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1、全新版大学英语Book 3第1页Unit 7Text A Life of a Salesman第2页I.Warm-up activityII.Text Structure AnalysisIII.Global ReadingIV.Language Point第3页I.Warm-up activity1.What are the basic qualities of a good salesperson?Which is essential?Why?2.Do you think it is easy for a handicapped person to be a salesperson?Why

2、?第4页Definition of Sales PromotionSales promotion is the work of selling a product by all useful methods such as:A)powerful advertising;B)personal persuasion of possible customers by visit,phone or letter;C)exhibitions;D)displays and demonstrations;E)competitions for prizes;F)free samples;G)trading s

3、tamps.第5页Four Stages in Promoting a Product 第6页attract the attention of potential customers Stage One 第7页arouse interest in the product Stage Two第8页create a desire for its benefits Stage Three第9页encourage customers to take prompt action Stage Four第10页Role Play 第11页Role Play One student will act as a

4、 salesperson.All other students will act as his/her potential customers.He/She will have ten minutes to persuade others to buy his/her goods.One of them can buy from the salesperson.All others must come up with an excuse not to buy.Useful expressions:brand name,presentation,labeling,packaging,instru

5、ctions,reliability and after-sales serviceThis is our(model).It costs(price).Its suitable for(purpose).We can deliver(from stock).Its available in(colour)and(size).We can offer a discount of(%).第12页Text Organization Parts Lines Time of the Day Bills Activities1234121227576123124158early morning prep

6、aration for the days workmid-morning on his way to workday door-to-door sellingevening paper workII.Text Structure Analysis第13页FFor Part One:True or False1.Bill Porter used to listen to the weather broadcasting every morning.T()2.There is something wrong in his left hand.()The fingers on his right h

7、and are so twisted that he cant tie his shoes.III.Global Reading第14页3.His dead mother never thought he could do anything.F4.People didnt believe that he could live independently.That is not the case,however.T()()His dead mother used to encourage him and her challenge echoes in his soul.For Part One:

8、True or False第15页5.Bill Porter has ever been a soldier fighting in the battlefield.F()A crippled body is one of his enemies,and he must fight alone for his independence and dignity.For Part One:True or False第16页For Part Three:Blank FillingSupply the missing information according to the story.It is a

9、 day.Bill Porter stopped at the first house.He the bell.A woman comes to the door and refuses him by an .The person in the second house even doesnt give him a chance to speak.For ninety minutes,Porter hasnt made a ,but he doesnt .At last a woman is to buy a cake of soap from him.windy and rainy _rin

10、gs _excuse _sale _give up _persuaded _第17页For Part Four:Group Discussion1.Why did he have to sell his house?2.What is Bills home like?What kind of life does he lead?3.Does Bill feel sorry for himself?Why or why not?第18页1.linger:vi.1)spend a long time doing sthMy daughter used to linger long over her

11、 meal.There will be no time to linger-the press conference will begin in a few minutes.2)stay for a long time,esp.because one does not want to leaveHe was still lingering around the stadium long after the game was over.IV.Language Point第19页CF:CF:stay,linger&remain 这几个词都可用作动词,都有这几个词都可用作动词,都有“停留、逗留停留、

12、逗留”之意。之意。stay 是最普通用语,指长久或短期停留是最普通用语,指长久或短期停留My car stays in the garage most of the week.linger 意思是意思是“逗留、徘徊逗留、徘徊”,尤指迟迟不愿离开样子。,尤指迟迟不愿离开样子。She lingered around the door telling the story of what had happened.remain 强调维持原来状态,表示强调维持原来状态,表示“逗留逗留”时比时比stay更正式更正式些些How many days will you remain here?第20页2.dig

13、nityn.the quality of being worthy of honor or respectShe always acted with great dignity.If you are wrong,admit it.You wont lose dignity,but will gain respect.Collocation:Collocation:possess dignity 有地位(身份)有地位(身份)maintain ones dignity 保持尊严保持尊严 stand upon ones dignity 摆架子,逞威风摆架子,逞威风 beneath ones dign

14、ity 有失体面,有伤尊严有失体面,有伤尊严 第21页3.cripple:vt.1)cause to become unable to move or walk properlyAt the beginning of the year crippled children were on state lists to receive care.彼得父亲因中风而跛脚。彼得父亲因中风而跛脚。Peters father was crippled by a stroke.2)2)damage or harm(sb./sth.)seriouslyHis business was crippled by t

15、he fire.第22页4.betray:vt.1)be disloyal or unfaithful toAccording to the Bible,greed made Judas betray Jesus to the chief priest for 30 pieces of silver.第23页4.betray:vt.2)give away or make known(esp.a secret)He betrayed the secret to his friends她脸色说明她很担心。她脸色说明她很担心。Her face betrayed her nervousness.叛徒可

16、用叛徒可用betrayer表示表示。betray名词是名词是betrayal。第24页5.gain oncome closer to(esp.a rival or sth.pursued)She was gaining on her opponents throughout the race,but only overtook them at the end.Hurry up!They are gaining on us.此处此处on可用可用upon代替代替。第25页6.tremblevi.shake from cold,fear,weakness,etc.Her hands grew ver

17、y cold and trembled so that she could hardly hold the flag.The whole house trembled as the train went by.第26页shake,tremble&shiver这几个词都是动词,都有这几个词都是动词,都有“震动、颤动震动、颤动”之意之意。shake 是最普通用语。既可用于人,也可用于物。用于人时,是最普通用语。既可用于人,也可用于物。用于人时,普通指因为激动、严寒、惧怕等引发全身或局部颤动。也普通指因为激动、严寒、惧怕等引发全身或局部颤动。也能够表示任何形式颤动,常含有不规则、突然之意。能够表示任

18、何形式颤动,常含有不规则、突然之意。His hands shook a little as he wrote.他写字时手有些发抖。他写字时手有些发抖。tremble 指人体因为盛怒、恐惧、严寒或疲劳而引发无法指人体因为盛怒、恐惧、严寒或疲劳而引发无法抑制轻微快速抖动抑制轻微快速抖动Her voice trembled with anger她声音因愤恨而颤动。她声音因愤恨而颤动。第27页shiver主要指因为严寒、恐惧而引发肌肉短主要指因为严寒、恐惧而引发肌肉短暂、快速颤动暂、快速颤动She came into the house snow-covered and shivering.她走进房间

19、,满身是雪,冷得直发抖。她走进房间,满身是雪,冷得直发抖。第28页7.kick up:(cause to)riseThe horse kicked up a cloud of dust.Dawn came up and the sea began to kick up.我知道他不想走,但他不应该为这事大闹我知道他不想走,但他不应该为这事大闹I know he didnt want to go but he shouldnt have kicked up a fuss about it.第29页8.tilt:1.v.(cause to)move into a sloping positionTh

20、e pilot can tilt the helicopter forward,backward,or to either side.2.n.a position in which one side of sth.is higher than the otherThe Leaning Tower of Pisa is renowned for its marked tilt.她斜戴着帽子她斜戴着帽子 She wore her hat at a tilt.第30页9.lean:1.v.(cause to)be in a sloping position;bend She leaned the d

21、esk against the door.She leaned over the bridge to look at the boats.2.adj.producing little of value;containing little or no fat 今年是生意上收益差一年。今年是生意上收益差一年。This has been a lean year for business.Collocation:Collocation:lean on/upon sb 依赖,依靠依赖,依靠lean toward/towards/to偏向,倾向于偏向,倾向于 第31页10.delivery:n.1)the

22、 process of birthWomen who do manual work have easy deliveries.2)the delivering of letters,goods,etc.Federal Express Corporation provide rapid delivery of packages,letters,and other shipments within the United States and worldwide.Collocation:Collocation:a normal delivery 正常分娩正常分娩make a delivery 送货送

23、货 accept/take a delivery 收货收货postal delivery 邮递邮递express delivery 快递快递第32页11.disorder:n.1.disturbance of the normal working of the body or mindSevere vitamin and mineral deficiencies can lead to mental disorders.2.lack of orderThe school authorities took immediate action to stop disorder.这房子里乱七八糟。这房

24、子里乱七八糟。The house was in a state of disorder.第33页12.transfer:vt.move from one place to anotherDavid Beckham was transferred from Manchester United to Real Madrid for 35 million EurosTransferring Peter from Tokyo to the Boston office was a smart idean.the act of transferring He wants a transfer to ano

25、ther team.第34页13.representative:n.a person who represents othersThey sent a representative to the meeting.Representatives from more than 170 nations converged on Paris for the Earth Summit.delegate,agent&representative 这几个词都可用作名词,都有这几个词都可用作名词,都有“代表代表”之之意。意。第35页delegate 指某人被选派或委托为代理或代指某人被选派或委托为代理或代表。

26、普通来说,表。普通来说,delegate不含有全权,而只不含有全权,而只能按照他们代表大多数人意愿或指示行事。能按照他们代表大多数人意愿或指示行事。He is a trade union delegate.他是工会代表。他是工会代表。第36页agent 意思是意思是“代理人(商)代理人(商)”。指任何。指任何一个有代理权人或团体,或在双方之间代一个有代理权人或团体,或在双方之间代表一方起中间人作用人表一方起中间人作用人 An estate agent acts on behalf of the landlord in transactions between landlord and tena

27、nt.一个房地产代理人在房主和客户之间交易一个房地产代理人在房主和客户之间交易中代表房主利益。中代表房主利益。第37页representative本义是指某人作为代表在一本义是指某人作为代表在一定场所行使职权或处理事务,但该词惯用定场所行使职权或处理事务,但该词惯用来指团体选出代表该团体利益参加某种会来指团体选出代表该团体利益参加某种会议或处理某类事务者。议或处理某类事务者。They are representatives of the various departments of science and art.他们是科学界和艺术界代表。他们是科学界和艺术界代表。第38页14.retail1

28、.n.the practice of selling goods in small quantities to the general publicWal-Mart is a company that operates a variety of retail chain stores.2.v.sell or be sold by retail These socks retail at$5 a pair.第39页 1.vt.injure(the body or the part of it)or make it weak by too much effort He strained his b

29、ack when he removed the piano with his friends.2.n.a severe demand on mental or physical strength,resources,abilities,etc.(followed by on)这工作给他很大压力。这工作给他很大压力。The work put a great strain on him.She has been under terrible strain since her company was bankrupted.15.strain第40页Collocation:Collocation:im

30、pose/place/put a strain on使使受到压力受到压力stand the strain 忍受压力忍受压力 relieve the strain 使担心状态松使担心状态松弛弛 a mental strain 精神状态担心精神状态担心 back strain背扭伤背扭伤 under the strain 处于担心状态处于担心状态 第41页16.territory:n.land a country controls or ownsA countrys embassy in a foreign country is considered its own territory.Collo

31、cation:Collocation:occupy territory占领领土占领领土 unexplored territory未勘探地域未勘探地域 territory强调(国家)领土范围,或人或动物等拥有强调(国家)领土范围,或人或动物等拥有不容入侵领域、地盘。不容入侵领域、地盘。The birds sang to warn other birds off their territory.第42页17.register:v.1)be recognized or noted mentallyThe professors name didnt register with the students

32、2)record a name,an event,etc.for official purposes他没登记成为选民。He was not registered as a voter.How many registered in the course?第43页18.profitable:adj.bringing profit or advantageBased in New York City,Random House owns many of the most prestigious and profitable book publishing companies in the United

33、 States.I didnt find the talk very profitable.On the contrary,I thought it was nonsense.第44页mission:n.money paid to sb.for selling goods which increases with the quantity of goods soldIf a salesperson is paid on commission,the amount they receive depends on the amount they sell.第45页20.be laid uphave

34、 to stay in bed because you are ill,injured,etc I was laid up for five days with a cold.The football player was laid up with a twisted knee.第46页21.go off(of electric power,a light,etc.)stop functioning or operating暖气发生了故障,昨晚我没睡好。暖气发生了故障,昨晚我没睡好。I didnt sleep well last night as all the heating went off.第47页

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