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1、 Module 1 Hobbies达标测试 我夯基我达标 .单项填空 1.I _ stamps when I was your age. A.have collected B.collected C.collects D.collection 答案:B本句中含有一个由when引导的时间状语从句,根据从句的时态可以判断主句要用一般过去时。 2.It is fun _ badminton with you. A.to play B.playing C.plays D.play 答案:AIts fun to do sth.这个句型的含义是“做很有趣”。 3.Your spoken English i

2、s _ better than others. A.little B.many C.more D.much 答案:D四个选项中只有much可以用来修饰比较级。 4.My hobby is _ meals. A.cook B.cooks C.cooking D.to cook 答案:Cv.-ing的形式用来表示“经常或是习惯的动作”,而一般to do的形式经常用来表示“要去做”。 5.Some students have to tidy _ the hall after the party. A.in B.up C.down D.out 答案:Btidy up的含义是“收拾”。 6.I have

3、 a lot of vegetables,_ carrots,potatoes,and so on. A.for example B.such as C.as such D.examples 答案:B注意后面列举的东西超过一项,要用such as。 7.David has become a _ young writer. A.succeed B.success C.successful D.successfully 答案:Csucceed是动词,success是名词,successful是形容词,successfully是副词。 8.We shouldnt spend more time _

4、computer games. A.playing B.to play C.plays D.play 答案:A本句考查句型spend some time doing sth.,含义是“花费某人一段时间做某事”。 9.How _ time do you spend on your hobby? A.long B.often C.many D.much 答案:Dtime是个不可数名词,要用how much来修饰。 10.I am not sure Ill have a career _ a writer. A.with B.as C.like D.of 答案:B在本句中as是“作为”的含义。.根据

5、句意填空,首字母已经给出 1.When you want to post a letter,you need a s_. 答案:stamp 2.You room is u_.You need to clear it up. 答案:untidy 3.Edison was so c_ that he invented a lot of things. 答案:creative 4.You have collected all different kind of dolls.We can say you have a big c_. 答案:collection 5.Many students have

6、 h_ such as reading,painting and so on. 答案:hobbies.用所给词的适当形式填空 1.You need _(find) somewhere to put your collection. 答案:to find 2.You are going to _(be) really famous. 答案:be 3.It is difficult _(learn) English well. 答案:to learn.根据提示造句,必要时需补全动词。 1.Li Ming,tall,boy 答案:Li Ming is a tall boy. 2.He,like,pl

7、ay,piano 答案:He likes playing the piano. 3.My,parents,give,a,present,me,last week 答案:My parents gave a present to me last week. 4.look,Tom,run 答案:Look! Tom is running. 5.We,keep,room,clean 答案:We should keep the room clean.用所给动词的适当形式填空 1.We _(play)football yesterday afternoon. 答案:played 2.She _ _(be)i

8、ll for three days. 答案:has been 3.When _ she_(leave)? Two hours ago. 答案:did;leave 4.Where is Jack? He _ _(go)swimming.He _(go)out twenty minutes ago. 答案:has gone;went 5._you _(see)the film before? Yes,I _. Where_ you _(see)it? The Queens Cinema. 答案:Have;seen;have;did;see 6.She_ _(be)a teacher since 1

9、990. 答案:has been 7.They usually_(go)fishing when they lived there. 答案:went 8._you ever _(be)to Nanjing? 答案:Have;been我综合我发展 .听力 A.选择与你所听到的句子意义相符的选项。 1.A.Can you help me? B.What can I do for you? C.Thank you very much. D.Please do it like that. 2.A.We have lunch at home. B.We have supper at three quar

10、ters past five. C.We wont have supper today. D.Sorry,I cant. 3.A.Kate likes dogs. B.Kate doesnt like pets. C.Kate is going to have a pet dog. D.Kate has a lovely cat. 4.A.The Browns are foreigners. B.The Browns is a foreigner. C.Browns is an Englishman. D.The Browns is living in England. 5.A.I forgo

11、t everything. B.I forgot where I went. C.I didnt remember who you are. D.I didnt remember what I said. 6.A.I dont know what to say. B.I dont know which floor he is living on. C.I dont want to tell you. B.Whats the time? C.Were having a class. D.They dont go to school today. B.情景反应。听问句,选择适当的答语。 11.A.

12、It will be sunny,I think. B.Nothing much,why? C.Lets go to the park. 12.A.Yes,thank you. B.Certainly. C.Thats right. 13.A.Yes,I like tigers. B.Elephants. C.What about you? 14.A.Thanks a lot. B.Yes,Id love to. C.All right. 15.A.Thanks.Id love to. B.No,lets go for a walk. C.Thats great.I have a lot of

13、 work to do. C.根据你所听到的短文内容选择正确的答案。 16.Why was Jill tired of(厌倦) school?Because _. A.she was a bad student B.she was ill C.she couldnt talk D.she felt hot 17.She wasnt interested in the lesson,so she _. A.couldnt help talking B.went to sea C.answered nothing D.didnt write 18.The teacher was _ with he

14、r. A.glad B.angry C.surprised D.satisfied 19.What did the teacher hope? A.He hoped Jill wouldnt talk. B.He hoped Jill would come to the front. C.He hoped Jill to be a teacher. D.He hoped Jill went out. 20.Which of the following is NOT true? A.Jill began to talk again. B.Jill was tired of school. C.J

15、ill told all the pupils to be quiet. D.Jill was the new teacher. 答案: .A. 1.Can I help you? 2.We usually have our evening meals at fifteen to six. 3.Kate will have a pet dog. 4.Mr.and Mrs.Browns are foreigners. 5.I forgot what I said. 6.I dont know what I should talk about. 7.My hobby is different fr

16、om yours. 8.He went to work by bike. 9.Look out!Child.The bus is coming! 10.Its time to have a class for us. B. 11.What are you going to do next week? 12.Would you like a mooncake? 13.Which animal do you like best? 14.Shall we go on a picnic? 15.Would you like to come to have supper with us? C. It i

17、s June.The sun is in the sky.It is very hot.Jill is tired of school.She wants to be at the sea.She cannot sit in her seat.She cannot stop talking.While the teacher writes on the blackboard,Jill gets up and talks to a classmate.The teacher,Rula,hears the noise and says,“Jill,sit down and be quiet.”Ji

18、ll sits down.Mr Rula goes on with the lesson.Jill gets up and talks to another classmate.“Jill,sit down and be quiet,”says Mr Rula.He is very angry with her,but Jill goes on talking.“OK,”says Mr Rula,“if you want to talk,then come to the front of the classroom and be the teacher.”“All right,”says Ji

19、ll.She comes to the front of the classroom and says,“Be quiet,everyone,I am the new teacher,and I say class is over.” 1.B2.B3.C4.A5.D6.D7.A8.C9.B10.A11.C12.A13.B14.B15.A16.D17.A18.B19.A20.D.单项填空 1.(2006辽宁锦州中考)I was_ the drawing and bought it for 300 yuan. A.good at B.bad at C.interested in D.terrifi

20、ed of 答案:Cthe drawing 在句中意为“这幅画”,be interested in 表示“对感兴趣”。 2.There _ some old people taking a walk in the park. A.is B.are C.has D.have 答案:B本句是there be句型,所以排除C、D两项,根据就近原则be动词要与它后面的第一个名词形式保持一致。 3.Your classroom is so dirty.Everyone should keep it _. A.dry B.open C.clean D.quiet 答案:Ckeep sth.adj.意为“保

21、持某种状态”,根据前面的dirty应选clean。 4.Hi,I havent seen you for a long time.You look fine! _.You look well,too. A.Great B.Thanks C.Oh,no D.Not at all 答案:B英语中被人夸奖时要说谢谢。 5.The little girls bedroom is very clean. Yes.Its much _ than her _. A.clean;brother B.cleaner;brother C.clean;brothers D.cleaner;brothers 答案:D

22、句中有than所以要用比较级,而比较的对象是房间,所以要用名词的所有格形式。 6.(2006河南中考)The doctors and nurses were very tired _ they still went on working. A.so B.and C.or D.but 答案:D句意为“医生和护士都很累,但是他们仍然继续工作”。 7.If you feel lonely at school,you should _ a friendship with your classmates. A. practice B.touch C.believe D.develop 答案:Ddevel

23、op a friendship表示“培养、发展友谊”。 8.(2004陕西中考)There _ a football match on TV this evening. A.will have B.is going to be C.has D.is going to have 答案:B本题考查there be句型的一般将来时态形式,用is going to be 和will be均可。 9.Whats the time now? Its _ . A.ten oclock B.Thursday C.June 15 D.morning 答案:AWhats the time now?是典型的问时间的

24、句型,所以选A项。 10.There _ a lot of meat on the plate.Would you like some? Just a little,please. A.is B.are C.am D.be 答案:A不可数名词meat作主语,谓语动词用单数形式。.完形填空 (2006北京中考课标卷) At our school,we sometimes have a special day to help others.Last year we went to an old peoples 1 and sang songs and performed a play for 2

25、.The old people were very 3.We should be allowed to take time to do things like that more often.For example,we should 4 primary schools and help 5 young students.I want to be a teacher 6 Im older so it would be a great experience for me.Other students would like to do other jobs.For example,my frien

26、d Tian Ge wants to 7 for a newspaper.She should be allowed to volunteer at the newspaper office once a week. 1.A.home B.bank C.shop D.river 2.A.us B.them C.him D.her 3.A.great B.angry C.smart D.happy 4.A.buy B.have C.visit D.build 5.A.tell B.ask C.teach D.find 6.A.how B.when C.where D.why 7.A.write

27、B.wait C.look D.pay 答案: 1.Aold peoples home指“老人之家,养老院”。 2.Bthem 指代老人院的老人们。 3.D为老人们唱歌表演,他们应该是高兴的。 4.C从下文分析应该是“去学校”,只有visit 可以表达本含义。 5.Chelp do sth.“帮助做某事”。 6.B“当的时候”应该用when引导的时间状语从句。 7.Awrite for意为“为写”,wait for意为“等待”,look for意为“寻找”,pay for意为“为付钱”。.阅读理解 A People in different countries have different h

28、obbies around the world.For example,in America peoples favorite hobby is watching TV in their spare time.It is the main entertainment for American to watch TV at least one hour in a day.96% of American see watching TV as their first hobby.The second one is going to the cinema or doing some sports.Ne

29、xt it is reading or gardening.Except these,fishing is also a very popular hobby. In England,its quite different.People there like to go to the flea market(跳蚤市场).They like to go there to see if there is something new.In addition,Englishmen like drinking tea. Russians like reading very much.Wherever y

30、ou go,you will see the people who are reading carefully.Germans like reading as well.According to a survey,Germans read 11 books on average in 2006. 1.How many kinds of hobbies that Americans have are mentioned in this article? A.Four. B.Five. C.Six. D.Seven. 2.What is the first hobby for Americans?

31、 A.Watching TV. B.Going to the cinema. C.Doing some sports. D.Reading. 3.Where do Englishmen like to go in their spare time? A.Garden. B.Flea market. C.Library. D.Cinema. 4.The people in _ like reading. A.Russian and German B.Russia and Germany C.America and England D.England and Germany 5.The peopl

32、e in _ like drinking tea. A.America B.England C.Russia D.Germany 答案: 1.C文章第一段提到了美国人的爱好,它们分别是:看电视、看电影、做运动、读书、做园艺和钓鱼,一共提到六种。 2.A从第一段“.in America peoples favorite hobby is watching TV”判断,第一爱好应是看电视。 3.B由文中第二段第二句话“People there like to go to the flea market”可以判断。 4.B此处应该填国家。A项指“俄罗斯人和德国人”,C、D项中并没有提到读书是英国人的

33、爱好,只有B项“俄国和德国”是正确的。 5.B第二段最后一句话“In addition,Englishmen like drinking tea.” 暗示了答案。B (2006湖南长沙中考) 从下面选出正确的选项填空,使短文通顺、内容完整(有一个选项是多余的)。 The world is an interesting place.Different people like different things. Some people like loud music.Other people dont.6 Many people like sports,but they dont all like

34、 the same sports.In some countries,cricket(板球运动)is a very popular sports.In others it is not popular at all.No one plays it or watches it on TV.However,most people like soccer.The World Cup is very popular.7 Different people like different foods.Some people dont like meat.8 Some people dont like pot

35、atoes or bread.They prefer rice. _9 Most people have their favorite colors.Some people like bright colors.Others prefer pale colors. Many people like traveling.Different people like different places.Some people like to go to the country.They like the fresh air.Some people like to go to the cities.Be

36、cause they like shopping.10 A.They like soft music. B.Not everyone like the same colors. C.Millions of people watch the games on TV. D.Different people like different kinds of pets. E.They eat fruit and vegetables most of the time. F.Some other people enjoy beautiful places like the mountains or bea

37、ches. 答案: 6.A从前面的提示loud music及本句的转折含义可以看出,本句应与其对应。 7.C第三段第一句指出本段是关于运动的,从最后一句可以看出是关于世界杯的。 8.E从下文提示可以看出是讲关于食物的。 9.B从下文的“Most people have their favorite colors”可以看出这段内容是关于颜色的。 10.F前面的提示都是讲关于旅游的事情,所以选F项。C You find a telephone number in the phone book,dial it,and then forget it.This is your short-term me

38、mory.It lasts less than 30 seconds.However,you dont look in the phone book for a friends number.You know it.This is a long-term memory.Your long-term memory has everything that you remember. Why do you forget something? Because you do not learn it in the beginning.This is the main reason for forgett

39、ing.For example,you meet some new people,and you forget their names.You hear the name,but you do not learn them.Then you forget them. 11.How long does your short-term memory last? A.As long as you want it to. B.Less than thirty seconds. C.Sixty seconds. D.For a day or two. 12.Why do you forget? A.We

40、 use our short-term memory instead of our long-term memory. B.We dont learn what we hear or see. C.We do not hear or see what we learn. D.We are ill sometimes. 13.Whats the phone book used for? A.Its used for improving your memory. B.It has a listing of friends names. C.You use it when you want to f

41、ind a phone number you dont know. D.You use it to buy a phone. 14.How can you best remember peoples names? A.List them down in a phone book. B.Learn them. C.Just ask them their names again. D.Spell their names again and again. 15.If we want to have a good memory,we should_. A.forget the useless thin

42、gs B.try our best to learn C.depend on our short-term memory D.catch our long-term memory 答案: 11.B从“It lasts less than 30 seconds.”中可以找出答案。 12.B文中第二段系统阐述了人们为什么会忘记的原因。 13.Cthe phone book 含义是“电话本”,用来记录电话号码。 14.B文章第二段阐述记住任何东西都需要学习。 15.B有好的记忆的方法就是去“努力学习”。.A.阅读表达 My name is Tony.I have a twin brother.Wel

43、l,my twin brother is called Daniel,and he is four minutes younger than me.We were both born on the 5th of January,and I think that we look alike very much.Daniel is a little taller than me and he has very dark hair,but we have the same eyes and nose and smile.We werent always in the same classes at

44、school because my parents wanted us to be a bit more different.We used to be dressed the same way,but different in color,me in red and him in blue,and we used to have a birthday cake that was always half was red and half was blue,but I guess we are quite different.Hes really,really active,and just v

45、ery different from me.At school I was always in the top classes getting As and he was always failing the exams.He did a lot of sports but I didnt,so people say we are very different. 1.When is their birthday? _ 2.Are there any differences between the twins? _ 3.Why werent they always in the same cla

46、sses? _ 4.How were they dressed when young? _ 5.How is Tony different from his brother? _ 答案: A.1.Their birthday is on the 5th of January. 2.Yes,there are. 3.Because their parents wanted them to be a bit more different. 4.They used to be dressed the same way. 5.Tony didnt do a lot of sports but he s

47、tudied well.B.短文改错 My school is very big with several tall building. 1._ There is 2000 students in my school. 2._ We have a big playground and lots of trees around it. 3._ There are a lot flowers everywhere. 4._ We have lots of funs at school.After class we play games 5._ and do lots of sports,like playing basketball,football and table tennis. 6._ Sometimes w

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