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1、 Unit 1 How do you study for a test?第1页一单元分析一单元分析本单元围绕本单元围绕“Learning to learn”Learning to learn”这一话题展开教这一话题展开教学活动,帮助学生学会用学活动,帮助学生学会用“verb+by with verb+by with gerund”gerund”表示方式探讨学习英语表示方式探讨学习英语 策略,认清自己在策略,认清自己在学习方面优点和不足。本单元话题跟学生学生生活学习方面优点和不足。本单元话题跟学生学生生活有亲密联络,学生很感兴趣,也轻易了解。经过对有亲密联络,学生很感兴趣,也轻易了解。经过对一些

2、学习话题讨论,让学生明白英语学习主要性,一些学习话题讨论,让学生明白英语学习主要性,并能够依据所学知识进行交流和学习,了解哪些学并能够依据所学知识进行交流和学习,了解哪些学习方法适合自己,从而有效地提升英语成绩。同时,习方法适合自己,从而有效地提升英语成绩。同时,也让学生学见面对困难,学会处理问题,养成良好也让学生学见面对困难,学会处理问题,养成良好学习习惯,善于向同学、朋友、老师学习更加好方学习习惯,善于向同学、朋友、老师学习更加好方法,能给他人提出适当处理方法,树立学好英语信法,能给他人提出适当处理方法,树立学好英语信心。心。第2页二二 学情分析学情分析学生已积累了较丰富语言基础知识,且学

3、生已积累了较丰富语言基础知识,且本单元话题本单元话题”Learning to learn“,“Learning how to deal with your problems”又源于实际学习生活,所以又源于实际学习生活,所以学生学习主动性会很高。经过本单元学学生学习主动性会很高。经过本单元学习,学会谈论学习生活中碰到迷惑和烦习,学会谈论学习生活中碰到迷惑和烦恼,并进行更深入经验交流。有利于延恼,并进行更深入经验交流。有利于延伸和拓展知识范围,培养处理实际问题伸和拓展知识范围,培养处理实际问题能力。能力。第3页三三 教学分析教学分析1.1.语言技能目标语言技能目标2.2.(1 1)能够介绍自己学习

4、方法)能够介绍自己学习方法3.3.(2 2)能够谈论学习中碰到困难能够谈论学习中碰到困难4.4.(3 3)能够针对学习中碰到困难给他人提提议)能够针对学习中碰到困难给他人提提议5.5.(4 4)能够评价学习方法)能够评价学习方法6.6.2.2.语言知识目标语言知识目标7.7.(1 1)熟练利用)熟练利用”“”“verb+by with gerundverb+by with gerund“表示方式谈表示方式谈论各种学习方法论各种学习方法8.8.(2 2)熟练利用)熟练利用how how 引导特殊疑问句谈论学习中碰到问题引导特殊疑问句谈论学习中碰到问题9.9.(3 3)熟练利用)熟练利用”why

5、dont you?You should.why dont you?You should.Maybe”Maybe”等句型给学习有困难同学提供提议等句型给学习有困难同学提供提议第4页3.情感态度目标(1)了解各种学习方法,培养用正确,科学方法做事能力,明白“一分耕耘,一分收获”道理(2)经过学习上相互帮助,能够形成相互交流,相互促进学习气氛(3)经过对名人成功经历了解,学会以良好心态面对困难,处理问题4.文化意识目标(1)能够用恰当方式表示自己在学习上存在困难和不足之处(2)了解英美国家学生学习方法5.学习策略目标 认知策略 交际策略 资源策略第5页四四 重点难点重点难点1.教学重点教学重点2.重

6、点词汇:重点词汇:a loud,pronunciation,differently,quickly,pronounce,slowly,mistake,realize,matter,afraid,complete,secret,trouble,fast,soft,deal,unless,regard,duty,easily,influence,friendship,lose,development,face,重点句型重点句型:How do you study for tests?I study by Have you studied with a group?Maybe you should话题

7、话题:Learning how to learn2.教学难点教学难点正确利用正确利用”verb+by with gerund”表示方式谈论学习中困难,并提表示方式谈论学习中困难,并提出对应提议。出对应提议。第6页五、课时安排五、课时安排 5 5 课时课时第7页Welcome back!Period 1第8页Hello,everyone!He is good at playing basketball.But he doesnt do well in learning English.Theres an English test on Tuesday.Help me!第9页“How do you

8、 study for a test?”第10页She learns English She learns English byby listening to tapes.listening to tapes.They learn English They learn English by by reading the textbook.reading the textbook.They learn English They learn English byby working with friends.working with friends.listening to tapeslisteni

9、ng to tapesreading the textbookreading the textbookworking with friendsworking with friendsHow do they study for an How do they study for an English test?English test?第11页She learns English She learns English by by asking asking the teacher for help.the teacher for help.He learns English He learns E

10、nglish by by making making vocabulary lists.vocabulary lists.She learns English She learns English byby making making flashcardsflashcards.asking the teacher for helpasking the teacher for helpmaking making vocabularyvocabulary listslistsmaking making flashcardsflashcards?第12页A:How do you study for

11、a test?B:I study by.A:What do you think of the way?(How do you like the way?)B:Very useful./PairworkTry to think of other ways.Ask your partner how he or she studies for a test.第13页other ways for a test doing exercises doing some recitinggoing over the exercises and notebookstaking part in extra cla

12、sses after schoolget a tutorI study by第14页Give me some advice!A:I think you may/should study byB:Why not C:Why dont you.d:How about doing第15页He is asking some of his old friends for help.Who are they?how do they study for a test from this picture?_ 1 Mei _ 2 Pierre _ 3 Antonioa ac cb b第16页 A:Hey,gan

13、g.Theres a big test on Tuesday.I really need some A:Hey,gang.Theres a big test on Tuesday.I really need some _.Can you tell me how _ _ for a big test?_.Can you tell me how _ _ for a big test?B:Sure!Yes.Sure we will.B:Sure!Yes.Sure we will.A:You _really _ on the last English test,didnt you,A:You _rea

14、lly _ on the last English test,didnt you,Mei?Mei?C:Yeah,I did OK.C:Yeah,I did OK.A:well,_?A:well,_?C:_ making flashcards.C:_ making flashcards.A:_ Ill try that.How did you study,Pierre?A:_ Ill try that.How did you study,Pierre?D:By asking the teacher _ help.She was really _ I D:By asking the teacher

15、 _ help.She was really _ I asked.asked.A:Thats interesting.How do you study,Antonio?A:Thats interesting.How do you study,Antonio?E:I like to study by listening to tapes.But _ my E:I like to study by listening to tapes.But _ my mother thinks Im listening to _.And then she gets mad.mother thinks Im li

16、stening to _.And then she gets mad.1b1b Listen.Fill in the blanks.helpstudyyoudidwellHow did you studyByMaybeforhappysometimesmusic第17页Hegotbadgrades.Listening:10/20 Writing:6/15Reading:20/35Words:5/10Grammar:10/20 Total marks:51/100 Find the problems 第18页Help him improve his EnglishHe should study

17、byListening:Speaking:Reading:Writing:listening to tapespracticing conversations with friendsreading aloud to practice pronunciationkeeping English diarieswatching English-language moviesjoining an English clubdoing lots of exercisesreading English magazines and newspaper Grammar:doing lots of exerci

18、sesKeep an English notebook第19页Communicate with others.Lets see how they study English.Give comments.He/she/they/studies/study byI think its becausehelpful,useful,difficult.useless,interesting,improve speaking skills,voices,speak too fast第20页He follows the advice and joins an English club.They are d

19、iscussing the best ways to learn English.Lets see what they are talking about.第21页2a Listen and check()the questions you hear.Questions 1.Do you learn English by watching English-language videos?2.Do You ever practice conversations with friends?3.What about listening to tapes?4.What about reading al

20、oud to practice pronunciation?5.Have you ever studied with a group?第22页1.2.3.4.dbca2b Listen again and match each question above with an answer below.a.Yes,I have.Ive learned a lot that way.b.Oh,yes.It improves my speaking skills.c.I do that sometimes.I think it helps.d.No.its too hard to understand

21、 the voices.第23页A:Have you ever studied with a group?B:Yes,I have.Ive learned a lot that way./Sometimes./Never.A:How often do you do that?B:I do it often.Because it helps a lot.oftensometimes neverwrite vocabulary listsread English books/magazinesstudy grammarkeep an English notebooklisten to tapesa

22、sk the teacher questionswatch English-language TV第24页reportI have studied with a group and I do it often because it helps a lot.However,my partner/so has my partner.As foruseful,helpful,difficult,lazy,as for,not at all,improve第25页Make the report complete.Try to recite.Homework 第26页Period 2第27页What d

23、id he do to improve English?第28页He studied by_.working with a group第29页listening to tapes第30页reading the text books aloud第31页Reading English newspapers第32页by keeping an English notebookNote book第33页by surfing the Internet第34页asking the teacher for help第35页doing exercises第36页watching English language

24、 TV第37页Learn a lessonEverything is possible if you put your heart into it!第38页The best ways to learn more English so he made a survey at New Star High School.第39页1.What was the survey about?2.What did many students say?It was about the best ways to learn more English.Many students said they learnt b

25、y using English.Read the article and try to answer the questions:Reading第40页Find 7 ways of learning English in the article.using Englishusing Englishmemorizing the words of pop songsmemorizing the words of pop songs watching English movies watching English movies having conversations with friendshav

26、ing conversations with friends reading English magazinesreading English magazinesstudying grammarstudying grammarjoining the English clubjoining the English club 第41页Not successfulOKSuccessfulLillianLiWeiMingLiuChangmemorizing the words of pop songsreading English magazineswatching English moviesstu

27、dying grammarhaving conversations with friendsjoining the English clubstudying grammarII.Read and find out the 7 ways of learning English in the article.第42页请依据课文内容判断以下句子正(T)误(F):()1.Many students thought the best way to learn English is to use it.()2.Lilian Li thought the best way to learn new word

28、s was by memorizing them.()3.Lilian Li never studied grammar.()4.Wei Ming has learned English for seventy-two months.()5.Wei Ming thought watching English movies and studying grammar are great ways to learn a language.()6.Joining the English club at school was Liu Changs best way to improve her Engl

29、ish.()7.The students in the club could get lots of practice.TTTTTFF第43页The best way to learn new words was by reading English magazines.be+by doingMemorizing the words of pop songs also helped a little.helps/helped a little.=be a little helpful.Studying grammar is a great way to learn a language.be+

30、a great/good wayWatching English movies isnt a bad way.be+not a bad wayHaving conversations with friends was not helpful at all.be+helpful/successful not at all第44页Write an article about the best ways to learn more English.Homework 第45页Period 3第46页Saying is one thing but doing is another thing.He is

31、 meeting challenges now.n.挑战挑战第47页ThedifficultieshehasinlearningEnglishNew words:cant pronounce some of the words/spell some English wordsSpeaking:be afraid to speakListening:cant understand spoken EnglishWriting:cant make complete sentencesReading:read very slowlyGrammar:make mistakes第48页1a Learnin

32、g English can be difficult.What things are difficult for you?Read the list.Check()the statements that are true for you.I cant pronounce some of the words.I cant understand spoken English.I read very slowly.I cant spell some English words.I make mistakes in grammar.第49页1b What other things are diffic

33、ult for you?Make a list.1.I dont know how to use commas.2.3.n.逗号逗号 cant get the pronunciation right be afraid people might laugh at me cant always make complete sentences forget a lot of new words cant understand when people speak too quickly dont get much writing practice cant understand the words

34、in magazines第50页Paul has the same challenges as his.Look at the pictures.What is he doing?He is asking the woman for help.Who is the woman?第51页2a Paul is learning English.Listen and check()the learning challenges he talks about.Challenges 1.cant get the pronunciation right2.forget a lot of new words

35、3.cant always understand when people talk to me4.cant understand the words in magazines5.dont get much writing practice She is his English teacher.第52页2b Listen again.Match the challenges in 2a with the solutions.Solutions a.You can always write the new words in your notebook and study them at home.

36、b.You should find a pen pal.c.Listening can help.d.Why dont you join an English language club to practice speaking English?2513第53页听听Section B(2a&2b)录音,完成以下短文。录音,完成以下短文。Paul _ _ because he is having _ _ English.First he cant get the pronunciation right.Then he cant remember the new words and sometim

37、es he cant understand what people areSaying in English.And he doesnt get much _ _.His teacher Ms Mitchell tells him to _ _ the tape and_ the sentences that are difficult for him to _ his pronunciation.Then the teacher tells him to _ the new words in the notebook and study them _ _ or _ _ _ on the wa

38、y to school.At last the teacher asks him to _ the English language club to _ speaking and _ a pen pal.looks worriedtroublelearningwritingpracticelistentorepeatpracticewrite athomeinthetrainjoinpracticefind第54页2c PAIRWORK Role play conversations using the information from activities 2a and 2b.A:I don

39、t have a partner to practice English with.B:Maybe you should join an English language club.Advice:Should,why not,why dont you 第55页He learned a lot from Paul and wants to share the experience with you!第56页What challenges did he meet in learning English last year?1.It was not easy for him to understan

40、d the teacher2.He was afraid to speak in class.3.He couldnt make complete sentences.4.English grammar was difficult for him.第57页How did she solve these difficulties?1.watchEnglish-languageTV2.doinglotsoflisteningpractice3.takegrammarnotesineveryclass4.writehisownoriginalsentences第58页3a Read the arti

41、cle.Then read the statements about the article.Write“T”(for true)or“F”(for false).The writer found learning English difficult because1.the teachers pronunciation was poor.2.people always laughed at her when she spoke.3.she had trouble making complete sentences.4.English grammar was difficult.FFTT第59

42、页Her English improved when she started.5.going out with English-speaking friends.6.lots of listening practice.7.using grammar in original sentences.FTT3a Read the article.Then read the statements about the article.Write“T”(for true)or“F”(for false).第60页Last year my English class was difficult for me

43、.First of all,it wasnt easy for me to understand the teacher when she talked to the class.To begin with,she spoke too quickly,and I couldnt understand every word.Later on,I realized that it doesnt matter if you dont understand every word.How I learned to learn English以后以后;随即随即首先首先;第一第一刚开始时候刚开始时候 be+

44、adj.+for sb.it+be+adj.+for sb.to do sth.意识到,认识到意识到,认识到knew第61页I was also afraid to speak in class,because I thought my classmate might laugh at me.I couldnt always make complete sentences,either.Then I started to watch English language TV.It helped a lot.I think that doing lots of listening practice

45、 is one of the secrets of becoming a good language learner.笑话笑话;取笑取笑(某人某人)害怕去做害怕去做造完整句子造完整句子很大帮助很大帮助秘密秘密;机密机密学习者学习者第62页Another thing that I found very difficult was English Grammar.So I decided to take lots of grammar notes in every class.Then I started to write my own original sentences using the g

46、rammar I was learning.Its amazing how much this helped.Now I am enjoying learning English and I got an A this term.My teacher is very impressed.impress v.使感动使感动;给给深刻印象深刻印象impress sth on sb/impress sb with sth 使某人铭记某事使某人铭记某事做笔记做笔记;做统计做统计喜欢做喜欢做乐于做乐于做学期学期第63页Challenges Solutions teacher,speak,tooquickl

47、y,notunderstandnot,matter,if,not,understand,everyword第64页Challenges Solutions be afraid to,speak in class,laugh at,1.watch English-language TV,help,a lot2.do lots of listening practice,secret,a good language learnernot,make complete sentences,第65页Challenges Solutions English grammar,difficult/poor 1

48、.decide to,take notes,lots of,2.write,own original sentences 第66页What do you learn from him?We should face the challenges and solve them in a scientific way.Share with others第67页3b Write a letter telling a friend how to become a better language learner.Dear ,I know it isnt easy to learn ,but I have

49、some ideas that may help.You said you couldnt understand people who talked fast.Well,you can try to listen for the most important words,not every word.Yours,fast adv.快地快地;快速地快速地第68页Write an article about your own experiences of learning English.Homework 第69页Period 4第70页He is communicating with his b

50、est friends.1.What isnt easy about learning English?2.What do you do about this?3.What is your favorite way to learn more English?says that listening is sometimes difficult if people speak too fast.native speakers talking too fast.make up conversations speak to friends in English第71页Pairwork1.What i

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