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1、第1页1、改变句子开头方式改变句子开头方式句子不要一味都用主语开头,接着是句子不要一味都用主语开头,接着是谓语、宾语,最终再加一个状语。谓语、宾语,最终再加一个状语。能够把状语置于句首,能够把状语置于句首,或用分词作状语等。或用分词作状语等。试比较:试比较:第2页The other day my brother and I went to the cinema by bicycle.My brother and I went to the cinema by bicycle the other day.第3页Hearing the bad news,the young man couldnt

2、help crying.2.The young man couldnt help crying when he heard the bad news.第4页 2 2、在整篇文章中、在整篇文章中,防止只使用一两防止只使用一两个句式个句式。在一篇文章中在一篇文章中,要灵活利用诸如要灵活利用诸如强调句、主从复合句、分词短语、强调句、主从复合句、分词短语、倒装句、省略句等。倒装句、省略句等。第5页It is the dog that has saved my little sister bravely.A.强调句强调句 The dog has saved my Little sister bravel

3、y.第6页What we had to do was to stand there,trying to catch the offender.B.主从复合句主从复合句 We had to stand there to catch the offender.第7页The driver escaped without stopping,leaving the old man lying on the road.C.分词短语,由分词短语,由with或或without引导短语引导短语The driver escaped and didnt stop,he left the old man lying

4、on the road.第8页Not until 11:30 did I go to bed.D.倒装句倒装句 I went to bed at 11:30.第9页While crossing the street,you should be careful.E.省略句省略句 While you are crossing the street,you should be careful.第10页He stopped us an hour ago and made us catch the next offender.F.经过分句和合句经过分句和合句,增强句子,增强句子连贯性和表现力连贯性和表现

5、力 1.He stop us an hour ago.He made us catch the next offfender.第11页After a short rest,we had great fun singing and dancing.We had a short rest.Then we began to play happily.We sang and danced.第12页Early in themorning,we met.试改变以下句子试改变以下句子,使之改变多样使之改变多样,生动有力生动有力 We met at the school gate and went there

6、 together early in the morning .第13页Weak as I am,I will make the effort.Although I am weak,I will make the effort.第14页Singing and laughing,They went back to school.They sang and laughed as they went back to school.第15页He left without saying goodbye.e left and didnt say good-bye.第16页Open,and you.病句病句

7、:Open the door,you can see a bed on your left.If you open,you.第17页Hearing the news,I was shocked.病句病句:Hear the news,I was shocked.I was shocked at the news.第18页第19页视听时候,只听其音量,不要试图听明白其内容.About on-line friendsMore and more people make on-line friends on the internet.Different people have different 第20

8、页Opinions.Some people agree to make on-line friends.It make us can make more friends.They can express their ideas to others.Moreover,it helps them to study foreign language.But some people第21页Dont think is good to make on-line friends.Because they think it is waste of time and it effects our study.M

9、aybe some people to be cheated.We cant know any on-line friends clearly,so not any of them is good.第22页I think make some on-line friends is good for us.But we shouldnt spend too much time on it.Study is more important than it.第23页More and more people make on-line friends on the internet.Nowadays,Mor

10、e and more people make on-line friends on the internet.Different people have different However,第24页Some people agree to make on-line friends.Some people think it Ok/all right to make on-line friends.It make us can make more friends.It makes it possible for us to make more friends./It enables us to m

11、ake more friends.第25页Moreover,it helps them to study foreign language.Moreover,it helps them study foreign languages.第26页 dont think is good to make on-line friendsdont think it good to make on-line friends./But some people dont agree/dont think so.第27页We cant know any on-line friends clearly,We are

12、 unable to know any on-line friends well.so not any of them is good.So be careful!A mans meat may be another mans poison!第28页I think make some on-line friends is good for us.I think making some on-line friends is good for us.Study is more important than it.As a student,study is the most important th

13、ing.Rember,study always comes first.第29页q 完成句子完成句子1.She bought a big sofa,_(serve)(它也能够当床用它也能够当床用).which could also be served as a bed.第30页2.It takes about two hours to get to their office building,_(allow)(考虑到路上可能碰到交通耽搁考虑到路上可能碰到交通耽搁).allowing for possible traffic delays.第31页3.Though it looked like

14、rain this morning,_(turn out)(结果却是晴天结果却是晴天).It has turned out to be a fine day.第32页4.The audiences _(get)(变得慌乱起来变得慌乱起来)about the fire in the theatre.got into a panic.第33页5 He_(witness)(作证说看作证说看见见)the man enter the shop.witnessed to have seen.第34页6.He drove his car slowly _(avoid)(以免撞着行人或被撞以免撞着行人或被撞)

15、.to avoid hitting passengers or being hit.第35页7._(give)(多给我们一点时间多给我们一点时间),we could do much better.given more time第36页8._(difference)(无所谓无所谓)whether he comes or not.It makes no difference.第37页9.Do you have any difficulty in reading _(document)(全部法律文件全部法律文件)on foreign trade?all the legal documents.第38页10._(belief)(是我们信是我们信念念)that improvements in health care will lead to a stronger,more prosperous economy.It is our belief第39页第40页

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