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1、1.1.一个操作人员一个操作人员2.2.一把钥匙一把钥匙3.3.一块板子一块板子4.4.一个工程师一个工程师5.5.你是做什么工作?你是做什么工作?6.6.我是电脑键盘操作人员。我是电脑键盘操作人员。7.7.你父亲是做什么工作?你父亲是做什么工作?8.8.他是工程师。他是工程师。第1页Lesson 10 Look at 第2页第3页 fat adj.胖胖 a fat man The man is fat .形容词用在名词前做定语。形容词用在名词前做定语。形容词用在系动词后做表语。形容词用在系动词后做表语。第4页Wang gang is a fat man.The fat man is Wang

2、 gang.Wang gang is fat .第5页Look at 第6页第7页 thin thin adj.adj.瘦瘦 a thin woman a thin woman a thin policeman a thin policeman a thin teacher a thin teacher 反义词反义词:fat:fat 第8页The woman is thin .She is a thin woman .Look at the thin woman.第9页第10页 tall tall adj.adj.高(细而高,多指树和人)高(细而高,多指树和人)a tall boy a tal

3、l boy The boy is tall .The boy is tall .Look at the tall trees.Look at the tall trees.第11页第12页 shortshort adj.(1)adj.(1)矮矮 a short man a short man Look at the short man .Look at the short man .My mum isnt tall,she is My mum isnt tall,she is short.short.反义词反义词 :tall tall 第13页(2)(2)短短 a short ruler a

4、short ruler a short river/pencil/life /time a short river/pencil/life /timeLook at the ruler.Look at the ruler.It is a It is a shortshort ruler.ruler.The ruler is too The ruler is too shortshort.第14页第15页 dirtydirty adj.adj.脏脏 a dirty coat a dirty coat a dirty room/cup a dirty room/cup Look at the Lo

5、ok at the dirty dirty mechanic.mechanic.第16页第17页 clean clean adj.adj.洁净洁净 反义词:反义词:dirty dirty a clean shirt a clean shirt a clean house a clean house Look at the clean bedroom.Look at the clean bedroom.第18页 clean clean v.v.清扫清扫 ,把,把弄洁净弄洁净 clean the window clean the window clean the classroom clean t

6、he classroom 第19页第20页 hot hot adj.adj.热热 ,烫,烫He is hot .He is hot .a a hothot day day Today is Today is hot hot.a hot room /summer a hot room /summer hot water /tea /milk hot water /tea /milk 同义词同义词 :warm (warm (暖和)暖和)第21页第22页 cold cold adj.adj.严寒严寒 a cold day a cold day a cold room a cold room cold

7、 wind /rice cold wind /rice The winter is The winter is cold cold .This is a This is a cold cold winter.winter.第23页This room isnt cold.Its This room isnt cold.Its hot .hot .(2)(2)严寒,严寒,感冒感冒 n.n.I have a cold .I have a cold .我感冒了。我感冒了。stand in the cold stand in the cold 第24页第25页 old old adj.adj.年老年老

8、an old man an old man old people old people How old +be +How old +be +主语主语?问询年纪问询年纪?反义词反义词 :young young第26页(2)(2)旧旧 adj.adj.an old coat an old coat an old house an old house Look at the old bed.Look at the old bed.反义词反义词 :new new 第27页第28页 young young adj.adj.年轻,年幼年轻,年幼 a young boy (a young boy (一个年幼

9、孩子)一个年幼孩子)a young tree(a young tree(一棵幼小树)一棵幼小树)a young teacher /man a young teacher /man Look at the young man ,he is Look at the young man ,he is 第29页第30页 busy busy adj.adj.忙碌,热闹,繁荣忙碌,热闹,繁荣 a busy day a busy day a busy teacher a busy teacher I am busy .I am busy .Are you busy .Are you busy .Look at the Look at the busy busy bee.bee.The bee is The bee is busybusy .反义词反义词 :free free 空闲空闲第31页第32页 lazy lazy adj.adj.懒,懒惰懒,懒惰 a lazy dog /boy /bee a lazy dog /boy /bee The dag is lazy.The dag is lazy.Look at the lazy bee.Look at the lazy bee.反义词:反义词:hard-working hard-working adj.adj.勤劳,勤奋勤劳,勤奋第33页

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