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1、序数词训练序数词变化口诀:基变序,有规律,一般情况-th,一二三,first,second,third八去t,九去e,ve要用f替,然后再加-th,(eight-eighth,nine-ninth five-fifth,twelve-twelfth), 整十变化须注意,变y为ie,再加-th若要表示“几十几”,后面个位变化就可以。(前基后序莫忘记twenty-first)一、 基数词、序数词互换。 1. twelve(序数词)_ 2. thirteen(序数词)_ 3. ninth(基数词)_ 4. eighteenth(基数词)_ 5. second(基数词)_ 6. three(序数词)_

2、 7. fifth(基数词)_ 8. one(序数词)_ 9. nineteen(序数词)_ 10. twenty-four(序数词)_ 11. thirty(序数词)_ 12. forty-second(基数词)_ 13. fiftieth(基数词)_ 14. thirty-one(序数词)_ 15. twenty(序数词)_ 16. twenty-three(序数词)_ 二、 英汉互译。 1. 五月八日_ 2. 三月二十二日_ 3. 在四月 _ 4. 在六月三日_ 5. 四月三十日_ 6.三月九日_ 7. 五月十五日_ 8. 四月十二日_ 9. 六月一日_ 10. 在三月二日_ 11.th

3、e seventeenth of February_ 12.the fifth of September_ 13.on the twenty-first of December_ 14. in August_ 15.the thirtieth of November_ 16.the fourth of January_ 17.the tenth of July_ 18.the twelfth of October_ 19.-今天是星期几? _-今天是星期六。_ 20.-今天是几月几日?_ -今天是三月五日。_ 21.-你的生日在什么时候?_ -我的生日在六月三日。_ 22.我今年13岁,这是我

4、的第十三个生日。_ 直击中考序数词训练( )1. (2006重庆) The _ question is much more different than this one.A. sixth B. six C. sixteen D. sixty( )2. (2006孝感) This is the _ time in _ days that he has made the same mistake.A. second, third B. two, three C. two, third D. second, three( )3. (2006莱芜市) It was the second time f

5、or China to send a manned (载人的) spaceship into the sky, but it was the _ time for Fei Junlong and Nie Haisheng to go to the spaceA. first B. second C. third D. last( )4. (2006湖北黄冈) - How old is your son? - _. We had a special party for his _ birthday last Sunday.A. Nine; nine B. Nine; ninth C. Ninth

6、; ninth D. Ninth; nine( )5. (2007佛山) _ Guangdong Sports Games was held in Foshan last November.A. The twelve B. Twelfth C. The twelfth( )6. (05福州)Thursday is the _ day of the week. (five)( 用所给词的适当形式填空)( )7. (05重庆)He believed his lucky number was ten, so he decided to live on the _ floor.A. lowest B.

7、 ten C. tenth ( )8. (05贵州黔西南州)I have made _ dumplings. Now Im making the _ one.A. twenty; twentieth-first B. twenty; twenty-firstC. twentieth; twenty-first D. twenty; twenty-one预测以后考什么1. Mrs. Turner had _ child last year.A. second B. the twoC. a second D. the second2. June is the _ month of the year.A. five B. sixC. seventh D. sixth3. The _ month of a year is December.A. two B. second C. twelve D. twelfth4. - Whats the date today?- Its _ .A. May the fourth B. May fourC. the May fourth D. fourth May

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