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1、2014年各校热点句子100句集锦 2014.051 多亏了勇敢的警察,那些在火车站受到惊吓的旅客们得救了。_ _ the brave police, the terrified passengers in the train station were saved.2 必须采取一些有用的措施来治理环境。Something useful must be _ _ _ the environment. 3 当我们听到恐怖袭击的消息,所有人都盼望尽快抓到袭击者。When we heard the news of the terrorist attack, all of us _ _ _ catchin

2、g the terrorists.4.出彩中国人可以帮你实现理想。Brilliant Chinese help you _ your _.5.创建全国卫生城市依靠每一个济南市民。Creating the national healthy city_ _ every citizen in Jinan.6.重庆曾经以雾都文明,但是现在有科学家指出,那其实是霾而不是雾。 Chongqing was famous for its fog. But now scientists say that it is haze _ _fog.7.尽管困难重重,中央政府依然下定决心查处腐败。Though there

3、 are many difficulties, Chinese government has_ _ _to investigate and punish corruption6. 所有的中国人都期盼着中国梦的实现。All the Chinese look forward to_ the Chinese Dream come_.7.当今政府比以往更关注民生。The government _ _ on the livelihood of the people than it _to do.8.医患关系急待改善。The relationship between doctors and patient

4、s should_ _ as soon as _. 9.根据马来西亚航空通报,飞机上乘客包含两名婴儿。_ _the report from Malaysia Airlines, passengers on the plane _ two infants.10.马航370引起了全世界人民的关注。The people all over the world _ _ to MH370.11.政府应该继续控制房价的增长。The government should _ _ down the increasing price of the building.12.我们对于发生在广西南宁的暴力恐怖袭击事件非常

5、震惊We are the Terrorist attacks that happened in Nanning.13.去年以来,全国有30个省市区遭遇过雾霾天气。 last year, 30 provinces China encountered (遭遇) the fog hazy weather.14. 提高食品安全, 让百姓喝上放心奶、吃上放心肉来。 Please the food so that people can drink healthy milk and eat healthy meat.15.你的付出决定你将来。Yourfuture_whatyouhavedone.16. 很多

6、问题得引发主要是因为空气和水的严重污染。Manyproblems_mainly _by the_airandwaterpollution. 17. 如果你相信自己,然后再加上一点点运气,那你所有梦想就都能实现。If you believe _yourself and with a tiny pinch of good luck, all your dreams can_ _.18. 生命中最重要的两个日子,一个是你出生,一个是你发现自己为什么而生。The two _ important days in your life are the day you are born, and the da

7、y you _ _ why you are born.19.李克强和程虹夫妇对亚欧几国的访问被认为是一次成功的出访。The visit that Likeqiang and Chenghong visited some countries in Asia and Europe _ _ _ a successful visitor。20巴西将举办2014年世界杯The World Cup 2014 _ _ _ in Brazil .21. 乌克兰人民盼望和平。 The people in Ukraine _ _ _ to the peace.22.米歇尔说她们非常喜欢故宫之行,只希望有更多的时间

8、来看遍所有景点。Michelle Obama said they loved their visit to the Forbidden City, they only wished they had_ _ _see everything.23 .马航MH370失联事件会影响游客们去马来西亚的旅行计划。The missing Flight MH370 will tourists on travelling in Malaysia.24.马航MH370失联超过两个月了,至今没有生还者。Flight MH 370 _ _ _ for over two months. Nobody _ _ till

9、now.25.自4月8日起,微软公司已经放弃了为Windows XP提供服务。Microsoft has _ _ service _Windows XP since April 8. 26.上个月,城市的上空笼罩着厚厚的雾霾。The sky over the city _ _ _ heavy smog last month. 27.中国最有趣的工作是照顾熊猫。The most interesting job in China is to _ _ pandas.28.李克强总理夫妇出访非洲对于中非意义重大。The event that the premier of China Li Keqian

10、g and his wife visited to Africa _ _ _ both China and the Africa.29. 带着“山东第一高楼”的名号,济南恒大国际金融中心备受人们关注。With the reputation of ShanDongs tallest building,Jinan Hengda international financial center _ much_.30. 1992年联合国地球峰会以来,越来越多的人和政府接受了“可持续发展”的观念。Since the eighteenth National Congress of the Communist

11、Party of China, more and more people _ _the idea of “sustainable _”. 31. 我坚信环境问题将会被解决。 I _ _ that environmental problems will be solved/32. 昆明恐怖袭击之后,许多志愿者前往医院为伤者献血。 Many volunteers went to the hospital to _ blood for the _ people in Kunming terrorist attack.33.4月份上映的电影同桌的你使很多人想起了过去。The film My Old C

12、lassmate that was on show in April_ many people _their past.34. 在我看来,“中国精神”是什么以及如何促进实现中国梦是至关重要的。In my _,whatChinese spirit is and how to foster it are _to realize Chinese dream.35. 2014年,珠算被纳入我国非物质文化遗产。In 2014, the abacus was _ _ the Intangible Cultural Heritage in our country. 36. 通过宣传和劝阻,人们正逐渐克服中国

13、式过马路等不文明行为。By advertising and discouraging , people are some impolite behaviors like Chinese style of crossing roads .37.当你看到有老人摔倒在地时,你不该远远躲开。When you see the elders fall down on the ground , you shouldnt them .38. 你觉得“中国好声音”节目怎么样?这个节目很受欢迎。What do you “The Voice of China”?It is very .39. 2016年奥运会将在巴

14、西里约热内卢举行。The 2016 Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.40.济南正在创建卫生城市,所以泉城中学的学生们打算本周末义务去公园打扫卫生。Jinan is creating sanitation city, so the students from Quancheng Middle school plan to the park as this weekends.41.PM2.5不利于我们的健康,所以我们应该尽每个人的力量保护环境。PM2.5 our health, so we should try to our environment.

15、 42.船员法第10条规定,船长必须在所有乘客都下船后方可离船。 Article 10 of Seafarers Act, a captain must remain on board until all have left the ship.43.我们希望马航上的人们能很快的被安全找到,并和他们的家人团聚。We hope these people on Malaysian airplane will_ _ well and safely, and with their family members they could .44.为了创建卫生城市,人们正在努力克服他们的生活陋习。People

16、are trying their best to _ _ their bad habits in order to a national health city.45.听到空难事件后,很多人心里充满了恐惧和悲伤。After knowing the airplane , many peoples hearts are fear and .46.人们一直期待我们的政府控制好房价。People always our government to _ _ the house price.47.如今我们比以前更关注空气污染问题了!Now , we_ more _ to the problem of air

17、!48.目前很多家长更喜欢为孩子们选择就近入学。At present, many parents _ _ choose the nearby schools for their kids.49.“中国好歌曲”节目中的一些原创歌曲在年轻人中很流行。Some _ songs in the program of “Sing my song” become very_ _ young people.50.那个女孩在撞倒老人后,主动提出要照顾他。After the girl an old man, she offered to take care of him .51.空气污染增加了癌症的风险。Air

18、pollution the of cancer.52.到目前为止,来自星星的你还一吸引着大家的眼球。 ,“My Love From the Star ”has been our .53.广场舞提醒我们,锻炼身体的同时不应该扰民。Square dancing reminds us, exercise arent peoples life at the same time .54.中国电信将会为它的客户提供4G服务。 4Gservicewill foritsguestsbyChinatelecom.55.雾霾使人们认识到必须采取措施来保护环境。Smogmakes people thatsometh

19、ingmust to protect the environment.56.我国政府已经逐步允许一些家庭拥有第二个孩子。Ourgovernmenthasalready_somefamilies tohaveasecondchild_.57.2014年1月26日美国大雪航班延误。Flights becauseoftheheavysnowinAmerica on January 26, 2014.58.2014年1月5日英国遭受特大风暴,成千上万人受灾。OnJanuary5,2014,theBritish catastrophicstorms, people bythedisaster.59. 在

20、第一夫人彭丽媛的带动下,中国本土服装在世界各地广泛流行。The _ of the clothes of local brand in China has risen_ with the guid of the first lady, Peng Liyuan.60.王家卫时隔19年再次获得最佳导演奖。Wong Kar-waiwon the prize for the _ _again after 19 years.61.习近平主席鼓励大学生要践行社会主义核心价值观,创造精彩人生。President Xi Jinping _young people_enforce core socialist v

21、alues and _ a wonderful life.62.为了纪念五四青年节,习近平主席5月4日去了北京大学。_ _ to mark Youth Day,PresidentPresidentXi Jinping visited Peking University onMay 4.63.二十多年前,高晓松创作了校园经典民谣同桌的你的歌词,打动了数百万人的心。About twenty years ago, Gao Xiaosong_the _of the classic folk song My Old Classmate and touched _ _hearts. 64.国务院总理李克强

22、和夫人程虹在埃塞俄比亚受到了热烈欢迎。Premier Li Keqiang and his wife Cheng Hong_warmly_in Ethiopia.Power byYOZOSOFT65. 我们可以通过张贴标牌的方式告诉人们遵守交通规则。 We can tell people to _ the traffic rules by _ _ signs.66.中国政府对自己解决问题的能力有足够的信心。Chinese government lotsof inourabilityto anyproblem.67.可以肯定,如果开车的人少一些,空气污染就一定会减少。It is _that if

23、 there are_ people driving, there will be _ air pollution. 68. 我们无法想象没有纯净的水,这个世界会变成生么样子。We cant _ what the world is going to _ _ purified water. 69.在公共汽车上,音响污染破坏了人们平和的心绪。Video pollution on buses offends peoples . 70.脑癌男孩陈孝天做出了勇敢的决定,他要用自己的生命救活妈妈。Chen Xiaotian who was diagnosed with the brain tumor _a

24、 brave _. He wants to give his organs to his mother 71.当他们到达电影院时,电影已经开始十分钟了。When they got to the theater, the movie_ _ _ for ten minutes. 72.能源部门高级策划者正探求未来五年内空前水准增加煤产量,同时减少大型矿难损伤之路.Top energy planners are seeking, in the next five years, to raise Chinas coal output to an unprecedented level and , re

25、duce the number of large mining disasters. 73. 一个参加演出的艺术家说,向外国客人展现中国传统艺术项目是有意义的。An artist who participated in the performance, said it is really meaningful to show Chinas to foreign guests. 74. 中国教育部为了减轻英语学习负担,已经制定了高考考试和招生计划改革方案The Ministry of Education has _ _ a plan for reforming exams and enrollm

26、ents in order to reduce the burden of learning English.75.电影同桌的你唤起了一些80后的校园回忆。The movie named “My Deskmate” _ some 80s youth _ their campus _. 76. 2007年10月30日,国际足联宣布2014年将在巴西举办世界杯。On October 30, 2007, the international football federation _ the 2014 World Cup would _ _in Brazil.77. 舌尖上的中国,一档中国美食为主题的

27、电视系列节目,吸引了无数观众的目光,使得许多人潸然泪下A Bite of China, a documentary television series featuring delicious Chinese food, _ _countless viewers, and moved many to tears78. 2014年4月2日,彭丽媛在德国观看中德少年足球友谊赛的时候,使用了国产手机拍照。On April 2, 2014,when she watched the German youth football friendly in Germany, Peng liyuan _ _ wit

28、h a mobile phone made in China .79.济南人民努力争创国家卫生城市。 All the citizens in Jinan are _ _ at the same aim to build a nationally advanced clean city.80.在中国的一些城市,房价已经开始下降了。 The prices of housing _ _ lower in some cities in China.81.微信对人们的日常生活影响越来越大。 Wechat _ _ peoples daily lives more and more.82. 5月18日,残疾

29、人刘冰的诗集在众人的帮助下出版了。On May 18, the _ person Liu Bings poems _ _ with the help of the people83.这部影片归来 已经 连续 上映 了10天,天天都是爆满。This movie “ Return” has _ _ for ten days running and the house was mad full.84.我相信我们的中国梦一定能实现。I believe that our Chinese dreams will_ _.85. 中国在索契冬奥会取得巨大的突破,这主要依赖于运动员的努力 In the Soch

30、i Winter Olympics, China has made a great breakthrough which largely _ _ the athletes effort . 86. 越来越多的人开始对瑜伽感兴趣。 More and more people start to _ _ _ _ Yoga. 87. 四月二十二日是世界地球日。今年的主题是建造绿色城市,呵护地球家园。April 22 is Earth Day. The theme of this year is to build green cities and _ _ Mother Earth.88.爸爸去哪里这一节目

31、增进了父子之间的情感。The TV show called Where are you going, dad? has increased the feelings _ fathers_ children. 89. 许多国家正全力合作寻找马航失联的客机。Many countries are working together _ _ _ the missing flight MH370.90.去年冬天的雾霾天气让许多儿童患上了呼吸道疾病。 Lots of children had respiratory disease_ _ the haze weather last year.91.在父亲节那

32、天,我们送给父亲的礼物应该是我们的爱,而不仅仅是一份小礼物。On Fathers Day, we should give them our love_ _ a small gift. 922. 彭丽媛在出访欧洲期间,使用中兴设计的努比亚拍摄了许多照片。Peng Liyuan took a lot of photos with a Nubia smartphone _ _ ZTE during she visited Europe. 93.昨天班会上很多同学都抱怨无法与父母沟通思想。Many of my classmates _ about not being able to _ with th

33、eir parents during the class meeting yesterday. 94. 冬奥会使得更多人想在冬季锻炼。 More people want to _ _ in winter because of the Winter Olympics. 95. 我是歌手的评委必须认真倾听每位歌手的演唱。 The judges of I Am a Singer must _ _ each singer carefully. 96. 观众都在等待真人秀节目爸爸去哪儿第二季的播出。 The audience are _ _ the second season of the realit

34、y show Dad, Where Are We Going? 97. 央视实行末位淘汰之后,许多纪录片栏目陷入了生存困境。 Since CCTV carried out eliminate the last system, many documentary programs _ _ into a hobble. 98.过度使用手机对身体有害。 Using mobile phones _ _ is bad for your health.99.即使是最简单的日常活动也会对环境造成影响。 Even the simplest _ _ can make a difference to the env

35、ironment.100. 亲爱的伙伴们,让我们坚持追求梦想,总有一天我们会梦想成真。My dear friends, lets _ _ to our dreams, and they may just come true some day改写句子,句意不变1. People think that the documentary “A Bite of China II” is a means of introducing Chinese food culture.The documentary “A Bite of China II” _ _ _ a means of introducing

36、Chinese food culture.2. A 4.7-inch screen version of the iPhone 6 will reach stores in August, the Economic Daily News reported.A 4.7-inch screen version of the iPhone 6 will _ _ in stores in August, the Economic Daily News reported.3. It is easy for people to take taxis because they use taxi-hailin

37、g apps today.At present, _ taxi-hailing apps is _ for people to take taxis.4.Michelle Obama with her daughters and her mother came to China for a week-long official visit on March 19 . .Michelle Obama, who_ _ by her daughters and her mother, came to China for a week-long official visit on March 19.

38、5.Mom often says to Tom, “ Dont spend more time on computer games.” Mom often tells Tom to _ _time on computer games.6.The director didnt appear until the meeting was over. The director _ _ after the meeting was over7.Chinese Premier Li Keqiang said that the government would encourage the people to

39、read. Chinese Premier Li Keqiang said that people would _ _ to read by the government.8.Although Chinese people face lots of problems, we never give up our “China dream” Although Chinese people face lots of problems, we should to our “China dream”9.In order to create National Health, the government pulls some irregular buildings down. In order to create National Health, some irregular buildings are by the government.10.Many lead

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