1、附件第44届世界技能大赛广州市选拔赛机电一体化项目专业技术规范机械部分MechanicalPP- Nr.oknot okM - 10型材板上的电缆和气管必须分开绑扎。Cable and tubes must be routed separately on the profile plate.M 15当电缆、光纤电缆和气管都作用于同一个活动模块时,允许绑扎在一起。It is allowed to route tubes, electrical and optical cables together when they go to amoving module.M 20扎带切割后剩余长度需1mm,
2、以免伤人。Remaining length of cut cable ties, A: Risk of injuryA = 1 mmAM 25所有沿着型材往下走的线缆和气管(例如PP站点处的线管)在安装时需要使用线夹固定。All cables and tubes going downwards on a profile e.g. at the “Pick & Place” station have to be mounted with cable clips.M 30扎带的间距为50mm。这一间距要求同样适用于型材台面下方的线缆。PLC和系统之间的I/O布线不在检查范围内。Distance b
3、etween cable ties: = 50 mm.This also applies to cables under the profile plate.I/O cabling between PLC and system will NOT be checked.M - 40线缆托架的间距为120mm。Distance between cable holders: = 120 mmM 45a唯一可以接受的束缚固定线缆、电线、光纤线缆、气管的方式就是使用传导性线缆托架。The only acceptable method for binding Cable / Wire / Optical
4、Cables / Tubes is touse conducted cable holders.单根电线用绑扎带固定在线夹子上单根电缆/电线/气管没有紧固在线夹子上M 50Update第一根扎带离阀岛气管接头连接处的最短距离为60 mm +/- 5 mm。Distance from the shortest pneumatic connection to the first cable tie: 60 mm +/- 5mmM 60所有活动件和工件在运动时不得发生碰撞。All actors and workpieces have to move without collisions.所有驱动器、
5、线缆、气管和工件需能够自由运动。注意:如有例外,将在每个任务开始前的例会中进行通知。Free movement of all actuators, cables, tubing and workpieces.Note: Exceptions will be announced at the briefing for each task.运行期间,不允许驱动器、线缆、线管或工件间发生接触。Contact between actuators, cables, tubing or workpieces during operation.M 70工具不得遗留到站上或工作区域地面上。Tools must
6、 not be left on the stations or the floor of workspace.M - 80工作站上不得留有未使用的零部件和工件。Unused components and workpieces must be removed from the stations. M - 90所有系统组件和模块必须固定好。所有信号终端也必须固定好。All system components and modules must be secure.All signal terminations must be secure.M - 100不得丢失或损坏任何零部件或组件(其中包括电缆、
7、线路等等)No parts or components should be lost or damaged(including cables, linesand so on).Components lost or damaged duringcompletion of task完成任务期间出现组件丢失或损坏M 110站与站之间的错位需小于等于5 mm 。Station misalignment:= 5 mmM 120工作站的连接必须至少使用2个连接件。Adjoining stations must be connected with at least 2 connectors.M 130工作站
8、之间的最大间距需5mmMaximum distance between stations: 25 mm 25mm 25 mmO 30未使用的部件需放到桌上的箱子中;例外情况:选手未完成装配工作时。Unused parts have to be placed in a box on the table.Exception: Teams that did not complete the assembly. O-403D模型和照片中所示的全部组件都必须装配到MPS站上。如有例外,专家组将会通知。All components shown in the 3D sketches and photos h
9、ave to be assembled on MPS-stations.Exceptions will be announced by theO-60所有水管无泄漏。All water piping must be leak-free.O-70电缆和气管必须与水管分开布置。Cables and pneumatic tubing must be kept separate from water piping.O-80只能在执行维护任务时进行标记,并且评分之前必须全部清除。Markings may be used but only during the maintenance tasks and
10、must be removedcompletely before assessmentO-90所有警示标签必须固定到规定位置。All warning labels must be affixed and in the specifiedpositions.O-100不允许使用胶带或类似材料改造工件。如有例外,专家组将另行通知。It is not allowed to prepare workpieces with tape or similar things.Exceptions will be made by the expert team. O-110工作站、周围区域以及工作站下方应干净整洁(用扫帚打扫干净)只会在第一天时进行提醒。例外情况:选手没有完成装配时。Work stations, surrounding areas and the space below work stations should be clean (broom-clean). Warnings only at day 1. Exception: Teams which didnt finish the assembly.