell me three hobbies in your country?Can you tell me some

23、 kinds of sports?Tell me five kinds of sports.n Yes,on the influence of Olympic Games,most Chinese people choose sports as hobbies,such as:play table tennis,play badminton,go jogging and so on.They are good for health.25n 13.Introduce a sport for me?(How is it played?Why you like it?)n I want introd

24、uce you my favorite sports:badminton.First,you hold the racket in your right hand.Then throw the ball up and try to hit it.Then repeat it.It is very interesting,and it makes me relaxed.I spend lots of time playing badminton,and it can keep my body healthy and make me smart.So I enjoy it very much.26

25、n 6.Before you play it,what are you going to prepare?/Give me some tips about playing it?n Before I play the badminton,I need do some warm up sports.And I am going to prepare a bottle of water and a towel for the sweat.Whats more,I am going to wear a sport suit and a pair of sport shoes.27n 11.Do yo

26、u think doing sports is good for your health?n Of course,doing sports is good for my health.I keep on doing sports for a year,during the whole year,I never got ill,and I became much stronger and taller than before.I really enjoy it and I am going to keep on doing it all the time.28n 14.Who is your f

27、avourie sports star?Why do you like him or her?Do you want to be a person like him?Why?n Lindan is my favorite sports star.I am his fan.He plays the badminton better than the others and he can always beat the others and win the game.Whats more,he looks very handsome and energetic.I am going to be an energetic handsome person like him.29

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