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1、StoriesinTCMScience医中有话|2 4降气化痰平咳喘Lowering qi and resolving phlegm to relieve cough and asthma文/卓鹏伟回有显藥性湯頭歌话“秋风萧瑟天气?,草木摇落露为霜”。秋气属金,肃降寒?,慢性肺病咳喘患者很容易在这个季节病情发作,咳嗽频频,痰多气喘,类似于人们常说的“老慢支”Autumn winds bring coolness;the grass fades and the dew condenses like white frost.Chronic lungdiseases are prone to fla

2、re-ups in the fall.There will be symptom of frequent coughing,phlegm andshortness of breath,which is called chronic bronchitis.质量与标准化QualityandStandardization2023.0825医中有话Stories inTCMScience三子求方奉父母Threesons seekingprescriptionforparents明代著名医家韩懋,因善治疑难瘤疾而名闻朝野。一日,有三位读书人来请韩懋为他们的父母治病。这几位老人年事已高,病症趋同一一皆为咳

3、嗽气喘、胸闷痰多、食欲不振。此病症是很多老年人的通病,韩懋根据病症成因,精心构思拟定了一个药食两用方一一以白芥子、紫苏子和莱子三味药煮汤代替茶饮。几位老人服用后效果良好。此后,药方迅速传开,许多老年人因此受益。Han Mao,a famous medical doctor in the MingDynasty,was famous for his ability to treatdifficult illnesses.One day,three sons visited HanMao for therapy to their parents diseases.Thesymptoms tende

4、d to be the same-all for coughingand wheezing,chest tightness and phlegm,loss ofappetite.This disease was a common disease formany elderly people.Targeting the cause of thedisease,Han Mao developed an edible Chineseherbal prescription.He decocted Sinapis Semen;Perillae Fructus and Raphani Semen and

5、replacetea with this decoction,which worked well andspread rapidly.Many elderly people thus benefitedfrom it.因为此方源于三学子为亲人求医,韩懋把该方命名为三子养亲汤,并记载于其代表著作韩氏医通中。Han Mao named the prescription afterthree sonsseeking prescription for parents and called it SanZi Yang Qin Tang.He recorded the prescription inhis

6、 representative work Han Shi Yi Tong.菜园蔬果显良效Vegetables and fruitsofmedical effects三子养亲汤的组成虽然简单,仅有白芥子、紫苏子、莱子三味药,但药效甚好。其中,白芥子主温肺利气,紫苏子主平喘止咳,莱子主消食导滞,而且三味药均有疏通气道和化痰的功效,痰消气顺则咳喘自然平息。全方合用,能治疗气机上逆、饮食停滞导致的咳嗽气喘、食少痰多等病症。现代临床医学已将该方广泛应用于慢性支气管炎、支气管哮喘、咳嗽变异性哮喘、慢性阻塞性肺病等病症的治疗。San Zi Yang Qin Tang consists of only thr

7、eeherbs:Sinapis Semen;Perillae Fructus andRaphani Semen.However,it works well.Amongthem,Semen Sinapis is mainly used to warm thelungs and benefit qi.Perilla Fructus is mainlyused to calm asthma and relieve cough.RaphaniSemen is mainly used to aid digestion and guidestagnation.Moreover,all the three

8、herbs areeffective in dredging the qi channels and resolvingphlegm.If the phlegm is removed,the qi will besmoothed out,then coughing and asthma willnaturally be calmed down.The combination ofthe whole prescription can treat cough and asthmacaused by upward reversal of qi and stagnationof food and dr

9、ink,as well as loss of appetite and芥子质量与标准化QualityandStandardization2023.08StoriesinTCMScience医中有话|2 6excessive phlegm.In modern clinical practice,thisprescription has been widely used in the treatmentof chronic bronchitis,bronchial asthma,coughvariant asthma,chronic obstructive pulmonarydisease and

10、 other diseases.白芥子、紫苏子、莱子均是菜园中可食用的菜籽,即芥菜、紫苏和萝卜的种子,一起熬制成汤,味道可口,一些不喜欢吃药的老人也能欣然接受,尤其是在咳喘病症高发的秋季,该方大有用武之地。Sinapis Semen,Perillae Fructus and RaphaniSemen are edible seeds in the garden that is,mustard,perilla and radish seeds.Boiled togetherinto a soup,there will be a delicious flavor.Elderlypeople who

11、 do not like to take medicines can alsobe glad to accept.Especially in the high incidenceof cough and asthma in the fall,the formula is veryuseful.培土和胃制痰湿Cultivating earth element and harmonizingstomachtoremovephlegm-dampness“痰由百病生”,许多疾病都可诱发人体出现痰症。在中医理论中,痰为津液,五行属水,从“土克水”的角度出发,治疗痰症应以“培土”为佳。Phlegm eme

12、rges from many diseases.In TCM,phlegm belongs to fluid and attributes to waterelement.Many diseases can cause phlegm in thebody,which is one of the common illnesses.Fromthe five elements theory,the treatment of phlegmshould be based on cultivating the earth element,which is in line with the theory o

13、f earth overcomeswater.三子养亲汤的治疗过程,体现了以土制水的五行玄机一一白芥子和莱子两味药进入身体以后,主走五行属土的足阳明胃经,辅助同样属土的胃脏运转活动,药效发散的过程相当于“培土”。当身体中的土属性壮大,就能有效压制水属性的痰症,再配合紫苏子的平喘作用,达到治疗病症的目的。The therapeutic approach of San Zi Yang QinTang also precisely reflects the five elementstheory in the prescription,which uses earth tocontrol water

14、.After entering the body,SinapisSemen and Raphani Semen go through the Stomachmeridian(the Stomach Meridian of Foot-Yangming,which attributes to the earth element),assistingthe activities of the stomach(which belongs withthe earth element),and the process of dispersalof the medicines is regarded as

15、cultivating theearth element.When the earth element in thebody grows strong,it can effectively suppress thephlegm of water element,and together with theasthma-alleviating effect of Sinapis Semen,it canachieve the purpose of treating the disease.结语Conclusion“病痰饮者,当以温药和之”,三子养亲汤的标准密码在于“降气化痰”四个字。但是,该方的祛

16、痰平喘,只是治标之剂,仅适于发病期服用,待消平喘之后,还需根据痰症的具体病因寻求治疗之法。If there is phlegm,warm drugs should be used torelease it.The standard code of San Zi Yang QinTang lies in the words lowering qi and resolvingphlegm.However,the resolving of phlegm andcalming of asthma in this prescription is only asymptomatic treatment,which can only be taken atthe onset of the disease.After the phlegm subsidesand the asthma calms down,treatment shouldbe sought according to the specific cause of thephlegm disorder.作者:上海市中医文献馆副主任医师支持单位:上海市中医文献馆日质量与标准化QualityandStandardization2023.08

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