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1、Unit 5 Choosing a new flat一、Teaching Objectives:1. Knowledge objectives: recognize the differences in intonation in questions and statements; maintain an interaction by replying; use visual clues, context and knowledge of the world to work out the meaning of an unknown word and a complete expression

2、; gather and share information and ideas by using strategies such as brainstorming2. Skill objectives: talk about accommodation; describing and drawing a plan for their ideal accommodation3. Emotional objectives: co-operate with others二、Teaching Key Points: use adverbs of degree; use adjectives to m

3、ake comparisons; use the simple present tense to express needs三、Teaching Difficult Points: be untidy; tidy up; too for; more shelves and wardrobes; need sth. for sth.; much bigger; living room; really small; talk to 四、Teaching Procedures:1. Pre-task preparation: Ask the students to draw a plan of th

4、eir flat. Ask: Is your flat small or big?How many bedrooms does it have?Is your bedroom big or small?Would you like a bigger flat / bedroom?2. While-task procedure: Give the students time to read the text silently Play the cassette for Read. The students follow in their books. In groups of three, st

5、udents practice the dialogue. Select a group of three to read the dialogue. The students label the rooms on the plan. Then they write true or false. Ask the students to correct the false statements. In groups, students discuss the question: Why do the Lis need a bigger flat? Then ask a representativ

6、e from each group to report in class. 五、Consolidation: recite the new words六、课后反思:本节课主要是对家进行描述,让学生了解各个房间的名称及如何进行描述,对形容词的比较级进行复习,最容易错的地方是:much 修饰比较级。一、Teaching Objectives:1. Knowledge objectives: predict the likely development of a topic by recognizing key words; open and maintain an interaction by a

7、sking and answering questions; skim a text to obtain a general impression and the main ideas; develop written texts by expressing own ideas and feelings2. Skill objectives: describe and draw a plan for their ideal accommodation3. Emotional objectives: co-operate with others二、Teaching Key Points: ask

8、 Wh- questions to find out various kinds of specific information; use prepositions to indicate place; use adjectives to make comparisons三、Teaching Difficult Points: an estate agency; a flat with three big bedrooms; live in the suburbs; live near an underground station; live far away from busy roads;

9、 at the estate agency; what kind of四、Teaching Procedures:1. Pre-task preparation: Talk about where the students live, i.e., in the city centre/ suburbsAsk: Where do you live?Would you like to live in the city center / suburbs / near an underground station?2. While-task procedure: Play the cassette f

10、or Look and learn. The students listen and repeat. Give the students time to read the dialogue At home silently. Play the cassette. The students follow in their books. In groups of four, students practice the dialogue. Select groups to read the dialogue. Ask questions about the dialogue: e.g.: What

11、do the Lis need?What kind of flat would Mrs Li / Ben /Kitty like?Where would Mrs Li/ Ben / Kitty like to live?Read the dialogue At the estate agency. Ask individual students to supply answers to the two questions.In pairs, students practice the dialogue. They should take turns to be the estate agent

12、. Select pairs to say their dialogue. Workbook 7A page 34a. In groups, students discuss which flat the Wangs would like. They should read the list of the familys requirements and them choose Flat A, B or C. b. The students complete the description of the flat the Wangs would choose. c. Select one or

13、 two individual students to read their description. 3. Post-task activities:a. In groups, students discuss the question: What kind of flat would you like?b. The students draw a plan of the flat they would like.c. The students write about the flat they would like. Select individual students to read t

14、heir description.五、Consolidation: workbook 7A page 29六、课后反思:本节课是讨论理想中的家,学生能够用到重点词汇with,对于家也有自己的想法。小组活动口头作文时,有个别学生并没有认真思考和练习,以后要多关注小组活动,提高小组活动的有效性,而不是拘泥于形式。 一、Teaching Objectives:1. Knowledge objectives: listen for specific information; open and maintain an interaction by asking and answering questio

15、ns; identify details that support a main idea; gather and share information and ideas by using strategies such as brainstorming and listing2. Skill objectives: compare accommodation offered and stating preferences3. Emotional objectives: co-operate with others二、Teaching Key Points: use the present p

16、erfect tense to relate past events to the present; use imperatives to give instructions; use prepositions to indicate position; ask Wh- questions to find out position三、Teaching Difficult Points: the Lis; move to s.p.; next to; where do you want the round table; real, really, reality四、Teaching Proced

17、ures:1. Pre-task preparation: Review prepositions. Ask about the location of items in the classroom to elicit: near/ next to / in front of / opposite / between and 2. While-task procedure: Play the cassette for Listen and say. The students listen and repeat with their books closed. Ask questions abo

18、ut the dialogue: e.g., Where does Mrs. Li want the round table / the sofa / the TV set / the rug / the small table / the cupboard / the armchair? In pairs, students practice the dialogue. Select pairs to read the dialogue. In pairs, students look at the picture in Look, think and say. They then ask

19、and answer the questions. Workbook 7A page 32a. In pairs, students practice the dialogue without writing.b. Select pairs to say the dialogue. c. The students write the dialogue. d. Ask individual students the questions to check the answers. 3. Post-task activities:You can use Photocopiable pages 4 a

20、nd 5 to give the students a chance to furnish their own flats. a. Show the picture cards to the students. Ask: Whats this? To elicit: its a table, b. The students discuss in groups and tell each other how to furnish the new flat. c. The students cut the picture cards and stick them onto the plan.d.

21、Ask a representative from each group to show their new flat and introduce it in class. 五、Consolidation: workbook 7A page 31六、课后反思:本节课通过搬家移动家具这一线索,让学生熟悉并掌握方位词的用法,并准确使用方位词,对所给图片正确进行描述。学生比较感兴趣的是在照片上对自己 的位置进行描述,积极性很高。 一、Teaching Objectives:1. Knowledge objectives: recognize differences in the use of int

22、onation; use appropriate intonation and stress; recognize recurrent patterns in language structure2. Skill objectives: read about the arrangement of rooms and contents3. Emotional objectives: co-operate with others二、Teaching Key Points: use nouns to identify objects; use proper nouns to refer to pla

23、ces三、Teaching Difficult Points: Live, life, alive, living四、Teaching Procedures:1. Pre-task preparation: In pairs, students draw a plan of their flat. Help the students revise names of different rooms in a flat by asking individual students to report: e.g., My flat has _ rooms: _ living room(s), _ ba

24、throoms(s), _ bedroom(s)2. While-task procedure: In pairs, students study the two plans. They make comments to each other: e.g., The Lis old flat has one bathroom. Their new flat has two. Ask individual students to make comparisons like the one above. The students complete the paragraph. Ask individ

25、ual students to read a sentence each. In pairs, students look at the map and complete the paragraph. Ask individual students to read the completed paragraph. Workbook 7A page 33 a. Play the recording. The students listen and write. b. Play the recording again. The students choose the correct flat an

26、d write the names of places. c. Check the answers with the students. 五、Consolidation: workbook 7A page 30六、课后反思:本节课通过练习,让学生进一步掌握房屋的结构及正确使用方位词。一、Teaching Objectives:1. Knowledge objectives: use appropriate intonation and stress; recognize recurrent patterns in language structure; practice using appro

27、priate layout and visual support including illustrations in a piece of writing. 2. Skill objectives: draw a plan of their room contents and writing about it. 3. Emotional objectives: co-operate with others二、Teaching Key Points: use the simple present tense to express feelings; use the introductory T

28、here to express facts. 三、Teaching Difficult Points: Draw a picture of your bedroom, write about the things in it. Then show the picture to a classmate and talk about it. 四、Teaching Procedures:1. Pre-task preparation: Ask individual students: What can we find in a bedroom? Compile a list of things on

29、 the board: e.g., TV / computer / table / lamp 2. While-task procedure: Give the students time to look at Bens bedroom. Ask: What can you see in Bens bedroom? Where is it? In pairs, students prepare the paragraph orally. The students write the paragraph. Check the answers with the students. 3. Post-

30、task activities:a. The students draw a picture of their bedroom. b. In pairs, students compare their pictures and talk about them. c. Ask individual students to introduce their bedroom. d. The students write the description. Ask individual students to read out their description. 五、Consolidation: review what we learned 六、课后反思:本节课是让学生自己对自己的家进行描述,再进行口头作文,学生能够写出文章,但是总体而言,内容不够充实,优美的句子不多,要多加练习。 学生作文写了以后,没有自己修改的习惯,这一点要多次强调。

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