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1、7A Unit 7 Shopping Period 1(Comic strip & Welcome to the unit)一、翻译词组1跟我来_ 2礼品店_3喜欢集邮_ 4不用谢_5对音乐感兴趣_ 6想要去购物_7需要你拎所有的包_ 8为他们买一些礼物_二、单词拼写1. Do you have a good_ (主意)?2. There is a _(书店)near my school. I often go there to buy books.3 This bike is a _(礼物)from my uncle.4. There is always a lot of money in

2、his_(钱包).5. Please_(搬)the chairs into the next room.三、单项选择( ) 1. She has_ money. She can buy _things. A. lots of; much B. a lot of; much C. lot of; many D. a lot of; lots of( ) 2. Lets go to that_. There are many styles of shoes there. A. shoes shop B. shoe shop C. toy shop D. gift shop( ) 3. Would

3、you like_ me? A. coming with B. to come and C. to come with D. coming and( ) 4. Thank you very much, Millie. Youre_. A. welcome B. right C. wrong. D. polite( ) 5. I want you to _ with me this afternoon. A. go shop B. go to shopping C. go shopping D. shopping四、完形填空 Mrs Li: I like shopping, but I thin

4、k 1 with young children is not a good thing. I have to look 2 them while I am shopping. I go shopping with my husband only when I buy something for 3 . But sometimes I want to buy something for me and I feel unhappy. Why? When I 4 at a cheap(便宜的)dress, he always says, “Its beautiful on you.” But whe

5、n I have an expensive (昂贵的)one in my hands, he always says, “I 5 think it fits(适合)you well.” So I often go shopping with my friends. It is fun. I like shopping by myself, too. Mrs Wang: I like shopping very much, but I 6 go shopping at weekends. There are too 7 people in shops. I dont like shopping

6、with 8 people. It usually takes me much time 9 things because I never buy the first thing I see. I always look around other shops to find the same thing cheaper. I am good at 10 cheap things. I dont like buying food in small shops or street markets. I think food in supermarkets is fresh and cheap.(

7、) 1. A. talking B. shopping C. playing D. singing( ) 2. A. up B. down C. after D. at( ) 3. A. he B. him C. his D. her( ) 4. A. see B. look C. watch D. have( ) 5. A. do B. dont C. am D. not( ) 6. A. no B. usually C. never D. often( ) 7. A. some B. any C. much D. many( ) 8. A. other B. the other C. an

8、other D. others( ) 9. A. buy B. buys C. buying D. to buy( ) 10. A. find B. finds C. finding D. to find五、阅读理解It is Sunday today. Ann is shopping with her mother. She wants her mother to buy a sweater for her. In a clothes shop, she finds an orange one. She tries it on, but its too small. She wants a

9、bigger one, but the bigger ones are not orange. Ann doesnt like other colours. Her mother asks, “Shall we go to another shop to have a look?” So they go out of this shop and go into another.The second shop is much bigger than the first, and in it there are many kinds of sweaters of different sizes a

10、nd colours. Ann tries on an orange one. Its too big. She tries a smaller one. Its OK.“How much is it?” Anns mother asks the woman who sells clothes. Then they find it too expensive, and they dont have so much money with them. “Would you like a cheaper one?” The woman asked. “No, we shall take this o

11、ne. My daughter likes it. We shall come back to buy tomorrow.” Anns mother answers. After that, they leave the shop to buy some other things.( ) 1. It is Sunday. Ann and her mother are_ A. at home B. doing some shopping C. in a food shop D. walking in a shop( ) 2. Ann wants to buy_. A. an orange B.

12、an orange sweater C. an orange for her mother D. an orange sweater for her mother( ) 3. There is only _ A. one shop near their home B. one orange in the first shop C. small orange sweaters in the first shop D. big orange sweaters in the second shop( ) 4. The sweater in the first shop is _. A. small

13、B. OK C. long D. too dear( ) 5. In the second shop_. A. they buy an orange sweater for Ann B. they buy a sweater of right size and colour C. They find a sweater of the right size and colour D. there is one sweater of the right size but wrong colour六、翻译句子1在我们学校附近有一家新花店。_2你经常在周末和你父母一起去购物吗? _3米莉也许喜欢听音乐

14、。 _4我想给我妈妈买些花。_5我知道凯特对足球不感兴趣。 _参考答案一.1come with me 2gift shop 3like collecting stamps 4Youre welcome5be interested in music 6would like to go shopping7need you to carry all the bags 8buy them spine presents二.1. idea 2. bookshop 3. gift 4. wallet 5. carry三.1. D 2. B 3. C 4. A 5. C四. BCBBB CDADC五.BBCA

15、C六、1. There is a new flower shop near our school.2. Do you often go shopping with your parents at/on weekends?3. Maybe Millie likes listening to music.4. I want to buy some flowers for my mum.5. I know Kate isnt interested in football.7A Unit 7 Shopping Period 2 (Reading)一、英汉互译1buy me a football _ 2

16、值2元钱_3presents different from Amys_ 4有足够的钱_5match her pink coat_ 62元一个_7just a minute_ 8值一点儿钱_9Heres your change. _ 10.不同种类的发夹_二、单词拼写1. This watch _(值)much money. It is very expensive.2. Mr Wu is always the first to get to work and the _(最后)to go home.3. There are many trees on_(每个)side(边)of the str

17、eet.4. These cards are very nice and they are_(便宜),too.5This skirt is very beautiful and it _(和相配)your blouse very well.6He doesnt have_ (足够)money to buy a music box三、单项选择( ) 1. I want to buy the book If I have three days. Do you know its _? Not quite sure. Maybe forty yuan. A. writer B. size C. pri

18、ce D. colour( ) 2. Millie is _ her hair clip, but she cant_ it. A. looking for; find B. finding; look for C. looking for; look at D. looking at; find( ) 3. How much _ these apples_? A. do; spend B. do; take C. do; cost D. are; cost( ) 4. This book is expensive. I dont have_ to buy it. A. many money

19、B. enough money C. money enough D. money much( ) 5. I have a very lovely toy car. Really? Can I _? A. take a looking B. have a see C. have a seeing D. take a look( ) 6. How about last _ football cards? Theyre cheap. _. I want the new cards. A. year; Just a minute B. years; No, thanks C. year; Yes, p

20、lease D. years; No, thanks( ) 7. Amy _ new football shoes for her brother. A. want to buy B. wants buying C. wants to buy D. want buying( ) 8. She would like _ some flowers for her mother. A. get B. gets C. to get D. to gets( ) 9. This T-shirt _ your trousers very well. A. match B. matches C. to mat

21、ch D. matching ( ) 10. Hello, what can I do for you? _. A. Youre welcome B. No problem C. Just a minute D. Id like to buy a pen for my brother四、完形填空One day a woman walks into a _1_shop. The shopkeeper smiles and says. “Good afternoon, madam.”“Good afternoon,” the woman answers. “There is a green hat

22、_2_ red flower on it in your_3_. Will you please take it out of there?”“Yes, madam.” The shopkeeper says. “Im happy to do that _4_you.” Usually women look at a lot of_5_, but they dont buy any. So he thinks, “Good, I can_6_this hat very quickly today.”“Do you wan it in a box or _7_ your head, madam?

23、”“Oh, I dont want it,” she answered. “I_8_want you to take it out of the window. I pass your_9_every day, and I dont like to _10_the ugly thing there.”( ) 1. A. shoe B. hat C. book D.TV( ) 2. A. with B. has C. have D. of( ) 3. A. door B. wall C. window D. table( ) 4. A. about B. to C. of D. for( ) 5

24、. A. cloths B. shirts C. hats D. trousers( ) 6. A. sell B. buy C. have D. give( ) 7. A. in B. over C. with D. on( ) 8. A. can B. only C. must D. all( ) 9. A. school B. car C. shop D. room( ) 10. A. look B. see C. read D. listen to五、阅读理解 Today more and more students wish to get money. They think mone

25、y is everything. If they have a lot of money, their dreams will come true. They can do everything with money. They can get many storybooks, MP5s, and play online games and so on. In order to get more money, maybe they do something wrong such as stealing, robbing(抢)and so on. Of course, money is very

26、 important to the students. They can buy books for study. They can buy something to eat. They can be happy when they listen to MP5s or play games. With money they can get what they like and do some meaningful things. But they must know money cant bring them everything. There are lots of things they

27、have to fight for themselves with efforts(努力).( ) 1. More and more students wish to get more_. A. MP5s B. money C. computers D. storybooks( ) 2. If students have more money, _. A. they can buy everything B. they can buy happiness C. they can buy time D. they can buy storybooks( ) 3. Students cant bu

28、y_. A. happiness B. health C. knowledge D. all of the above( ) 4. In order to get more money, maybe some students_. A. can make money B. can get money from parents C. can do something wrong D. can save money( ) 5. What is the main idea(中心思想)of the passage? A. Students think money isnt everything. B.

29、 Money cant buy everything. C. Without money students can do nothing.D. More and more students wish to be healthier六、翻译句子1这些书花了我80元钱。 _2他没有足够的时间去打篮球。 _3吉姆的妈妈想给他买一件新衬衫。 _4他的父母没有足够的钱给他买台电脑。 _5这家服装店里有各种各样的短裙。 _参考答案一、1给我买一个足球 2cost 2 yuan 3和埃米的不同的礼物 4have enough money 5和她的粉色外套相配 6two yuan each 7稍等片刻 8co

30、st little money 9这儿是找零的钱。 10. different kinds of hair clips二、1. costs 2.last 3.each 4.cheap 5matches 6enough三、1.C 2.A 3.C 4. B 5.D 6B 7C 8C 9B 10D四、BACDC ADBCB五、1B 2D 3D 4C 5B六、1. These books cost me eighty yuan2. He doesnt have enough time to play basketball. 3. Jims mum wants to buy him a new shir

31、t/to buy a new shirt for him4. His parents dont have enough money to buy him a computer/a computer for him. 5. There are all kinds of skirts in this clothes shop.7A Unit 7 Shopping Period 3 (Grammar)一、词组翻译1学校周围_ 2两瓶可乐_3每天吃蔬菜_ 4想要一些纸杯_5一些面包和水果_ 6需要许多东西_7离我们学校不远_ 8买一些圣诞礼物_二、用some或any填空1. Do you have _

32、 new football cards?2. There are not _ meat in the fridge.3. May I drink_ orange juice?4. Would you like_ tea?5. He doesnt like playing_ ball games.6. Is there_ beef on the plate?7. Why do you want_ stamps?8. Does Millie help her mum do _ cleaning on Sundays?9. Do they give you_ fruit?10. What about

33、 _ coffee?三、单项选择( ) 1There _a parents meeting this evening。 Awill have Bwill be Cis Dhas( ) 2_does it take you to do your housework every day? AHow much BHow long CHow often DHow many( ) 3There _a lot of meat on the plate。Would you like_? Ais;any Bare;some Cis;some Dare;any( ) 4I cant find my footba

34、llI must go to the _to buy a new one Agifts shop Bflowers shop Csports shop Dclothes shop( ) 5Is there a boy _at the door? Astand Bstanding Cstands Dis standing( ) 6That pair of glasses _mine Aare like Blook like Clikes Dis like( ) 7How many books do you have? I dont have_,not even _old one Aany;an

35、Bsome;an Cany;the Dsome;an( ) 8Daniel is talking _his friend _the phone Aabout;in Bwith;on Cabout;with Dwith;in( ) 9Is there _in todays newspaper? Asomething interesting Binteresting something Canything interesting Dinteresting anything( ) 10She likes drinking some water after _. Aswims Bswimming Cs

36、wim Dto swim( ) 11. I want _ to listen to _. Ashe; he Bher; him Cher; his Dhers; him( ) 12. Would you like to have _ coffee? No, thanks. I dont want _drinks now. Aany; any Bany; some Csome; some D. some; any四、句型转换1There are some pears on the table.(对画线部分提问) _ _ on the table?2There is a pen and two pencils in his pencil box.(改为否定句) There _ a pen _ two pencils in his pencil box.3There is lots of money in the bag.(改为一般疑问句) _ _ lots of money in the bag?4I have some new books in my bag.(改为一般疑问句) _ _ _ _ new book

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