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1、目 录 2009 年河南师范大学 821 英语写作与翻译考研真题及详解.4 2010 年河南师范大学 821 英语写作与翻译考研真题及详解.7 2011 年河南师范大学 831 英语写作与翻译考研真题及详解.11 2012 年河南师范大学 831 英语写作与翻译考研真题及详解.15 2013 年河南师范大学 831 英语写作与翻译考研真题及详解.18 2014 年河南师范大学 831 英语写作与翻译考研真题及详解.22 2015 年河南师范大学 831 英语写作与翻译考研真题及详解.26 2017 年河南师范大学 831 英语写作与翻译考研真题及详解.30 2018 年河南师范大学 831 英

2、语写作与翻译考研真题及详解.34 2009 年河南师范大学 821 英语写作与翻译考研真题及详解 .Match the following numbers with the corresponding letters according to the contents and write your answer on the Answer sheet(5 points)1.Peter Newmark 2.Lawrence V enuti 3.Yan Fu 4.Eugene Nida 5.Fu Lei A)faithfulness,expressiveness,and elegance B)re

3、semblance in spirit C)semantic translation and communicative translation D)domestication and foreignization E)functional equivalence【参考答案】1.C 语义翻译和交际翻译(semantic translation and communicative translation)是英国翻译家纽马克(Newmark)翻译理论的两种基本策略。语义翻译法具有绝对意义,交际翻译法具有相对意义。交际翻译法集归化、意译和地道翻译的优势。2.D 美国学者 L.V enuti(文努迪)

4、于 1995 年提出翻译的归化与异化(domestication and foreignization),指出翻译有两种情况,一种是让读者靠近作者即异化,另一种是让作者靠近读者即归化。3.A “信达雅”(faithfulness,expressiveness,and elegance)是由我国清末新兴启蒙思想家严复提出的,他在天演论中的“译例言”讲到:“译事三难:信、达、雅。求其信已大难矣,顾信矣不达,虽译犹不译也,则达尚焉”。4.E 功能对等理论(functional equivalence)是由美国语言学家尤金A奈达(Eugene Nida)提出,他认为最大的功能对等是指译文文本的读者应该

5、基本上能以原文读者理解和欣赏原文的方式来理解和欣赏译文文本。5.B 傅雷先生提出了神似(resemblance in spirit)的思想。“以效果而论,翻译应当像临画一样,所求的不在形似而在神似。”(spiritual conformity/resemblance in spirit)。.Translate the following into Chinese(40 points)What is it that we mean by literature?Popularly,and amongst the thoughtless,it is held to include everythin

6、g that is printed in a book.Little logic is required to disturb that definition.The most thoughtless person is easily made aware that in the idea of literature one essential clement is some relation to a general and common interest of manso that what applies only to a local,or professional,or merely

7、 personal interest,even though presenting itself in the shape of a book,will not belong to Literature.So far the definition is easily narrowed;and it is as easily expanded.For not only is much that takes a station in books not literature;but inversely,much that really is literature never reaches a s

8、tation in books.The weekly sermons of Christendom,that vast pulpit literature which acts so extensively upon the popular mindto warn,to uphold,to renew,to comfort,to alarmdoes not attain the sanctuary of libraries in the ten-thousandth part of its extent.The Drama againas,for instance,the finest of

9、Shakespeares plays in England,and all leading Athenian plays in the noontide of the Attic stageoperated as a literature on the public mind,and were(according to the strictest letter of that term)published through the audiences that witnessed their representation some time before they were published

10、as things to be read;and they were published in this scenic mode of publication with much more effect than they could have had as books during ages of costly copying or of costly printing【参考译文】我们所说的“文学”是什么呢?人们,尤其是对此欠考虑者,普遍会认为:文学包括印在书本中的一切。可这种定义无需多少理由便可被推翻。最缺乏思考的人也很容易明白,“文学”这一概念中有个基本要素,即文学或多或少都与人类普遍而


12、“出版”了(这正是“出版”一词最严格的意义)。在抄写或印刷都非常昂贵的年代,通过舞台形式“出版”这些剧作远比将它们出版成书效果更佳。.Translate the underlined into English.(45 points)我同书箱,即将分离。我虽非英雄,颇有垓下之感,却无可奈何。这些书,都是在全国解放以后,来到我家的。最初零零碎碎,中间成套成批。有的来自京沪,有的来自苏杭。最初,囊中潜涩,也曾交臂相失。中间也曾一掷否金,稍有豪气,总之,时历三十余年,我同它们,可称故旧。十年浩劫,我自顾不暇,无心也无力顾及它们。但它们辗转多处,经受折磨、潮湿、践踏、撞破,终于还是回来了,失去了一些,我

13、有些惋惜,但也不愿去寻觅它们,因为我失去的东西,比起它们,更多也更重要。它们回到寒舍以后,我对它们的情感加故。书无分大小、贵贱、古今、新旧,只要是我想保存的,因之也同我共过患难的,一视同仁。洗尘,安置,抚慰,唏嘘,它们大概是已经体味到了。近几年,又为它们添加了一些新伙伴。当这些新书,进入我的书架,我不再打印章,写名字,只是给它们包裹一层新装,记下到此的岁月。这是因为,我意识到,我不久就会同它们告别了。我的命运是注定了。但它们各自的命运,我是不能预知,也不能担保的。【参考译文】Soon Ill part with my books;Ill have to,the way the ancient

14、hero Xiang Y u parted with his favorite lady Y u at Gaixia.The books had arrived at my home since 1949,the year the country was liberated(from KMT rule).At first they came piecemeal and,later,in set of bulk,some from Beijing and Shanghai,some from Suzhou and Hangzhou.During the first few years,as I

15、was financially embarrassed,sometimes I had to turn from the books that I would have liked to give everything in exchange for.However,there were occasions on which I threw my money on books with quite a sense of lavish generosity.In short,having kept them company for over 30 years,I felt lifelong in

16、timacy with them all.During the ten years of the disastrous Cultural Revolution I was not in the mood to,nor was I fit enough to bother about my books,as I was not sure where I myself would end up.But,having been taken from place to place,getting moistened and damaged,tortured and trampled underfoot

17、,they eventually had come back to me.Some of them had just got lost,for I had had more to lose in those years and what I had lost was far more important than the books.After their return home I felt about them with the same affection as I did earlier.I treated them alike,whether they were big or sma

18、ll,old or new,expensive or inexpensive,classical or contemporary,since they had been in my collection,therefore,gone through thick and thin with me.I would sign with significance,when I dusted and caressed them and then found a place for them to go to.I guessed they must have sensed how I felt about

19、 their return.During the past couple of years I had found them some new companions.I no longer stamped my seal or wrote my name on them.When I put them on the bookshelves,I only clothed them with a new cover and marked the date of their arrival.Writing 1.Applied Writing(20 points)Instructions:Please

20、 choose ONE from the following topics and write within 150 words.1)Suppose you were an undergraduate student that is about to graduate from the college,write a letter to the Ministry of Education complaining about the current situation of job-hunting and proposing your suggestions.2)Suppose you were

21、 applying to study abroad,write a letter to the university administrator for the information you need to know.3)One of your colleagues is going to have a job interview,you are asked to write a recommendation letter for him or her.【参考范文】【解析】本文为一封询问信,主要询问出国留学的有关事宜。第一段首先表明来意,表示自己想询问一些事宜。第二段主要描写了询问的具体事情

22、。第三段表示期待回信。此类信件要注意格式和礼貌用语。2.Topical Writing(40 points)Instructions:Please choose ONE from the following topics and write an essay within 500 words.1)Globalization of the Chinese Language 2)E-learning:What does it mean?3)What is wrong with our English teaching?【参考范文】With the Chinas entrance to WTO an

23、d the more and more cooperation in foreign trade,a good grasp of English communication is the key to win the cooperation.But we can find many disadvantages in English education,more and more people has complained they cant use English very well.Then there comes a sharp contrast exists between“test-o

24、riented education”and“competence-oriented education”.So whats wrong with Chinas English education?To begin with,most of the language learners do not have a language environment in their study.They cannot speak and listen to English as much as theyre supposed to.So what we have is“dumb English”rather

25、 than communicative English.To a great extent,the English teaching in China is teacher-centered,turning a language class into an information class.It is still very common in the classroom that the teacher explains every language point in detail,while students take notes all the time.Students are tau

26、ght how to memorize language point instead of how to use English.Students are very shy when they are asked to speak in English.Secondly,culture is neglected in English teaching because of poor text design.Some redundant unrealistic materials and a great deal or grammar and structure exercises in the

27、 text lead to students memorizing a large vocabulary and a lot of English rules.Few students know how,when and where to use them.Whats more,many textbooks are outdated.Many of the English books we use now were published in 1990s.Though they have high quality,they cannot reflect the development of th

28、e English language.So these books are not ideal textbooks.Finally,test-oriented education,in a sense,misleads and impedes college English teaching in China.For example,college English test band four or six is so overemphasized in some colleges that teachers teach to the test,sacrificing learning for

29、 the sake of test results,and students only learn to pass the examination.As a result,students actual language competence is weakened though the passing rate has increased.In conclusion,Chinese English teaching is to be reformed.The language environment should be improved and English class should be

30、 students-centered.Culture knowledge should be introduced in language teaching,and examination should be dealt with appropriately.【解析】本文围绕当今中国英语教育的弊端展开论述。文章第一段介绍了在当今时代背景下,学习英语十分重要,从而引出大多英语学习者并不能用英语进行交流并发问问题出在哪里。文章第二段说明语言环境匮乏,英语课主要是以老师为中心。文章第三段说明英语教学缺少文化因素,教材僵化。第四段说明了应试教育也是弊端之一。最后一段总结概括全文,简要说明了改善方法。D

31、ear Sir or Madam,Im a Chinese student who wishes to apply for admission into your prestigious university.My plan is to start my course next term,and I would be grateful if you would be kind enough to provide me with certain essential information.First,what qualifications do I need to follow a course

32、 of study at your university?I have a bachelors degree from Peking University,but I wonder if there are any further academic requirements.Second,how much are the tuition fees?Although I intend to be self-supporting,I would be interested to hear if there are any scholarships available for internation

33、al students.Third,what is the situation regarding accommodation?Im looking forward to your reply and to attending your esteemed institution.Yours sincerely,Alice 2010 年河南师范大学 821 英语写作与翻译考研真题及详解 .Match file following numbers with the corresponding letters according to the contents,write the correspon

34、ding letter into the bracket(5 points):1.Lawrence V enuti 2.Eugene Nida 3.Andre Lefevere 4.Peter Newmark 5.Qian Zhongshu A.Reaching the acme of perfection B.Foreignization and domestication C.Communicative and semantic translation D.Rewriting theory E.Functional equivalence【参考答案】1.B 美国学者 L.V enuti(文

35、努迪)于 1995 年提出翻译的归化与异化(domestication and foreignization),指出翻译有两种情况,一种是让读者靠近作者即异化,另一种是让作者靠近读者即归化 2.E 功能对等理论(functional equivalence)是由美国语言学家尤金A奈达(Eugene Nida)提出,他认为最大的功能对等是指译文文本的读者应该基本上能以原文读者理解和欣赏原文的方式来理解和欣赏译文文本。3.D 安德烈勒菲弗尔(Andre Lefevere)基于前人研究基础提出“翻译即改写”的翻译理论观,并认为译作受意识形态、诗学和赞助人三因素的操控。4.C 交际翻译和语义翻译(co

36、mmunicative translation and semantic translation)是英国翻译家纽马克(Newmark)翻译理论的两种基本策略。交际翻译法集归化、意译和地道翻译的优势。语义翻译法具有绝对意义,交际翻译法具有相对意义。5.A 钱钟书提出了化境(reaching the acme of perfection)的思想。钱钟书指出:文学翻译的最高境界是“化”,把作品从一国文字转变为另一国文字,既能不因语文习惯的差异而露出生硬牵强的痕迹,又能完全保存原有的风味,那就算得入于“化境”。.Translate the following English into Chinese(

37、40 points)Section A(25 points):Force Majeur(不可抗力):The Sellers shall not be held responsible for late delivery or non-delivery of the goods owing to generally recognized“Force Majeure”causes.However,in such case,the Sellers shall immediately cable the Buyers the accident and airmail,to the Buyers wit

38、hin 15 days after the accident,a certificate of the accident issued by the competent government authorities or the chamber of commerce which is located at the place where the accident occurs as evidence thereof.With the exception of late delivery or non-delivery due to“Force Majeure”causes,m case th

39、e Sellers fail to make delivery within the time as stipulated in the contract,the Sellers should indemnify the Buyers for all losses and expenses incurred to the latter directly attributable to late delivery or failure to make delivery of the goods in accordance with the terms of this contract.If th

40、e“Force Majeure”cause lasts over 60 days,the Buyers shall have the right to cancel the Contract or the undelivered part of the Contract.【参考译文】由于不可抗力原因,卖方将不负责延迟交货或不交货。在这种情况下,卖家应当立即通知买家事故事件,并在事故后 15 天之内发送航空邮件给买家,提供由政府部门或当地所在商会在事故发生时出具的证书作为证明。除延迟交货和不交货归于不可抗力因素之外,如果卖家在规定的时间内未能成功交货,按照本合同的条款,应对买家赔偿其由于迟交或交

41、货失败造成的直接一切损失和费用。如果不可抗力因素持续超过 60 天,买家将有权取消合合同以及未完成部分的合同内容。Section B(15 points):Arbitration:All disputes in connection with this Contract or the execution there of shall be amicably settled through negotiation in case no settlement can be reached between the two Parties,the case under dispute shall be

42、 submitted to the Trade Arbitration Commission of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade for arbitration.The arbitration shall take place in Beijing,China and shall be executed in accordance with the Provisional Rules of Procedure of the said Commission and the decision made by t

43、he Arbitration Commission shall be accepted as final and binding upon both parties.The fees for arbitration shall be borne by the losing Party unless otherwise awarded.【参考译文】凡因执行本合同所发生的或与本合同有关的一切争议,双方应通过友好协商解决;如果协商不能解决,应提交北京中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会,根据该会的仲裁规则进行仲裁仲裁是终局的,对双方都有约束力。仲裁费用除仲裁庭另有规定外,均由败诉方承担。.Translate

44、the following into English.(45 points)第五,必须坚持执政为民。政府的一切权力都是人民赋予的,执政为民是各级政府的崇高使命。我们要牢记全心全意为人民服务的宗旨,把实现好、维护好、发展好最广大人民的根本利益,作为政府工作的出发点和落脚点。更加注重保障和改莕民生,特别要关心和解决城乡低收入群众的生活闲难,使全体人民共享改革发展成果。只有坚持一切属于人民,一切为了人民,一切依靠人民,一切归功于人民,我们的各项亊业才能获得最广泛、最可靠的群众基础和力量源泉。第六,必须坚持依法行政。遵守宪法和法律是政府一切工作的根本原则。我们要严格按照法定权限和程序行使权力、履行职责

45、,加强政府立法,规范行政执法,完善行政监督,建设法治政府,不断提高依法行政能力。只有全面推行依法行政,努力做到有权必有责、用权受监督、侵权要赔偿、违法要追究,让权力在阳光下运行,才能保证人民赋予的权力始终用来为人民谋利益。【参考译文】Fifth,we must continue to run the government for the people.All the power of the government comes from the people,and running the government for them is a lofty mission of governments

46、 at all levels.We must never forget that serving the people wholeheartedly is our purpose,and make sure that the aim and outcome of the work of the government is to fulfill,safeguard and develop the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of people.We need to attach greater importance to

47、ensuring the well-being of the people and improving their lives,in particular showing concern for urban and rural residents with low incomes and helping them make ends meet in their daily lives,in order to ensure that all of the people share in the fruits of reform and development.We must always kee

48、p in mind that everything belongs to the people,do everything for their benefit,rely on them in everything we do and attribute all our successes to their efforts.Only by doing so can we enjoy the broadest and most reliable support from the people and draw from them the strength for ensuring success

49、in all our endeavors.Sixth,we must continue to run the government in accordance with the law.Abiding by the Constitution and laws is a fundamental principle for all the work of the government.We need to exercise our power and perform our functions and responsibilities within the jurisdiction stipula

50、ted by law and in accordance with legal procedures,improve government legislative work,standardize administrative law enforcement,improve administrative oversight,develop law-based government and enhance our ability to carry out administrative functions in accordance with the law.We must ensure that

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