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1、JDB ASME规范审核记录ASME Code Edition Review Form文件编号Doc. No.CERF-ASME 规范卷本号,版次号 ASME Code Section, Edition ASME 规范收到日期ASME Code Edition Receiving Date审核结论Review Results1、质量控制手册是否要修改? Yes 是 No 否 Does QC Manual need to be revised? 其修改部分为现有手册第 _部分修改内容为:_ If it does, which Chapter needs to be revised?2、程序文件是

2、否需要修改? Yes 是 No 否 Does procedure need to be revised?其修改部分名称为:_修改内容为:_If it does, which procedure need to be revised:3、其它文件是否需要修改? Yes 是 No 否 Does other doc. need to be revised?修改部分名称为:_ 内容:_ If it does, which doc need to be revised:质控工程师编制Prepared By QC Engineer质控经理批准 Approved by QC Manager日期 Date日期

3、 Date(Exhibit No.1-1 Rev. 0)JDB客户技术要求评审表Evaluation of Customers Specification文件编号 Doc. No.:ECS-版次Rev.:客户名称Customer Name产品数量Quantity产品名称Product Name执行标准Adopted Code or Standard / Edition 评审内容:Evaluation Item and Content:评审结论:Evaluation Results: 设计工程师编制Prepared By Design Engineer技术经理批准Approved By Tech

4、nical Manager日期Date日期Date (Exhibit No.3-1 Rev. 0) JDBASME设计图纸和文件目录ASME Drawing and Document Log Book文件编号Doc. No.:DDLB-版次Rev.:序号No.文件名称Doc. Title文件编号Doc. No.版次Rev.页数Pages备注Remarks编制Prepared By:审核Approved By:日期Date:日期Date:(Exhibit No.3-2 Rev. 0)JDBASME文件和图纸发放记录ASME Document and Drawing Distribution Re

5、cord文件编号Doc. No.:DDDR-序号No.文件名称Doc. Title文件编号/版次Doc. No./Rev.文件持有者Holder of Doc.发放份数Quantity部门/接收人Dept./Received, By日期Date备注Remarks编制Prepared By:批准Approved By:日期Date 日期:Date:(Exhibit No.3-3 Rev. 0)JDB文件修改通知单Documents Modification Notice文件编号Doc. No:DMN-项目名称Project Name项目编号Project No. 修改原因Reason For T

6、he Modification修改方案Proposal For The Modification设计工程师编制Prepared By Design Engineer技术经理批准Approved By Technical Manager日期Date日期Date(Exhibit No.3-4 Rev. 0)JDB材料申请单Material Requisition文件编号Doc. No.:MR-版次Rev.:序号No.材料类型Material Type材料牌号,等级Material Specification,Grade/ Class材料规格Material Size材料采购规范编号/版次MPS N

7、o. / Rev.数量Quantity备注Remark现场检查Source InspectionYes需要,No不需要用户检查Customer InspectionYes需要,No不需要第三方检查Third Party InspectionYes需要,No不需要设计工程师编制Prepared By Design Engineer:技术经理批准Approved By Technical Manager:日期Date日期Date(Exhibit No.4-1 Rev. 0)JDB材料采购规范Material Purchasing Specification文件编号Doc. No.:MPS-版次 R

8、ev.:材料牌号,等级Material Specification, Grade/ Class材料规格Material Size材料类型Material Type数量Quantity技术要求Technical Specification化学成分%Chemical Composition机械性能MechanicalProperty适用ASME规范ASME Code Section,Edition无损检测要求NDE RequirementYes需要,No不需要若需要,检测执行标准 If Yes, adopted standard is 水压试验要求Hydraulic TestRequirement

9、Yes需要,No不需要若需要,水压试验压力为 MPaIf Yes, testing pressure is MPa材质单要求MTR SubmittedYes需要,No不需要材料标识要求Mark Requirement尺寸公差Dimension Tolerance附加说明Addition Requirement设计工程师编制 Prepared By Design Engineer日期Date技术经理批准 Approved By Technical Manager日期Date(Exhibit No.4-2 Rev. 0)JDB库存材料使用申请单Requisition for Using Stock

10、 Material文件编号Doc. NoRUSM-版次 Rev. No.工作令号Job No.施工图号Drawing No.施工图版次Rev. No.件号Part No.材料类型Material Type材料规格Material Size材料牌号,等级Material Specification, Grade/ Class材料代码Coded mark单位数量Quantity是否符合材料采购规范whether meet the MPS 是 否Yes No 是 否Yes No 是 否 Yes No 是 否 Yes No 是 否Yes No 是 否Yes No 是 否Yes No 是 否Yes No

11、 是 否Yes No采购工程师编制:Prepared by Purchasing Engineer日期: Date采购经理批准:Approved By Purchasing Manager日期:Date检验员确认Confirmed by Examiner日期: Date材料工程师审核Reviewed By Material Engineer日期:Date(Exhibit No.4-3 Rev. 0)JDB采购订单Purchase Order文件编号Doc. NoPO-工作令号Job No.材料名称Material NameASME规范ASME Code 材料规格Material Size材料牌

12、号,等级Material Spec.,Grade/ Class单位Unit数量Quantity单价Unit Price金额Total Price供货厂商Vendor交货期Delivery Date交货地点Delivery Location其它要求Other Requirement采购工程师编制:Prepared By Purchasing Engineer日期:Date采购经理批准:Approved By Purchasing Manager日期:Date(Exhibit No.4-4 Rev. 0)JDB材料代用申请单Requisition of Material Substitution文

13、件编号Doc. NoRMS-工作令号Job No.图号Drawing No.版次Rev. No.件号Part No.原设计Original Design拟代用Contemplated Substitute材料名称Material Name材料牌号,等级Material Specification, Grade/ Class材料规格Material Size材料采购规范编号Material PurchasingSpecification No.数量Quantity其它说明Other Description采购经理编制:Prepared by Purchasing Manager技术经理批准:Ap

14、proved By Technical Manager日期:Date日期:Date(Exhibit No.4-5 Rev.0) JDB材料验收检查单Material Receiving Examination Record文件编号Doc. No.:MRER-材料牌号,等级Material Specification, Grade/ Class 材料规格Material Size材料采购规范编号Material Purchasing Specification No.订单号Purchase Order No.数量Quantity供货商Vendor报验人Applicant报验日期Date of A

15、pplication验收内容 Inspection Content验 收 项 目Inspection Item检测结果Inspection Requirement检测工具 名称/编号Instrument Name/No.:1.材料外观、结构和变形检查,包括切削边缘Surface 、Lamination and deformation check,including on the cutting edges.合格 Acceptable 不合格 Rejection名称Name :编号ID No. :2.数量、尺寸公差、厚度检查Quantity Dimension Tolerance、Thickne

16、ss check.名称Name :编号ID No. :3.材料质量证明书的确认MTR verify.产品质量证明书编号:MTR No.:合格 Acceptable 不合格 Rejection化学成分 合格 Acceptable Chemical Test 不合格 Rejection机械性能 合格 Acceptable Mechanical Test 不合格 Rejection压力试验 YesPressure Test No无损检测 YesNDE Requirement No记录材料或零部件原始标记Record Original Mark on Material or Parts 备注:Rema

17、rk :验收结论: Inspection Results:合格 Acceptable不合格 Rejection材料代码Material Code检验员编制:Prepared By Examiner材料工程师审核:Reviewed By Material Engineer日期Date:日期Date: (Exhibit No.4-6 Rev.0) Material Test Report Review Stamp材料证明书审核章Material Test Report Review Stamp材料证明书审核章Coded mark材料代码Reviewed by审核人Date日期(Exhibit No

18、.4-7 Rev. 0)材料合格标签Material Acceptance Label材料合格标签JDBMaterial Acceptance Label材料经检验合格The material was inspected and found acceptable材料牌号 规格 Material Specification Size 材料代码编号 检验员 Material Coded Mark Examiner (Green 绿 色)(Exhibit No.4-8 Rev. 0)JDB材料出库单/AMaterial Delivery Card/A文件编号Doc. No MDC/A-工作令号Job

19、 No. 图号Drawing No. 版次Rev. No. 件号Part No.材料类型/规格Material Type/ Size材料牌号,等级Material Spec., Grade/ Class材料代码Coded mark数量Quantity 车间工长编制:Prepared By Shop Supervisor 仓库管理员确认Confirmed By Material Keeper 日期: Date 日期: Date (Exhibit No.4-9A Rev. 0)JDB材料出库单/BMaterial Delivery Card/B文件编号Doc. NoMDC/B-工作令号Job No

20、.图号Drawing No.版次Rev. No.焊缝编号Welding No.材料类型/规格Material Type/ Size材料牌号Material Spec.材料代码Material code数量Quantity发放有效时间The effective time烘干次数Times of Drying退回时间Return time数量Quantity起Start止End车间工长编制:Prepared By Shop Supervisor仓库管理员确认Confirmed By Material Keeper日期: Date日期: Date(Exhibit No.4-9B Rev. 0)JDB

21、工序检查单Process Check List文件编号Doc. No.PCL-版次Rev.:产品名称Product Name材料牌号,等级Material Spec., Grade/ Class 实际发放材料牌号及代码Actual distribution of material Spec. and code简图或说明Sketch or Introductions 工作令号Job No.规格:Size 实际发放规格: Actual distribution Size 零件名称Part Name零件号: Part No.数量: Quantity图号/版次:Dwg. No / Rev.序号No.工

22、序名称Process工序内容及要求的规程Process Contents and Procedure No.工种Worker Type操作者/日期Operator /Date检验Inspection授权检验师 AI检验项目Inspect Item报告或实测数据 Record or Measured Data结论Result检验员/日期Examiner/Date标记Mark签字/日期Signature/Date质控工程师编制Prepared By QC Engineer质控经理审核Approved By QC Manager授权检验师确认Accepted By AI日期Date日期Date日期D

23、ate (Exhibit No.5-1 Rev. 0) 工艺流程图Process Flow Chart (Exhibit No.5-2 Rev. 0)JDB检验及试验记录Inspection and Examination Record文件编号 Doc. No.:IER-产 品 名 称Product Name工作令号Job No.Drawing No./Rev.图号/版次Procedure No./ Rev.程序文件号/版次:零件名称Part Name零件号Part No.Examine Item and Actual Record:检验项目及实测记录:检验员Examiner日期 Date (

24、Exhibit No.5-3A Rev. 0)JDB焊缝表面检验记录Inspection Report of Welds Surface文件编号Doc. NoIRWS-产品名称Product Description工作令号Job No.图号/版次Drawing No./Rev.检验规程号/版号Procedure No./Rev.焊缝编号Weld No.焊工标识Welder Symbol未焊透lack of penetration裂纹Crack气孔blowhole余高超差(mm)excessive weld reinforcement咬边(mm)Undercut未融合Incomplete Fus

25、ion检验员Examiner日期Date (Exhibit No.5-3B Rev.0) JDB压力试验报告Pressure Test Report文件编号Doc. No.:PTR-设备名称Product Name工作令号:Job No.:试验日期Test Date试验类型Pressure Testing Type 水 压Hydrostatic Test 气 压Pneumatic Test气 密 性Air Tightness Test压力表编号Pressure Gauge No.压力表量程 Measurement Range of Pressure Gauge压力表检定日期Gaugecalib

26、rated date试验介质Test Medium介质温度/金属壁温Medium/Wall Temp.设计要求压力试验曲线 Design Pressure Test Required Chart 实际压力试验曲线Actual Pressure Test Chart 结论Conclusion:本产品经 MPa试验,无渗漏,无可见的永久变形,无异常响声,试验结论合格。The product has been examined and tested at_ MPa. There is no leakage, permanent deformation or no abnormal noise dur

27、ing the pressure test .The result is acceptable.检验员/日期: 质控工程师/日期: 授权检验师/日期: Examiner/Date: QC Manager/Date: AI /Date: 检验员编制Prepare by Examiner质控工程师批准Approved by QC Engineer授权检验师确认Accepted by AI日期Date日期Date日期Date(Exhibit No.5-4 Rev. 0)NB 号码记录本NB Number Log BookNB 编号NB Number产品编号Manufacturers SNAI签字日期

28、AI Signature Date数据报告寄往NB的日期Date mailed to NB规范产品类型Type of Code Item (Exhibit No.5-5 Rev. 0) Nameplate for Code Item1) Nameplate for Pressure Vessel in According to Section VIII Div.1第八卷第一分册压力容器铭牌NB Number, if requiredNB Stamp, if requiredUW (if arc or gas welded)RT(if radiographed)HT(if postweld he

29、at treated)Certified by _ (Name of manufacturer)_ at _ _Max. allowable working pressure_at _Max. allowable external working pressure _at _ Min. design metal temperature Manufacturers serial number Year built The characters on nameplate shall not less than 4mm high. 铭牌上的字符应不小于4mm高 The characters on nameplate shall be either indented or raised at least 0.1mm and shall be legible and readable. 铭牌上的字符应缩凸进或凹起至少0.1mm并应清晰易读。( Exhibit No. 5-6 Rev.0 ) JDB不符合项报告Nonconformity Report文件编号Doc No.:NCR-产品/零部件名称Product /Part Name工作令号Job No.图号/版次Dwg. No./Rev.数 量Quantity不符合项描述:Description of No

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