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1、目录2015年桂林理工大学外国语学院865翻译与写作考研真题及详解2016年桂林理工大学外国语学院865翻译与写作考研真题及详解2017年桂林理工大学外国语学院865翻译与写作考研真题及详解2018年桂林理工大学外国语学院865翻译与写作考研真题及详解2015年桂林理工大学外国语学院865翻译与写作考研真题及详解.Sentence Translation(30 points)1.Translate the following sentences into English(15 points)(1)“难道这也是个痴丫头,又像颦儿来葬花不成”?因又自笑道:“若真也葬花,可谓东施效颦了;不但不为新奇

2、,而且更是可厌。”【参考译文】“Can this be another maid come here to bury flowers like Daiyu?”Hewondered in some amusement.“If so,shes Tung Shih imitating Hsi Shih,which isnt original but rather tiresome.”(Hsi Shih was a famous beauty inthe ancient Kingdom of Yueh,Tung Shih was an ugly girl who tried toimitate her

3、 way.)(2)谁能否认海的伟大呢?我爱海,并不仅仅因为她的颜色美丽,和藏在海底那许多有趣的玩意儿,而是爱她的胸襟广阔,化污秽为清洁。【参考译文】There is no denying the mightiness of the sea.I love her not only because shehas the becautiful hues and many intriguing objects hidden deep underneathher,but also because she is broad and liberal enough to turn the foul intop

4、ure.(3)但我不能放歌,悄悄是别离的笙箫;夏虫也为我沉默,沉默是今晚的康桥。【参考译文】But I cant sing aloud,quietness is my farewell music;Even summer insectsheap silence for me,silent is Cambridge tonight.2.Translate the following sentences into Chinese(15 points)(1)It would prove that all is not lost,that the sun is going to rise,and th

5、atmen can still have hope.【参考译文】可以证明,并非一切都完了,太阳依然会升起来,人们仍然有希望。(2)When I try to understand what it is that prevents so many Americans frombeing as happy as one might expect,it seems to me that there are two causes,of which one goes much deeper than the other.【参考译文】当我试图去理解是什么阻挡了许多美国人得到他们应有的快乐时,我发现个中原因

6、实在不少。(3)Ive let the cat out of the bag already,Mr.Corthell,and I might as welltell the whole thing now.【参考译文】我已经泄露了秘密,科塞先生,我干脆现在把全部情况都告诉你吧。.Passage Translation(70 points)1.Translate the following passage into English(35 points)我每次过上海,多半是匆匆三五天,只有很少几次是超过一星期的。像一个虽常见面但无深交的熟人,不很了解,但其音容笑貌却是难忘的。上海是一个神秘的地方!

7、我在宜兴农村的童年时代,每见到上海人回乡,也总爱挤在人丛中听他们讲讲花花世界的见闻,夏天,他们穿着黑色的香云纱,我以为香云纱就是上海人的标志。在上海做事的人显 然比乡下人高贵多了,他们似乎很有钱,带回来的整筒饼干和美女月份牌就够令人羡慕了,后来我才知道 他们都是当女工、小工和保姆的,挣钱并不那么容易。和百分之九十九的乡亲们一样,我的父母也从未见过上海,虽然相距并不算远,但上海对他们永远是一个遥远的天国。近几年我每到北站候车,总听到地道的乡音,年迈的乡亲们常来上海观光了,他们的子女在工厂、大学及科研单位工作,他们有福气了。外滩是大上海的面貌特征吧,南京路一带的高楼大厦曾是上海人向乡下佬描述的骄傲

8、。后来当我在伦敦过了一个暑假,发现那文艺复兴时代式样的古代楼房、那狭窄的街道,与南京路一带何其相似!不是伦敦像南京路,而是按照伦敦的某些模式捏造了南京路,让人们回忆上海滩形成的史迹吧!然而南京路还是 有自己的特色的:人多。这可与北京的王府井争冠军,争世界冠军去!【参考译文】Whenever I passed through Shanghai,I would stay there for only three orfour days,seldom more than a week.So the city,like a person who is more ofa nodding acquaint

9、ance than a close friend of mine,is still rather unfamiliarto me.But its look and voice are unforgettable.Shanghai is a mysterious place!When I was a child living in the countrysideof Yixing,I used to elbow my way into a big crowd so as to listen tosomeone lately returned from Shanghai chatting abou

10、t things he had seen andheard in the dazzling city.To me,their summer wear of dark-coloredxiangyuansha was characteristic of a Shanghailander.Evidently,those whohad been working in Shanghai enjoyed a much higher status than their fellowvillagers.They seemed to be quite rich.The tins of biscuits and

11、wallcalendars with pinup girls on them they had brought home were the envy ofall country folks.Later,I learned,however,that they had been earning moneythe hard way by becoming factory workers,old jobbers or housemaids.Like99 percent of our fellow villagers,my parents had never been to Shanghai.Thoug

12、h living not remote from Shanghai,they had to regard it as aninaccessible paradise on earth.In recent years,often in the waiting room ofShanghai Northern Railway Station,I have overheard some travelersspeaking with a pure accent of my native place.They are apparently elderlyvillagers from my home to

13、wn who,thanks to their children working in localfactories,universities or research institutes,can now well afford to visit thecity on sight-seeing tours.The Bund is a marked feature of Greater Shanghai.Shanghailanders used todescribe to country folks with pride how Nanjing Road is lined with high-ri

14、ses.Later,while I was in London for a summer vacation,I noticed theremarkable resemblance between some of the narrow streets there with theirrenaissance-style ancient buildings and Nanjing Road.But I would rather saythat it is Nanjing Road that has been modeled after London.Well,letsreview the histo

15、ry of Shanghai!Nevertheless,Nanjing Road has acharacteristic of its own,that it,street congestion.In this respect,it can viewith Wangfujing of Beijing for championship,or world championship.2.Translate the following passage into Chinese(35 points)I fear I cannot picture America as altogether an Elys

16、iumperhaps,from theordinary standpoint I know little about the country.I cannot give its latitudeand longitude;I cannot compute the value of its dry goods,and I have novery close acquaintance with its politics.These are matters which may notinterest you,and they certainly are not interesting to me.T

17、he first thing that struck me on landing in America was that if theAmericans are not the most well-dressed people in the world,they are themost comfortable dressed.Men are seen there with the dreadful chimney-pothat,but there are very few hatless men;men wear the shocking swallow-tailcoat,but few ar

18、e to be seen with no coat at all.There is an air of comfort inthe appearance of the people which is a marked contrast to that seen in thiscountry;where,too often,people are seen in close contact with rags.The next thing particularly noticeable is that everybody seems in a hurry tocatch a train.This

19、is state of things which is not favorable to poetry orromance.Had Romeo or Juliet been in a constant state of anxiety abouttrains,or had their minds been agitated by the question of return-ticket,Shakespeare could not have given us those lovely balcony scenes which areso full of poetry and pathos.【参


21、和朱丽叶老是为乘火车而担心,或是为返程车票而烦恼,莎士比亚就不可能写出那几幕如此富有诗意与伤感情调的阳台戏了。.Composition(50 points)Direction:Write a composition with no less than 400 words with the themeof“上善若水”。【参考范文】Victor Hugo said:“The most important quality for a man is kindness.”Whykindness is important?Kindness is one most important quality for

22、 humanbeing distinguished from the animal.Without kindness,the humankind willbe selfish,indifferent,and not sympathy.There are many news about howpeople unfilial,hurt others maliciously,corrupt and many other immoralities.Not only they are lack of conscience but also they have no kindness.Kindness i

23、s to understand each other,care about others.A kind people wouldlike to help others.He would not hurt others.Kindness is important for notonly people but also important to the country and the world.If countries havea kind heart,there wont be wars,and the whole world can be in harmonywhich will benef

24、it everyone.We should be kindhearted and generous.“If you have much,give yourwealth.If you have little,give you heart”.It is a famous proverb that speaksthe truth.It is always nice to be with your family,watching TV showstogether,and drink hot chocolate.However,there are many homeless people,or even

25、 children out there that are abandoned,or have no where to go.Theydeserve happiness and love as much as we do.We should be kindhearted andgenerous,and help them out.There are simple things we can do to make oursociety better,such us,A smile,a handshake,a hug,or even saying“hello”tothe less fortunate

26、 people.We have to express our love to them,to show thatthey are cared.In that case,we can make the world a better place to live infor one and for all!Kindness is not a kind of accomplishment,and it is more than a kind ofvirtue.To be kind does not mean being so timid,it means magnanimous bykeeping a

27、n open mind.To be kind should own the characters of being strict toyourself and treating others with a heart full of mercy.Easily forgivingyourself is not kindness and its weakness instead.It also in terms of peopleto treat others with a heart full of mercy.How wide the world is,but thereexists some

28、thing wider than it.It is peoples heart.We all know that kindneescan make our journey lighter and more enjoyable.Lets learn to be a kindperson.【解析】本文第一段引入了“上善若水”这一主题;第二段阐述了善良的重要性;第三段阐述了我们该如何做到善良;第四段总结全文呼吁大家做一个善良的人。2016年桂林理工大学外国语学院865翻译与写作考研真题及详解.Sentence Translation(30 points)1.Translate the followi

29、ng sentences into English(15 points)(1)进入桂花公园,阵阵桂香扑鼻而来。满树金花、芳香四溢的金桂;花白如雪、香气扑鼻的银桂;红里透黄、花多味浓的紫砂桂:花色似银、季季有花的四季桂,竞相开放,争妍媲美。【参考译文】The park of Sweet Osmanthus is noted for its profusion of osmanthus trees.Flowers from these trees in different colors are in full bloom which pervadethe whole gaeden with the

30、 fragrance of their blossoms.(2)我更爱躺在洁净轻柔的细沙上,静听着海潮的倾诉;当微风轻轻地从我身边掠过,那种又清凉又轻松的感觉,真是舒适极了,甜美极了!【参考译文】Im even more inclined to lie on the clean and soft sandy beach and listenquietly to the sea unbosoming itself.How comfortable and refreshed i will beto feel the cool gentle sea breeze brushing past me!(

31、3)鼓起勇气,做你的心指引你去做的事吧!这样你就不会因为没有做而日后生出悔恨。【参考译文】Screw up your courage to do something to follow your soul,leaving no regretfor never trying in the future.2.Translate the following sentences into Chinese(15 points)(1)Mr.Somervillea most delightful man,to whom my debt is greatwascharged with the duty of

32、teaching the stupidest boys the most disregardedthingnamely,to write mere English.【参考译文】萨默维尔先生,一位很和蔼可亲,令我感激不尽的老师,负责教最愚笨的学生最受忽视的课程,即用英文写作。(2)The time could have been more profitably spent in making a detailedinvestigation.【参考译文】如果当初把时间花在细致的调查研究上,益处就更多了。(3)It is quite understandable that the United Na

33、tions,having no life exceptthat which its members give to it,should show evidence of the maladies thatis present in the world today.【参考译文】正因为联合国的生命是它的成员国赋予的,因此联合国也呈现出今天世界上所存在的各种病症,这是完全可以理解的。.Passage Translation(70 points)1.Translate the following passage into English(35 points)毛泽东预测说这场战争将会持久而艰难。历史上武

34、装斗争的领导人不向其追随者许诺速胜者可谓凤毛麟角,毛泽东肯定是其中之一。他的坦率事先消除了人们破碎梦幻中的失败主义情绪。另一方面,毛泽东正确地估计了进行革命动员后以中国的人力和物资资源为后盾的强大的持久力,从而有助于增强人们更为持久的自信。他指明了中国的民族战争在融入世界战争之前为了支撑下去而将不得不釆取的那种战略和策略,这场战争包括日本对英国人、法国人、荷兰人以及美国人的进攻。他警告说世界战争是不可避免的,虽然当时许多欧洲人和美国人并不这么认为。【参考译文】Mao Zedong predicted that the war would be long and tough.Mao Zedong

35、 iscertainly one of the few leaders of armed struggle in history who did notpromise their followers a quick victory.His frankness dispelled defeatistfeelings in broken dreams beforehand.On the other hand,Mao Zedongcorrectly estimated the great enduring power of revolutionary mobilizationbacked by Ch

36、inas human and material resources,thus helping to buildpeoples more enduring confidence.He pointed out the kind of strategies andtactics that Chinas national war would have to employ to sustain itself beforeit could be integrated into the world war,which included Japanese attacks onthe British,the F

37、rench,the Dutch,and the Americans.He warned that worldwar was inevitable,though many Europeans and Americans did not think soat that time.2.Translate the following passage into Chinese(35 points)The men who founded modern science had two merits which are notnecessarily found together:immense patienc

38、e in observation,and greatboldness in framing hypothesis.The second of these merits had belonged tothe earliest Greek philosophers;the first existed,to a considerable degree,inthe later astronomers of antiquity.But no one among the ancients,exceptperhaps Aristarchus,possessed both merits,and no one

39、in the Middle Agespossessed either.Copernicus,like his great successors,possessed both.Heknew all that could be known,with the instruments existing in his day,aboutthe apparent motions of the heavenly bodies on the celestial sphere,and heperceived that the diurnal rotation of the earth was a more ec

40、onomicalhypothesis than the revolution of all the celestial spheres.Apart from the revolutionary effect on cosmic imagination,the great meritsof the new astronomy were two:first,the recognition that what had beenbelieved since ancient times might be false;second,that the test of scientifictruth is p

41、atient collection of facts,combined with bold guessing as to lawsbinding the facts together.Neither merit is so fully developed in Copernicusas in his successors,but both are already present in a high degree in his work.【参考译文】创立近代科学的那些人有两种不一定并存的长处:做观察时十分耐心,设假说时有大无畏精神。其中第二种长处最早期的希腊哲学家先前曾有过,第一种长处在古代晚期


43、到了高度的体现。.Composition(50 points)Direction:Write a composition with no less than 400 words with the title of“Real Friend”.【参考范文】Real FriendFriends are very important for us.When we are in trouble,we need friends tooffer us an encouragement and help.We all like to make friends,because noone can survive

44、 without a friend.Indeed,we make friends in different stage,even we are old,we still make friends.Thus,one may have lots of friends.However,not all friends are real friens.Everyone needs a friend,because we are not the only one in the world.Weneed someone to talk to and share our happiness and sorro

45、w.A friend issomeone who we can trust,we dont have to hide ourselves and just who weare.We will feel comfortable with them.When we are in trouble,we willthink of them and they will come to help.For millions of years,people haveheaped beautiful verses and essays upon friendship.Yet,they,too,havemerci

46、lessly accused false friendship,for there are always some meancharacters who approached you and act as dear friends when you are wealthyor influential,but desert or even betray you the instant you come down in theworld or are entrapped by unfortunate things.Therefore,people all attachgreat importanc

47、e to the recognition of true friendship.What is a real friend?Still,it is natural that different people observe differentprinciples in making friends.Some view it important to make friends withwhom they may share similar interests or hobbies with.I am of those whothink very little of similarity or p

48、osition or power.So long as a person has aheart of gold,being selfless and honest,I am willing to make friends withhim or her,give my due support and help,and remain faithful to him or herall my life.A faithful friend is considered even more precious than a pricelesspearl or a precious stone.As the

49、old saying says,“a friend in need is a friend indeed.”Knowing howvaluable friendship is,we should be very careful in making friends.Realfriends are those who have good character,superior ability and kindness ofheart.Real friends can share all our sorrows and double all our joys.Whilemaking friends,w

50、e should take care to select those who have such finequalities.Then we should treat our friends with courtesy,be careful not tointerfere unreasonably with them,and not to ridicule their proceedings.Weshould forgive their failures and do our best to help them.In short,when wehave established friendsh

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