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1、 Test for 3A Module 4 The natural world Class_ Name_ No._ Mark_ Part I Listening (听力部分) 40% I. Listen and choose (选出你所听到的单词或词组,把序号填在前面的括号内) 10% ( ) 1. A. plant B. play C. plate ( ) 2. A. leaf B. read C. red ( ) 3. A. boat B. root C. book ( ) 4. A. pink B. pig C. big ( ) 5. A. chicken B. chick C. duc

2、k ( ) 6. A. put on B. put off C. pick up ( ) 7. A. small ant B. small root C. small cat ( ) 8. A. count butterflies B. count ladybirds C. count plants ( ) 9. A. there are B. they are C. theyre ( ) 10. A. some buds B. some birds C. sunny daysII. Listen and choose (听音,选择正确的应答句,把序号填在前面的括号内) 10% ( ) 1.

3、A. Its a dog. B. Thats a bee. C. This is a flower. ( ) 2. A. There are ants. B. Its a leaf. C. Theyre leaves. ( ) 3. A. Four flies. B. Five flowers. C. Five plants. ( ) 4. A. No, it isnt. B. Yes, it has. C. No, it cant. ( ) 5. A. Its blue and green. B. Theyre blue and green. C. Yes, it is. ( ) 6. A.

4、 Yes, he is. B. Yes, she is. C. Yes, they are. ( ) 7. A. Theyre red. B. Theyre red flowers. C. Its red. ( ) 8. A. Yes, please. B. OK. C. Thank you. ( ) 9. A. It has four legs. B. They have six legs. C. It has six legs. ( ) 10. A. Im OK. B. Thank you. C. Youre welcome.III. Listen and judge (听录音,判断下列图

5、片是否与听到的内容相符, 相符的用“”表示, 不相符的用“”表示) 8% 1. 2. 3. 4.( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 5. 6. 7. 8.( ) ( ) ( ) ( )IV. Listen and write (听录音,将下列短文填写完整) 8% Mr Wang is a farmer. He _ a farm. Look! There are many _ and farm animals on the farm. They are _. They are swimming. _ hens. They are playing _ the chicks. I can see man

6、y _. There are many _ on them. They can make honey. Mr Wang is happy every _.V. Listen and choose (听录音,选正确的答案,把序号填在前面的括号内) 4% ( ) 1. Kens uncle has a _. A. school B. farm C. garden ( ) 2. There are _ apple trees in the garden. A. two B. three C. four ( ) 3. I can see _ on the roses. A. bees B. butte

7、rflies C. birds ( ) 4. In the garden, my favourite plant is _. A. orange trees B. roses C. sunflowersPart II Writing (书写阅读部分) 60% I. Copy (正确抄写下列单词、词组和句子, 注意大小写变化和标点符号) 5% look at the insect whats this eddie its a ladybirdII. Read and judge (读一读,判断发音,用T或F表示) 6% 1. table apple ( ) 2. look root ( ) 3.

8、 we insect ( ) 4. ride sister ( ) 5. pupil new ( ) 6. mother shop ( )III. Read and write (填入恰当的词,完成句子,首字母已给) 7% 1. Look at the insect. What is it? Its a b_. It can fly. It is b_. 2. Look at the plant. It has some l_. They are green. It has many b_. They are long. The r_ are thin and brown. 3. I can

9、see a small bee on the f_. It can m_ honey.IV. Choose the best answer (选择填空) 10% ( )1. What _ the animal got? A head, a body and two legs. A. have B. has C. is ( )2. Is this _ card? No, its _ card. A. youryour B. yourmy C. myyour ( )3. This is Ben. _ eyes are big. A. She B. He C. His ( )4. Can I hel

10、p you? May I have _ oranges? A. an B. some C. a ( )5. _ is he? Hes my friend. A. How B. What C. Who ( )6. What colour are the pears? They are _. A. yellow B. yellow pears C. pears ( )7. The girls like _ a flower. They can _ well. A. drawdrawing B. drawingdraw C. drawingdrawing ( )9. Look at the lady

11、bird. _ yellow and blue. A. It has B. It is C. They are ( )10.The _ is an insect. A. dog B. ant C. spider(蜘蛛)V. Read, choose and write (读一读,选择最合适的词填空) 5%Its a _ day. We go to the park. There are many _ in it. They like singing and _ under the tree. Look at the kite in the sky. It is blue. The boat i

12、s _ the water. I like this boat. There are many trees and _ in the park. The park is nice. I like it very much.VI. Read and write (按要求改变句子)14% 1. My ball is red.(划线提问) _ _ is _ ball? 2. The plant has got green leaves. (划线提问) _ _ the plant _? 3. Have your sisters any plants?(肯定句) _ sisters _ _ plants

13、. 4. Alice is under the tree. (划线提问) _ Alice? 5. They like sweet apples. (否定句) They _ _ sweet apples. 6. Our teacher can jump high. (一般疑问句) _ _ teacher jump high?VII. Read and answer (阅读短文,判断,用T或F表示,如果是错误的,请划出错误之处,并在后面的横线上写上正确的答案) 8%Xkb1My name is Mary. Im a thin girl. John is my brother. Hes twelve

14、 years old. Hes tall and thin. Now we are in the park. There are many beautiful flowers and trees in it. Look at the plant. It has a long stalk.(茎) It has eight leaves. It has four flowers. The flowers are pink. There are two bees on it. John and I like the plant very much. ( ) 1. I like the plant v

15、ery much. _ ( ) 2. John is twelve. Hes not tall. _ ( ) 3. The plant has a long stalk. _ ( ) 4. The plant has four leaves. _ ( ) 5. There are three bees on the plant. _Part III Writing (写作) 5% Writing (请在The insect / Farm animals / The plant这三个题目中任选一题,进行写话,至少5句。) _ _Test for 3A Module 4 The natural w

16、orld 听力内容 I. Listen and choose (选出你所听到的单词或词组,把序号填在前面的括号内) 10% 1. Look! The plant has tree red flowers. A 2. We can read books in our school library. B 3. The root is thin and short. B 4. What colour is that pig? Its black. B 5. The duck is a farm animal. C 6. Pick up your shoes, Danny. C 7. Look at

17、the small cat. Its white and cute. C 8. Count butterflies. How many? Five. A 9. How many trees? There are eleven trees. A 10. I can see some buds. They are green and small. AII. Listen and choose (听音,选择正确的应答句,把序号填在前面的括号内) 10% 1. Whats this? A 2. What are they? C 3. How many flowers? B 4. Is it a chi

18、ck? A 5. Look at the butterflies. B 6. Are they roots? C 7. What colour are the flowers? A 8. Put on your coat, Mary. B 9. I see a butterfly. C 10. Thank you. CIII. Listen and judge (听录音,判断下列图片是否与听到的内容相符, 相符的用“”表示, 不相符的用“”表示) 8% 1. Look! There is a butterfly on the flowers. 2. What can you see? I ca

19、n see a bird on the tree. 3. Hello! Im a little bud. 4. Count the sheep. How many? Five. 5. What are they? They are hens. 6. The bee is making honey. 7. Eddie has a chick. It is big. 8. I like sunflowers. Its tall and beautiful. IV. Listen and write (听录音,将下列短文填写完整) 8% Mr Wang is a farmer. He has a f

20、arm. Look! There are many plants and farm animals on the farm. They are ducks. They are swimming. Theyre hens. They are playing with the chicks. I can see many sunflowers. There are many bees on them. They can make honey. Mr Wang is happy every day.V. Listen and choose (听录音,选正确的答案,把序号填在前面的括号内) 4% He

21、llo, Im Ken. Im a pupil. Im ten. My uncle has a big garden. There are many plants in it. Theyre apple trees, orange trees, roses and sunflowers. How many apple trees? One, two, three three apple trees. How many orange trees? There are two. The roses are beautiful and nice. There are many butterflies

22、 on them. I like sunflowers best. They are yellow and brown. They so tall. I like my uncles garden. Do you like it? ( C ) 1. Kens uncle has a _. A. school B. farm C. garden ( B ) 2. There are _ apple trees in the garden. A. two B. three C. four ( B ) 3. I can see _ on the roses. A. bees B. butterflies C. birds ( C ) 4. In the garden, my favourite plant is _. A. orange trees B. roses C. sunflowers20 20

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