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1、介绍Adidas is a German sporting equipment company founded by Mr Adolf Adi Dassler in 1920. in fact adidas is founded by 2 persons , Brother Dassler, but Adolfs brother Rudolf left and built an other brand puma.At present Adidas ranked second in the market share of sporting products.Its AD “impossible

2、is nothing” is one of the most famous and successful slogan in business field .and in 2013, it begins to use a new slogan “ all is all in”If you think adidas just a producer of sporting, youll be wrong . Adidas has a rich product line including sporting clothes , shoes, bags watches even perfume ! O

3、ver the past century, it Aims at provide richer and better quality products for its customers from all over the worldThe products of adidas are always famous for their high quality and technology . that isintimatelylinked with its Germen background . as we all know German are famous for their rigoro

4、us and high efficiency. Maybe adidas only in Germany can be called adidas , because of their culture have many similarities .产品Adidas is good at producing sports products. Its products are welcomed by consumers all over the world, including China. But the positioning in China is different to other c

5、ountries. Adidas is shopping products in foreign countries but specially products in China. If adidas is a brand in maturity , there no doubt that it belongs to growth stage in China.If you think adidas just have the logo of “three line ”, you are wrong . In fact as an expert in sports, there are al

6、so many fashionable factors in adidasi . for example , they have “adidas classic” ,”adicolor”, “adi-performance” . relativeto traditional brand “adi-performance” the other brands focus fashional clothing . And it also has a famouse co-branding by combining with Yohji Yamamoto a Japanese designerIn t

7、erms of product localization , adidas can hire Chinese designers and let them take part in the designing . At the same time , it need a market survey to learn which kind of product consumers need. You know, as a country with long history , China has various culture factors , such as Beijing Opera ,

8、embroidery, panda , and so on . All of these things are very suitable factors for designing adidas products aiming at Chinese.Only in this way can it close the distance between consumers. 设计元素PriceIn western countries , especially its home Germany, adidas is a normal shopping product. Because of som

9、e other factors like tariffs, the price of adidas is lower. People can buy goods according to own hobby instead of considering the price. In fact Germen dont think adidas is luxury. But But the opposite in China, more and more young people even are crazy for every kind of products from adidas .As we

10、 all know demand is an important factor which drives price. The craze to fashion of yong Chinese people stimulated the demand of the Chinese market and raise the foreign commoditys price, including adidas . In fact , although adding the fees to import licenses , adidas still can reap the huge profit

11、s rely on the high popularity. In addition to low cost and high pricing, there are other factors rise the price of adidas , such as the inflation in China or interest rate. And we mustnt ignore the large amount of resellers , they get the profits by selling products to next consumer in a higher pric

12、e.But we must know , most of products of adidas are made in China, so their cost even lower than in German. So adidas prefers choose market skimming pricing to get biggest profits they can .And the opposite of what it thinks , with the addition of rational consumers, the pricing strategy isnt a secr

13、et .People do not want to buy the same products with a higher price than other countries. More and more consumers begin to suspect there are price discrimination in the process of sales. They also think manufacturers profit margin is too large and it has doing something illegal which includes decept

14、ive pricing and price-fixing.Although have to face the huge pressure from consumers , I dont think it will cut the price and be in price war with others. Because it will damage the image and makes Adidas become a normal company and stay in the same level with Anta or Lining 无需减价Promotion 促销Because o

15、f adidas is a famous brand and enjoy a high reputation in China , its unnecessary to promote every minute like other local brands. The promotional tools it uses most frequently in China is advertising.The frequency of the adidas television advertisement is not very high, because it doesnt need pay t

16、oo much money but also receive the best effect. Every advertisements are very creative, and the same time , there are many famous star from sports and entertainment circles, such as Eason Chen and David Beckham. Its rather film than advertisement, that is why many young persons like these ad. The re

17、asons for the success of adidas is it has clear mission, sufficient fund , rich messages , good relationship with media and suitable measurement.Of course , there are many other kinds of promotions, but adidas apply it rarely, such as public relations, personal selling and sales promotion. Maybe the

18、 head of adidas think using these promotions will damage the imagine of company . That is because the local companies cant bring good shopping experience through these promotions. In China, more promotions means more rebates,that is the local factors which adidas cant adapt.Therefore , the gaining o

19、f promotions means the decrease of profits, so advertisement is the main way of adidas to promote.Of course, Adidas can make some change in the specific content details, as inventing publics or kids to be a part of advertisement. It also can donate a part of profits to the athletes need help. In thi

20、s way , adidas can close the distance with consumers , establish a better image and cultivate potential consumer groups, occupy “future market”邀请广告Place of distribution 分销No mater what kind of product, they will be given to customers in the end, so the developing distribution is very important. Adid

21、as has unique system of distribution , a large amount of intermediaries, various distribution channels.Developing distribution is the demand of large amount consumers and huge needing in Chinese marketing . As a producer , adidas limites the supply of some special edition, so the Requirements of con

22、sumers arent met . that is hungry marketing. The distribution of adidas have many different kinds, such as direct marketing channel , indirect distribution, distribution marketing channel , business marketing channel ,and customer marketing channel. It choose most suitable distribution channel accor

23、ding to the condition of local market.As I mentioned above , a part of reason of adidas is very expensive in China is there are too many retailers, agents and wholesaler . these agents take a part of profits and increase the cost.With the development of the electronic commerce, adidas build its flag

24、ship store in T-mall JD, and other famous net. But it must solve many other problems such as orders ,processing ,warehousing ,inventory ,transportation, and many other questions.We must know many kinds of limited editions only can be brought in other countries, and the products in China almost are d

25、esigned in few years ago. Its unfair obviously to the consumers who buy adidas for fashion . In my opinion , adidas can learn Apple , regards China as a platform for issuing new products. Only in this way can adidas give unforgettable consumption experience.苹果发布 限量版S elegant EuropeanaristocratAs an

26、established sporting brand, Adidas has 93 years history, its one of the oldest brands in sport market. Intherecent hundredofyears, it always be engaged in improvement and innovation. In my opinion, it is most be proud of its history and culture, especially to their biggestcompetitorNIKE! Adidas is t

27、he earliest supplier of sporting products, and they are good at improving brand imagine with the help of large sports events such as Olympic Game. Since 1972, it became the The sponsor of the Olympic Games. In the Olympic Gamesthe biggest concern sport game, it promotes their products and brand imag

28、e very well. That means, when every athlete who makes the podium wears the cloth with the logo of Adidas. In this moment , its logo shines like gold medal.As the same time , it also builds upagoodimage In every consumers mind , Adidas is winner who represents the culture of victory . This is the big

29、gest advantage of adidas I think .Adidas is the aristocrat of sprotingOf course, its technolge is very advanced , including CLIMACOOL, Clima Warm, A3, TRAXION and so on .Youll be wrong, if you think these technology just have a cool name . In fact , every technology are created by combining with hig

30、h technology and feedback from athletes . they really can Bring you a better experience. Such as “climacool” can dry the wet shirt very quickly . climawarm help you defense low temperature even you just wear two thin shirts. Again for instance, TRAXION can Improve grip through design a kind of The s

31、ole with special grain. W劣势 lifeless older“Official ”as the most obvious characteristic of adidas restricting its development on some level. I mean that covers its individuality. That is the reason some young consumers dont choose Adidas . Consumers now, especially young consumers , have higher requ

32、est of products individuality and they are more dependent than any time before. That is bad for a company stresses team spirits . Young always represents a rebellion, young like unique style products, and they are not Interested in team sprits the essence of sport. but opinion of some young people :

33、 Rely on the team is a sign of incompetence makes adidas whose advertisement explaining team sprits in trouble. In some Chinese young personseyes: if NIKE is a adult adidas is an oldman . As the gap between uncle McDonalds and grandpa of kfcOpportunity a fleeting opportunityWith the development of C

34、hinese economy , chinese are richer than any time before, and they pay more money on consuming . When they realize the importance of health, the Chinese are willing to invest in sports equipment. In the school , the amount of students wearing nike or adidas is larger and larger . they have beyond sp

35、orts, represents the fashion and altitude of life Not only did these sporting brands appeared on the sports field, but on the party . If you concern about news , youll find that most local sports brands in china Face with difficulties. so many goods waiting be sold in their warehouse .These native p

36、roducts had brought great threat, but now , they have to face many troubles such as sales drop, Inventory increase.Many companies have to sacrifice brand image and give up some of their profits with the cost of maintaining operation, they have no time compare with adidas . This phenomenon reducesthe

37、 barriers for adidas development in China. because of The existence of Nike The disappear of native competitor doesnt means competition of sports product decreases, T the opponent from AmericaIf adidas can be Liken to an axe , nike is a sharp knife . over the years, nike is the most powerful opponen

38、t of adidas In the competition for global markets. half-jokingly say ,if you buy a shoes made by adidas ,nike must be sold in next door. That because of nike has the similar productionline. The product made by nike is as good as nikes, wether style or quantity. So adidas must devote much attention o

39、n NIKE and provide a cause to persuade consumers buy their product.When we go to the shopping mall , we always find the price of adidas is more expensive than local brand. So many consumers especially many students must choose lower price brand as Lining Anta. Obviously , they loose many customers.

40、I think a part of reason of this problem is as a foreign company , it must face some trade barriers , mainly tariffs.建议Although the sales and profits of adidas in China are increasing quickly , there are many problems .As we all know , Chinas manufacturing industry is very developed, but the related

41、 law isnt very sound. These condition makes many fakes are sold to consumers especially poors. Many illegal vendors sale addidas which just value few dozens of yuan . these fakes has huge gape between bargains from adidas, no matter price or quality. So I suggest adidas cooperates with our governmen

42、t to threaten the merchants which sale and make fakes.I believe that only in the case of fake goods are banned, adidas can get the Chinese trust and recognition by the changing itself . China is entirely possible to be the biggest sporting market by large amount of fans and consumers high levelofintegrity . 结束语

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