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1、 2013版PEP小学英语三年级下册Unit4 Where is my car? (40分钟 100分) 一听音,圈一圈。(10分) 1 2. 3. 4. 5.o a e a o e i l r a 二、(12分) A. 读一读,选出按字母表顺序排列的字母组合。 ( ) 1. A. cdbef B. abcde C. abced ( ) 2. A. noqpr B. onprq C. nopqr ( ) 3. A. iklnm B. ikljm C. ijklm B. 听音,选出你所听到的单词。 ( ) 4. A. bag B. ball C. dog D.boat ( ) 5. A.car

2、B.cap C. cat D.come ( ) 6. A. map B. fat C. boy D.dad 三、看图,将单词和相应的图片连线。(14分) chair cap ball desk car boat map 四、看图,选出与图片相对应的句子或对话,把序号填在括号内。(6分) 1、 2、 3. ( ) ( ) ( ) A. The car is on the box. B. Where is my pencil? CIts under your book. C. -Mom, where is my ball? -Look, Its under the chair.五、根据栏中的问句,

3、在栏中选出正确答语。(10分) ( ) 1. Where is my ruler? A. Im from America. ( ) 2. Is your pencil box on the desk? B. Hes Mr. Jones. ( ) 3. Where is my cap? C. Its in your pencil box. ( ) 4. Where are you from? D. Oh, yes! ( ) 5. Whos that man? E. Its in the toy box 六、读句子,选择适当的词填空,把序号填在题前括号内。(10分) A. How B. What

4、C. Where D. Can E. Who ( ) 1._ is your name? ( ) 2._are you from? ( ) 3._is that woman? ( ) 4._ are you? ( ) 5._ I have some ice cream? 七、根据图示,从方框中选出对应的单词填入括号内。(6分)八将下列词翻译成汉语。(32分) 1、three _ 2、five _ 3、six _ 4、eight _ 5、ten _ 6、 pear _ 7、pencil _8、crayon _ 9、eraser _10、book _ 11、pen _ 12、school_ 13、water _ 14、cat _ 15、boat _ 16、friend_ 17、USA _ 18、UK_ 19、friend _ 20、black _ 21、nose_ 22、foot _ 23、bread _ 24、hand _ 25、head_ 26、body _ 27、face_ 28、arm_ 29、mouth _ 30、ear _31、eye _32、brown _20 20

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