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1、根据短文内容及首字母提醒,在下文空格处填入合适旳词使短文完整,每空一词。Sophia is a Canadian girl, now she s 1 at Shangmei Middle School, she is a Junior One student. This school is very big and b 2 , you can see trees and flowers everywhere. In the morning, Sophia g 3 up at 6:30. She goes r 4 for 20 minutes in the park nearby and the

2、n w 5 to school. Sophias new c 6 are friendly to h 7 . The teachers are a 8 friendly. In the afternoon, she and her new friends p 9 table tennis happily after school. Sophia tries to speak Chinese, and she wants to learn more about C 10 .1.s 2.b 3.g 4.r 5.w 6.c 7.h 8.a 9.p 10.C studies beautiful get

3、s running walks classmates her also/all play ChinaMost girls care about (关怀) what c_1_ to wear, but my 11-year-old cousin, Betty , doesnt care much a_2_ it. Her mother often t_3_ her to clothes shops, but she n_4_ asks her mother to buy any new clothes for her. Bettys sister, Sally, is two years old

4、er than Betty. She has o_5_ clothes, and Betty likes to wear them. She says this can help her parents save(节省) lots of m_6_.However, when Bettys parents b_7_ books for her, shes always happy. She likes r_8_ very much. She has many books, but she wants more. Many of her friends say she is a girl of b

5、ooks. Maybe they are r_9_.Some people say Betty is out of fashion(过时) and her l_10_ is not happy. Do you think so?1._ 2. _ 3._ 4._ 5._6._ 7. _ 8._ 9._ 10._1.clothes 2.about 3. takes 4.never 5. old 6. money 7. buy 8. reading 9. right 10.lifeDear Millie,Thank you for your email. I now s_1_ in London M

6、oonlight Secondary School. It is very s_2_. Therere only 500 s_3_ in our school. Im in Grade 7, too. But we d_4_ often say “Grade 7”, and we usually say “Year 7”.We dont go to the school assembly(晨会)every morning. We have it t_5_ a week. Theyre on Tuesday and Friday f_6_ 8:30 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. Classes usually b_7_ at 9:10 a.m. My f_8_ lesson is Computer Science. I w_9_ to be a teacher when I grow up. I love China. I enjoy learning Chinese, too. I hope I can w_10_ to you in Chinese soon.Please email me.Tommy

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