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1、Be动词的用法总结及专项练习Be动词的用法口诀 :be动词amisare,我(I)用am,你(you)用are,is连着他(he),她(she),它(it);单数名词用is,复数名词全用are。我们(we)你们(you)和他们(they)都用are;过去式amis变was,are变 were;变疑问,往前提,句末问号莫丢弃。变否定,更容易,be后not莫忘记。 疑问否定任你变,句首大写莫迟疑。二、Be动词专项练习题(一)用be动词的适当形式填空。1. I _ from Australia.2. She _ an English student.3.Mike and Tom _ my frien

2、ds.4. My parents _ very busy every day.6.I _ an English teacher now.7.Where _ you from? 10.The light _ green.11.My name _ Li Lei. I _ twelve.12._they your new friends?13. I _ a boy. _you a boy? No, I _ not.14. The girl_ Jacks sister.15. The dog _ tall and fat.16. _ your brother in the classroom yest

3、erday?17. Where _ your mother? She _at home.18. Whose dress _ this?19.That _ my red skirt.20.Who _ I?21. Some tea _ in the glass.22.Jhon _ busy last weekend.23. My sisters name _Nancy.24. This _ not Wang Fangs pencil.25. _ David and Helen from England?26. We _ friends.27. She _ a teacher.28. I _ a g

4、irl.29. Many ants _ in my house.30.His mother _ fat.(二.)写出下列词适当形式:1.I am (缩略形式) _ 2.is (复数)_3.we are (缩略形式) _ 4.are not(缩略形式) _5.is not (缩略形式) _ 6.is/am(过去式形式) _7.shes(完整形式) _ 8.its(完整形式) _9.theyre(完整形式) _ 10.are(过去式形式) _(三. )将下列句子变成否定句和一般疑问句,再作肯定和否定回答。1.His brother is a teacher.2.They are his paren

5、ts.3.I was busy last weekend.4.Lucy is gong to the bookstore tomorrow.5.I am an English teacher .作业:1、 I am a teacher.(变一般疑问句并变否定)2、He has 3 pens and 2 pencils.(变否定)3、 She can speak 5 languages.(先变否定句再变一般疑问句)4、 There is a cat under the tree.(变一般疑问句)5、 Do you like winter?(一般疑问句变肯定)II、根据句意用所给词的适当形式填空。

6、1. There are two _ (girl) in the picture. 2. What are (this)? 3Where is (she) book? 4. Its _(I) pencil. 5. This is_(Jim) brother. 6. _ are our good friends.(he)III按要求写出相应的词1this(反义词)_2these(反义词)_ 3it(复数形式)_4that(复数形式)_ 5photo(复数形式)_6picture(复数形式)_ 7cousin(复数形式)_8friend(复数形式)_ 9son(对应词)_10sister(对应词)

7、_ I将下列词组译成英语1在课桌下面 _2在沙发上面 _3在背包里 _4在抽屉里 _5在椅子背后 _6在电话旁边 _7.在图片里 _ 8. 在墙面上 _9. 在地上 _按要求写出下列单词(共10分) Iam(缩略形式)_ arenot(缩略形式)_ Mynameis(缩略形式)_this(对应词)_ yes(反义词)_ girl(对应词)_ phone(同义词)_ two(同音词)_ theyre(完全形式)_your(人称代词主格)_六、根据首字母提示或所给中文写出单词(共10分) 1.SammiisfromEngland.ShesE_. 2. This is _ (他的) backpack

8、.3. Is this your _ (字典)?4.This is a set of _(钥匙)5. Your _ (手表) is on the desk.6. P_call Alan at 3691359.7. _ (怎么样) do you spell that?8. Excuse me, is this your ID_(身份证)?9. Is _ (那个) your backpack?Howoldistheboy?Hes_(8岁). 八、完成句子,每空一词 (20分 每空一分)1.它是什么颜色?它是白色。_ _ _ it ? Its _.2.这是什么?这是电子游戏。_ this? Its

9、_ _ _.3.钥匙在失物招领箱里吗?Is _ _ in the _and _ case?4. 请在早上打电话给大卫,电话号码是5516131?_ _ David _ 5516131 in the_.这是我的表妹, 这些是我的祖父母。This _my _. And _ are my _.九、句型转换。每空一词。(10分)1. That is a backpack. (对划线部分提问)_ that in English?2. Her pencil is green. (对划线部分提问_ _ is her pencil? 3. This is her ruler. ( 改为一般疑问句) 4. Is

10、 that a ring? (作否定回答)her ruler ? _, _ _.5. Those are oranges.(改为单数句) 七年级上册英语期中复习资料同义句1 He is Eric.= _ _ Eric .2 Shes Mary.= _ary. Are you Helen? = _ _ name Helen ?4 Is he Jack ? = _ _ _ Jack ?5 Is her name Mary ?= _ _ Mary ?6 They are Lucy and Lily.= _ _are Lucy and Lily .7 Tom is my cousin .= Tom i

11、s my _ son.8 This schoolbag is mine .= _ is _schoolbag.9 This blue pen is his.= This _ _ blue pen. 10 That is her green pen. = That green pen _-_ .11 Is that yours?= Is that your eraser ?12 Those books are mine .= Those _ _ books.13 These are his pencils. = _ pencils are _.14 Is this your notebook?

12、= Is _ notebook _?单数句变复数句15 That is a watch . _ are _.16 Those are erasers. _ _ _eraser .17 This is his ruler . _ _his _.18 Thats an orange . _ _ _.19 Is this your sister? _ _ your _?20 They are on the desk . _ _ on the desk .21 These are our jackets. _ jackets are _.一般疑问句(肯定,否定回答) 否定句 22 His baseba

13、ll is under the table. 23 This is his green pen .24My uncle is in Beijing .25 Im Gina. _ _ Gina? 划线部分提问26My keys are on the sofa . _ _ _ keys?27 They are my sisters ._ _ they? 28 Her telephone number is 281-9176._ _ telephone number ? 29 _(他的) name is Tom. _(他是)y brother. 30 an eraser / an orange /a

14、n English book / an ID card / an uncle / an aunt 31 a photo of my family = my family photo a picture of his family= his family picture 32 Thanks for your cup/ your eraser . 感谢你的杯子。 感谢你的橡皮 。 =Thank you for 33 first name : Alan/ Gina/ Jack / Mary last name=family name : Green/ Black/ Miller / Smith /

15、Brown / Zhang 34 不能缩写Yes, it is .Yes, they are . Yes ,I am . this is am not Its a/ an Theyre on Thats a isnt arent 35 Jims schoolbag Helens dictionary grandparents room my/ your / his / her / our / their + 名词mine/ yours / his/ hers/ ours/ theirs 名词性物主代词 36 单数变复数keys/watches/ dictionaries/ families /

16、 are / these / those/ they/ arent/ our 我们的their他们的some books/ some tapes/ some keys 介词37 in English/ in China/ in the school library/ in the bookcase/ in your grandparents room/ Come on / on their bed/ on your head/ on my desk/ on the chair/ Under the chair/ under the radio/ under the big treeThank

17、you for / ask for / ask your teacher for your key /ask Jim for watches Call at / a photo/ picture of / a set of keys 38 see , OH, I see. / see 看见 I can see a chair, a desk 重点句型Wheres my bag ? Wheres the map? Wheres his pencil box? Where are their keys? Where are my keys? Its in his schoolbag. Its un

18、der the chair . Its on your head. Theyre on the table/ sofa.Is it on your desk? Yes, it is . Are the keys on the sofa? No, they arent. Are they in the schoolbag? I dont know. Its not under the chair .I think he is a good teacher. I think this schoolbag is nice .Im tidy, but Gina is not (tidy) . Gina

19、s books are everywhere- on her bed , on the sofa and under the chair. My pencil box is in my schoolbag and my schoolbag is under the desk .This is my friend. These are my friends . Thats my sister. Those are my sisters.Whos she ? Shes my mother . Who are they ? They are my grandparents.介绍 These are

20、my parents and this is my grandma. This is my friend .These two girls are my sister Cindy and my cousin Helen .Have a good day? 赞扬 Your English is good. Your watch is very nice. 回答语 Thanks. / Thank you. Here are two nice photos of my family .倒装句 Here is a photo/picture of my family ./ In the next pi

21、cture are my brothers.This is a photo/ picture of my family .Is this your pencil? Yes, it is .Its mine .= Its my pencil. No, it isnt. Its hers.= Its her pencil . Is that your schoolbag? No, it isnt. Its his.= Its his schoolbag. Are these your books? Yes, they are . No, they arent. They are hers.= Th

22、ey are her books.Are those her keys? Yes, they are ./ NO, they arent. Theyre mine.= They are my keys.What about this dictionary? What about this book? What about you ? What about the blue jacket ? Thank you for your help. Thank you for your eraser. Thanks for your dictionary. Excuse me / Thanks. / Youre welcome.How do you spell it ?= Spell it ,please . Ask the teacher for it . Ask your mother for your key. Ask me for help . I must find it . 找到 lost and found 失物招领

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